I Got Famous Making Cooking Livestreams In Space

Chapter 51: First visit


Liu Yue came to the Marshal's Mansion at noon. When passing by Dean Cheng's house next to him, he saw Mr. Cheng happily boarding the small spaceship, as if he was going to the National Plant Cultivation Center.

Every step of the research progress reported by the cultivation center also has news from the army, so Liu Yue knows that this is a great progress in the study of ancient earth biology. I believe that in the near future, they will soon be able to realize the freedom of food in the whole interstellar. But... Mr. Lin Ning's food is really delicious. It's a pity that since Lin Ning moved into the Marshal's Mansion, he never had the chance to eat again. He had the opportunity to eat a few times at Lin Ning's house before.

After entering the Marshal's Mansion, he greeted the housekeeper and went straight to the study. He has been here countless times, and he can walk right with his eyes closed. However, before he could knock on the door, Li Chengyan's cold voice came from the door.

"Come in, the door is open."

Liu Yue pushed the door open and entered. As soon as he entered the door, he was attracted by a lush green vine. Although he has seen all kinds of green plants from Lin Ning many times, he was still surprised at first glance.

Li Chengyan was looking at the document, and asked while reading, "How is Luo Youzhi doing recently?"

Liu Yue stood still, with a straight posture, serious expression, and worried eyes: "Your Highness, Luo Youzhi is going out today, and the destination is to go to the crew. He is ambitious, and now Lin Ning's identity is known to the world. The various forces investigating him basically know that he is being protected by you, so they dare not do anything for a while. I think Luo Youzhi also wants to win Lin Ning over. If he can't win him over, I'm afraid he will choose to destroy him completely... "

Li Chengyan's hand holding the pen paused slightly, his face darkened, and he said, "Luo Youzhi must solve it, you will follow me to Lin Ning's recording site later."

Liu Yue said with some concern: "Yesterday you only consumed a lot of abilities when performing the mission, today..."

The man raised his eyes as deep as a cold pool, and fixedly looked at the sky outside the window. After a long time, he said softly:

"Lin Ning's plant ability has the ability to heal, although it will be less effective for people like me who have almost developed the ability to the extreme, but for those with low levels of ability, it is tantamount to a big deal good news."

"Liu Yue, we can't lose him."

Liu Yue bit his lip and said, "Your Highness, has your memory recovered a bit?"

Li Chengyan shook his head: "Someone in the upper echelon of the military has already begun to doubt me."

Liu Yue nodded: "It's almost impossible to hide it. You have been in contact with too many affairs recently, and you have met too many high-level officials. They have some evidence to accuse you. One is that your supernatural riot has affected your health. I'm afraid It is not suitable for the position of marshal; second, they suspect that you may have memory problems. At the beginning, the information of the Sixth Hospital was leaked, and the congestion in your brain when you were sent to the hospital was suspected by the attending doctor to affect your memory. I am afraid they will use these two accuse you."

Li Chengyan pulled his thin lips coldly, and smiled with no warmth. He picked up the clothes beside him, turned and left the study: "Let's go, time waits for no one."

Liu Yue walked out of the study, and when he passed by Lin Ning's room, he turned his head and took a deep look. The door was closed tightly, and the silence was unusual.

But there was a bad premonition in his heart clamoring, making it difficult for him to calm down, and his heart was restless. It was as if a storm was about to turn everything upside down.

After finishing the morning recording and resting for a while, Lin Ning entered the dressing room a little nervously. The director team arranged a separate dressing room for him, in which a makeup artist was playing with some cosmetics, Lin Ning hurriedly scanned, and saw that the dressing table was full of all kinds of high-end cosmetics, and there was a smell in the room. Very light perfume smell, very nice smell.

The makeup artist is a woman who looks very cold and reticent. The woman greeted him as soon as she saw him, but she looked a little cold.

A bodyguard followed Lin Ning into the makeup artist, while others waited outside.

Lin Ning didn't care, she returned a smile and calmed down, waiting for the makeup artist to apply makeup to him. Sitting quietly in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but wonder what he would look like after putting on heavy makeup.

Lin Ning complained to the system: [Will it look like a coquettish slut after it is melted?]

The system is still very confident in Lin Ning's appearance, and encouraged: [I don't know if you are a coquettish bitch, but I know that after the show is broadcast, you will become the dream lover of countless men and women. Trust me, you are definitely charming. Leprechaun.]

Lin Ning: [... You praised me for being beautiful in women's clothing, I really appreciate your praise.]

The woman stretched out her hand, stroked Lin Ning's hair with her pale fingertips, and looked at Lin Ning's face carefully. The skin is smooth and tender, without dark spots, and the facial features are delicate and beautiful, almost impeccable. She nodded with satisfaction, and said to Lin Ning: "The director told me to make you look like a real beautiful bride. Your background is very good, and you are completely competent. What do you think?"

Many male artists don't like to be made too feminine, so they often ask makeup artists to make them more neutral, which is very difficult. She has been in this industry for a long time, and she has already grasped the rules here.

