I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 92


Since someone's invitation was 'sincere', Qu Zhiwen naturally wanted to take a look.

Huayan Temple, located in Shaolingyuan, Chang'an District, Xi'an, is less well known than the famous Daci'en Temple. The scenic spots are not so outstanding, and there are naturally fewer tourists, but in the eyes of everyone who knows Feng Shui, this is a place of beauty.

It is located on the half-slope of Shaolingyuan in the southeast of Weiqu, and it is condescending, surrounded by mountains and rivers, overlooking Fanchuan. In the final analysis, this kind of feng shui treasure means that the air is good, the people are few, the spiritual energy is strong, and it is difficult to tolerate evil spirits. Therefore, talking about things here can avoid being snooped on.

When Qu Zhiwen arrived at the Huayan Temple, he didn't have to bother to find out where Tang Jiaming was, because in this vast Buddhist temple, there was only one place that exuded the aura of a Taoist warlock.

In the southeast corner of the temple, the surrounding monks did not notice that one person walked unobstructed to the inner courtyard, and even entered a meditation room that was not allowed to enter.

Pushing the door and entering, Qu Zhiwen saw Tang Jiaming sitting in the main hall slowly drinking tea, but Tang Jiaming's face at the moment surprised Qu Zhiwen.

It's not that he hasn't seen Tang Jiaming, but he wasn't like this the last time he saw him. The last time Jiang Ping called Tang Jiaming to inquire about the case, Qu Zhiwen saw that although he was not in good spirits, he just seemed to be tired from resting, but it had only been less than a month, and Tang Jiaming had lost weight. It's no exaggeration to use skin and bones. Even the sallow complexion with blue and black, clearly twenty-eight-nine years old, looks like forty or fifty.

"Are you surprised by what I look like now?" Qu Zhiwen's serious expression naturally fell into Tang Jiaming's eyes, but he just smiled and didn't care.

"Even if you spent nearly 30 years of your life to forcibly open the tomb, you couldn't have aged to this point in just a few months, not to mention the last time I saw you, it was only 20 days ago, when you It's still fine, isn't it?" Speaking of this, Qu Zhiwen frowned slightly, "What have you done during this time?"

"Hahaha, the heir to the Yin-Yang Eye of the Qu family is really extraordinary, so how long can I live?" Tang Jiaming asked instead without answering Qu Zhiwen directly.

"If it goes on like this, you won't survive this winter."

"Is it this winter..." Tang Jiaming took a sip of hot tea, put down the cup, stood up, and stared at Qu Zhiwen, "Well, you can calculate that Su Jingmo can live... ah no, ah, no, No, he's already dead, it's more accurate to say that he is gone!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Didn't you ask me what I did?" Tang Jiaming sneered, "I don't do that, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret it when it happens."

Seeing that Qu Zhiwen was just puzzled and did not speak, Tang Jiaming continued: "You are just a celestial master, and even a child in his twenties. Unlike me, I ask myself that some abilities are not as good as you, but in this matter you are worse than you. See more clearly."

"Do you think I'm stupid to go against the ghost of the emperor instead of cooperating with him, and let him exchange the tassel?"

"Or, maybe you can see that the tomb is going to be unsupported. Do you want to wait for the tomb to collapse, and then take the shackles when Su Jing's ink is gone?"

"However, I heard that every male with yin and yang eyes in the Qu family is obtained at the age of 20, but you are born dead bones, saying that you can't live until the age of 25? Hehe, Qu Zhiwen, you wait for the emperor disappear?"

Qu Zhiwen did not speak, because what Tang Jiaming said was exactly what he thought. Although the formation of the tomb of Ninghua Village was very powerful, he could see that the destruction of this formation was the last ten years. After all, it is a ghost of 1,600 years. Even if he doesn't understand anything, he can't bear it if he attacks him with ghosts all over his body. Anyway, this tomb and Su Jingmo will perish sooner or later, so it's better to wait. Will you act after the tomb collapses

However, this Tang Jiaming seems to have found something else

"A dynasty that has disappeared in history, Qu Zhiwen, what reasons do you think makes a dynasty disappear in history?"

"Does this have anything to do with this?"

"It doesn't matter! Of course, if you know history, you should know how incredible it is to want to wipe out the existence of a dynasty in the era of written records, but, you see, that big thread has indeed disappeared. What happened in it, you and me, so people don't know. Because we are not people of that era, we don't know what happened at the beginning, but there is one thing, it must be... There are 'people' who don't want to let this history Appear… "

"In that era... Su Jingmo still exists."

