I Got Famous Making Cooking Livestreams In Space

Chapter 12: Hot Pot Preview


In the end, Lin Ning also failed to bathe the servant smoothly, because the servant was running around the whole room, and he really couldn't catch it. And at this time, the dried fish was ineffective, which really made him helpless.

Helpless, he was so tired after chasing the whole room that he had to put his hips on his hips, and reprimanded him: "Master, you really don't like to be clean. You stink, do you dare to smell it yourself!"

Facing this inferior aggressive method, the cat was unmoved, lying expressionlessly on a high place as steady as Mount Tai.


Lin Ning had no choice but to go to the bathroom to wash herself. Familiarize yourself with it for a few more days, and it will not be too late to wash it when the master is not so repulsive. Anyway, cats will lick their fur every day... Cats are small animals that love cleanliness, and they will definitely be allowed to take a bath after a few days.

Having said that, his servant is really powerful in fighting... As long as it doesn't want to, Lin Ning really has no way of catching it, not even touching its shadow. Lin Ning, who has good dance skills and good physical strength, was panting after chasing him, but the cat didn't blush or pant. It moved its nest quickly, and then calmly stared at him who was panting like a dog.

! ! !

"Okay, you're amazing." Lin Ning waved her hand, not arguing with her little ancestor, and went to the bathroom to take a shower by herself.

At night, Lin Ning went to the bedroom to turn on the Shining live broadcast to watch the feedback from netizens. As a qualified anchor, interacting with netizens is also a necessary link, first to increase fan stickiness, and second to understand your current position.

Check the message, there are all kinds of messages.

[Brother Lemon Kitchen, can you tell us where we can buy that kind of vegetable meat?]

[I'm sour, did my little brother only send out three servings of food? I have been squatting in the live broadcast room for a few days and have no chance...]

[Should the anchor consider me, as long as you give me a small portion of food, I can blow rainbow farts non-stop for ten days and ten nights! I can't do whatever I want, I'll praise you for being number one.]

[Upstairs is unnecessary, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha This year's netizen is too shaky. By the way, does my little brother really not consider selling food? I see that some local tyrants have already offered a reward, saying that if someone is lucky enough to get the food from Lemon Kitchen, he is willing to pay 100,000 yuan to buy it...]

[Upstairs you are out, it seems that this is just a local tycoon, my boss is one of the richest kids in the entire galaxy, I heard that their circle is betting on who can buy the next delicious food. I guess once the next round of food delivery comes out, they will spend a lot of money to buy ORZ from the lucky ones. After all, for most people, a free meal is far less than a sky-high resale fee...]

[It seems that I have finally caught up with the trend of the rich kids this time. I have never been able to understand the need for rich people to spend a lot of money. Now I really want to spend money on Little Brother Lemon and let him hurry up and make the food big. The special office was sold, and it was booming all over the stars...]

[Haha, it turns out that so many people are melon-eating people like me. A classmate of mine has a family with a small business, and he is quite familiar with the second generation of the rich and powerful in the entertainment industry. I heard that many second-generation people who are looking for freshness and excitement now regard getting lemon delicacies as the goal of showing off their wealth in the near future. I don't know what stimulated me.]

[What's so strange about this? Rare things are more expensive. If you want to flaunt your wealth status, you have to buy, buy, buy, especially the one-of-a-kind limited edition. Brother Lemon's food is really amazing. Isn't it a limited edition?]

[Speaking of which, it can be understood that Lemon Kitchen has released three delicacies in the universe?]

[Fuck, this is really a super limited edition, it's more exciting than luxury. If I were the rich second generation, I would buy my little brother home and eat delicious food in different ways every day!]

[Am I the only one thinking about making money? Whisper bb, if I am lucky enough to get delicious food, I will probably want to open an online auction, the highest bidder wins, and then send the address of the other party to my little brother, and send it directly to the buyer, and then I will wait for the food shop to open with a huge sum of money All over the universe, I will definitely be able to wait until the day when the price of food will be reduced and the food will be sold in a lifetime...]

[Fuck, it’s a good way to make a fortune, thank you, I learned it.]

Seeing this, Lin Ning couldn't help but chuckle. Are these netizens so cute? It seems that next time I still have to find a chance to give it away, otherwise netizens will be anxious.

So Lin Ning posted a post on her account in the live broadcast room.

[Lemon Chef: Thank you for your enthusiastic support. In order to give back to everyone, I will pick the top 30 from the reward list tonight to give away the next food—hot pot. Ten servings of hot pot. Note that the 30 servings of hot pot rewarded are meat and vegetable dishes, and the 30 servings in the hot comment area are vegan dishes.]