Lin Ning sighed helplessly in her heart, and said, "Just follow the director's request."

There was a glimmer of appreciation in the woman's eyes, and the room soon became quiet, except for the woman's voice occasionally telling Lin Ning to open and close her eyes.

Today is Lin Ning and Zhang Yiming acting as a pair of newlyweds in ancient times. Although it is a small theater, the scenery and costumes are still very antique. Su Xiaoxun and the others finished their makeup first, and came out a few minutes early, looking for feelings for the scene.

Zhang Yiming sat quietly on the stool and read the script, with lowered eyebrows and eyes, looking gentle and handsome, as if he had already integrated into the world of the script. He was wearing a red groom's attire, with black hair hanging down his back, and he looked handsome and handsome.

The crew members watching by the side had pink bubbles in their eyes.

Suddenly the man raised his eyes and fixed his gaze outside the window. When he sensed that something powerful was approaching, the man's pupils shrank suddenly. He stood up with a half-smile on his face, looking a little cold and a little excited.

After Zhang Yiming, several people in this room also seemed to feel the unusual atmosphere, and stood up one by one.

Xu Ranzhi raised his chin and spoke first, "I'm not surprised that such a powerful riot carrier rushed here."

Qin Zuishu looked at the direction of Lin Ning's dressing room worriedly, and frowned worriedly: "I'll go to Lin Ning's side to see, I'm a little worried."

Su Xiaoxun hurriedly said, "I'll go too!"

They are all animal ability carriers, and they have a strong sense of this powerful ability riot. Generally speaking, this kind of powerful supernatural riot is accompanied by terrible sequelae, and it is also in an extremely dangerous period, so we must be particularly vigilant.

But which supernatural rioter would come here

Rong Xinxin walked over, looked at Zhang Yiming, and asked with concern in his eyes, "Should we call the police?"

"No need to call the police." Zhang Yiming snorted coldly in his heart, already guessing the identity of the visitor. The man thought to himself: Should the police be used to control the marshal? This is no longer a joke.

At this moment, a sound of opening the door caught everyone's attention, and then a red figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Lin Ning, wearing a phoenix crown on her head and a scarf on her shoulders, came in style. Three thousand blue silks were twisted into an exquisite flowing cloud bun, and the jet-black black hair made her fair face like a peach blossom, her eyebrows like a distant black, her eyes like stars, her red lips and bright teeth, she was all over the country. A wedding gown woven with top-quality brocade was like a billowing flame, instantly astonishing the whole time. Although it is compared to the appearance of a beautiful lady, Lin Ning does not show a trace of coquettishness and weakness. Instead, she has a cool demeanor, with her own elegance and calmness as loose as bamboo.

Everyone stood there dumbfounded. This group of people who were used to seeing the top beauties in the entertainment industry were also shocked by Lin Ning's beauty, and for a while they forgot what happened just now.

Lin Ning frowned slightly with some self-doubt, and said in a cold female voice: "Why do I still find it very strange... Sure enough, Xiao Xun should be allowed to play the bride."

When Su Xiaoxun heard this, she couldn't help but burst into tears, and quickly comforted her: "Don't, Lin Ning, you really have completely mastered this makeup, I am ashamed of myself. And your voice is also very good, I believe this is the best s arrangement!"

Zhang Yiming also showed a slight smile, with a little doting and amazement in his deep eyes. He nodded and echoed, "I knew this suit was very suitable for you, and it was as expected."

The female makeup artist followed Lin Ning out, and looked at Zhang Yiming inadvertently, her eyes flickered slightly, with a hint of coldness.

Heh, dog man, he put so much effort into arranging this show, and let him dress up as a woman, so he just fell in love with him, hmph.

Liu Yue stopped the car on the side of the road and stopped moving forward. There are many entertainment news in front, it is very troublesome to be photographed, there is no need to go into the muddy water at this time. He looked back through the rearview mirror and said, "Your Highness, I'll be waiting for you outside. If you have anything to do, please contact the bodyguards and me at any time, and I will be on call."

Li Chengyan just nodded slightly, and then his body shrank instantly into a large Siberian forest cat. The cat's hair is fluffy all over its body, and its cat face looks a bit fierce. It has a very good appearance and looks very serious. It stretched out its cat's paw and pressed it, and the car window slowly rolled down.

The cat jumped a few times easily and disappeared from Liu Yue's sight in an instant.

Liu Yue found a place to park, and then went to the recording building in disguise. There were many entertainment journalists and fans outside, but Liu Yue noticed the luxury car outside at a glance.

The young man in the car wore a mask and sunglasses, and the brim of his hat was also pressed down very low. After rolling down the window, he handed a certificate to the staff, and then slowly drove the car into the door.

Liu Yue has a good memory and almost never forgets it. Although the other party covered him tightly, he still recognized the young man's identity at a glance - Zhang Zhining. This person often appeared by Lin Ning's side, and he even had a live broadcast with him. He had an impression.

