I Got Marked By My Shadow Guard After Pretending To Be An Alpha

Chapter 6


Mu Yungui carried Yu Yan back to the bedroom and placed it on the bed carefully.

The young man was already half asleep and half awake. He stretched out his body as soon as he got on the bed, and murmured comfortably in his mouth.

It has been almost two months since the envoy was sent.

No matter how bad the conditions of a country's embassy are, they will not be able to sleep in the air, but the days on the road are not comparable to those in the palace.

The bed was not soft enough and the food was not tasty enough.

Yu Yan rolled over, buried his face in the soft pillow, and took a deep breath.

… or the comfort of home.

"Master, wake up." Mu Yungui called in a warm voice, "Go take a bath first, drink a bowl of sobering soup before going to bed, or you will have a headache tomorrow."

"Don't..." Yu Yan whispered, "It's so sleepy."

The voice was indistinct, terribly soft, and sounded like she was coquettish.

Mu Yungui was helpless.

Many people's temperaments will be very different from usual when they are drunk, and the same is true of Yu Yan. Ever since Mu Yungui came to Yu Yan's side, he had never seen this person drunk. I didn't expect this...cute.

It's over, the little master thinks it's cute whatever he does.

Mu Yungui pondered for a moment, then turned around and instructed the palace maid: "Go get some hot water, and I will serve His Highness to take a bath. Also, instruct the imperial pantry to make a bowl of sobering soup and put more honey."


Mu Yungui was Yu Yan's shadow guard, and all the servants in Yu Yan's palace knew him, so they naturally obeyed his orders.

Several palace maids were ordered to leave, Mu Yungui bent down and helped Yu Yan take off his shoes, socks and robe.

Yu Yan was neither noisy nor noisy, just closed his eyes and obediently let him serve.

But when Mu Yungui untied his belt, Yu Yan suddenly closed his eyes and said slowly, "Yungui..."

"You are so pretty."

"I like you the most."

Mu Yungui shook his hand and tore a hole in Yu Yan's belt.

"… "

Damn, this seems to be the owner's favorite piece of clothing.

The drunk Yu Yan naturally didn't know what was going on. He was leaning against the head of the bed, his eyes were particularly bright under the dim light in the hall, but they were obviously a little distracted.

He tilted his head and smiled, and said, "It's good to have you by my side."

Mu Yungui: "..."

He took a deep breath and reluctantly replied: "It's a blessing to be by the master's side."

Mu Yungui naturally wouldn't take Yu Yan's words to heart.

After being drunk, Yu Yan may have no idea what he is talking about.

Moreover, the likes in this mouth must have no other meaning.

At least... not the same as his liking.

Mu Yungui likes Yu Yan very much.

Since very early on, I have always loved it.

How could he not like it? At the darkest time in his life, it was the appearance of this young man, like a beam of light shining into his gray and hopeless life.

It was he who pulled him out of that abyss so that he could stand in the sun again.

Mu Yungui remembered that it was Yu Yan who brought him back from the Colosseum nine years ago.

At that time, he didn't trust anyone, let alone the so-called Prince of Yan. But on the day his injury was completely healed, the young and noble boy stood in front of his bed and promised him with a firm word.

- He will not let such a thing happen again, he must become the Lord of Dayan and change this rotten country of Yan.

This is frivolous, and Mu Yungui would not take it seriously for anyone.

How can it be possible to change a country by oneself.

Yu Yan's expression was so sincere.

The still young boy, when he said this, his brows were full of arrogance and self-confidence.

That is, from then on, he decided that he was willing to give up the opportunity to regain his freedom and stay with this man.

The royal family is fighting this Longtan Tiger Den, how can he rest assured that this person will go alone.

And... If anyone could really change something, he liked to believe it would be this one.

Originally, as long as he could stay by his side and protect him, Mu Yungui would be satisfied.

But people are never satisfied.

I want to stay by his side, I want him to rely more on me, I want to... let him always see only himself in his eyes.

Mu Yungui narrowed his eyes, and a dark color flashed in his eyes.

The servant in the palace quickly moved the tub and brought the sobering soup to the side.

Mu Yun returned to the screen and retreated from the chambermaid, removed all the clothes on Yu Yan's body, and put it into a bathtub with suitable water temperature.

After entering the water, Yu Yan's consciousness was much clearer than before.

He lay on the side of the tub, tilted his head and watched Mu Yungui help him wipe his body.

"Why don't you look at me?" Yu Yan asked curiously, "Am I not good-looking?"

Mu Yungui's breath was tight, and he almost smashed the wall of the tub with his palm.

It was not the first time that he served Yu Yan for a bath.

The Royal Family of Dayan was far more complicated than he imagined, and Yu Yan dared not trust anyone, including the chamberlain in his own palace.

Since a long time ago, he has not allowed any servants to come near.

Except for Mu Yungui.

In the past, they were masters and servants, no matter what they did, Mu Yungui would not think too much.

But now it's different.

Between them have...

Mu Yungui's ears were a little red, he looked away, his voice was dry: "No, the master is very good-looking."

"But you don't even look at me." Yu Yan seemed to be very concerned about this issue. He stood up from the tub, revealing his upper body, which was a little red from the vapor, and was naked and soaked. "Look at me."

