I Got Famous Making Cooking Livestreams In Space

Chapter 39: The actor comes home


Lin Ning was stunned by this turn of events, her heart was pounding and her face was blushing. He is now being held in Li Chengyan's arms. Although both of them are wearing pajamas, they are really light and silky styles.

The dark room, the big soft bed, the intertwined warm breath, and the two people hugging each other almost completely... No matter how you say it, this is a bit too ambiguous. Lin Ning moved her body slightly, trying to free herself from this strong embrace, holding her breath and trying hard for a long time, but to no avail. In the end, he was exhausted and paralyzed into a salted fish, wheezing, panting, and sweating all over his body.

With Li Chengyan's strength against the heavens, he can't move at all! Isn't this really a mechanical arm? ! !

Lin Ning was so tired that she doubted that she had no strength to do anything in her life, so she had to calm down and calm down. Calm down, calm down, didn't you just accidentally slept in the same bed with His Royal Highness the Marshal? It's no big deal, there's nothing between them.

Lin Ning didn't move, only her beating heart showed the master's mood in the dark room. Although he is already in his twenties, it doesn't mean that he has much experience in this field.

The system was very surprised by Lin Ning's reaction, and said very puzzled: [Host, you are in your twenties, calm down, small scene.]

Lin Ning: [... That's really embarrassing, I haven't been in love with anyone in two lifetimes, let alone such a scene.]

The system's shocked face: [! ! !]What did it hear

Lin Ning silently explained: [Don't be so surprised, well, if I were heterosexual, I definitely wouldn't delay talking until now. People in the small town where I grew up were not very open. If I fell in love with a boy, the gossip would spread to the sky at once, and I guess my dad would want to take my skin off.]

The system became interested, and asked with bright eyes: [Let's not talk about it, let's talk about it, you must have liked boys when you grew up, how many are there, and are they handsome?]

Lin Ning replied with dead fish eyes: [Don't ask, if you ask, you don't have it.]

The system cried and begged Lin Ning to talk more, but Lin Ning refused, but she became more and more relaxed in the process of talking nonsense with the system, and her mood gradually calmed down. Three minutes later, Lin Ning's mentality was completely stable like an old dog. Lin Ning couldn't help but turned her gaze to Li Chengyan, lowered her head slightly, her lips accidentally brushed against Li Chengyan's eyebrows, and the thin eyelashes ran across her lips, bringing a hint of itching.

However, Li Chengyan's condition is getting worse and worse. His forehead was pressed against Lin Ning's cheek, and his breath sprayed on Lin Ning's neck. Big drops of sweat rolled down the skin and fell on Lin Ning's neck, causing a slight pain. Sticky feeling.

Lin Ning couldn't help but bit her lip lightly, realizing that this was probably a well-known power riot in Interstellar. I have only heard about it all the time, and it is the first time I face it so intuitively that I know how painful it is. The scene of His Highness the Marshal's supernatural riot in that movie seemed to come back before his eyes, and that face overlapped with the man holding him.

With an idea, Lin Ning tried to mobilize the plant's ability to all parts of her body, and then released it, manipulating the ability to wrap Li Chengyan's body. The light green light gradually enveloped the two of them, and the plant abilities on their bodies also disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Ning's brows gradually frowned, and the system knew it was not the time to play around, so it quickly fell silent.

The high-intensity plant power healing lasted for about an hour, and Lin Ning finally collapsed from exhaustion, and there was no place in her body that was not sweating. After stopping the transmission of the power, Lin Ning observed Li Chengyan's state. The other party had fallen asleep peacefully, breathing smoothly and the sweat had faded away. He was relieved and ready to leave.

Withdrew her body, Lin Ning found that she still couldn't move. But maintaining one movement for a long time is too much for his body, half of his body is numb now.

The system quietly reminded: [I'm afraid you are not a fool, host, you are just a pile of data now, as long as you exit the video chat, and the holographic image disappears, you will go back, what is the effort.]

After Lin Xiaozi Ning heard this, he was deeply shocked by his IQ: [Ahem, this is not my problem. I just came to StarCraft not long ago, and I am not used to these too high-tech things. ] After finishing speaking, he summoned the optical computer, tapped the exit button of the video call, and exited with one click.

Taking a last look at Li Chengyan, the other party closed his eyes and breathed lightly, and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. Lin Ning's body turned into a ball of light and shadow, and she opened her eyes and returned to her bedroom.

