I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 9


What strange things have not been seen by those who do archaeological research, especially those who do ancient tomb research

Treat the extremely rotten corpse as a treasure and clean it up a little bit, or carefully look for clues in the mud that the tomb owner has already corrupted into.

"The burial is also angry. Qi disperses when the wind travels, and stops when it is bounded by water. When the ancients gathered together, they did not disperse, and when they acted, they stopped, so it is called Feng Shui." After years of archaeological study, Qin Cheng believed in Feng Shui. The certain scientific nature of it, but it did not convince Qin Cheng of the theory of ghosts and gods.

In his view, ghosts and gods are just people who are afraid and superstitious about the power of aliens when their own abilities are not enough to compete with the forces of nature, and create many personified gods and ghosts. Although Li Guoxian said that as an archaeologist, he needs everything. There is reverence and awe, but none of the students listened.

However, the things in front of him seemed to be defeating everything Tan Cheng thought he thought.

The night was terribly quiet. Although it was late at night, such quietness was so unnatural.

Looking at the white knuckles, Qin Cheng suddenly remembered the corpse he saw at the forensic friend's place. It had been parked for ten days. It was so pale. As far as he is concerned, it is just an inanimate object, an object that can no longer be called a human being.

But at this moment, seeing the fingers that made a creaking sound when the fingertips moved, Qin Cheng felt a little chill in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Cheng, who held his breath again, walked forward step by step, quietly observing the movements of "Zhang Xiaomei". After all, Qin Cheng still didn't know how to save Wu Hai, but at least he would lose consciousness first. Wu Hai pulled over from the fence.

Approaching step by step, Tan Cheng also found something wrong. Even with glasses in the dark night, it was impossible for Tan Cheng to see the whole situation from a distance, but as he approached slowly, Tan Cheng found the hand of "Zhang Xiaomei". , rather than pushing Wu Hai forward, it's better to say... She just grabbed Wu Hai's clothes and didn't take the next step.

And at the moment, there was a trace of painful struggle on the face without the slightest expression, but this struggle disappeared quickly, and turned into a hideous and terrifying! But in a flash, Wu Hai was already standing on the one-meter-high fence!

Qin Cheng didn't know what happened between Zhang Xiaomei and Wu Hai, but subconsciously told him that if he didn't leave Wu Hai at this moment, it would be too late! Taking two big steps forward suddenly, Qin Cheng didn't look at 'Zhang Xiaomei' standing beside him with his eyes suddenly popping out, he hugged Wu Hai's legs and wanted to pull down. Zhang Xiaomei rescued Wu Hai when he didn't react, but no matter how hard Tan Cheng tried, Wu Hai standing on the fence remained motionless!

At the same time, those pale hands were placed on Qin Cheng's shoulders, and the bone-chilling coldness spread through the clothes, through the skin, into the bones and blood, and into the heart...

Those ice-cold hands turned Qin Cheng's uncontrollable body little by little, allowing Qin Cheng to clearly see the appearance of the ghost in front of him.

No longer as fresh and clean as when she saw it before, the eyes of 'Zhang Xiaomei' at this moment were almost out of their sockets, as if they had suffered a great impact and were forced to squeeze out, bloodshot, while Zhang Xiaomei's entire head was almost shattered and shriveled. Halfway through, the red, red and white things that flowed out of it made Qin Cheng feel nauseous.

"You... men... men... are all... the same..." The broken jaw twisted strangely with the movement of the speech, making a hoarse voice, and the blood-filled lips pulled a stiff arc: "Hey... Die... die... rip your... throat..."

With the end of this sentence, it was the feeling of cold fingers touching his neck, and he began to tremble uncontrollably, but Qin Cheng couldn't dodge, even if it was a step!

What, what can save him! He didn't want to die so early!

In a panic, Qin Cheng suddenly remembered the piece of Peiyu he picked up that night, the Peiyu that might have saved his life...

Struggling, Qin Cheng tried his best to spit out a few words from his mouth: "Wu, Hai, he..."

The appearance of these words caused the resentful ghost in front of him to subconsciously look in the direction of Wu Hai, and he relaxed his control over Tan Cheng for a moment. In tight hands.

Knowing that he was being tricked by the man in front of him, the resentful ghost quickly turned his head and giggled as if he had thought of something: "Death, let you die!! You, you, everyone... can... die with him..." Stiff fingers pointed to the fence, "From there... cluck". After speaking, he raised his hands and was about to pull Qin Cheng, but the moment he touched Qin Chengguang's bare wrist, he seemed to be suddenly bounced off by something.

"Uh ah ——————" The shrill scream was accompanied by a dark green flame that slowly ignited around the body

The rescued Qin Cheng sat paralyzed on the ground, staring helplessly as the ghost in front of him burnt out in an instant...

This, this is... what...

"Oh shit!"

Hearing the scolding from the left, Qin Cheng slowly stood up. I don't know when, Wu Hai had jumped off the fence and seemed to have regained consciousness, but he kept his head down and frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

For a long time, Qin Cheng did not speak, until he heard someone shouting downstairs, Qin Cheng sighed lightly: "Go down first..."

Zhang Jun, who had been waiting downstairs, thought about calling the police and calling someone, but in the end, he chose to listen to Qin Cheng and wait downstairs. He couldn't see the woman Tan Cheng said, but he also knew that everything was abnormal, just like him with good eyesight, watching Wu Hai 'floating' to the fence...

Looking at the two people who came out one after another, Zhang Jun looked extremely ugly. Looking at Wu Hai who was silent, Zhang Jun frowned and said, "Let's go quickly."

Nodding, Qin Cheng, who felt extremely tired, asked, "What time is it?"

"It's almost two o'clock..."

"Then we each..." Tan Cheng paused when he said that, even if he didn't think about it, he knew that now he seems to be able to see some 'things' that others can't see, and now he doesn't want to go back to only him One person's dormitory, who knows what will be seen, what kind of disaster will happen... And Zhang Jun and Wu Hai, Tan Cheng glanced at the expressions of the two, I guess they all think the same as myself...

After thinking for a while, Qin Cheng said, "Or, let's find a lively night market food stall to eat something to understand... I haven't eaten much these days."

Wu Hai, who had not spoken for a long time, looked at Qin Cheng with complicated eyes and said, "Okay..."

"Well, don't say I'm cowardly, I really don't want to go back alone now." After that, Zhang Jun smiled bitterly, "Now tell me to go to sleep... I'm afraid I won't be able to get up again."

In Beijing, a young nurse makes rounds on time at night, but when she sees a critically ill patient, she screams: "Ah! --- Doctor Yang, Doctor Yang!!!"

Ninghua Village was as quiet and peaceful as before, but within a quarter of an hour, crows all over the mountain shrieked and flew out in the middle of the night. The old man who had lived in Ninghua Village for decades was reluctant to move out, and was awakened by this low and miserable cry. ,

"It's ominous for Lao Zhen to come out of the mountain... It's very ominous!"

Somewhere there is a strange movement, no one hears, and cannot be heard,

The man's peach-blossom eyes squinted lightly, with a smile that was not a smile.