I Fell in Love After Becoming a Ghost

Chapter 19: Take it easy baby


Ge Qianqian's personality collapsed and the Ge family declared bankruptcy.

In the short term, it has become almost everyone's idle talk.

Li Xiaoou looked at the spacious desk and stared at the name brand on the table and was a little confused.

After a few days, he still couldn't believe it.

Those who have been dismissed have now moved to an office.

The person who fired him was fired and shut down the industry.


Jiang Ye didn't run around in the past few days, blowing rainbow farts beside the boss.

"Brother, you look so handsome when you do things. You are like the hero who saved the world on colorful clouds in my dream."

After I finished speaking, I felt that the bullshit was a bit off topic: "Speaking of which, do you know that Xiao Ou is my assistant, so you helped him?"

He is not a fool.

Ge Qianqian was taken away directly by the bodyguards that day, and Xiao Ou was invited back by the senior management as if he was an ancestor. He immediately arranged an office, and the senior management who dismissed him was expelled.

Everyone said that Xiao Ou was hidden, and he was silent with his back to the big guy.

But Jiang also knew.

Xiaoou definitely doesn't know the big brother, there is only one possibility.

Thinking of the days before the tomb, Jiang also sat on the table with his legs dangling, resting his hands on the table at will, watching the boss work and muttering to himself.

"Brother, when did you like me? The concert? The first drama? No, the first one will always be my dark history, the one that exploded? It shouldn't be, it's too naive."

"But maybe, the movies you've watched, brother, are ridiculous enough."

When did you like it

Xie Chen's eyes narrowed down.

Maybe the moment you knelt down to save me.

Possibly, at first glance.

Jiang is also bored.

With his long legs, he jumped off the table and sat on the sofa chair opposite, holding his chin in his hands and staring at the big brother.

The man who bowed his head and sat at the desk to handle official business, his shirt was tied to the top button, meticulous, and his hair was casual and stylish.

The drooping eyelids, the long and thick eyelashes hide a shadow, and the thin lips under the straight bridge of the nose are pursed tightly, and he looks more handsome than himself.

Since the last time when Jiang Ye was helpless, he was dropped from the sky to solve the problem, and he felt that if he hadn't died, the two of them would definitely become good buddies with a good heart.

Looking at it, Jiang was also a little curious.

The big guy's skin looks very good, with cold white skin and cold facial features, he is really the representative of the abstinence system that the little girl is crazy and obsessed with now.

I just don't know how to touch it.

Jiang Ye licked his tongue for a while, and pinched his face first. He was also white, but that kind of porcelain leucorrhea powder was very beautiful and white that girls would envy.

White and tender, the skin is firm and feels very good.

Xie Chen listened to the silence on the other side, his eyes still focused on the information, and his attention was already on his ears.

There was no response for a long time.

If it wasn't for the slight sound of breathing, he must have panicked.

Why don't you speak

are you asleep

Xie Chen hesitated whether to put down the information he pretended to read and search for him tentatively.

As soon as he raised his head, he was stunned.

His face was pinched, neither light nor heavy, and then he heard the little guy exclaim: "Damn! Brother, I can do it again!"

Jiang also jumped up excitedly, he could touch something again!

Turn around and run to the invisible corner of the office, where there are rows of bookshelves, the area that the boss can't see.

I took a few books, turned two pages, and put them back.

Xie Chen touched his face, and there was still some remaining touch on it.

This little guy is a little heavy.

Jiang also always thought that when he met the big brother, the big brother didn't feel it.

Just like he is sitting on the sofa and lying on the bed, the sofa will not deform and the bed will not collapse.

Xie Chen listened to the pleasant humming from the study, and the doting in his eyes could not be hidden.

This made the two people who came in uninvited suddenly become stupid.

Xie Yuan stopped at the door in shock and looked in horror.

The young man next to him wore myopia glasses and looked very gentle, but a thin gold chain was hung on the myopia glasses.

This made the first impression of Jiang Ye, who ran out of hearing the sound, was: Sven scum.

Xie Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, subconsciously frowned and looked away again.

The assistant who couldn't be stopped outside the door stood at the door and was about to admit his mistake. Xie Chen said, "Let's go out."

Xie Yuan was dressed in a trendy masculine style, and squinted his eyes while dangling his trousers and thin chains:

"Book Year, wasn't I dazzled just now? You saw it too, didn't you?"

Xu Shunian looked at the people behind the desk who didn't put his eyes on them at all. The eyes behind the glasses were calm, his eyes turned slightly, and he said in a low voice:

"Your eldest brother is on business, let's wait outside."


When Xie Yuan heard this, he turned his butt and went straight to the sofa: "This company also has my shares, so why should I wait outside?"

"Come and sit, I'll order two cups of coffee."

Xie Yuan patted the sofa, and then called the company's internal phone, as if going to a coffee shop to order a cup of coffee.

Jiang also twitched the corner of his mouth to his ear: "Yoyoyo, why is this lame boy so shameless, so uninvited and so indebted, who is next to him, he doesn't look like a good person."

"Two thieves have a nest of eyes and eyes, come here on purpose to answer people!"

"Really, brother?"

Jiang also looked around the two of them.

Then he walked to the big brother's side, and half-bent over Xie Chen's ear: "Brother, don't worry, I'll find a chance to clean up that little lame leg later."

Xie Chen, who didn't take it to heart at first, heard the words and stopped the movement in his hand.

He didn't allow him to get hurt any more.

Even if it was just an accident last time.