[Lemon Chef: Thank you for your support. It is not easy to prepare hot pot live broadcast. It will start at 9:00 am the day after tomorrow. At that time, I will broadcast live hot pot with various bases and set meals. You can choose. Tonight, I will announce the list of 60 winners. I hope that these 60 lucky fans can private message me in the background after seeing the news, and tell me the contact information, address and selected package in time after the live broadcast ends the day after tomorrow.]

[Lemon Kitchen: Fans of the reward category can choose hot pot set meals: beef and mutton vegetable platter set, beef vegetable and fruit set meal, mutton vegetable platter set, seafood and vegetable set meal...]

[Lemon Kitchen: Fans of hot reviews can choose hot pot set meals: green vegetable platter set, colorful vegetable platter set, fresh fruit and vegetable set...]

[Lemon Chef: Sixty fans are asked to indicate the flavor of the mandarin duck pot base, choose two, if you do not specify, they will be shipped randomly.]

[Lemon Chef: List of base ingredients: super invincible spicy pot base, clear soup base suitable for all ages, fungus soup base, sweet and sour tomato base.]

[Lemon Chef: Time is tight and the task is heavy. It is a big project to prepare food for 60 people. I will upload the list of 60 fans immediately. Please cooperate. Fans who did not win the prize will still have a chance in the future.]

[Lemon Kitchen: In addition, the qualification certificate of the national food supervision department and the third-party qualification certificate of Cloud Tasting can both prove that the food in the live broadcast room is safe and pollution-free. Pictured: National Food.jpg, Cloud Tasting.jpg.]

After Lin Ning posted the post, she summarized the list of the top 30 fans who gave rewards, and then summed up the list of 30 fans from the hot reviews, long reviews, and high-quality reviews, and posted another post.

[Lemon Little Chef: @星百第一公子哥@主门快看我不帮帮@不入帝学不姓王@我就想吃一吃@希望是我自己… Please check the dynamics carefully with the above sixty fans, at After the live broadcast at 9:00 the day after tomorrow, private message me according to the taste of the cloud. You have been set as special concern, don't miss it. If there are those who voluntarily give up the benefits, lucky fans will be re-selected in the live broadcast room to give gifts.]

After sending the message, Lin Ning jumped onto the bed contentedly, smiling heartily. Suddenly, he yelled madly at the living room: "Master! Master! Master!!!"

The cat was shocked, thinking that something happened, and ran over to check the situation. "Meow?"

Lin Ning smiled so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, her beautiful eyes seemed to hide countless stars, shining brightly. His smile is so contagious that even cats can't help being affected.

"Master, I'm going to turn against the wind!" Lin Ning laughed three times, hugging the pillow and rolling around contentedly. "You are going to be a rich cat soon, because your master is working hard to make money to support the family~ I will buy you small clothes, a cat climbing frame, and all kinds of good things for you, all of them!"

The cat squatted helplessly on the ground, surrounded its two front paws with its fluffy tail, sat upright and meticulous, just quietly watching the boy who claimed to be its owner roll happily on the bed, even showing his white and tender skin. Waist long legs do not know.

Earn money to support your family? Buy something for it

The cat quietly moved its eyes away from Lin Ning's slender waist, covering up the fleeting emotions in its eyes.

On the interstellar hot search rankings, several entries are rising at a speed of 100 meters, and they are gaining millions of attention every minute. And the comments are increasing at an explosive rate.

#柳小厨releases the list of hot pot gifts#

#What exactly is the hot pot package and base material#

#The day after tomorrow at nine o'clock's hot pot live#

#打欢粉丝pk hot review fans, which one is strong#

#The most popular netizen who can blow rainbow fart in the winning list#

#The most embarrassing and inhuman tipping netizen in the winning list#

Several trending searches are sprinting with an extremely violent momentum, which seems to be the rhythm of explosion. Among them, the most topical one is undoubtedly the comparison between hot commenters and rewarding netizens.

Many of the award-winning netizens have used 200% of their sand sculpture ability, literary skills, and funny talent. All the comments and winning comments selected by Lemon Kitchen are amazing. Netizens who did not win the lottery went to Shinyao live broadcast to watch and comment, and took screenshots of sand sculpture comments from popular netizens. Among them are those who wrote a thousand-character touching long comment, some asked the mother of a literature professor to help write a small poem, and some made people unforgettable with their sand sculpture and funny skills. .

[Holy shit, it's so sloppy, no wonder I can't win the prize, no wonder I can't let go!]

[Looking for help online, how can a literature professor mother help me write a long food review.]

[I actually read a food comment and saw tears in my eyes. This netizen who won the prize, tell me which school you want to go to, and everyone recommends admission.]