"Yes, his existence is like a living history, and this history happened to be encountered by the archaeological idiot Qin Cheng, and he acted as a translator, pulling the era of history that was erased little by little. Out of the water. And this was confirmed when I saw the notes written by Qin Cheng. Who do you think is behind the control? With that scorpion in place, who would care whether that era really existed or not? ?"

"You mean, Su Jingmo is using Qin Cheng to pull this history out of the water? However, he never let Qin Cheng step into this muddy water."

"You... Are you sure?" Tang Jiaming giggled when he saw Qu Zhiwen's face suddenly changed, "I never thought that Qin Cheng was sincere to that dead man, you probably found out now, that emperor. It's hard to say that to Qin Cheng."

"As soon as Qin Cheng left the tomb, did you feel that the tattered bones of the big tomb were reduced by one point? And now that Qin Cheng is alive like a living dead, the emperor has merged the tattered bones into the blood of Tan Cheng's life. ."

This was also discovered by Qu Zhiwen when Tan Cheng fell asleep. Su Jingmo himself could not move the scorpion bone, and could only use his ghost energy to force the scorpion bone into Tan Cheng's body. This approach, To be honest, if the ghosts lacked such a large amount of ghost energy, they would only be wiped out earlier, and the living people would also melt into the bones, which is also fatal. Although it can save lives for a while, it will be the same for a long time. life consuming...

"I think that the emperor's ghost will die sooner or later. He disappears, and the tomb of Ninghua Village, which is almost symbiotic with him, will also be destroyed. After Cheng died, he would go to the tomb to support the tomb and prevent the tomb from collapsing! Because once the tomb of Pingyao was destroyed, there would be only the remnants of the grand tomb of Ninghua Village in this world..."

Tang Jiaming didn't know what Su Jingmo thought of Tan Cheng, but Qu Zhiwen knew a little. When he saw Qin Cheng for the first time, Qin Cheng already looked like he was about to die. He had reminded Qin Cheng that he was here, and Qu Zhiwen was also sure that Qin Cheng's dying appearance was not because of his stubbornness. influences.

Not long after this, the feeling of a dying person suddenly diminished in Qin Cheng's body. Now that I think about it, it should be at that time that Su Jingmo forced Qin Cheng to incorporate the tau bones, which made Qin Cheng look like a Live like a normal person...

Su Jingmo's original intention for Qin Cheng's scorpion should really be to save Qin Cheng, otherwise Qin Cheng might have died long ago... Although now because he is so half-dead...

As for what Tang Jiaming said, Qu Zhiwen did not fully believe it, but he did remind Qu Zhiwen of one thing. Now Qin Cheng has a tadpole in his body, and he can't take it out anyway, which is forced into the body of a living person with ghost energy. In the long run, Qin Cheng's soul will one day fuse with the bones, and that will be the time of Qin Cheng's death. Because there are still most of the animal bones in the tomb of Ninghua Village, where did this part of Qin Cheng's body come from? He will be inspired by there, so that the soul will leave the body and go to the tomb... Maybe even if Su Jingmo disappears, the tomb will not fall...

This is tricky...


"Do you think that I can help you? Since you can open the tomb and touch the tattered bones, do you think I can't do it?"

Qu Zhiwen's words made Tang Jiaming chuckle, "You can indeed do it, but I'm afraid you have never confronted that emperor head-on. You should see how difficult he is to deal with him now."

After speaking, Tang Jiaming approached Qu Zhiwen and whispered a word in Qu Zhiwen's ear, only to see Qu Zhiwen's face suddenly ugly.

Looking at Tang Jiaming in front of him, Qu Zhiwen's eyes became serious, "That thing can't touch him?"

"The injury hurt him a little bit, but I never thought that he was so powerful that he clearly fell asleep for so long..."

"You are like this, is that thing's backlash?"

Tang Jiaming nodded, "Now, do you still think you can move the tomb alone? There are so many tattered bones in the tomb, even if you and I divide it equally, it will be redundant. Our cooperation will only bring more benefits than harms. , get that thing faster."

Although Qu Zhiwen was conceited, he still had some self-knowledge. Tang Jiaming couldn't hurt Su Jingmo even with that thing, so he knew where his limits were.

"But the formation of the tomb can't be solved by me and the two."

"Who said we need to solve it?" Tang Jiaming smiled, "We just need to induce the emperor to break the formation by himself..."

"Break the formation yourself?" Qu Zhiwen raised his brows, "Can he still come out by himself?"

"Which one is stronger and who is weaker between the formation and Su Jingmo? We only have to solve part of the formation before letting him leave the tomb by himself."

Qu Zhiwen's heart moved, and he understood what Tang Jiaming meant. "It's easy to say, but I have never seen the formation of the tomb. Where can I explain it?"

"I can do this."