Xie Yuan kept staring at Xie Chen, beeping and beeping while staring at him: "Eldest young master, something is wrong recently, I heard from the housekeeper that my appetite was very good a few days ago, wouldn't it be a return to light?"

"That's not right. Twenty-eight hasn't arrived yet."

"What twenty-eight? What's wrong with twenty-eight?"

Jiang also listened to the words in the clouds and fog, and habitually asked if he didn't understand.

Xie Chen's eyes pressed down, and he looked straight at the past without concealing the sharpness in his eyes.

Xie Yuan opened his mouth, weakened a bit, and then, unwilling to be outdone, continued to speak to the person next to him:

"Book Year, aren't you looking for him? It's rare for the eldest young master to open his eyes to look at us, but you said it."

"I'm afraid of what he will do, and he won't eat people."

"Besides, you haven't seen each other for several years, and no one remembers the past."

Xie Yuan didn't say it was okay, but when he said that the golden mirror had just raised his head, he was a little embarrassed.

"Long time no see, Chen."

Jiang also stood beside the boss, looking straight at the two of them.

Needless to say, the little lame is a second-rate youth with some money.

The golden mirror is a bit interesting, the first instinct is deep thought.

When he raised his head like this, Jiang couldn't help but pay more attention. The man was fair-skinned, with attractive phoenix eyes, a straight nose and thin lips.

Except the first impression is not very good, just looking at the appearance, it is in the forefront.

If there is no glasses, this face is placed outside, and it is also the kind that will turn heads every minute.

There is a frame of these glasses, which is slightly depressed.

Jiang also heard the name, looked at the opposite side in surprise, and then looked at the boss teasing: "The name is so intimate, there is a story."

Xie Chen raised his eyes coldly, coldly and calmly as usual: "Speak."

Xie Yuan was just overwhelmed by the intimidation, and he started beeping again: "Fuck, one word at a time, what about the couplet?"

"This is my induction report. Uncle Xie asked me to come to the company and do something for you."

Xu Shunian got up and took the personnel list according to the procedure.

Xie Yuan raised his butt, half bent over and grabbed it: "Xu Shunian, are you ill? You have made such a humble affair with him, the dignified eldest young master of the Xu family, the Xu family is asking you to expand the two businesses, isn't it? Make you a slave."


Xie Chen didn't even look at it. If he wasn't afraid that the little guy would act on his own, he wouldn't care about these things.

Then he picked up the mobile phone on the table, picked up the information on the table, and threw it directly on the coffee table in front of Xie Yuan:

"Since the company has your shares, you can handle it."

Thank you for taking great strides.

Jiang also hadn't quite figured out the relationship between the characters, so he glanced at the lame man who finally turned into a dog, and gloated on his face:

"Brother, it's not good for that kid to manage the company. I doubt whether his funny-looking brain can understand the documents. Brother, this trick of yours is quite damaging."

"It's just me watching TV and novels. The struggle for power between families is no less fierce than the battle for the throne in ancient times. If you give up power like this, what if he hooks up with Jinsi Jing and directly usurps the throne?"


Jiang Ye's thousands of questions and worries came when he and the boss took a private plane for a few hours and arrived at an island somewhere.

shut up.

A man with a white T-shirt, beige slacks, and sunglasses casually placed on the bridge of his nose leaned on the airplane chair and closed his eyes.

The thin light penetrated in, and he was as handsome as a filter and not like a mortal.

In addition to the cockpit of the plane, it was just the two of them, and Jiang was not sleepy. He took a tour of the plane and was really bored. Seeing such a scene, he came over.

"Brother, you're right. Life is about combining work and rest. I've been obsessed with work. How boring. Where are we going?"

Looking at the big guy's dress and the simple luggage he brought, it was not business at first glance, he wanted to go out to play.

Of course he couldn't wait for an answer, and he didn't plan to know where he was going, he could go anywhere anyway.

Leaning on his arms and tilting his head, he looked out the window.

The white clouds are stacked and stretched endlessly.

In the past, I used to fly a lot, going back and forth. Every time I got up early and late at night, I rushed to announce the announcement. On the plane, it was around the blindfold. After taking off, I took off the blindfold and left.

Looking out the window, out of the corner of the eye, it is inevitable to see the man by the window.

Jiang also looked bored, and the two little deers rolled their eyes, pursed their lips, pulled their arms out of the back of their head, and moved closer.

From Jiang Ye's angle, he can only see the man's sharp jawline, which extends to the position of the sunglasses, forming a beautiful profile.

A slender porcelain-white hand swayed straight to the man's beautiful chin.

Xie Chen was a little stunned and a little helpless.

The chin was lifted, frivolous and unintentional.

You can clearly feel the warm breath on the other side.

Beautiful fingers tugged up the man's chin, lifted the man's head slightly, and the whole face rushed into the eyes of Jiang Ye who was close.

At close range, Yan Kongjiang also looked seriously.

The fingers changed from hooks to two fingers to pinch the chin, and the man's thin lips were forced to open slightly.

Xie Chen wanted to stop it, but did not dare to move.

I also miss the temperature of the little guy's fingers.

Although you can't see it, it feels like the other party is a foot away.

The heartbeat is a little out of control.

Jiang also looked at the man's thin lips.

Suddenly feeling a little strange.

He changed his fingers back to hook his chin, and felt that the opportunity to play the boss is really rare:

"Tsk tsk, the little beauty looks good. Are you free tonight? Let's play with my brother. Don't worry, my brother will treat the baby with pity."