I Got Famous Making Cooking Livestreams In Space

Chapter 82: Fierce fighting


[Night] The news of the Zerg army's attack was like a thunderbolt on the star network. People were extremely surprised. Looking at the densely packed Zerg army in the news broadcast, and the starships of the terrifying scale of the Zerg, a kind of gloom shrouded the interstellar space. superior. The news of the Zerg army's attack was instantly reported by the major media, and it became the number one hot search at the speed of a sprint of 100 meters, and it exploded in the blink of an eye.

In the interstellar era, due to the existence of the Zerg race, interstellar wars continued, and human beings have never enjoyed a long period of peace, so even minors have experienced wars, and human beings have always been in a highly tense defense state. Thanks to the desperate efforts of the previous marshals and generals to intercept the Zerg on the road, as well as the powerful defense and counterattack military systems of the major planets, the Zerg has never caused large-scale substantive destruction to the major planets inhabited by humans.

So when the news of the Zerg attack really broke out, the country pointed out the direction, the media guided it correctly, countless patriotic netizens also took up the banner of public opinion, and the comment area was full of voices cheering for His Majesty the Marshal and the mech fighters. In a blink of an eye, it was dominated by relevant news, and one after another, it was frequently searched.

#Waiting for Triumph! #

#Zerg Attack#

#MarshalHis Royal Highness leads the mecha troops to fight#

#Mech warriors are no longer affected by supernatural riots#

[The medicine has been given to the soldiers half a month ago, and I heard that the effect is good. I hope that the soldiers can really have no worries in this battle and completely liberate their mental power! Mech warriors, come on! ! !]

[Although I really don't want the Zerg to really attack, it doesn't mean that we humans are cowardly. If I can, I really want to treat the mecha fighters crazy like Lin Ning. I only hope that our brave fighters Be less mentally tortured.]

[Come on, kill the Zerg, to comfort the souls of Major General Lin Rou and other heroes! The Zerg cannot be allowed to wreak havoc anymore, no matter what, I will always support His Majesty the Marshal!]

[The country actually deployed military fortresses and defense bases in the surrounding galaxies a few years ago, expecting the mecha fighters to give them a good look, and also looking forward to the triumphant return of the mecha fighters.]

[Looking forward to the victory of His Royal Highness the Marshal. A few years ago, we suffered from supernatural riots and were unable to fight the Zerg for a long time. We may even be stimulated by the Zerg to make the supernatural riots more intense. It's just that today is different from the past, our heroic mech fighters have no supernatural powers to riot, and they are the toughest and most agile in the universe!]

Lin Ning couldn't sleep at night, and even had the urge to go to the battlefield with Li Chengyan. But he is no longer just a small anchor. Although the drug to suppress the supernatural riot has been successful, the follow-up improvement still needs the cooperation of Lin Ning. He is an important protected object of the country, not to mention that he is also the lover of His Royal Highness. , the younger brother of Major General Lin Rou, it is impossible for the empire to let such an important military family member go to the battlefield.

It's not that Lin Ning didn't have this idea, but he didn't even have time to tell Li Chengyan about this idea. Uncle Chang, the housekeeper, was stunned when he accidentally heard Lin Ning whispering. Under the meticulous science popularization by the housekeeper, Uncle Chang, Lin Ning quickly dismissed the idea. He thought to himself that he would be distracted to take care of mecha Xiaobai, and he should trust Li Chengyan.

Although her servants are smaller than the Zerg, they are very powerful in combat, Lin Ning knows this well. He looked at the rose by the bed, touched the pendant around his neck, and felt a little relieved.

The screen of the optical brain is flickering, and the hot search is full of analysis of the current situation by various military experts. Any disturbance will cause an uproar. Lin Ning looked at the light brain to pay attention to the latest news, her eyes were extraordinarily crystal clear in the night.

It's just that the faint worry on the eyebrows has not faded away.

Zerg-specific starships are sailing at high speed in the universe. They are huge in number and amazing in size. The horror and depression brought by the dark and oppressive environment is very terrible, and the Zerg has become a nightmare for countless races in the interstellar.

It's just that the Zerg are too proud, and they never shy away from crossing other people's territories. They are born violent and bloodthirsty, and their strong strength makes them hardly consider any traps and conspiracy.

It’s just that the Zerg has produced a different kind [Ye] in recent years. Not only has he defeated all the senior generals of the Zerg to become the leader, but he is also arrogant and insidious enough, and has a lot of means. Otherwise, it would be impossible to join forces with the Luo family to defeat Lin About Major General Rou.

There is never room for negotiation between humans and the Zerg, because the Zerg has no concept of negotiation in their minds, and [Ye] is an alien among the Zerg, but the desire for bloodthirsty in his flesh and blood cannot make him talk to humans properly. , this race naturally longs for the battlefield.

Therefore, when the human military spacecraft and the Zerg starship met, the war broke out in a flash, and the two armies fought, and the fighting was bloody.

[Night] Sitting in the cockpit of the starship, there is a little arrogance and madness in his dark eyes. He is almost in human form, but the tentacles on his forehead that belong to the Zerg reveal his true identity.

