I Fell in Love After Becoming a Ghost

Chapter 47: Strange direction


Xie Chen was worried about what would be discovered at first.

When he realized that what the little guy said was a misunderstanding that was far more serious than what he was worried about before, the voice had completely disappeared from the room.

The door opened, and Xie Yuan, who had just been persuaded to go away by Xu Shunian, turned around and shouted, "Look, let me guess right, I'll just say..."

"Go away." Xie Chen's whole body was cold and terrifying: "Don't let me see you again."

"..." Xie Yuan was stunned in place.

Xu Shunian looked at the person who didn't even give him a look, and said solemnly, "Who is he chasing?"

Jiang also ran away.

Ran into the banquet hall with anger.

Focusing exclusively on the corner, what to eat, turning grief and anger into appetite, and even bothered to lift my head up in one breath.

So I didn't see the figure walking by in a hurry.

The long-term media has long been closed, and the entire company is patrolled by security guards on all floors. After receiving the call, more than a dozen people rushed to the door, opened the door, turned on the lights, and watched the people rushing straight to the top floor.

Several security guards looked at each other, not knowing who was coming, but the boss beat his ass? Called again and again and asked them to take care of the person who rushed in in the middle of the night, must be? What a big man.

The security was stopped outside the elevator, and several people stretched their necks and listened to the big man walking towards the innermost.

Xie Chen opened the door and entered the office, the office was silent.

Even if you can't see or hear, you can feel that he's not coming.

If he didn't come here, where would he go

The cemetery was in the suburbs, and when Xie Chen passed by, the moon was already hanging in the sky.

Cars are left on the side of the road at will. A place like a cemetery is deserted during the day? It's not crowded at night, and there is no one at night. Those who can avoid it hide far away.

In this kind of place, the little guy said that he was not feudal and superstitious, but in fact, he was most afraid of this kind of place where a little trouble would make people nervous.

Even if the lights in the room were turned off at night, how helpless would he be when he returned to the cemetery.

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt.

The slender figure hurried to the tomb, Xie Chen looked at the empty surroundings, except for the sound of the wind, there was no movement at all, and his heart was once again disappointed.

Under the moonlight, the tombstone glowed with a stony, cold, grayish-white light. The young man in the photo had a smile on his mouth and his eyes were clear, just like the graduation photo from that year.

Simple and beautiful.

Xie Chen never came again, because the little guy was by his side before he died.

When I saw the inscription again, I felt a little nervous.

Approaching the monument, he slowly put his hand on the inside of his jacket, and took out a black and white photo from the inside pocket.

The faces of the people in the photos are beautiful, and everything seems to be exquisitely crafted, with cold eyebrows and doting eyes.

Xie Chen carefully took down the photo on the monument, put his own photo in the back, and put a red thing.

Much like a knot.

Join two photos together.

That's a marriage bond.

Xie Chen touched the photo in front of the monument with his finger, and on the inscription were the four words he engraved that day:

Forever, beloved.

If you come back, I will do my best to pamper you and love you. If you don't come back, I will go over to accompany you and make you laugh.

Just, where did he go

If the little guy thinks he is using him as a substitute, he will never want to see him again.

If he has gone so far since then, how can he find him

Xie Chen collapsed into a daze even more than the despair when he lost it.


This Xiang Jiang was also full of food and drink, lying on the table watching everyone in the hall chatting and laughing, the lights flickering, and the lively and noisy.

Everyone seems to be in high spirits and happy.

The whole world? The world is alone...

No, lonely ghosts, nowhere to go.

Look up and look upstairs, oh, isn't life so ups and downs... Life and death are all bearish, why bother with yourself.

What he wanted was the angry man upstairs.

Jiang also sighed, and Le Dian went upstairs.

The result? The room was empty.

Run to the parking space and the car is gone!

Wow, wow, Jiang also rolled his eyes, saw a car and got in, anyway, he was going back to the city.

This luck is also considered good, the car drove all the way to the city center, and Jiang jumped down when waiting for the red light.

Standing at the right-turn intersection, he rubbed another car, threw a few free cars at the intersection, and walked back to the big brother's house after one stop.

A substitute is a substitute.

To put it plainly, the big brother doesn't owe him anything.

Even as a stand-in, the entertainment industry is running smoothly, thanks to the blessing of the big brother.

Xiaoou can borrow his own light, and it is also the help of the big brother to him.

People had never appeared in his life, and if he hadn't died, he might never have disturbed each other in his entire life.

How to blame him.

Not only did he not suffer, he owed the big brother's favor before and after his death.

Jiang also went back a little faster.

I don't know when the body of my soul will be gone. What if? In the process of entangled in this matter, I have completely gone to the reincarnation of the underworld, and I must not regret it!

That would really be deadly!

Jiang also ran upstairs, but there was no one in the dark, and there was no sign of coming back.

Jiang also stood in the middle of the house, there was no familiar person, even if he never said a word, his whole body was deserted, and now he can't see him, he is more empty than when he knew that he was a substitute.

Jiang also stared blankly at the clock. Where can people who sleep at midnight go to midnight

He found out that if this man ran away, he didn't even know where to look for him.


Jiang also stumbled on the sofa and slept until dawn.

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself looming over the glass on the opposite wall, and jumped up.

The man didn't return overnight, he didn't know where he went, but...

