I Got Bitten After Transmigrating into a Pseudo-Beta

Chapter 43: Satisfy


In the endless climax, Yue Fei raised his chin, as if he could hear his own thundering heartbeat. It was just a simulated gland mark, and he could hardly bear it. What would happen if he really bit down

Forgiving that Yue Fei is still in the stage of differentiation after all, Gu Wei did not dare to torment him too much. After loosening his teeth, he unbuttoned his shoulders. Seeing the sweat dripping down the cheeks of the person in his arms, he smiled lightly and raised his hand to wipe away the sweat. wipe off.

The hair on the sideburns was already wet with sweat, Yue Fei put his hands on the head of the bed, panting to calm down his emotions.

Enduring and enduring, I really couldn't hold back, pushed Gu Wei away, and said viciously: "You, sleep on the sofa at night."

He felt that his tone was already very bad, but in fact his physical strength had not yet recovered, and his words seemed to be acting like a baby.

Knowing that he had gone too far today, Gu Wei said in a very easy-going way: "Okay, then go to bed early."

Then Gu Wei got up, walked to the sofa in the living room, pressed a button, and the back of the sofa slowly tilted down, becoming a small bed. After lying down, Gu Wei put on the thin blanket that Yue Fei took just now, facing the other side of the bedroom, watching Yue Fei's back, like a satiated lion, guarding its prey contentedly.

Yue Fei was lying alone on the soft and comfortable mattress, the imitation mark just now really exhausted his energy, so he soon fell asleep.

The next day, after Gu Wei woke up, Yue Fei was still sleeping soundly, not wanting to wake him up, Gu Wei went out of the room directly after changing his clothes.

Lin Li parked his car at the entrance of the hotel early in the morning and waited for Gu Wei.

When Gu Wei came out and saw him, he didn't say anything, and got into his car directly.

"Knowing that you are coming back, everyone in the company is very happy. Do you have other arrangements at noon? I have prepared a lunch at the company and I will welcome you." In fact, Lin Li planned to greet Gu Wei last night, but he didn't expect Gesai Gu Wei was annoyed by the incident, so he had to press down on the matter of the reception banquet. Today, Gu Wei had to go to the company, so he brought it up again at the right time.

Gu Wei: "Let's go tonight."

I don't know if Yue Fei woke up at noon, and he will ask someone to pick him up at the hotel in the evening.

"Are there any special programs?" Gu Wei asked Lin Li while turning on his phone.

Unexpectedly, Gu Wei, who was most impatient with these formalisms in the past, would actually ask about the show, and Lin Li immediately found an opportunity to express himself.

"Don't worry, take care of me."

Gu Wei reminded him lightly: "Because the wedding has not been held yet, you may not know that the one who came with me this time is my partner, his name is Yue Fei, and he will also go tonight."

Lin Li was stunned for a moment, Gesai's guess was right, Mr. Gu really has an omega!

Although Gu Wei did not say that his partner is an omega, in Lin Li's view, a person of Gu Wei's status can only find a partner who is an omega, so he directly regards Yue Fei as an omega without even thinking about it.

"No problem, I will definitely be able to arrange it so that Mr. Yue is also very satisfied." Lin Li patted his chest and said.

Gu Wei nodded, he still has some trust in Lin Li, otherwise he would not have entrusted the entire Yinsong Island to him.

Lin Li is a poor boy from a small fishing village, but with his own efforts, his education and skills have been recognized by Gu Wei. It's just that the simple and honest nature of his temperament has never changed. After finally being able to support himself and have a surplus, the first thing Lin Li did was to take his parents from his hometown to Yinsong for the elderly. The most important reason for Lin Li to be the manager of Yinsong.

After the plane landed, he found out that he hadn't seen Lin Li for two years and started to think differently. Gu Wei was annoyed, and even thought of replacing Lin Li. But he never made a decision just based on his mood, so today's visit to the company was his second chance for Lin Li.

Yinsong Company was originally located next to Qinquan in the center of the island. Today, the company building with innovative and avant-garde design has become an indispensable tourist attraction in Yinsong Island.

From the development of Yin Songdao in the past few years, Gu Wei recognized Lin Li's working ability, which is why he was willing to give Lin Li more opportunities.