I originally wanted to wait for Li Chengyan to be completely destroyed by the supernatural riot before taking down all mankind in one fell swoop. According to the inference, Li Chengyan should die suddenly this summer. At that time, no one among humans will be able to control the battle situation, just waiting for the result Waiting for the so-called plant abilities and the medicine to suppress the riot of abilities, how could he stand it.

Fortunately, every bug in the Zerg society is a natural fighting machine. In the past few years, he has ordered the Zerg to multiply, and has already prepared a terrifying number of Zerg troops. If Li Chengyan died, it would only speed up the pace of human destruction. Now that Li Chengyan is not dead, the battle would be thrilling enough to make [Ye]'s blood boil.

It's just that the [Lin Ning] in that human's mouth is a little bit interesting. After the main star is conquered, they have to come here and study it anyway.

Li Chengyan stared coldly at the opposite starship, [Ye] was inside. There were several battles just now, and the two sides were evenly matched for the time being, and it was hard to tell the winner. He knew [Ye] was familiar with his fighting style, and he was also familiar with [Ye]'s fighting style.

He himself likes to go deep alone with a single army, and [Ye] likes to be surrounded by a large army and fight one by one.

The artillery roared in the ear, and the battle was fierce. Zerg starships and human spaceships were being destroyed at an extremely fast speed. As time went by, the disadvantages of humans in the war gradually became obvious, and the Zerg faintly had the upper hand. Li Chengyan and [Ye] fought at the same time. He was also distracted by the fighters of other spaceships.

The spaceship that Li Chengyan was on was the strongest top-level spaceship, and under the circumstances that it was impossible to avoid it, it undertook too many attacks. The Zerg concentrated fire here because the human marshal was on this spaceship.

[Ye] thought to himself, Li Chengyan's next step is definitely to get out of the spaceship and drive the mecha, and prepare to go deep alone, and attract most of the attacks by himself.

A few minutes later, a black mecha in the spaceship was dispatched. The deep shell and sharp edges of the mecha were full of mechanical taste. I saw the black mecha attacking towards the Zerg starship at lightning speed, with the spaceship behind it, it was really guessed by [Ye].

[Ye] Smiled coldly, watching Li Chengyan approach the starship step by step after beheading countless Zergs in an instant, his whole body was stimulated as if electrified, and a tyrannical look flashed in the bloody eyes of the Zergs. He knew that Li Chengyan would go deep alone, and he also prepared a big gift for Li Chengyan.

He slowly stepped out of the starship and returned to the form of the Zerg. He is a huge alien among the Zerg, with a height of several tens of meters. His appearance is terrifying and powerful, and he is almost invulnerable.

[Ye] confronted Li Chengyan for a moment, and instantly fought into a group. On the one hand, the terrifying Zerg coercion swept the entire space like a tide, and on the other hand, Li Chengyan's powerful supernatural coercion also instantly confronted the past, directly causing the entire space to panic. Distorted, ordinary warriors and Zerg could hardly bear being stimulated to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Li Chengyan looked at the ugly Zerg monster in front of him, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

[Night] I didn't expect Li Chengyan's strength to return to such a state. One person and one insect fought fiercely. At this time, the senior generals of the Zerg race appeared from the starship one after another. They surrounded it, and there was only Li Chengyan and [Ye] in the middle area.

Li Chengyan's eyes were still as cold as frost, and his fight with [Ye] became more sharp and terrifying, which was horrifying to watch, worthy of the name of killing gods.

[Ye] laughed a few times, and said: "Do you know that no one has ever escaped the joint attack of several senior generals of the Zerg and me? The last time I drew with you was a lifelong shame, and now I must destroy mankind. hate!"

Li Chengyan didn't respond, and the attack moved a little faster, piercing with a storm-like coercion.

[Ye] was not angry, and continued: "You humans have always boasted of being a civilized race, and you are not going to be destroyed in our hands in the end. Li Chengyan, take a good look at the senior Zerg generals around you, whether you are familiar with them, whether they are strong or not, Why do you dare to break into the Zerg starship group again?!"

Lined up around Li Chengyan are the notorious Zerg senior generals in the interstellar world. All of them were created with the blood of various races in the interstellar race and were created by stepping on countless planets.

Standing in the spaceship, Liu Yue looked at the Zerg that gradually surrounded His Highness the Marshal, his palms were covered with cold sweat, and his brows were tightly frowned.

Li Chengyan raised his eyelids slightly, his cold pupils ignited with raging fighting intent, looked at the dark Zerg in front of him and said coldly: "Anyone who attacks humans will be shot to death."

After saying that, he raised his hand and dropped his handle, and the strong impact from the mecha went straight to [Ye]'s face. His blow surpassed the power of any previous attack. Without the power riot, his mental power skyrocketed, and his power increased dramatically. Li Chengyan has never shown this effect to the public, and this is the first time he has used it.

[Ye] did not dodge, and after struggling to resist the blow, his tone was a little crazy, and he didn't even take into account the minor injuries to his body: "Is this Lin Ning's strength? I didn't expect that you, who were dying, could improve so much. Many, I must get him..."

After Li Chengyan listened, his cold and serious eyes penetrated into the thick ice and snow in an instant, the temperature of his whole body plummeted, and the murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be restrained, but frantically gathered in his eyes, like a murderous god in the world.