He's going to run now!

What the hell!

I didn't bring the rabbit costume at Xie's house last night, why did it show up again? !

Wasn't the problem in that ragged suit that was just getting used to

Jiang also put on his hat and ran away.

With more than half of the money left in his pocket, he went straight to another studio. He didn't want the image of an assistant anymore.

Even if I understand it, it's uncomfortable.

Changed to a completely different image from the original, peach blossom eyes were originally charming and flirtatious, but when the styling teacher raised the eyeliner, the tail of the eyes was elongated, and she became a fox spirit.

The bridge of the nose was retouched, the face was shaded, the hair was a wig, half-length, gray, and the earrings were a shiny black.

The clothes also match the shape, white V-neck, plus a small slim coat with a special style, and the trousers are straight to show longer legs.

It looked a few centimeters higher than the actual one meter eight.

Jiang Ye, who has a slender waist and long legs, has a slightly hooked corner of his lips, and the color of his pupils in his eyes is brown, which attracts many girls to quietly pick up their mobile phones.

It's a pity that such a handsome guy is not a star!

Such a face and figure are born to be licked for the nympho!

Well, the handsome guy is not going to the entertainment industry, we will send you out!

top floor.


The special assistant hurried to the door, took a breath, knocked on the door normally, and walked in a little excitedly with a "hmm" from the inside.

The man standing by the floor-to-ceiling window did not turn his head. Just looking at his back, he lost his usual cold aura, and seemed to be much more lonely.

In fact, a back figure can't be interpreted that much normally, but Xie Chen is an idol of special assistance, and his every move has long been engraved into his bones.

I used to have a taste of the new assistant before, but when I found out that it was the boss's boyfriend, the taste disappeared immediately.

I received a message from the boss in the middle of the night last night, and I didn't dare to sleep, so I went to find someone immediately.

Every message from the boss, he did as hard as he ordered.

Fortunately, the effort paid off, and the assistant was found in the morning.

Went to a styling studio.

On the way to report to the boss, the assistant disappeared again, but that kind of high-end stylist received only one customer from him in the morning.

He disappeared, and there was a beautiful man from Han Fan.

This is also thanks to the great power of women. After a while, they pushed people to the Internet, and they became popular.

Xie Chen knew what happened to the little guy. If he didn't want to appear, it would be impossible to find him with all his strength.

If he hated him completely, he wouldn't even have a chance to explain.

I went to several places last night and found nothing. I was in a panic and went to the doctor. I gave the news to the special assistant and sent someone to look for it.

How to find people who don't exist.

"Boss, someone has been found."

The assistant came over with the tablet, and the person at the window froze when he heard the words, then turned back and rushed over in an instant.


The assistant looked at the boss who lost his temper for the first time, and was very proud. Look, the most important thing for the boss is all done by him.

The special assistant clicked on the mobile phone with a black screen, hiding the full sense of achievement: "In the West Huiyu Road 'Huanzong Ju Ye'..."

The special assistant stopped at the first sentence.

When his eyes fell on the latest photo sent by the dispatcher, the words stopped and his hands trembled.

Holy shit!

"Huanzong Ju Ye", others don't know it, as a special assistant who deals with all the rich people all day, it is impossible for him not to know!

I heard that this orange is from Ju, um... It means, the men's club!

The background of the clubhouse is very strong, and the younger brothers in it are not easy to enter. It is easy to earn this money, and it is harder to knock on the door than to knock on the door of a Fortune 500 company with the highest degree of education.

It is said that all the little brothers in it have special stunts.

The guests who have been there once have been there, and they will never forget it.

But if you want to go again, huh, even if you have money and power, you have to queue up, and you will not know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse in this row.

The most mysterious rumor is that the owner of this extremely luxurious club is said to have a superb appearance and great "kung fu".

The top cards of the club are all from his hands, and when a wooden knot is placed on his hand, he can instantly turn into a little goblin that brings disaster to the country and the people.

It is said that there is a rich man who spends money like flowing water and is used to seeing beautiful men from all over the world. He accidentally saw the boss of the club, and suddenly lost six souls and five souls, and he can't stand up from now on.

It sounds mysterious, but it's not unfounded.

When the assistant saw this photo, his heart sank.

There have been rumors outside, and he has been shaken now. Has the boss, a pure-hearted boss with extremely high IQ, really been deceived by the experienced Hua Cong master.

Think about it, it's very possible!

Xie Chen turned around and left.

After the assistant was stunned, he immediately chased after him. The boss is not sure? He knows where it is!

It's a pity that no matter how fast he runs, the boss has long legs and is impatient. When he catches up, the car has already gone away, leaving only a trace of exhaust lingering in the empty garage.

Calling the phone by the special assistant to no avail

You can only ask someone to ask the boss for an admission ticket. Oh, by the way, this clubhouse also has a special feature. It is a place where others can go by money and power. There is no admission ticket here, and they have to rely on martial arts.

That's right, or you can get admission tickets by looking good.

Or fight with the four darts who guard the goal.

The assistant was fortunate enough to see that a big man could kill a cow.

The boss definitely fits the ticket.

The special assistant blushed and acted coquettishly. Inside, a little brother got a ticket that was hard to buy, and sent a photo of the boss's back.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 12 bottles of Ruxi; 3 bottles of Qiji;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!