Not long after he left, the man lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the empty embrace and fell into thought. Raising his hand slightly, he realized that the hug just now was real when he saw slender fingers instead of cat's claws.

It was late at night, and she had consumed a lot of abilities just now. She was really sleepy, so Lin Ning simply took a hot bath and fell asleep. Although his mind was still in a mess, he couldn't wait to see Duke Zhou for tea, so he fell asleep almost as soon as he touched his pillow, which was unbelievably fast.

When Lin Ning woke up the next day, she couldn't help but think about what happened last night, and then she was stunned for a moment. Fortunately, he and Li Chengyan didn't have many chances to meet each other, which avoided embarrassment for both parties. Probably when they meet next time, Li Chengyan won't remember. After all, he was having a supernatural riot at that time, so he might just think that he was hallucinating.

Thinking of this, Lin Ning was stunned.

Wait, video calls have call records! ... It seems wrong, he called the owner, the record should be in the owner's small optical brain, there is no one in the world who specifically checks a cat's optical brain, right? But why wasn't the servant in Li Chengyan's bedroom when the phone was connected


Lin Ning was deeply confused, but before he was puzzled for too long, the optical brain rang again, and he hurried to check.

[Zhang Yiming]: [I'm downstairs.]

The fewer the words, the bigger the matter. After a chaotic night, Lin Ning finally remembered what she had forgotten. He and the actor made an appointment to meet today! ! !

Before he could put on his slippers, he hurried to the balcony and took a look downstairs. He saw a man wearing black sunglasses and a mask getting out of a luxury car. He raised his head as if feeling something, and met Lin Ning's eyes. Then Zhang Yiming waved his hand and seemed to be smiling.

Zhang Yiming came to him to pick up food once before, so he actually knew where his home was. A few days earlier, Lin Ning had said that she would personally come to pick him up to sign the variety show contract at the company, but Lin Ning only took him as a joke, after all, she knew with her toes that Zhang Yiming, the film king, could not be so free. I didn't expect the other party to come when I woke up early in the morning.

Lin Ning took out her optical brain and typed a few words. She wanted Zhang Yiming to wait for him for ten minutes, but felt it was wrong, so she erased the sentence and the floor number and resent: [Thank you for coming to pick me up. But in case the paparazzi finds out that there is another scandal, you come up and wait for me, I'll be fine right away.]

Seeing Zhang Yiming waving at him after seeing the news and approaching the building, Lin Ning hurriedly packed up. After getting dressed and hearing a knock on the door, Lin Ning went to open the door again.

The moment Lin Ning saw Zhang Yiming, she immediately felt the aesthetic gap between the actor and ordinary people.

Zhang Yiming is very handsome, the kind of handsome that can't be faulted on the big screen, and the handsome who is sought after by the top star directors. A white suit makes the whole person elegant and handsome, and everything on his body is exquisite to the details. The moment he took off his sunglasses, he revealed a pair of smiling phoenix eyes, with a gentle temperament, modest and polite.

Lin Ning praised the actor's aesthetics in her heart, and gave up her seat to let Zhang Yiming in, saying, "Come in, please."

The moment Zhang Yiming entered the door, he saw a touch of red eye-catching from the corner of his eye. He narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly and looked over. He saw the roses on the balcony were in full bloom, and there were many green plants and flowers that he had never seen before. As soon as you enter the door, the fragrance of flowers hits you, and you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery. The reason why he recognized roses at a glance was purely because the National Plant Breeding Center put a picture of roses on its account.

Lin Ning thought that she was not an idol anyway, her image was just floating clouds, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned, and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm going to wash up first, you sit down first, I'll be fine in a few minutes."

Zhang Yiming smiled slightly, sat on the sofa and nodded. "Take your time, don't rush."

Lin Ning finished washing with flying speed, and tidied herself up in minutes. When standing in front of Zhang Yiming again, he was fully dressed and fully awake.

Lin Ning looked at the time and said, "I'm fine, let's go?"

Zhang Yiming looked away from the roses, looked up and saw Lin Ning's slightly wrinkled clothes and slightly curled hair, and frowned almost invisibly.

Lin Ning:

Zhang Yiming raised his eyebrows and said jokingly, "Are you sure you want to dress like this and follow me to the entertainment company?"

Lin Ning looked down at her clothes. A white casual T-shirt with black shorts, and a pair of sneakers on his feet. Except that the clothes are a bit old, they feel okay. After examining himself, he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and then looked at Zhang Yiming with a puzzled face. The look of being clearly dressed badly but not aware of it seemed a bit cute and youthful.