To avoid misunderstanding, Liu Yue took out his optical brain and sent a message to Li Chengyan.

The cat lightly passed multiple detection and monitoring, and entered the building as easily as if no one was in the land. Looking for Lin Ning's supernatural fluctuations, the cat successfully found the stage where the show was being recorded. It paced back and forth in the background, finding an absolutely hidden place.

Zhang Zhining came to visit the class, greeted the staff and went backstage to watch the recording. But the strong aura of supernatural violence in the air made it difficult for him to calm down. He looked around, but no one else seemed to notice. Only when the power level is high enough can one feel a strong power riot. He looked around, but couldn't determine the direction of the supernatural riot.

When the music started on the stage, everyone's eyes were drawn to it. The Hou Mansion compound formed by the holographic image is very real, and the people coming and going are full of fireworks.

The prosperous and wealthy Hou's family is having a happy event today, hosting countless dignitaries and dignitaries in the capital. Red lanterns are hung high in the entire Hou's mansion, and the sound of firecrackers is heard, making it lively and lively.

When the screen changed, the atmosphere in an elegant bedroom was unusual. The cold woman in the wedding gown has an elegant demeanor, with a phoenix crown and xiapei, fair skin like snow, and watery eyes like ink, she is all over the country and the city. The woman was comforting one person in a low voice, her voice was as cold as jade hitting each other, and like glass beads falling to the ground, it was very pleasant to hear.

The cat narrowed its black eyes and quietly looked at Lin Ning who was wearing a wedding dress on the stage.

It was the time of the newlyweds, but there was a beautiful middle-aged woman crying in the room. She pulled the bride and cried: "My dear daughter, tell A Niang what the hell is going on? Although the man in the Hou family is a legitimate son, he has a disability. If you really marry him, your life will be over!"

The cold woman couldn't bear it, and finally approached the middle-aged beautiful woman to whisper a few words, but she saw the beautiful woman was terrified and shouted for crimes.

At the auspicious time, the bride sat on the sedan chair and headed for the Hou Mansion with drums and gongs all the way.

The meritorious service of the three generations of the Hou Mansion is a famous family, and the banquet was set up in the whole street, attracting countless people to come to congratulate. With just a glance, you can see crystal powder with minced cabbage and meat, steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaf, elbow with soy sauce, fungus and lotus seed soup...it makes everyone drool.

Only then did the audience suddenly realize that the wedding banquet could be so exquisite and extravagant.

The screen turned again, and a road of chariots and horses in the capital had already rushed towards the Hou's mansion. The leading man was quite handsome, and he was the son of a wealthy businessman Xu Ranzhi pretended to be. He rushed into the Hou Mansion all the way, his eyes full of worry, trying to save his sweetheart from this place of right and wrong.

The Hou Mansion was invaded by uninvited guests, and the guests talked a lot.

The groom, who was paying homage to the bride, was sitting in a wheelchair, looking coldly at the passer-by, although he smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Gentle and handsome, the son is like jade, he is the son of the Hou family played by Zhang Yiming.

The cat moved its ears, and suddenly stopped looking at Lin Ning, and stared at a corner of the stage with cold eyes. At the same time, a powerful and shocking ability swept across the entire building, warning people not to act rashly.

Luo Youzhi froze his body, not daring to get close to Lin Ning, almost revealing his tail under the pressure of this powerful supernatural power.

At the same time, Lin Ning, Zhang Yiming, Xu Ranzhi and other people who were performing on the stage who could perceive the supernatural power were taken aback, surprised by this powerful and warning supernatural power.

Zhang Yiming continued acting without changing his face, but his smile seemed a little colder. Xu Ranzhi sneered, and his posture of grabbing a marriage was even more full.

Lin Ning's face was covered by the red hijab, and she was beyond shocked. This, isn't this the master's ability! ! ! Li Chengyan actually came here? !

The leading actors on the stage have their own concerns, but the audience in the audience didn't realize it at all. They were immersed in the beautiful holographic projection of the small theater, all kinds of delicacy of the wedding banquet, and the superb appearance of the leading actors.

The cat quietly approached Luo Youzhi, between Lin Ning and him. It stared at Luo Youzhi in a corner where everyone couldn't notice, and there was no trace of emotion in its cold and frightening vertical pupils.

The cat opened its mouth, and said in a cold and unkind tone, "I have already warned you not to approach him."

Luo You was terrified, couldn't help taking a step back, but still insisted and said: "It's just a little lover, I'll follow and see what's the matter, is it possible that His Royal Highness Marshal really wants to fight against the Luo family because of him?" ?”

The cat's eyes became darker, and a violent storm was brewing in the vertical pupils.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Youzhi was terrified, but he must not be found here, so he instantly turned into a white snake and was about to run away.

The cat shot out swiftly, holding the white snake's seven inches tightly in a blink of an eye, and beat the white snake with a thick forearm miserably with two or three blows, with injuries all over its body.

"I told you not to think of him. It seems that you really don't have a long memory, huh?"