I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 91


Since he wanted to do something, Qin Cheng naturally had to figure out where to start.

By his side, Tan Cheng knew only about Su Jingmo, Qu Zhiwen, Tang Jiaming, Li Guoxian, etc.

Su Jingmo, according to Tan Cheng's understanding of him, since he kept these things from him, it must be kept hidden forever. No matter what Tan Cheng said, Su Jingmo would never tell him more.

And Qu Zhiwen... To be honest, Qin Cheng couldn't see through this person, and it was true that he was helping them, but this person really wanted that scorpion. Qu Zhiwen asked him a few days ago and wanted to be with him. For the transaction, the remuneration is the tattered bone in Qin Cheng's hand that was brought from the Pingyao Tomb. According to the original idea, Tan Cheng actually planned to know more about the function of this tattered bone and then decide whether to cooperate with him or not. However, now the tassel bone has been melted into the jade pendant by Su Jingmo...

At this moment, it seems that Su Jingmo must have sensed his thoughts, so let's do it.

Now Qin Cheng really wants to beat himself up, what did he do earlier, when he wakes up to these things, the chips he has in his hands are gone now.

He can give Qu Zhiwen a tassel bone, but that jade pendant is absolutely impossible.

If he doesn't have that thing, Qin Cheng is sure that Qu Zhiwen won't do anything for him, let alone explain all his doubts to him...

But no matter what, Qu Zhiwen's news must be much more reliable than the remaining Tang Jiaming and Li Guoxian.

Qin Cheng felt that he should start with Qu Zhiwen, but how should he start...

Jiang Ping…

Suddenly remembering this person, Qin Cheng's eyes flashed for a moment.

That's right, how could he forget Jiang Ping? Jiang Ping is naturally top-notch in the police's ability to collect information. Although he has not been in contact with him recently, Tan Cheng doesn't think Jiang Ping will do nothing. Taking a step back, even if Jiang Ping really didn't do anything, then according to Qu Zhiwen's attitude towards him, some things might be easier to get through Jiang Ping.

Thinking of this, Qin Cheng picked up his mobile phone and called Jiang Ping, asked where the other party was, and went there directly.

He had to hurry up, the sooner the better. This drowsiness reminded Tan Cheng that he couldn't control his body. This time he only slept for four days, what about the next time? Who knows when and where he will suddenly fall into a coma next time. What should he do if he wakes up next time and Su Jingmo is gone? What if he never wakes up again

Qin Cheng doesn't want this to happen, never ever...

However, how could Qin Cheng know what the future will be like this time, even the immortals don't know, how will ordinary people change? What's more, there are many people beside him who are staring at the treasures in the tomb.

"You said he went to Jiang Ping?"

Tang Jiaming tapped his fingers on the table and frowned, "Why did he go to Jiang Ping?"

Jiang Ping is not easy to deal with, but he is only a policeman. Even if Tan Cheng wants to report them, Jiang Ping can't do anything without evidence, not to mention what Tan Cheng wants to know and what he wants to do, Jiang Ping knows better than him. There are still few, if you want to help Qin Cheng, it is beyond the reach of the whip. At this time, it is better to go to Jiang Ping than to go to Qu Zhiwen. Although Qu Zhiwen is not credible, he can know something...

"How do I know!" Tang Yihong took the tea on the table and took a big gulp, "I asked Tang Chenggui to follow him, but I only know that he went to Jiang Ping, and I don't have the ability to know what to do, you If you say that you dare to follow in other places, you are going to the police station, who dares to follow in?"

"Tang Chenggui?" Tang Yihong's words made Tang Jiaming's face darker, "Why did you replace Tang Chenggui, Tang Chenggui was kicked down the mountain by Tan Cheng at the Pingyao Tomb, and now let this bastard see Tan Cheng. , don't make trouble? Besides, wasn't it Tang Jie some time ago?"

"After Tang Chenggui is healed, I can't wait to strip Qin Cheng alive. Do you think I can stop him? It's better for him to follow him than to go directly to Qin Cheng! Hey, besides, you are afraid of shit, that Tan Cheng It's also good for the boy to clean up for him."

"It's a different matter! We can't do it first!" Tang Jiaming slapped his palm on the table heavily, and his body was already in a bad mood when he was in a bad mood. He gasped heavily, and said sternly: "Now Qu Zhiwen I haven't gotten over it yet. If I do it now, I don't know what he will do. Besides, do you think Jiang Ping eats soft rice? I was thinking just now that there is no evidence, Jiang Ping can only be an embroidered pillow. Now you have sent him a piece of evidence! If Tang Chenggui lets him catch him, do you think he will let Tang Chenggui go? Tang Chenggui's possession of him is a complete piece of evidence! Detain us directly!"

Tang Yihong didn't think about this layer, and scratched his hair, "Then Tang Chenggui has already passed, what's going on?"

"Can you contact him?"

"This kid is very messed up. He just woke up from the hospital and shouted that he was going to kill Qin Cheng. Even if I can get in touch with him now and ask Tang Jie to replace him, do you think he will come back?"

Tang Jiaming squinted his eyes and said after a while, "How much does Tang Chenggui know about this matter?"

