I Got Pregnant After Differentiating from A to O in Front of My Love Rival

Chapter 117: end


The two half-grown children looked at each other angrily and stood on each side, neither willing to give in.

Their quarrel was so sudden that the production crew members had no idea what was going on.

It was clear that they were getting along very well before the show ended. The teacher started talking to them about their parents, and each child expressed his or her own views on their parents - family affection is also one of the selling points of the show.

After the recording was over, the two kids said they wanted to go to the toilet. They were so happy before going in, and I don’t know what they said inside, but when they came out, the two kids started quarreling.

Yan Xiaoxia's face turned red with anger: "You must apologize!!"

The little boy took a step back, his expression unstable, but he still insisted: "I don't want it! What I said is all true! I won't apologize!!"

The production crew had finished work and there were no cameras pointed at them, so Yun Xiaoxu and another guest pulled the two children apart.

Yun Xiaoxu squatted down and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you quarreling all of a sudden?"

Yan Xiaoxia stamped her feet in anger and looked at the child over Yun Xiaoxu: "He cursed, he said that no matter how great your father is, he is just an omega! He also said other things! What's wrong with being an omega? Is that something you can say? I want him to apologize to his dad!"

Everyone was shocked. Although prejudice against the second gender has decreased nowadays, it is still a sensitive topic. Everyone deliberately avoids mentioning it, and public figures in particular are not allowed to make comments about it casually in public.

But children don’t understand, and at this age they don’t have the concept of a second gender. The only people who say such words are those whose parents or relatives have mentioned them and they have learned them.

During the quarrel, both parents showed up. The little boy saw his parents and his eyes were red with grievance. He was usually coaxed and praised at home and in kindergarten, but today he was scolded for a casual word. Even though he knew he was wrong, he was unwilling to apologize and said stubbornly: "I won't apologize! I'm just an omega! Omegas can't compare to alphas! It's useless!"

When the boy's parents heard this, their faces turned black. The father pulled the boy over and said angrily: "When did I ever teach you that?"

The mother quickly apologized to Jiang Zhihuo.

Both husband and wife are public figures, and Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu also have powerful backgrounds. If they insist on holding onto this point, the couple will be in the wrong and will not get any good results.

"I'm sorry. I don't know who taught this to the child. Children say whatever they want. I'm sorry."

Jiang Zhihuo himself doesn’t care. If he really cared about the comments, he would not have announced that he is an omega.

But that was just Jiang Zhihuo, Yan Mu couldn't bear to hear a word and his face was gloomy the whole time.

Yan Xiaoxia ran over and stood between the woman and Jiang Zhihuo before Yan Mu could speak, angrily: "No, I don't want your apology, Auntie!"

He glared at the little boy, "I want Xiaolin to apologize! My dad doesn't care, but my dad and I do! As an adult, dad can't argue with a child, but I'm a child, so I can argue with a child! I can cry, I can make a scene, I can't leave work! You must apologize today! Right now! Apologize to my dad!"

The couple didn't want to make a big deal out of it. They were indeed in the wrong for their son's nonsense, so they dragged their son in front of Jiang Zhihuo and said, "Apologize now!"

The child's eyes were red. He didn't have many thoughts. At this moment, he just felt that his parents not only did not help him, but also forced him to apologize. He felt very aggrieved.

Yan Xiaoxia frowned: "Don't feel wronged, don't cry! You are recording a program now, not at home, your words represent your parents! If you say omegas are not good, it means your parents say omegas are not good. They are all stars. If others know about it, have you thought about what they will do?!"

The couple looked at Yan Xiaoxia in surprise. It was hard to imagine that these words came from Yan Xiaoxia's mouth. How good a tutor must be to raise such a smart child? !

The little boy raised his head. He had never thought about what the casual words meant, and he had no idea at all. When Yan Xiaoxia said this, tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't dare to let them fall. Her parents pushed her back, and she felt her parents' embarrassment. She could only pout and say awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Xiaoxia, I... I shouldn't have said that about your dad."

Yan Xiaoxia glared at him: "Don't apologize to me!"

