I Fell in Love After Becoming a Ghost

Chapter 13: I can sleep now


Hearing the muttering from behind, Xie Chen frowned and slowed down.

Jiang Ye was greedy for a while and forgot that several of the cups were cocktails with strong stamina. He had a low alcohol intake. At this time, he was walking staggeringly, and the lights and crowds were noisy, making his head even more dizzy.

Xie Chen tried his best to distinguish the sound of drunkenness and erratic behind him in the annoying music, and couldn't turn his head back, for fear of making him suspicious.

He could not be accurately identified, nor could he be taken away immediately.

Xie Chen once again felt deeply powerless.

Jiang also patted his head and walked through the crowd to see that everyone was double-imaged.

Eyes narrowed, it was the figure who was trying to find the boss.

Fortunately, I didn't lose it, but why are there so many big brothers

Jiang also staggered forward and threw himself on Xie Chen.

Xie Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he slowly looked towards his right shoulder as if he had been acupuncture, but there was nothing there.

But the shoulders can clearly feel the weight of the slightly heavy head pressing down.

"Oh, so high."

"Higher than me, bad review."

There was a distinctly nasal muttering coming from the neck.

Xie Chen's heartbeat was bigger than the deafening music in the bar in the middle of the night, as if it exploded in an instant.

Forcibly controlled and did not continue to look to the right shoulder.

Jiang also put his chin on the shoulder of the boss, relieved his strength, and followed in a daze.

"It smells so good, brother, what perfume are you wearing? It smells so good."

"When can I get home, I'm so sleepy."

"Ah, why are you driving so slow, boss, your speed is not good."

"Brother, I want to have supper."

There must be no supper at night.

Xie Chen drove home as fast as possible, for fear that he would fall asleep and could not find him.

Fortunately, the little guy stumbled all the way to the underground garage, still muttering.

Xie Chen got off the car and walked directly to the co-pilot.

Almost immediately, a head slammed into it.

This time, he seemed to have a bit of stamina, and he was even more drowsy than the bar. Instead of his chin, his whole body directly hit his side, his arm was pulling on his arm, and his entire body weight was hanging on him.

Xie Chen tentatively bent over to pick him up.

Hands through the air, nothing.

Thin lips pursed lightly, at a steady and fast pace.

All the way to the house, went straight to the bedroom, gently leaned against the bed, and fell down first.

He couldn't tell him to help him onto the bed, he could only bring him up with his posture.

Almost instantly, as he fell into the bed, a person's weight fell on him.

The people on the body are average in wine.

Drunk is not falling asleep, but chatting and acting constantly.

Jiang also unconsciously hugged the warm big pillow and found a comfortable position, and he was very content with his mouth.

Xie Chen's two slender legs are strong. They are separated, and in the middle is Jiang Ye's other leg. As for the other leg, it is extremely difficult to sag at a forty-five degree on the side of the bed.

He rubbed his face with both hands and found a comfortable place, and fell asleep contentedly.

Xie Chen listened to the even breathing in his ears.

Warm breath at the collarbone.

A restless restlessness somewhere.

Looking up at the ceiling, his little guy will definitely come back.


Three poles in the sun, the sun is just right on the morning of July.

The warm summer sun penetrated the thin window screens and shone on the empty bed.

Jiang also stretched and yawned.

The newly awakened little deer's eyes were a little dazed and clear, when it suddenly widened, thumped, and sat up.

Rubbing his eyes hard, he blinked again.

Finally, he slowly opened his mouth and held it for a full minute before running out.

"Big Brother! Big Brother!"

The door to the study was never closed, and the screen behind the desk displayed meaningless pages.

Xie Chen was afraid that he would wake up and find something abnormal, so he left early.

But a whole heart hangs there.

Hearing such an urgent voice, he stood up reflexively and sat down immediately.

"Big Brother!"

Jiang Ye ran all the way and rushed into the study excitedly: "Oh my God, you can't guess what happened!"

"I fell asleep! I was able to sleep! Woohoo, I'm so touched! One day I will cry because I can sleep happily!"

Jiang also sat in front of the table excitedly, Xie Chen swiped the mouse to do meaningless things.

The corners of his mouth twitched and fell quickly.

Jiang also babbled excitedly, his eyes brighter than the sun outside.


The phone rang, Xie Chen glanced at it, then looked away, and continued to sit behind the computer and pretend to work.

Jiang also stopped chattering and glanced at his phone: "I'm calling, but the arc doesn't answer? What if there is an emergency?"

As if responding to his words correctly, the phone continued to ring after a brief pause.

Perseverance over and over again.

Xie Chen finally put down the movement in his hand and frowned.

The phone is connected.

"Yo, the eldest young master finally answered the phone, it's not easy."

The yin and yang strange voice of the young man came from inside, and Jiang also immediately pouted, no wonder the boss ignored him, it was not a good bird when he heard this voice.

Xie Chen's face was expressionless, and he didn't seem to be listening.

"The old man ordered you to come back next week. Of course, it's better not to come back. The task is completed and you hang up."

Xie Chen was completely indifferent and continued to stare at the computer.

Jiang also glanced at his chin: "It seems to be a relative, and there is no note on the mobile phone number. It is estimated that it is either an enemy or an enemy."

"Big brother, although your wealthy family looks peaceful on the surface, it is actually in dire straits."

"The kid just looked sinister at first sight. Brother, do you have any grudges with him? If you have grudges, you will make a lot of money. Take me there, and I will help you get revenge."

"I have special skills."

Xie Chen, who has never been grateful to Xie's family gathering, paused when he heard the words, picked up his mobile phone and sent a message.

The person who received the message was stunned for a moment, and then the news spread.


Jiang also followed Xie Chen to the Xie family villa on the top of the legendary mountain with the most expensive and strongest security.

Luxurious enough and spectacular enough.

But for Jiang Ye, there is only one sentence: digging a slot, so big!

With the face of my son, he is a rich and rich protagonist with an acting background.

No matter what the shooting background was at that time, in the final stage, the high-end atmosphere was much more imaginative than the real scene.

"I didn't expect your Xie family to be so high-profile. The house is so eye-catching, for fear that others will not know that your family is rich."

"But big brother, this place is not for you."

Jiang also looked around, Xie Chen paused when he heard the words.

"Although this place looks like shit, it's too flamboyant and doesn't fit my big brother's temperament."

Jiang also commented while watching. There were a lot of luxury cars in front of the villa. It seemed that they were not called luxury cars, so they were embarrassed to park in front of the door.

There is security at the gate, and everyone who enters carefully must be checked.

I don't know why they are so important.

Jiang also looked at the crowd and was surprised to find out why there were so many young people.

The girls can understand how they dress up and compete with each other. Why is there a group of white, tender, cute and delicate boys who also come together.

Now, when boys go to the toilet, do they have to hold hands with their good buddies to pee