These words were cold and light, and fell in Tang Yihong's ears, making Tang Yihong tremble. After so many years of fighting, how could Tang Yihong not know what Tang Jiaming's idea was? What he means is that if Tang Chenggui catches them and exposes them, then Tang Jiaming will kill Tang Chenggui.

I knew that Tang Jiaming was ruthless, but I never imagined that he could be so cruel. Although they had long since separated, Tang Chenggui and Tang Jiaming were relatives.

"Let me tell you, Tang Jiaming, don't give a damn about it! If you dare to touch Tang Chenggui, I'll end you first! If it's a big deal, I'll find someone else to get that tattered bone!"

"I didn't say that I wanted to touch him." Tang Jiaming suddenly laughed, "I just said that you have to remind Tang Chenggui that he exposed me, I have a way to get rid of the police, but you are not necessarily, exposed that Village, you have been exposed, and you can’t say enough. After all, those invaluable things in your hands are 'state', and you can take back the state's property with as much police force as you want. Don't forget the first few It's been a year."

Tang Yihong frowned. Jiang Ping was indeed a little afraid. The famous police officers in the country had a conflict with another group of tomb robbers from Xi'an a few years ago, killing two of them. If it wasn't for Tang Jiaming at that time, they said no. He was about to be arrested by Jiang Ping. If Tang Chenggui was caught by Jiang Ping this time, maybe that matter would be exposed...

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, Tang Chenggui's sex is like a bomb, and it will blow up yourselves sooner or later."

"Don't say these words!" Tang Yihong gave Tang Jiaming a sidelong glance, "We will consider what we have here, and we don't have to worry about you. What you do now is to contact Qu Zhiwen quickly, otherwise you haven't killed Li Guoxian yet. You go to see Hades first!"

"Hehe, you reminded me." Tang Jiaming said, stood up, and waved his hand lightly behind Tang Yihong.

There was clearly no one behind him. Tang Jiaming's gesture of beckoning to the people behind him gave Tang Yihong goosebumps. "What the hell are you doing?"

Tang Jiaming smiled, and the sallow face with a smile actually made Tang Yihong shudder.

"What are you doing? You have a kid wrapped around your back and I'll catch you."

"Little devil?!" Tang Yihong trembled, "Where did it come from?"

"This is a kid driven by Qu Zhiwen." Tang Jiaming chuckled: "It listened to the conversation between the two of us all day."

After that, Tang Jiaming said to the little ghost who was holding on to his hands: "Go back and tell Qu Zhiwen that I can help him get what he wants, and let him think about it. If he is interested, he will meet at Huayan Temple tomorrow morning. , I will naturally tell him clearly when we meet."

After speaking, Tang Jiaming pinched a curse on the little ghost's forehead. The little ghost didn't want to listen to him, but now he bowed to Tang Jiaming and flew out.

To drive a little ghost is a wise person who catches a ghost or a ghost who has no time to go to hell after death, and takes it into his own hands to do things. Such a little ghost is only loyal and respectful to the person who surrenders. If he does things for the rest of the Taoists, then this kid will only be wiped out.

Qu Zhiwen looked at the kid in front of him who listened to Tang Jiaming's reply to him, his expression dark and unclear.

Instead of being wiped out, he changed his mind. It was the first time that such a thing had happened to Qu Zhiwen's little devil. Qu Zhiwen still didn't know that the real people in this world could do this.

The reason why Tang Jiaming did this was not only to tell him that Qu Zhiwen wanted to work together, but more importantly to reveal his own abilities, and to warn him implicitly about Qu Zhiwen,

If Tang Jiaming can change one of the driving little ghosts, he can naturally change two, three, and countless others. As long as Tang Jiaming lets one of the driving little ghosts act as an undercover agent, then all his secrets of Qu Zhiwen are no longer secrets.

"Hehe, is this a gamble, or do you want to cooperate with me?"

Qu Zhiwen laughed out loud, but in the next second, his eyes were full of sternness, and he stretched his hand straight forward, pinching the kid who had been talking repeatedly, but in an instant, before the kid could call out, it exploded with a bang, and the ashes disappeared. now...

After all, Tang Jiaming's hand touched the scales of this person who has never met an opponent so far, which made Qu Zhiwen, who thought he was the strongest Celestial Master on this side, angry, but this anger was indeed what Tang Jiaming needed...

Although Tang Yihong couldn't see the so-called kid, but after so many years of tomb robbing, he somehow knew about these things.

"You are provoking Qu Zhiwen. As far as I know, he is only 21 years old. Young people of this age are most easily irritated. Do you still want to cooperate with him?"

"Hahahahahaha, I'm still afraid he won't be angry." Tang Jiaming laughed and walked to the window, looking at the dark night sky, giggling: "The more angry he is, the better, only he is angry, he is angry with Tingyao. The thirst for the bone will be stronger, and he will cooperate with me to win the yakuta bone as quickly as possible!"

The author has something to say: To summarize your questions:

First of all, ask me for more... Well, I'll do my best, and continue to come tomorrow!

Secondly, closing the net does not mean that it will end soon, there is still a long way to go before the end!

The third red line is something, the ending is good or bad, who is dead and who is alive, and XXXXX and other issues, I will tell you now, those... (The unknown thing hit the author's head and fell asleep... )