I Got Pregnant After Differentiating from A to O in Front of My Love Rival

Chapter 115: 燹千


Yan Mu understood what he meant, and he slid his palm down the side of his face, stroking his chin and Adam's apple, then he leaned down gently.

They are familiar with each other, familiar with the ways that can make each other tremble and feel comfortable.

After it was over, Jiang Zhihuo was too lazy to move, so Yan Mucong carried him into the bathroom and cleaned him inside and out.

"You've lost a lot of weight recently and haven't been eating well," Yan Mu said.

"I ate, but I don't have much appetite." Jiang Zhihuo lay on the edge of the bathtub. He was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes. He felt like he could even fall asleep in the bathtub.

The next day, Yan Mu woke up earlier than Jiang Zhihuo and cooked millet porridge, fried eggs, and a simple dish of scallion tofu.

The breakfast was light, but Jiang Zhihuo put down his chopsticks after only two bites: "I'm full."

There was still half an egg and half a bowl of porridge left. Yan Mu frowned slightly and pointed out, "You didn't eat much, Xiao Zhou."

Jiang Zhihuo yawned. He had been feeling sleepy lately, so he lazily lay on the table again and closed his eyes: "But I can't eat anymore."

Yan Mu did not allow him to get away with it and said, "Finish the porridge. I have a day off today and will come over to eat with you at noon."

Jiang Zhihuo raised half of his face, straightened up with difficulty, rubbed his hands twice to wake himself up, picked up the remaining half bowl of porridge, and replied, "Okay."

Jiang Zhihuo, who was lazy at home and couldn't even finish half a bowl of porridge and needed her boyfriend to coax her, quickly got into work mode after arriving at the company. He was serious and upright and did not allow any mistakes.

They have been busy with projects recently and need to present their latest achievements at an industry conference next month. However, some teams have been stuck recently and some programs have been rewritten several times, but there are still bugs.

After a meeting, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon and everyone was hungry. Jiang Zhihuo ordered takeout from a nearby hotel so that everyone could eat well and extend the lunch break by one hour.

Maybe it was because he had been too hungry, but when Jiang Zhihuo walked out of the meeting room, his feet suddenly went weak and he staggered. Fortunately, someone supported him from behind and prevented him from falling forward.

When he turned around, he saw that it was Li Muhe who was holding him.

"Xiaohuo, are you okay?" Li Muhe asked.

"It's okay." Jiang Zhihuo rubbed his nose and tried to concentrate. "I've been too tired recently."

When he walked out of the meeting room, Yan Mu was already waiting in the office. As soon as he saw Brother Yan, all his listlessness disappeared. Jiang Zhihuo hugged Yan Mu intimately and rubbed his cheek against his.

Jiang Zhihuo, who is capable and serious in front of outsiders, is still as clingy and intimate as she was when she first got together with her boyfriend.

Yan Mu raised his hand and hugged Jiang Zhihuo, and nodded to Li Muhe as a greeting.

After the two finished lunch, Yan Mu received a message from the laboratory saying that there was a problem with someone's data and no one else could solve it, but he was the only one who had a solution, so they asked Yan Mu if he had time to help.

Yan Mu raised his eyes to look at Jiang Zhihuo, and only agreed after getting his consent.

The two of them have been busy recently and have very little free time. Finally, the industry conference came, but Yan Mu also had something to do that day and might not be able to go to the site in time.

Yan Mu said, "I'll go over after I'm done with it. I hope I can make it in time."

"It's okay." Jiang Zhihuo huddled in the bed. Maybe the air conditioner was too low, so he felt cold and shivered. "Didn't I practice it for you?"

Jiang Zhihuo was not in a good mood while waiting. He always felt cold. The breakfast he bought near the venue in the morning might not be very fresh, and he felt a little nauseous.

The makeup artist who was touching up her makeup before going on stage saw Jiang Zhihuo's face and asked worriedly, "You don't look well?"

"Maybe I stayed up too late." Jiang Zhihuo leaned on the sofa and found a blanket for himself. "After the meeting is over, my wish is to sleep for three days."

The makeup artist smiled.

The whole meeting went very smoothly. If there were still people who doubted Jiang Zhihuo and his newly established young team at the beginning, all doubts disappeared when he presented his results at the meeting.

There are countless industries that can be extended from computers. Jiang Zhihuo chose the most difficult but most promising one - artificial intelligence.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the young man who was giving a speech on the field. His achievements and concepts were undoubtedly at the forefront of the industry.

Vehicles could not enter the venue directly, so after getting off the car, Yan Mu jogged all the way over. He arrived late and did not see the most exciting part of the display of results, but he caught up with the end.

The young man on the stage had a relaxed smile on his face, the lights fell on him, and the audience applauded him. His confidence, like the results he demonstrated, amazed everyone present.

The meeting lasted two days in total, with the first day showcasing the results and the second day being a cocktail party.

Jiang Zhihuo was born with a talent for communication, and coupled with the psychology courses he learned when he helped Li Hao with investigations a few years ago, he was clearly the youngest person at the venue, yet he was able to be calm and composed among a group of industry leaders, making light work of important tasks.

Jiang Zhihuo, who was very familiar with the cocktail party, couldn't handle it as soon as it was over. His feet felt light-headed, he vomited everything he had eaten and drunk, his face turned pale, and he later fainted in the car and was rushed to the hospital by his colleagues.