Not only that, but it is also very lively to reward netizens' hot searches. Because several Internet celebrities posted news on the interstellar account, forwarded Lemon Chef's winning list, and then said that they had won the prize.

What is shocking is that several of them are wealthy sons and daughters of famous families who are well-known in the interstellar world. And then look at the tipping list, the top 30 fans voted for a series of manned spaceships. A manned spaceship costs 1,000 interstellar coins, and 900 are voted for the first list, which is 900,000. And the 30th place at the bottom even invested as much as 500,000.

Many netizens discovered sharply that the [Fat Rabbit] who received a gift from Lemon Kitchen for the first time was also on the list of winning netizens, which means that she is the only one on the entire network who has received delicious food twice! ! !


Many netizens couldn't help but began to wonder what the origin of [Fat Rabbit] was. Some people began digging up [Fat Rabbit]'s account and found that it might be a trumpet. So they all speculated about the identity behind [Fat Rabbit], it is likely to be a certain son or daughter...

But tonight is really too lively, and the attention of netizens has been diverted again, eating melons until they are full. The tipping fans who won the lottery are all rich people, so naturally they wouldn’t sell hot pot, but there are still 30 hot commenting netizens, and about 20 of them chose to resell again, and publicly checked on their StarCraft account Identity, indicating that interested parties can negotiate privately, and they will directly send the buyer's information to Lemon Kitchen, so that Lemon Kitchen will ship directly to the buyer.

and! Someone actually bought it!

After the twenty or so people whose identities were disclosed sent messages, countless buyers poked them privately. A few minutes later, the winners of the hot review category posted news one after another, saying that they had been sold, so don't poke any more.

Some netizens cried and said that they bid 50,000 people to win the prize. Netizens said that it was too little, and they really don't know how high the final transaction price was.


# Local tyrants buy hot pot screenshots at sky-high prices #

Soon, several hot searches rose again. It turned out that several boys and girls in the entertainment industry and rich circle sent various screenshots, all of which were bought at high prices from the winners. The interstellar accounts are all real-name, and there is no fear of whoever takes the money and does nothing, because the police will touch them in an instant to resolve the dispute, so they pay the money very happily.

Netizens who are poor and non-emirati are really sour.

Can you get rich by watching live food? ! ! ! ! The real transaction price is probably around hundreds of thousands, and there must be some really cheap accumulative bids that fetch sky-high prices... For netizens in small cities, this money is enough to live on for many years.

Sour, really sour. The rewards are not as good as the rich ones, and the comments are still impressed by the talents of the winners. I am really envious and jealous to the sky.

Excited netizens couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and they were already wondering what kind of food this hot pot was, and Lin Ning was willing to give away 60 copies, and it was so generous.

Some bigwigs rummaged through the books and started a long science popularization and in-depth analysis after combining the dynamics of Lemon Chef. There are also talented netizens who began to draw pictures to guess what it looks like, whether it has a good color and fragrance.

At this time, Rong Xinxin looked at the list of winners and happily posted a post in her group. This small group is a group in their circle, only a few rich children and daughters, those who usually get along well.

Rabbit obediently: I won the lottery again, everyone, how many of you have won

Soon the group became active, and several people posted screenshots one after another.

Rabbit obediently: My mother told me to bring a copy, it seems that I successfully completed the task.

Sakuracho: Damn, my grandma read Aunt Rong’s Moments, and said that she wanted to eat Lemon Chef once. She is old, and the family members follow her wishes and entrust this important task to me. I also successfully completed the task!

Racing No Flute: Come on, Rong Xinxin, you have advertised Shiny Live and Lemon Kitchen for nothing, and now they have become popular all over the Internet, and you have contributed a lot.

Rabbit obediently: Hee hee, didn't you post a post to promote it? It's all so delicious!

At the same time, countless people rang up the customer service phone of Shining Live, asking for personal information about Lemon Chef.

Various nutrition companies, advertising companies, gourmet buyers, and curious netizens are all curious about one thing:

Who is Lemon Chef? How can we cooperate with him? !

The boss of the company looked at the ringing phone, wiped the sweat off his bald head, and said in his heart that I don't know either. He just hung up a call. It was a friend of a rich man. He heard that the other party's wife and daughter were arguing and begging him to buy a hot pot. The rich man himself was also very curious, saying that the price doesn't matter, as long as he can get a winning spot.

! ! !

As the platform boss of Lemon Kitchen, he doesn't even have a place!

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support.

If there are enough collections, I will enter v as soon as possible, and then try to update.

However, it has not been entered yet, and the number of words may be controlled for the sake of the list.