"… "

Mu Yungui closed his eyes and said with difficulty, "Master, stop making trouble."

With the sound of water rushing, Yu Yan sat back in the tub and snorted coldly, "You just aren't interested in me."

Mu Yungui: "..."

Mu Yungui didn't answer, and Yu Yan didn't ask any more questions.

After bathing, Mu Yungui took the man out of the tub, carried him back to the bed, and put on his underwear. He held the other's slender ankle again and helped him dry.

Mu Yungui was silent the whole time, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long while, he said softly, "Master just said something wrong."

Yu Yan blinked in confusion.

As a shadow guard, he rarely said that Yu Yan was wrong.

Mu Yungui took a deep breath and continued, "I'm not uninterested, nor I don't want to see it."

He was short of breath, and his heart beat faster.

How could he not want to, just worry that he is too deep.

With his status, being able to stay by this person's side is already a great gift, and what qualifications do you have to think about this.

But ... in the end is not reconciled.

He unconsciously tightened his hand holding Yu Yan's ankle, and the latter frowned: "It hurts..."

Mu Yungui was stunned for a moment, then realized what he had done, and quickly let go of him.

"Master forgive me."

Yu Yan's texture is fair and delicate, and any touch is a red mark. He looked down at the red mark on his ankle pinched by Mu Yungui, and whispered, "It's all red..."

"Owner… "

Yu Yan stepped on his thigh and ordered, "Knead it for me."

Mu Yungui: "..."

Why did this man drink so badly.

"Hurry up."

Seeing that Mu Yungui didn't answer, Yu Yan tapped his thigh with his toes.

He was not sure when he was drunk, he was about to step on a place he couldn't touch, Mu Yungui quickly grabbed the opponent's ankle.

"Subordinates obey, you don't..."

Yu Yan smiled with satisfaction: "That's good."

Mu Yungui held Yu Yan's ankle and kneaded gently in the reddish area.

Yu Yan's stature is not short, but it is far worse than Mu Yungui. His feet were a little cold, and his ankles were slender, which Mu Yungui could cover with just one palm.

After being pinched comfortably by him, Yu Yan fell back on the bed and murmured unconsciously.

Mu Yungui's breathing was a little unsteady, but he felt that every whisper from the other party was hitting his most sensitive nerves, and his reason was shaky.

He is obviously such a soft and lovely person, how could he have thought he was Ganjun at first.

Mu Yungui's fingers brushed lightly over the instep of the other party, thinking inadvertently.

No, not right.

In the eyes of outsiders, the master is still the second prince of Dayan, who is one-of-a-kind and outstanding in style.

Only in his presence is different.

Only he can see such Yu Yan.

This thought made Mu Yungui's heart very satisfied, and some shameless thoughts grew recklessly through the dark and empty hall.

He raised his head, just in time to meet the gaze Yu Yan was looking at him.

A quiet tea fragrance drifted away without warning in the bedroom.

"smell good… "

Yu Yan still had the temporary mark of Mu Yungui on his body, so he couldn't stand the other party's incense at all. But when he was drunk, he had lost all reason, and instinctively pursued the aroma and leaned over.

"Yun Gui..." Yu Yan buried his head in his arms and took a deep breath, "You smell so good."

The body in his arms softened little by little, and the heat gradually increased.

Kunjun Xinxiang was easily drawn out, mixed with the faint soapy fragrance on his body, and their breathing gradually became heavy.

"No, no!" Mu Yungui suddenly woke up, pushed the person away, and stood up.

The master trusts him like this, but what is he now

Taking advantage of danger

Mu Yungui closed his eyes and tried his best to control the incense that poured out.

"Master rest early, subordinate..."

Before Mu Yungui finished speaking, he was suddenly hugged from behind.

The rich pear blossom fragrance instantly swept the whole body.

Mu Yungui's body was stiff, but the sweet and greasy Kun Jun Xinxiang wrapped tightly, with an unspoken hint, not giving him the slightest chance to escape.

"I knew..." Yu Yan knelt on the bed and wrapped his arms around Mu Yungui's waist, "I knew you weren't interested in me at all."

"Just help me, it's so uncomfortable."

"... The last time is good or not, just the last time."

Back in Jiangdu, he can see the doctor and know how to control Xinxiang.

Tonight is the last time.

These words were like hitting a hammer on Mu Yungui's heart, which shocked his heart with bursts of pain.

Yu Yan didn't know what he was thinking at all, and when Mu Yun was absent, he pulled hard with both hands.

They both fell into the soft bed.

Yu Yan rolled over and rode on Mu Yungui's body, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth: "You can't run away now."

Mu Yungui: "..."

Yu Yan pulled Mu Yungui's clothes with all his strength, but the metal buckles on the other side's waist were extremely complicated, Yu Yan's fingers were out of force, and he couldn't undo it.

The next moment, the two figures suddenly turned around.

Qianjun Xinxiang, which is a hundred times stronger than before, poured out.

The Second Prince Dayan, who had teased others all night with his wine, finally paid a painful price at this moment.

The author has something to say: Yu Yan woke up the next day: I am a social death.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-23 09:12:16~2020-06-23 23:06:57~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Mu Yu Yicheng poetry; 5 bottles of yoghurt, looking for and cutting; 2 bottles of self-study banners will never pour; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!