I Got Famous Making Cooking Livestreams In Space

Chapter 58: Intense bidding


The news of the first food auction of "Gourmet Road" has been on the hot search before. It has been warmed up for a long time, and the popularity finally reached its peak on the day of its opening.

The program team has not disclosed the finished products of Lemon Kitchen in the first episode, just to maintain the sense of mystery, in order to really reach the level of attention on the day of the auction, and the curiosity of thousands of netizens has indeed reached its peak. They squatted on the hot search list early, one is that they can chat with foodies who are also fans of Lemon Kitchen, and the other is that the hot search has a real-time live broadcast of this auction.

Although people have long accepted the established fact that Lemon Chef is Lin Ning, Lin Ning has indeed appeared in front of the screen frequently, but as a food anchor, Lemon Chef has never shown his face in the live broadcast room, and netizens are eager to Seeing him show his face cooking food, this picture is very exciting just thinking about it. Open the hot search list, the first place seems to be this much-anticipated auction, and the comments and reposts below have exploded:

#Lemon Little Kitchen Variety Show First Meal Auction Live#

[I love lemons]: [Ah, I really want to buy Brother Lemon's delicious food, but I can't even get a live ticket for the auction! People who can get tickets are either rich or expensive, but I can only watch online. I have a hunch that today will be a fierce duel between rich people, woo woo woo—exciting.]

[Ningning married me]: [I'm really blowing up Lin Ning, I love him! The final auction money of this auction will be donated to the impoverished planet. As a humble cub of an interstellar impoverished planet, I am really excited to see this news. Best wishes to the best Lemon in the world!]

[I've covered all of these]: [Hey hey, I got the admission ticket, as shown in the picture. Although I am sitting in a remote corner, I am super excited at the moment, even if I can only photograph a small fruit, I will try to photograph one.]

[Miss Coco]: [I swear that this will be a big-spending auction. I go to a famous art college in the capital, and my classmates are rich and powerful. As far as I know, the wealthy circle is very impressed by this auction. Interested, and successfully obtained admission tickets. Although online bidding is also possible, getting tickets on the spot is considered a great deal.]

[I want to fly]: [Hahaha Of course, whoever takes a photo of even one dish will be famous across the stars in an instant. What is more is a recent frenzy. This is probably as exciting as buying an all-star limited edition collectible mecha.]

[Let me be healthy]: [Everyone, it's ten o'clock, the auction has started, hurry up and watch the live broadcast!]

Just when everyone was getting lost in the conversation, there was a comment below reminding everyone to watch the live broadcast. People woke up and clicked into the live broadcast room one after another. The huge auction hall was decorated as magnificently as a palace. The rich young men in suits and leather shoes and the ladies in costumes were already seated. The waiters shuttled among them, and the elegant and melodious music slowly flowed out from the orchestra. The host also walked to the stage step by step.

The auction will be held in another city on the main planet. Economic development is the main force among major cities in the interstellar world. Casinos and tourism are extremely developed, and the degree of prosperity is not inferior to that of the capital. Whenever people mention this place, people’s impression is——he is really meow rich. And this auction has indeed confirmed this point.

The live camera slowly filmed the audience, and the faces of the guests clearly appeared on the live screen. Many of the guests on the first floor are rich second-generation and industry elites named by netizens, and there are many celebrities in the first row. The camera turned to the upstairs, where the rich people in the box were talking and laughing happily, almost all of them had their names on the rich list.

Netizens were shocked, eating melons was a joy, and some people had already started counting the backgrounds and names of the guests one by one, preparing to make an inhuman guest list. Although they can't afford it, who doesn't like to watch gods fight and rich people bid for it? It's so cool, isn't it! ! !

Lin Ning gnawed an apple in one hand, and slid on the optical computer with the other. The host had already started speaking, and the electronic list of items for this auction had appeared in the hands of the guests, and the live broadcast screen also specially gave a close-up of the list.