The little boy turned to Jiang Zhihuo again: "Can you forgive me?"

"Okay." Jiang Zhihuo didn't argue with the child. He turned his back and pinched Yan Mu's fingertips. While comforting his husband, he said to the child, "I forgive you."

Yan Mu never expressed his opinion.

The little boy apologized, and Jiang Zhihuo also said he forgave him. Yan Xiaoxia took the little boy to a corner and handed him a tissue: "Dad said he forgives you, and the matter is over. You must remember not to talk nonsense. You are the child of a public figure and will affect your parents. You only need to apologize today, but you may not do that in the future. I believe you didn't mean it today, and your parents will definitely not teach you, they are also very powerful."

The little boy took the tissue and wiped his tears.

Originally he didn't have any bad intentions, he was just a little jealous that everyone was praising Yan Xiaoxia's dad and daddy for being so great, even though his own parents were also great!

Yan Xiaoxia acknowledged his parents, so the little boy held Yan Xiaoxia sincerely: "I understand, I won't talk nonsense anymore, you are my big brother from now on!"

Everyone around was stunned to see Yan Xiaoxia's mature way of handling things.

Give a stick to strongly support your father, and then give a sweet date to tell the child what is wrong and find the crux of the problem. A storm caused by the child's careless words is easily resolved, and the child also gains a younger brother.

Is your EQ too high

How did you teach this?!

Thinking of their own crying and naughty children, the parents present wanted to ask Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu for advice on the spot.

There is still recording the next day, so Yan Xiaoxia and his two fathers are staying in the hotel tonight.

The family of three had a big dinner for dinner. Jiang Zhihuo praised: "Xiao Xia, you were great today. You protected Dad. Dad wants to reward you. What should I give you..."

Yan Xiaoxia forked a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth, decisively refusing, and leaned close to Yan Mu: "I don't want a reward, this is what I should do, Xiaoxia wants to protect Daddy together with Daddy!"

"… "

The conflict between the children soon disappeared, and the director team said that this part would not be edited in. After returning home, the other party's parents sent another apology and explained that no one in the family had ever said such things. Jiang Zhihuo replied politely, saying that he didn't care.

It doesn’t matter whether someone has taught him at home or not. Since the other party is sincere, Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu naturally have no need to cause trouble.

But Yan Mu was unhappy after hearing that and couldn't vent his anger, so Jiang Zhihuo could only take advantage of Yan Xiaoxia's recording time to go on stage and let Brother Yan vent his anger.

Everything went smoothly with the recording the next day, and another week passed in the blink of an eye.

The third recording location of Mengwa Kindergarten is in the ancient town.

According to the program arrangement, the identities of the cute kids’ parents will be announced in the first two episodes, and the parents’ participation is needed in the next few episodes to shoot more affectionate footage of the children and parents interacting with each other.

After negotiation, the program team decided to start recording from the airport.

Each parent gathered at the airport, and for variety show effect, each family recorded a video. When they found Yan Xiaoxia, the family of three was playing - the expressionless data analyst and the half-human-high child were pushing a suitcase together, and the person sitting on the suitcase was... Jiang Zhihuo? !

The family of three was having a great time. Jiang Zhihuo turned around and found a large group of people behind him. He covered his face in embarrassment, jumped off the suitcase, and carried Yan Xiaoxia up.

Then I discussed with the cameraman: "Excuse me, could you please reshoot that part and not cut it into the main film?"

Of course... No!

Such fun material!

The director team rejected Jiang Zhihuo with bad intentions.

The recording in the ancient town was more interesting than the previous two episodes. The kids got to know each other better and with the addition of their parents, they relaxed a lot and the atmosphere was lively.

During the recording of the program, the production team also promoted it on the Internet, announcing the five guests who were kindergarten teachers, and then edited a clip of the first episode where they picked up the children from home as a pilot.

The first cute family appeared in a large and cozy flat. The program team chose a good time. The sun shone in from the French windows, making it comfortable and warm. The little girl shyly held the hand of the guest teacher: "Hello, teacher, I am Yaoyao."

