I Give Half of My Life to You

Chapter 2: I am very strong


Lin Miao has always been a big-hearted child. In her opinion, she has seen the world, so she is not afraid of anything. After all, there are so many children in the village, and she is the only one who is studying in elementary school in the town. Many adults in the village are Said that she was very powerful, even more powerful than boys, and over time, she felt the same way,

After walking out of the village, he said to the master, "I work during the day, can I come back at night? My father and brother have both gone to the city, and my mother is at home alone. I am afraid that it will be inconvenient for her to be alone, and no one will put plaster on her." Her mother often had shoulder pain and asked her to help put on plaster.

The master lowered his head and looked at her innocent look, "It's too far to come back."

Lin Miao thought, he must not know that he can walk with a torch, and he must think of himself as one of those children in the village who are afraid of the dark, so he said, "No problem, I promise not to delay for a minute. I usually Studying in town."

The master couldn't help but patted her head, "The place we're going is farther than the town, far, far away."

Lin Miao stopped talking. It was no wonder that the brothers and sisters in the village who went out to work would not be able to return until the New Year.

The village chief next to him frowned and looked at Lin Miao. After all, he grew up watching this child. Every day when he came back from school, he had to say hello to him. He knew everyone in the village well. After all, he said worriedly, " Brother, this kid…”

"Don't worry, it won't endure hardship. It's definitely better than living here. After searching so many places to find such a child who was born in the same year, the same month and the same day as the young master, I won't embarrass her." The master said, "Say It was also fate that the old lady pointed out that she wanted a child from the countryside, saying that she was desperate, but after searching so many places, she found her."

"Didn't you say it's used to prevent disasters?" said the village chief.

"Those mysterious and mysterious things, who can tell. Let's go back first. We know that someone has been found, and they have come to pick them up. I am so anxious that the young master has a fever again and is unconscious." The master was wearing yellow the big robe, said.

The village chief was a little surprised, "Why didn't they go to the doctor?"

"Why don't you look, there are several family doctors." The master sighed, "You don't understand these things. I'll go first."

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, there was no road in the village, so we had to take the mountain road. The master squatted down naturally, "I'll carry you down the mountain."

Lin Miao shook his head, "I'm very familiar with this road."

Saying that, she ran out, carrying her big old schoolbag, and ran down the mountain one by one.

The way down the mountain, although it is a downhill road, is not easy to walk at all. The master walks carefully, and then he sees the little girl in front of him who looks like a little butterfly. I don't know how she did it. Solid, but still so fast.

Out of the mountain, there is a road, and there are people waiting for them here.

The master stuffed Lin Miao into the back seat and fastened his seat belt.

It was the first time for Lin Miao to take a car. He was nervous and excited, looking around.

"Are we going to go to work by car?" Lin Miao asked.

The master also sat in and let the driver drive.

"Yes." The master said, and then he saw Lin Miao's soaked trouser legs and some muddy PLA shoes.

Lin Miao was a little embarrassed to be looked at like this, her face flushed with shame, she thought to herself, she must wash the place where there is water.

Of course, he remembered the bundle of dry wood and a basket of mushrooms that she carried back just now. At that time, he saw her small body being lowered. He also grew up here before, but he didn't live well when he was a child. so hard.

It is also for this reason that I have a good impression of her.

Diligent, sensible, and generous child, of course he had a good impression, and then he remembered that her mother said that she had found a job for her, so she said to her, "your job is to be obedient, and what they ask you to do, you can do it. what to do, you know?"

Lin Miao didn't understand, what did they want her to do... What exactly? Cutting corn? Break corn? Or dig potatoes? She can do it all!

Looking at Lin Miao's clear eyes, the master remembered the bad temper of that young master, and sighed in his heart, "If someone scolds you, don't take it seriously."

Lin Miao nodded obediently, "I will definitely do well." Try not to be scolded.

The car is driving on the road, and the road here is still muddy, so the car can't be bumped.

Lin Miao quickly looked out the window with novelty. The first time he got in the car, he felt that the trees running back quickly and the flowers on the roadside were not what he usually saw.

The master looked at her unseen appearance, afraid that she would be wronged, and instructed, "Don't make a fuss, when you are sitting in the car, keep your head in front of you. When you get to work, don't mess around. Look, you know?"

Lin Miao sat upright and nodded obediently.

Then his eyes couldn't help but float to the side.

The master is a little soft-hearted, it's really a child's nature, "This time can be an exception, you see."