Lin Ning continued to read silently: the delicacies in the e-auction list are divided into Chinese and Western parts. There are ginger and spring onion rice cake fried meat crab, golden garlic vermicelli Dalian abalone, lotus leaf glutinous rice steamed pork ribs, cabbage minced meat crystal powder... A series of Lin Ning made Great food.

Lin Ning poked the system in her mind and said: [System, I think the auction price in a while may be so high that I stare out my eyes.]

The system checked the value and background of the guest, and imitated the sound of human beings, and replied: [Host, you are completely popular, not only in the entertainment circle and hot search list, but also by rich people and military and political circles. People pay attention to it, do you know how many people can't ask for it? !]

Lin Ning, who originally only wanted to be a salted fish: [...it seems very powerful, tell me who is here. I saw Zhang Yiming, and there are quite a few celebrities, others really don't know much about them.]

After comprehensively compiling the list compiled by netizens, the system said: [As far as you know, Zhang Zhining is present, Xu Ranzhi is in a box upstairs, and Rong Xinxin will give a speech with the film king later... It can be said that this auction will be full of celebrities, and there are many rich people Like a dog. Of course, I think it might be the two people who shocked you the most. Liu Yue and Luo Youzhi were present, but in the box.]

Lin Ning:? ?

Rubbing her hair in bewilderment, Lin Ning asked: [Hmm... It's not surprising that Luo Youzhi was there, but what is Liu Yue going to do, he can tell me if he wants to eat, after all, I am always taken care of by him, spend time It's not worth buying food at this sky-high price.]

Lin Ning is probably the only person in the world who says that her things are not worth buying at exorbitant prices. Anyway, the system has begun to doubt life, and can't help but turn up the volume: [My dearest host, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid?]

Lin Ning's indifferent face: [You're stupid... Liu Yue should have gone to supervise Luo Youzhi, that's right!]

System: [Alright, you are good-looking and you are right.]

The auction has already started. This auction adopts the cross-auction method of Chinese and Western food. The first auction is steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaves. A holographic projection appeared in front of the netizens. The meaty aroma of pork ribs and the fragrance of lotus leaves blended together, steaming hot, forming a wonderful fragrance that tantalizes greedy insects. Just looking at it, you will feel your stomach is empty, and you will scream .

The host looked at everyone staring at the food, showed a satisfied smile, and said: "This dish is called steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaves, and this is the first dish Lemon Chef made on "Gourmet Road" , we chose to use it as the first auction item. Guests and friends watching the live broadcast can taste the holographic food in front of them before deciding whether to start the auction, but I believe everyone already has the answer in their hearts."

The guests, who have always been proud and reserved, came here for Lin Ning. At this moment, they all picked up the dishes and tasted it. They lightly took a bite of the pork ribs. The meat was delicious and the taste was excellent. With the ultimate enjoyment, there is always a faint lotus leaf fragrance lingering at the tip of the nose, which makes people want to stop after just one sip.

! ! !

The guests and netizens were all shocked. This is just a holographic projection. If you really eat it, your life will not be in vain! ! ! Even the celebrities and Miss Jiao who were most concerned about their image were completely seduced by the food, and they tasted it without any restraint. Many netizens were amazed, and they marveled that the rich second generation was also obsessed with food just like themselves. It's hard to find a dish.

Lin Ning took a sip and commented: [This is not my best level. After all, the ribs are not fresh, and the recording program was also affected. If my father tastes it, I will be miserable, after all, he always thinks that my level is not stable...]

The system is no longer in the mood to listen to these, it is unable to extricate itself from the soaring belief value. After this wave of tasting, Lin Ning gained a lot of followers, and her faith value soared, making the system giggle happily.

Lin Ning: [System, you are laughing like a fool.]

System: [… 嘤QAQ]

At this moment, the inexperienced system finally knew that it would have to pay back sooner or later. It finally understood the horror of human beings.

When Lin Ning watched the live broadcast again, the scene was extremely intense, and the screen was filled with barrages, and the netizens screamed excitedly.