Ahhh this is so cute!

The house is so cozy! She is really a little princess! !

Hello Yaoyao!!

Such a cozy house, the parents must know how to live, I guess they are artists!!

There is also a piano in the room. Are they the pianist couple

The second family with cute kids lives in an ordinary three-bedroom apartment. It is not luxurious, but warm, and has a special activity area for children. The children enthusiastically took the photography teacher to visit every room. People in the comments speculated that they should be a young couple. After some discussion, they believed that they were two film and television stars who officially announced their marriage a few years ago.

The program team did not announce the answer to whether it is correct or not. The answer will only be revealed after the main film is broadcast.

When the third family of cute kids appeared, the entire comment section was shocked at first, and there was a blank of three or four seconds before they reacted.

In the picture, the glowing light fell from the sky and slowly formed into a black-haired girl. She stopped the program staff with a half-mechanical, half-female voice: "I am Emma, an intelligent housekeeper, currently on probation. May I ask who you are?"

What the hell is this? Black technology? !

Is this what I can see?? This is not a movie

Holographic projection? Artificial intelligence? Smart butler? I can roughly guess who it is.

What the hell is this? I feel like I've traveled to the set of a sci-fi movie!

What texture? My god, this texture is so good! Smart housekeeper! Can ordinary people really have it? !

It turns out that, at least at this stage, ordinary people cannot have a smart butler.

Seeing Emma was just the first round of shock. When the interior of the house and the conversation between Emma and Yan Xiaoxia were filmed, the comments exploded.

Is this the difference in birthplace

Yan Xiaoxia? Yan Xiaoxia is really good at reincarnation! !

A three-story building in the city center? A garden? A playground? High-tech? This is not a house, it’s a paradise.

Artificial intelligence can actually communicate! ! I suddenly feel that my little D is not so good anymore! !

I want it too! Yan Xiaoxia! Can I ask you for some reincarnation techniques

The decoration is so good, how did they achieve the warmth and high-tech feeling?

Sure enough, the lack of money and knowledge limited my imagination.

The pilot film shows different families, and every cute baby is eye-catching. Coupled with the popularity of the guests themselves, the audience has high expectations for "Cute Baby Kindergarten".

On the other hand, the third episode of "Cute Baby Kindergarten" was recorded and after a few days of rest, the program officially started at 7 pm on Saturday.

The family of three huddled on the sofa. Emma recognized her owner's status and adjusted herself to sit on the sofa in the same position, waiting for the show to be broadcast with them.

The overall tone of the cute baby variety show is very cheerful. It starts with a few guests getting in the car, saying hello to the camera, and then five cars go to five places respectively.

At the beginning of the main film, the parents of the cute baby did not show their faces. After the camera circled the house, it only filmed the child. The true identity of the parents was also an eye-catching link. As expected, there were many speculations in the barrage.

When they arrived at Jiang Zhihuo's house, the program crew was directly stopped by artificial intelligence.

A portion of the trailer had been cut earlier, and when the audience watched it again now, they still felt shocked and unreal.

The camera walks into the living room, where Yan Xiaoxia is preparing things for "school", and the smart housekeeper Emma is chatting with Yan Xiaoxia.

Emma: "You are going to record a show, so you can't talk nonsense and be willing to share."

Yan Xiaoxia: "I know. I brought a bag of toys with me and I wanted to share them with other children."

Emma paused for a moment: "Are you sure it's a toy?"

Yan Xiaoxia tilted her head, so Emma changed the question: "Will children really like your toys?"

Yan Xiaoxia blinked in confusion: "Really? I think it's fun?"

Emma had a dazed look on her face.

The program editing effect is good. Emma's pause time is deliberately prolonged, and the four words "It's very fun" are marked in red and bold with cartoon fonts.

So what toys did the children bring

What are the toys that other kids won’t like

So it’s not fun

A bit curious, looking forward to the follow-up!

Picking up children from school is not the main content. The program is called Cute Kids Kindergarten, and the core of the program lies after entering the kindergarten.

It was not until they watched the main film that Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu found out why the production crew was shocked when they went to pick up their children.

