I Got Famous Making Cooking Livestreams In Space

Chapter 6: The cat comes home


When Lin Ning woke up the next day, she didn't even know that there was an unexpected guest in her house.

He underestimated the interstellar people's interest in food too much, so when the system excitedly told him to look at the food panel, Lin Ning was still in a daze. When he saw that his faith value had reached 50,000 and was on the rise, he realized how good an era he had come to.

In the barren and barren food era, there are infinite possibilities. Although there are no plants in this world, and there is very little meat, the ingredients can be said to be very scarce, but he has the two gold fingers of system and ability, which is already very content.

His faith value can finally support him to do something he wants to do. But right now, it's not the time. In order to be able to openly promote the food culture, and not to be hacked because of his identity as a scumbag, he still needs to announce those things to the world and restore his innocence. And get the authoritative approval of this country, and not be frustrated or doubted by the plant's supernatural powers, so that you can completely carry on your business.

Before that, we still have to wait for the opportunity to plump up our wings. However, you can exercise your plant abilities. He bought a few flower pots from the system mall, and bought some flower seeds to sow. Because he had never planted anything before and didn't know anything at all, although he planted it carefully, he actually had no idea in his heart.

[System, can I use my abilities to care for their growth?]Looking at the dark soil, Lin Ning feels that the road is long and long.

[Yes, please try to hold the soil with the palm of your hand, and inject the ability into the seeds in the soil. Doing this every day can catalyze growth and achieve medicinal value. ] The system explained.

Lin Ning obeyed. A faint green light came from the palm of his hand, and he quickly took care of a row of small flower pots. At this time, the cool wind blew in, and he yawned. After going to close the window, he realized that he slept without closing the window last night.


Getting ready to eat. Suddenly, he was startled by a cat meowing. Lin Ning looked over and saw a big Siberian forest cat nestling in front of the row of small flowerpots, staring curiously. Seeing Lin Ning saw it, the cat didn't recognize it, flicked its tail arrogantly, squatted on the ground, and circled its two front paws with its big furry tail, staring at Lin Ning without blinking, with an expression Serious and serious, it looks cute as hell.

! ! ! The injured cat from yesterday! ! !

Lin Ning was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. He looked at the window and then at the cat. At this time, his mouth could hold an egg.

"Mimi, it's you, you can fly over walls!!!"

Lin Ning is a cat lover. My father, who was a chef in his previous life, didn't like fur animals and didn't allow them to be raised at home. In this life, as soon as Lin Ning came here, she saw a poor cat that seemed to have no owner, and her heart was full of pity and distress. This feeling even overshadowed the fact that the cat should not be here. And he was also a little lucky, fortunately the cat is not a human being, otherwise he took out the flower pot from the system mall, wouldn't it be a supernatural event of fetching things from the air? !

When the cat heard the name Mimi, it seemed to be very disgusted, its brows were wrinkled as if there was nothing, and there was a faint feeling of resistance all over its body. Lin Ning saw such a playful cat for the first time, and couldn't help but want to take care of it. He went to get the medical kit, then sat on the ground and reached out to the cat.

"How about I apply medicine to you?" Lin Ning smiled and waved the healing device in her hand. Now that science and technology are advanced, some flesh and blood injuries can be treated at home. Right now the cat doesn't trust him, won't be obedient, and may run away. When the cat doesn't resist so much, it's better to go to the hospital for a look.

"I won't send you to the hospital, I'll give you delicious food after the medicine is applied!" Lin Ning coaxed. "I'll give you dried fish, canned fish, cat rice, small fish sausage..."

The cat couldn't understand what the human was saying. It had never heard these words before, but it didn't want to look stupid, so it walked over. This human being held a healing device, his movements were slow and harmless, and his inner judgment was no threat to him.

Only when you get close can you realize how big this cat is. As expected of a cat from a fighting nation, its length is nearly three times that of a normal cat, and its fluffy fur is several layers thicker than other cats.

Lin Ning turned on the treatment equipment and began to treat the cats initially. And because of the plant power released to the small seeds just now, there are traces of plant power leaking out of his palm now, emitting a faint green light.

Lin Ning didn't notice, but the cat's sharp eyes noticed it at a glance. This green light covered the body, which was even better than the healing effect brought by the treatment equipment. Aware of this, a bold guess was formed in the cat's mind in connection with Lin Ning's behavior towards the seeds just now.

This human who came across by chance turned out to be an awakened plant-type healing power? ! Although its memory is fuzzy, its head is dizzy, and it has forgotten many things, it can be sure that there are no plant-type supernatural awakeners in this country, no, in the entire interstellar world! ! !

The cat stiffened its body and thought about things that might cause an earthquake in the interstellar cognition. It didn't realize that Lin Ning couldn't resist the temptation of the plush, and stretched its sinful paws towards its body.

It's so comfortable, Lin Ning sighed inwardly. Although the big cat looks fierce, it is surprisingly cute! The meat is thick and hairy, and it feels like a large piece of soft hair, which is really cool! ! !

One person and one cat are immersed in their own world, and they have reached a wonderful harmony for a while. It can be said that they do not interfere with each other, and the tacit understanding is extraordinary.

"Cat, do you have an owner?" Lin Ning said to herself. Then he checked the cat's neck, and there was no small mark of ownership, nor any sign of the owner.

The cat ignored him.

"If you're homeless, you can stay with me..." Lin Ning read aloud. "Although I am still in debt, I am also enterprising and caring. I will take good care of you when I have money. By the way, do you want to eat delicious food... Ah, it's over, I haven't raised a cat before, I I don’t know how to cook cat food at all…”

"Cats can't eat human food... what should I do?" Lin Ning was very distressed. He regretted it a little. Today he should buy some nutritional supplements that cats can eat.

The cat wagged its tail as if nothing had happened. In fact, it had already fixed its eyes on Lin Ning's food, and even had a faint, imperceptible expectation.

If, if the red food is still as delicious, he will consider staying in this house for a while. What happened to human food, he doesn't eat cat food!