Yan Mu received the call and rushed in without a meeting. Jiang Zhihuo had already woken up and was leaning on the hospital bed. When his colleagues saw Yan Mu coming, they briefly described his symptoms: "Actually, it's nothing, I just didn't get enough rest recently, I just drank some wine, and..."

He couldn't continue speaking and glanced at Jiang Zhihuo. This matter still needed to be answered by Jiang Zhihuo himself.

"You go back first. Thank you for tonight." Jiang Zhihuo said.

A colleague walked out of the ward.

"What happened?" Yan Mu couldn't stay calm at all. His colleague's strange pause and Jiang Zhihuo's silent attitude made him have countless bad guesses.

Jiang Zhihuo lowered his eyes and frowned. It was a simple matter, but he didn't know how to tell Brother Yan.

There was no way to speak.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Yan Mu felt anxious and his heart was pounding. He stopped asking questions and directly took down the paper medical record hanging on the head of the bed.

After seeing the words clearly, every cell in my body, including the blood, froze—

Patient's name: Jiang Zhihuo.

Age: 24.

Second gender: omega.

Condition description: Early pregnancy, lasting forty-five days.

Yan Mu: “?”

Jiang Zhihuo sighed, lowered his head little by little, and buried his face in the soft hospital blanket.

Apart from the pregnancy, there are no other major health problems and I can be discharged from the hospital after hanging a bottle of water.

On the way back in the car, Jiang Zhihuo didn't say a word. He leaned against the window, his long eyelashes drooping and his eyes half closed.

Yan Mu could understand the meaning of Jiang Zhihuo's long sigh in the hospital and his silence at this moment.

This child came unexpectedly, unplanned, and at the wrong time.

Jiang Zhihuo is in the early stages of his business and has just made a name for himself at an industry conference. He will have to work hard in the future, and Yan Mu also plans to move forward and further her education. The two are not currently in a good position to have a child.

Money is not a big problem for them.

But none of them have a complete family.

What they had experienced in the past made them feel worried.

If they cannot guarantee that they can become qualified parents, can they complete the role transition in time

Yan Mu and Jiang Zhihuo were not confident in themselves.

Outside the car window, the dusk and the distant mountains merge into one, and the sunset is gorgeous.

As they were about to arrive at their residence, Jiang Zhihuo, who had been silent all the way, finally spoke up: "Brother Yan, the refrigerator is empty, shall we go to the supermarket to buy something?"

There were a lot of people in the supermarket at this time. Jiang Zhihuo dragged a shopping cart silently, putting things into the cart as he walked, and even threw in two packs of sanitary napkins - he didn't even look at which areas he passed by, but just kept repeating the action of taking things and throwing things.

This is Jiang Zhihuo's habit when thinking.

When he is in deep thought, he always likes to run to the supermarket or other busy places and then immerse himself in his own world.

The last time this happened was when the project hit a bottleneck.

The pregnancy obviously helped him overcome the bottleneck period of the project.

There was a long queue at the supermarket entrance; the self-service checkout machine was malfunctioning, so people had to queue at the manual checkout counter.

"Ah, there are so many people today." The cashier chatted with the person next to him who was helping to pack shopping bags.

"Yeah, when can we get off work?" The girl with the shopping bags glanced at the long line and saw two handsome guys standing at the end of the line.

“Ah, look at the end of the line!” the shopping bag lady reminded the cashier.

While scanning the code, the cashier leaned forward calmly: "So handsome! Shopping together? What's their relationship? Brothers? Couple?"

"Couple, huh? But they look like they had a fight."

"Should it be?"

The two men gradually moved forward. The two girls were still trying to guess what was going on between them, but Jiang Zhihuo suddenly seemed to have figured something out. He raised his hand and slapped Yan Mu's arm heavily.

With a loud and crisp "slap", the arm was slapped red.

Jiang Zhihuo: "Yan Mu, let me say this one last time."

Yan Mu: “?”

Although I don't know what Jiang Zhihuo is trying to do, but looking at his expression, he must have thought it through and made a decision.

Jiang Zhihuo's voice was deep, with a warning in his words: "Break up with your girlfriend."

Yan Mu acted with him and took the initiative to take over the role: "Why? We are in a good state now."

Their voices were not loud, but the people queuing around them were so dense that they could all be heard.

Jiang Zhihuo glared at the scumbag, holding his hand tightly with his fingertips: "Because I am pregnant with your child, and I have decided that I must give birth to him!"

After all, the decision is not something that one person makes, and Jiang Zhihuo wants to tell Yan Mu in a less boring way.

The cashier was startled by the shocking words and lost his grip on the frozen chicken leg, which fell onto the table with a clang.

Yan Mu held Jiang Zhihuo tightly with his backhand, curled the corners of his mouth into a beautiful arc, and said softly: "Okay, I'll share it. I'll mention it when I get back."

In just a few words, both of them understood the decision made by the other.

So, before the child is born, there is one more important thing.

Jiang Zhihuo: "How about we talk about marriage in the car later? We haven't got the marriage certificate yet, but you have to propose first."

"Okay." With a soft light in her eyes, Yan Mu said softly, "I love you, baby."


How did we get married? How did I love you, baby

The onlookers who ate the triangular bloody melon for no apparent reason: “”