Lin Ning:? ? ? What happened in a few seconds

After several rounds of bidding at the auction venue, the price of steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaves has risen from the initial price of 500,000 to more than 2 million. However, the person in one of the boxes did not pull the curtain. He straightened his clothes and held up the sign with a haughty face :"three million."

The venue immediately became quiet, because this face was no stranger, it was the third generation of famous officials in the interstellar world, the only heir of the Luo family who was the most romantic and dandy, and he was also a bastard who dared to openly challenge His Royal Highness Marshal. For a while, no one raised their signs to bid, after all, no one wanted to compete with such a meritorious family like the Luo family.

The host said: "Three million times."

The audience was quiet, and the netizens on the Internet were also shocked. They didn't expect the first one to be so exciting. Just when everyone thought that Luo You's hand would finally fall, a warm and deep voice sounded.

Zhang Yiming directly raised the signboard, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, with a half-smile on his face, and said calmly, "Four million interstellar coins."

Everyone was in an uproar. After all, there are still many auction items that have not been displayed in the future, and they still have to be selected. There is no need to slam this one now. It's not that anyone present lacked the four million, but no one expected that Zhang Yiming would raise his card so calmly to fight against Luo Youzhi.

Being humiliated in public, Luo Youzhi shot at Zhang Yiming, furious. Zhang Yiming glanced back, his eyes were playful, and the deep meaning in his eyes was fleeting.

Luo Youzhi held up the sign again, and said coldly, "Five million."

The smile on Zhang Yiming's handsome face deepened, and he held up a sign and said, "Six million."

The host showed joy and was secretly happy, and the guests also came to watch the bidding silently. Wouldn't it be beautiful to watch the fire from the other side, as long as the fire doesn't burn your head, no one doesn't like to watch a free show.

Luo Youzhi: "Eight million."

Zhang Yiming: "Ten million."

Luo Youzhi gritted his teeth in anger, everyone in the huge venue was silent, only the music reached its climax, which was rapid and soul-stirring.

When the last two bid for the price to 15 million, the guests and netizens present were beyond shocked. The host couldn't laugh anymore, because everyone had seen that Luo Youzhi's face had turned livid, and he was obviously in an extremely upset mood. And this master is in a bad mood, and most of the others will probably suffer as well.

The host looked around and said, "One time in fifteen million."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhang Yiming's face, but Zhang Yiming just tapped the armrest of the seat with his index finger, with a meaningful expression and a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Zhang Yiming meant no more bidding. Luo Youzhi was so angry that his body trembled, because he had to spend an extra 12 million to buy this dish, and was laughed at by others, so naturally his expression was not much better.

The host also thought that Zhang Yiming was over, so he returned to his smile and said, "15 million times."

The camera turned to Zhang Yiming, but at this moment Zhang Yiming slowly shifted his gaze to a box opposite Luo Youzhi, where the curtain was covered, and everyone did not know who the mysterious person inside was. But Zhang Yiming showed an intriguing smile towards that side. The camera captured the details, and the director instantly cut the scene to that box.

After a while, a faint voice sounded, and the person inside pressed the bidding button and said, "30 million."

! ! !

The music ended with a sonorous piano sound, the guests present were in an uproar, everyone was discussing, and the netizens watching the live broadcast were completely crazy. One Zhang Yiming was not enough, there was another one that was more ruthless, and the price was doubled, almost like a slap in the face of Luo You in public.

Looking at Luo Youzhi again, he was already trembling with anger, burning with anger. I wanted to take pictures of Lin Ning's delicious food to make a preliminary show of favor, so that I could win people over to my side in the future, but I didn't expect the first step to be so difficult, and there were people everywhere who couldn't help it. But this so-called steamed ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaf, whether it is delicious or not, he will take it down today.

He hooked his hands and whispered something to the entourage next to him, and the entourage immediately rang the pause bell. The host broke out in cold sweat and announced the suspension of the auction.

At this moment, everyone understood that Luo Youzhi was going to have a "private chat" with the person who offered 30 million yuan.