I Excavated an Emperor to Become a Wife

Chapter 98


He didn't know where Qin Cheng was taken, and he didn't know why. As soon as he got in the car, he felt exhausted and fell asleep. When he woke up again, he stayed in a big mansion.

Lying on the bunk bed, it was so dark that it looked like some horror movie scenes, causing Qin Cheng to turn over suddenly and get up.

When the wooden door was pushed open, Tan Cheng found that the house was very large and decorated like a Suzhou garden. There were two people at the door, one of whom was the man who took the school gate to block him.

"You're sleepy for a long time. The dose I gave you only made you faint for two or three hours, but you slept for a day."

"Did you give me medicine? When?" Tan Cheng was a little surprised, he didn't find anything wrong at all, why did he get caught.

"You don't need to worry about it. In our line of work, where wouldn't there be one or two unique skills?"

After speaking, the man made a gesture of invitation, "Mr. Su is waiting over there, I'll take you there."

Tan Cheng nodded, then followed the man through the Su-style garden, and walked to a big house before he saw Mr. Su.

Sure enough, this person was the one I met in the hospital that day.

"Mr. Tan, we met again. I didn't have time to say hello last time. I invite you to come to my house to talk."

Qin Cheng looked at the person in front of him, and he did look a lot like Su Jingmo, but his eyebrows and eyes were very different. Su Jingmo liked to laugh, but this person was serious, and he spoke with a superior alienation. He was talking about Xu Xu, but he was probably only thinking about how to use Qin Cheng.

"Just call me Qin Cheng, it's hard to be kind, how could I have to come here." Qin Cheng said this without a smile, and the person in front of him was not angry, just nodded.

"I know you're very confused, so I won't beat around the bush. I came to you just to tell you something, and of course to let you convey something to me."

Qin Cheng didn't speak, just sat on the chair beside him and looked at the person in front of him coldly.

"It's entirely up to you whether you believe it or not."

"I don't even know who you are, Mr. Su, should you introduce yourself first?"

"Ha, yes, I forgot about that. My name is Su Weiran, and I'm an ordinary gongwu member."

ordinary? Qin Cheng looked at the decoration of the room, it was not ordinary at all...

"Of course my name is Su Weiran in this life."

This life? When Qin Cheng heard this, his face became a little ugly. What does this mean, he still remembers the events of his previous life

As if guessing what Tan Cheng was thinking, the person in front of him laughed: "I don't know why, I remember things in my previous life, since I was born, the name Su Jingyan has been with me all my life."

"Are you Su Jingyan?!"

Although Qin Cheng had some guesses for a long time, how could he know that this person actually remembered his previous life. If it is really Su Jingyan, then what makes Jingmo what he is now, and what makes him immortal is the person in front of him!

Thinking of this, Qin Cheng couldn't sit still at all and stood up, unlike Zhang Jun's broken mouth, scolding people without harsh words, Tan Cheng was in a hurry, he raised his hand and punched the man directly, there was no one else in the room, solemn He also looked like a literati. He never thought that the scholar in front of him would make a move. It was inevitable that he would take a punch.

Qin Cheng didn't wait for the man to come back to his senses, he stretched out his hand and pulled the collar of the man in front of him, "What the hell have you done! You live happily, Jingmo! More than 1,600 years! Stay there! A small side of the world, not seeing the sun..."

Su Weiran frowned, pushed Qin Cheng away fiercely, rubbed the corner of his blue mouth, and Su Weiran said, "You think that's what I want? If it wasn't for Su Jingmo, he had already planned, you think I'd put him on the line. Buried there?"

Seeing that Qin Cheng was calmer, Su continued: "I see that you are not stupid. You should also know that the tomb was built for him by Su Jingmo. Su Jingmo should have told you."

Tan Cheng was speechless for a moment, Su Jingmo only told him that he didn't know about this tomb, but Tan Cheng guessed that he was lying to him...

Seeing Qin Cheng's appearance, Su Wei frowned, "Could it be that he didn't tell you?"

Qin Cheng didn't answer, just asked: "You mean, you don't want to? Then why did Jingmo build such a big tomb?"

Su Weiran rubbed his tired eyes and said, "Although I don't get along with him, and I'm even more hostile, but I really understand him in some aspects. I don't remember very clearly what happened in my last life, but I only roughly know who he was at that time. For the sake of Daxu, maybe he already guessed the end of Daxu..."

"What's the meaning?"

"I mean, he asked me to bury him there. I'm afraid it was to preserve the last piece of evidence of Daxu's existence. At that time, he couldn't say that he knew something to..."