The people in the company have already been notified that the big boss is coming, and everyone is ready to fight, and everyone walks like a chord.

The moment Gu Wei stepped out of the elevator, all the employees in the office stopped standing no matter what they were busy with, and said in unison, "Good morning, Mr. Gu!"

Without squinting, Gu Wei walked straight to the conference room.

The tone was cold: "Now is working time, not military training time."

The light words made the standing staff instantly want to find a hole to get in.

Lin Li followed behind Gu Wei, and pressed his hands on the employees: "Sit down, do what you need to do, and the supervisors who have to report on work, come here."

A group of people entered the meeting room, Gu Wei sat down on the leader, glanced at the people lined up outside the door, and said to Lin Li: "Don't waste time, you can start."

This report did not end until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Fortunately, Lin Li really didn't need Gu Wei to worry about his work ability. After listening to all the reports, Gu Wei finally had a smile on his face.

"Everyone has worked hard." The person who was leaning on the chair sat up straight and put his hands on the conference table, "I highly recognize the achievements you have made in the past year, and hope that you can continue to work hard in the days to come. "

There was applause in the conference room.

"Then, let's stop here today."

Lin Li got up: "Everyone has worked hard today. Mr. Gu has already ordered takeaway for everyone in advance, and it was delivered directly from the hotel. Let's all go back to the office to eat and take a rest so that we can continue to work energetically."

I thought that working overtime and starving during meetings would be unavoidable, but I didn't expect that Gu Wei would order food for them, and everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu."...

After all the people left, Gu Wei said to Lin Li: "I've also packed the afternoon tea for the employees of the company this month, please inform the hotel, and the cost will be paid from my personal account."

Lin Li scratched the back of his head: "Mr. Gu, isn't it too expensive for a month, a week is almost enough."

Gu Wei smiled. After the inspection just now, all the dissatisfaction with Lin Li's performance after getting off the plane has been eliminated: "It's been so many years, and your stingy temperament hasn't changed at all."

Lin Li: "Although the money comes out of your pocket, I can't help but feel sorry for the money for you. It's the same in the past few years here. Some projects look good to me, but I think the initial investment is too large and the payback period If it is too long, I dare not mention it to you. I know that you will definitely agree to it, but I just feel sorry for the money. I understand that if you invest the same money in other places, it will definitely double your return in a short time, but In Yinsong Island, the investment risk is higher... "

Knowing that he was making use of the topic, Gu Wei couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, if there is any project, just tell me. If it is suitable, I can vote. If it is not suitable, don't even think about it. Don't talk to me about it."

Lin Li got up immediately: "There are a few projects that I wanted to talk about when I return to China for an interview with you. It just so happens that you are here this time, and I will bring you the materials when I return to the office."

Gu Wei: "Well, let's go."

When Yue Fei woke up, it was already past lunch time, he got up from the bed with a frown, and saw the message light on his mobile phone kept flashing, so he turned on the mobile phone first.

[You have three missed calls from Gu Wei.]

Gu Wei: There will be a welcome banquet in the evening, and I will ask the driver to pick you up at that time, and we will go there together.

Gu Wei: Haven't gotten up yet

Gu Wei: Is there any discomfort

Gu Wei: Wake up and reply me.

Yue Fei chose to call back Gu Wei's mobile phone number directly.

The notification tone only rang once, and the other party had already picked it up.

Gu Wei deliberately lowered his voice from the earpiece to his ears: "Are you awake?"

Yue Fei: "Yes."

"Are there any discomforts?"


"Then I'll ask the hotel to deliver some food to our room first. Are you hungry?"

"is a bit."

"Okay, I'll tell the hotel."

"Go do your work, I'll call the front desk myself."

"I am not busy."

At the same time, in the conference room of Yinsong Company, Lin Li watched Gu Wei throw away half of the documents he saw, and got up to talk on the phone in front of the French windows.

The author has something to say: strive for thick and long tomorrow~thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-09-04 21:42:46~2020-09-05 22:28:59~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: good night, 32297903 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 52 bottles of No Night Good Night; 10 bottles of 41246100; 7 bottles of Kaleidom; 5 bottles of Xuesha; 4 bottles of Nakajima Rika;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!