Lin Miao said sweetly, "Master, you are so kind!"

Then I started to look out the window again.

Looking at it, I fell asleep by the window.

After all, it is necessary to get up early to pick up bacteria, otherwise it will be picked up by others, so she went with her friends without breakfast.

The back down the mountain is also all the way down.

I am sleepy and hungry now.

When she woke up, she found that it was not the continuous green mountains outside.

Lin Miao looked outside in surprise and found that there were many houses around.

The master said to her, "You have to sleep for a while, and you are about to arrive. At that time, you will answer whatever they ask. Just tell the truth. This child, who can really sleep, actually sleeps for five hours."

Lin Miao blinked, why did she keep saying this to her, what did she want to ask

After a while, the car stopped.

Lin Miao looked at the "castle" in front of her, dumbfounded. She had only seen this kind of house in the fairy tale book sent by her father.

The master pulled Lin Miao over and said to the middle-aged man who came to pick him up, "It's this kid."

The middle-aged man frowned, "Why is it so dirty?"

"When I went, she was carrying firewood and picking mushrooms on the mountain, and she came back in a hurry." The master said, "I have already delivered the person, and I will do it when the young master wakes up in two days."

The middle-aged man had to say, "Master of hard work."

Then he said to Lin Miao, "Come in with me."

Lin Miao obediently followed her in. She was a little embarrassed because she couldn't find a place to wash her along the way, and she was a little afraid that they would not want her to work.

Then I saw the flowers in the courtyard, red and red.

She has only seen small and unknown flowers on the mountain, and she has never seen such a big and red flower, which looks like the world in a painting.

The middle-aged man said, "I'm the housekeeper here. You can answer whatever the old lady asks you later."

Before entering the large living room, I heard an impatient voice from a man inside, "Mom, that's all superstition. Now the whole city knows that I'm looking for a child born on February 29 to protect Jing Xuan from disaster. , where did you put my face?"

Then came the old woman's voice, "Try it first, I heard it's very useful."

Then the housekeeper knocked on the door, and Lin Miao was held by the housekeeper, "Old Madam, the master has sent someone here."

Lin Miao immediately saw the furnishings in the living room. She couldn't tell what it was, but felt that it was white. It was very clean at the beginning, no dust could be seen, and it looked very comfortable, like a palace in a story.

The two people who were sitting were more than anyone she had ever seen before... amazing!

She couldn't think of other words.

Then I heard the old man say, "It's this girl? It's the same year, the same month and the same day as Xiaoyu? Why does she look much shorter than our Xiaoyu? Look at the thin arms and legs..."

When Lin Miao heard this, she only felt that the other party was disgusting her for being short and thin. She felt a little flustered. She saw that the village chief had already given the money to her mother. If they didn't want her to work, wouldn't the money be returned

Then I heard her ask, "Have you been sick? What do you do at home?"

Lin Miao said quickly, "I've never been sick. When I'm at home, I can cut millet, carry firewood, pick up fungi, chop down trees, dig potato, and break buds. I can do everything."

"Have you read a book?" The middle-aged man next to him couldn't help frowning when he heard this. Looking at the little girl, he was unhappy and asked.

Lin Miao hurriedly said what she was able to do, hoping to get extra points. Every time she was mentioned in the village, she would say this thing. Although she didn't like it, other people in the village thought it would be nice to go to the town to study. Honourable.

"I have read books, I studied in the town." Lin Miao said a little proudly, "The best central elementary school in our town read books."

When the old lady heard this, she couldn't help laughing, "That's good, is it fun to read?"

"It's not fun. I have to walk for more than three hours a day. I don't want to study anymore. I will work hard in the future." Lin Miao told the truth that she didn't like the town, and there was another reason for this. Fire a torch, go to a study, walk slowly, and be punished for being late.

There is a river at the foot of the mountain. When it rains, the water in the river swells. If she wants to cross the river, her entire pants will be wet, and she will be laughed at for peeing her pants when she arrives at school, so she really doesn't want to go to school at all. .

The old lady was amused by her and took a closer look. She is so small, she still has to walk three hours to get to school, her small face is a healthy wheat color, it should be exposed in the sun, and her hair is short. To the ear, it is also dark and bright, and the body is indeed very good.

The old lady said, "Take her to take a bath and change her clothes."

There was no little girl's clothes at home, the old lady remembered her main purpose and said, "Bring the little young master's old clothes to her."