Qin Cheng was a little stunned. Was all this planned by Su Jingmo himself

how can that be! Who would push themselves into that fire pit, who would let themselves die without the next life

However, there was a voice in Qin Cheng's heart telling him that maybe, this is the truth...

At the end of the autumn, the sun was sinking very fast, and the deserted Ninghua Village was quiet, but recently, for some reason, it has become even more gloomy.

In Xi'an, where there is little rain in autumn and winter, there are dark clouds tonight, blocking the starry moon.

The wind was pressed low by the black cloud, roaring in the mountain, blowing the wooden pole on which the temporary wire was placed, and the torn wire was twisted and hung on the sloping wooden pole.

And the mausoleum hidden in the forest is so dark that you can't see anything, and it's so quiet that you can't hear anything.

Ghosts don't feel tired, and even less sleepy. Although they can see things in the dark, they are still brighter than before.

After that night, Qin Cheng didn't come again, but a lot of other people came. It's not boring to fight with those people in the past few days, but it's been five or six days. Still didn't come...

Su Jingmo was irritable, and took a look at the history book on the side.

In the dark tomb, the words on the book could be seen, but not so clear, Su Jingmo frowned, and snapped the book.

Habit is a terrible thing, just like he is used to a bright tomb, and without that light today, he is disgusted, obviously it has no effect on him, but he is aware of it. The book is not very clear, and the tomb is a lot colder...

He sat in this darkness for a whole day, and he didn't come to negotiate with him today. The evil ghost in this tomb, not knowing what he was afraid of, was silent and silent.

Su Jingmo snorted coldly and stood up abruptly, and the tomb became even five minutes quieter in an instant.

Somewhat boringly, he walked around the tomb slowly, thinking that he hadn't seen what was buried in the tomb after his death, Su Jingmo walked to the sarcophagus and waved lightly, and the lid of the sarcophagus opened.

Thousands of years of corpse cloth have been completely decayed, leaving only some black residues and gold and silver threads on the cloth.

Because it was a soul body, it was impossible to get anything on his hands, so Su Jingmo rummaged through the black mud to find something.

Su Jingmo dug out a lot of jewelry objects, and with a light blow, all the stains on the objects were dissipated. The objects placed in the coffin in the tomb of Daxu were all precious and invaluable, and they were also the beloved ones of the tomb owner during his lifetime. It's just that these things are really exquisite and invaluable, but Su Jingmo has no memory of ever loving these jades and treasures.

Looking at the engravings, this is probably the object that the minister Fanbang offered to him back then, and he casually asked the palace servants to put it in the bedroom or warehouse.

This sarcophagus is very large and contains a lot of treasures. Except for the few things that I often see, the rest of the things are really not reflected in Su Jingmo.

It was just that when he found an ordinary jade pendant in the sarcophagus full of treasures, Su Jingmo looked at it a few times with some doubts. It was carved by people who are not good at this way, and the quality of the jade is even more general. It is the kind of jade that can be bought by hawkers in the stalls. The word 'ink', to be honest, the word ink makes this whole not-so-splendid jade pendant look a bit ugly.

He had never received anything like this in his lifetime.

How could it be placed in this tomb? Su Jingmo shook his head and found it interesting again. He couldn't tell which little beauty once thought of him and secretly put this thing on him during the funeral.

The worst jade pendant he had ever received was the jade pendant bought by the little official Shui Qingming with his savings. It is not right to say that it is bad, that jade pendant was also worth a thousand taels at that time.

Su Jingmo loves beautiful women, but he also prefers women. After all, there are only one or two men he pets, but Shui Qingming has some reflections. , He is a person who knows his interests, knows how to advance and retreat without losing his sense of proportion, even if he married Lin Qing at the beginning, this person also came to give the jade pendant with a smile on his face.

It is the most satisfying one of his romantic debts. When he recalled Shui Qingming, there was a scene that came to his mind, a stranger... Su Jingmo wanted to seize this memory, but he couldn't remember it anymore.

Feeling boring, after finding these things, Su Jingmo wanted to put them back in the coffin. Thinking of Tan Cheng's obsession with these antiquities, Su Jingmo paused and put these things on the stone table.

There is no telling that this person will come tonight, and then show these vulgar things to that person.

However, not only in the days after this night, but Qin Cheng never came again.

The author has something to say: true and false, false and true, all for their own sake.

For the sake of my mother, I worked hard for my son Momo's sexual well-being! (Clap-, slap yourself, the word happiness will be misspelled several times!)