Zhang Yiming shook his head, stood up and said with a smile: "Why didn't I realize that you are a fashion disaster before. Would you like to invite me to take a look in your closet? After all, we are going to Starlight Entertainment today, where gossip reporters are everywhere, you must It will be photographed."

It was only then that Lin Ning belatedly remembered that she used to be an idol, and the idol's clothes must be very elegant, and it was absolutely impossible for her to go out in crumpled clothes like herself. He nodded, and pushed open the bedroom door with a little distress. "Oh, I really didn't pay attention, so please help me choose one, I'm really not good at this."

When the two approached the bedroom, Lin Ning opened the closet. There were two neatly packed clothes in two closets. There were all kinds of styles and major brands, all of which were left by the original body.

Zhang Yiming's slender and fair fingers slid across the hangers one by one, his eyes quickly scanned the rows of clothes, he picked out a few clothes and handed them to Lin Ning, and said, "Put this on first. Some brands of clothes should not be worn casually, even temporarily Be careful even if you leave the entertainment industry."

Lin Ning looked at it, and her eyes really brightened, she admired the actor's aesthetics really online, and nodded seriously in agreement.

Afterwards, Zhang Yiming took out a few more clothes and said, "You don't want to wear these other clothes anymore. A while ago, the president of Erhe brand was imprisoned for an extremely bad criminal case, and the whole people are boycotting this brand. The brand Lophia has also gotten a bad reputation recently, almost no one in the entertainment industry dares to wear their clothes anymore."

Lin Ning: "!!!" Are you so particular

Zhang Yiming's eyes gradually became a little deeper: "I have to wonder whether you have really been in the entertainment industry for a few years, so you are so insensitive to these things, or you really don't care at all."

Lin Ning was eager to survive, and explained: "Didn't I change my career to be an anchor? I was short of money a while ago, thinking that if I couldn't make it through, I would sell the big-name clothes and pay back the money. Haha. Long time no I paid attention to these things in the entertainment industry, but I didn’t care. Thank you for reminding me, I won’t wear these clothes again.”

Zhang Yiming smiled warmly, turned around and walked out of the bedroom to let Lin Ning change clothes. The moment the door was closed, there was an arc of unknown meaning on his mouth, which was fleeting.

Just now, he found the cat litter in Lin Ning's bedroom. The smell of cats in the air has faded, which indicates that the cat has been away from here for several days. Although the scent left by this cat is light but has a strong sense of presence, it silently releases a strong territorial signal.

It's really... possessive to the extreme.

Lin Ning changed her clothes one by one, opened the door and left.

Zhang Yiming heard the sound and looked, and saw that the handsome and beautiful young man's whole demeanor changed after he changed his clothes. The well-cut clothes were so new that there was no wrinkle on top and bottom, which made the young man's delicate eyebrows even more amazing. Although it can't be said that the stage effect is as meticulous as in the past, it still makes people feel at a glance that he is a noble young master who has been smudged by generations of glory from a scholarly family.

It is true that a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle.

Starlight Entertainment is in the city center, and the two quickly arrived downstairs in the building. After parking the car, both of them got out of the car wearing sunglasses and black masks, and walked into the building side by side.

The two entered the top floor unimpeded all the way, Zhang Yiming took off his mask and sunglasses, and Lin Ning followed along and heard countless "Hello, Mr. Zhang", "Good morning, Mr. Zhang" and other respectful greetings. Among them are several big stars who are popular in the stars, and they are also polite and polite in front of Zhang Yiming, with a good attitude.

Of course, Lin Ning did not take off her mask and sunglasses, which seemed too eye-catching beside Zhang Yiming.

Ever since, everyone in Starlight Entertainment this morning was speculating on a question: Who is that young man following Mr. Zhang? Which potential stock will the company sign again? Judging by Mr. Zhang's attitude towards the other party, is it possible that the company is about to produce another actor or top star? ?

The small stars in the company who heard the news felt that the competition was becoming more and more fierce, while the big names and superstars had already inquired about it through various channels.

There are so many celebrities in Starlight Entertainment, and none of them dared to wear sunglasses under Zhang Yiming's nose. Who doesn't know that Starlight Entertainment is Zhang's property, and Zhang's behemoths are by no means comparable to some of their stars, and they can't even line up if they are vying for curry favor. Although the biggest boss in the company is surnamed Rong, anyone with a discerning eye knows who is the most important one.