I Give Half of My Life to You

Chapter 68: finals


After all, he is only sixteen years old, and at such a young age, entering the finals is already very powerful.

Of course, there are still many people looking forward to the championship, hoping that she will maintain her record without defeat.

At this time, many fans were also a little worried, if Lin Miao did not win in the final, would Lin Miao be hit

Of course, this mental activity did not manifest itself.

Lin Miao didn't pay attention to this kind of question. She guessed it right. In the final, the person she played against was the same player from the last World Championship.

However, Lin Miao remained calm after all.

After all, when the World Championships ended, she had already worried about everything she should have worried about.

Moreover, at that time, the outside world almost praised her as a genius in heaven and earth, and she did not lose herself.

Lin Miao felt that it was enough that he knew how much he was, and he didn't need to care about what the outside world said.

This time, when I knew that my opponent was the player from the World Championships, although the other teammates didn't say it clearly, they faintly revealed that, Brother Shui, you are sure to win. After all, the last time you injured your hand, you won.

Lin Miao really wanted to pull the other party and tell them that she watched the video of this girl's game, watched it two or three times, and then determined a problem, the other party is really better than herself.

It is not difficult to admit that the opponent is strong.

Lin Miao thought to herself that failure is the mother of success. In the game, you always have to fail once, which can stabilize your emotions.

I have studied the other party myself, and the other party has also studied myself in all likelihood, and so on, what are the characteristics of myself

Lin Miao watched the video of her game carefully. Putting aside all kinds of filters and everything, Lin Miao felt that he had to work hard in the final.

Despite this, Lin Miao did not forget to get up early and exercise well the next day.

The finals started soon, and Lin Miao's appearance this time was full of cheers, which was higher than the previous few times.

Lin Miao looked at the person on the opposite side and was also calm.

After a while, the opponent's offensive quickly increased, Lin Miao passively received the ball, but the initiative was always in the opponent's hands.

However, Lin Miao is also very powerful, with a flexible body and quick movements. Even if he leans back to catch the ball, he can quickly turn around.

Both sides can be said to be very exciting.

The hearts of the audience on the stage were also raised.

Lin Miao always had the same expression. She studied the video of the game so many times, not just watching it.

Anyway, she just has one principle, she will keep it for as long as she can, and she will never make mistakes on her own initiative.

Although the score is now behind, Lin Miao still has the same expression.

The audience off the field did not expect that Lin Miao was actually in a weak position against the loser of the last World Championship.

Although the score has been bitten to death, but it has never been overtaken.

Everyone who saw it felt hopeless.

Lin Miao didn't feel that way. After another round of simple intermission, Lin Miao looked at his opponent's expression.

Playing again, Lin Miao changed his previous style.

Most of her late game, the style is the same, very stable play.

In fact, she was not in this style in the early days.

Lin Miao watched all the video of the opponent's match this time yesterday, and found that the opponent followed the exact same route as him.

Therefore, when he returned to the court after the intermission, the audience was stunned. Lin Miao started to smash the ball and regained the initiative.

Yu Jingxuan sat in the auditorium, as if back to his childhood, when Lin Miao played this way.

She seemed to be back when she first came into contact with badminton, and she dared to catch any ball!

Lin Miao originally meant to change the strategy. Don't lose too badly. If you lose too badly, you will be very embarrassed to return to China.

However, what I didn't expect was that in a short while, the score was tied.

Lin Miao still had that expression until she won the game.

She was stunned, did she win? ?

Did she actually win? How does it feel so unreal

I have been preparing for this for a year, this year, I have been preparing for this matter almost every day, but now that I have obtained the desired result, I am still startled, and I don't know what to say.

When the awards were presented, Lin Miao heard the national anthem, she stood there, listening to the national anthem, she suddenly felt real, and she finally won.

When we got down, reporters came over immediately.

Lin Miao recovered, still very happy.

Different from the outside world, the outside world thinks that when she injured her hand at the World Championships, she won the other side. Now it's fine, she will definitely win.

She is not pessimistic, but researched and found that the other party is really powerful, so she is ready and may lose, but before losing, she has to use all her skills, don't Pity.

So, winning, for her, the joy is stronger than others.

Here, the reporter has come.

"What does it feel like to stand on the podium?" the reporter asked.

"I didn't expect that I would win." She was so excited that she couldn't think of a lie for the time being.

Lin Miao wanted to go back to rest, but slowly, her hands and feet were weak now.

Two questions are briefly and rudely answered later.

Then another reporter came over, Lin Miao: "..."

The problems are more than one.

Lin Miao: "..."

After all, the game is over, this is someone else's job, and Lin Miao patiently answered several people.

Compared with the situation on her side, fans who like her are simply carnival.

The level of carnival has already reached. The coach gave her a look at the comments on the Internet, and she felt that it was not her, such as a genius girl, and she felt blushing when she looked at it.

The coach thought she was very funny and read two words to her on purpose.

Lin Miao just listened to two things, and only had one thought. Recently, don't go online, don't listen to what the outside world is saying, and wait for this storm.

She didn't say that she was not good enough or anything. If she said that, her opponent would definitely feel uncomfortable when they saw it.

After all, being defeated by someone who is not powerful is definitely different from being defeated by someone who is powerful.

At night, Lin Miao put the gold medal under the pillow and slept soundly.