After entering the kindergarten, five teachers first introduced themselves to the cute kids, and the kids shared the toys they brought from home with each other.

One of the taller kids brought a box and showed the model he built two days ago: "This is my favorite model, I want to share it with everyone!"

The other cute kids’ eyes lit up, and even the guests’ eyes sparkled.

Ah, isn't this the Lego?!

It’s a limited edition! I’ve never bought one!

Super hard to put together! This is too complete! I only put half of it together!

As expected, the children of public figures are different from those of ordinary people. The ones they share are all limited edition models.

Did you see the back? Hahaha, Yun Xiaoxu and the others’ eyes lit up. If there wasn’t a camera, they would definitely pounce on it. Which boy doesn’t like models

The cute kids and teachers gathered around and finally it was Yan Xiaoxia's turn. He took the schoolbag mysteriously and said, "I want to share my toys with you too!"

The previous clips have laid the groundwork, so now everyone is paying attention to what Yan Xiaoxia will take out.

He took out items one by one from his bag and placed them on the table: "Analog pulse signal instrument, atomic clock model, iris recognition device, computer simulation of the universe concept map, and more, clang clang! Simulated binary star system model!!"

Five teachers: “…”

Director team: “…”

Barrage: "…"

Cute kids: “Wow!!!”

What are these!

I...have never seen any...

Ah, this... As expected of a child living with an intelligent butler.

Analog pulse signal meter, atomic clock model, um, I can’t remember the rest… Are these all the toys that children have now?! So are we really living in the same era?! No, are we really in the same dimension

I seem to see a science guy? He must be a science guy in the future, right?! He must be the kind who is obsessed with exploring the mysteries of the universe!

Yan Xiaoxia enthusiastically introduced his toys, with all kinds of theories popping out of his mouth. The cute kids around him went from excitement to curiosity and then to confusion, and the five guest teachers behind him had confused faces throughout the whole process.

Jiang Zhihuo rubbed his son's face wildly: "Hahahahahahaha! You confused the other kids."

Yan Xiaoxia rubbed her red face, ignored her father, and went into Yan Mu's arms, saying righteously: "I am sharing seriously!"

Emma: "Hey, I told you, they may not like your toys."

Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

The show continued, and after going from warmth to confusion, the first conflict occurred in the show.

—The cute kid who brought the model accidentally knocked over the transparent box, and the assembled model immediately scattered all over the floor.

The cute kid was stunned for a few seconds, and when he realized that his model was now in pieces, he cried out "Wow!"

The guests were all young stars who had never really taken care of a baby. Yun Xiaoxu had taken care of Yan Xiaoxia several times and had some experience, so he quickly squatted down to calm her down. At the same time, several other guests picked up the scattered parts.

Yun Xiaoxu: "Don't cry, don't cry, we can fight together again."

The cute kid was still crying, wiping tears while talking: "But my dad and I spent a long time to put it together. I, I didn't bring the blueprint, no, I don't know how to put it together..."

Several teachers were busy and gave advice in the comments. Yan Xiaoxia took out a box and his mobile phone from his bag and placed them in front of the cute model baby: "It's a small thing. It's not difficult to put together. Watch it carefully!"

"Emma." He gave the order, "Scan the model and combine the drawings."

A mechanical female voice came from the phone: "Received."

Two minutes later, the box projected a three-dimensional assembly drawing, which was so detailed that every part was accurately marked in its position.

Looking at the translucent holographic projection, the cute baby immediately stopped crying and hiccuped.

The teachers and directors around him said: “… Holy shit.”

Jiang Zhihuo asked Yan Xiaoxia: "When did you take Emma away?!"

Yan Xiaoxia adjusted herself to a comfortable position in Yan Mu's arms: "Dad asked me to take care of you!"

The Emma that Yan Xiaoxia showed on the show was a children's version. It was originally made because Yan Xiaoxia was too young to type, and so she relied entirely on receiving voice commands.

The model brought by the cute baby is a popular version. Many people have already released guides and drawings on the Internet. After receiving the instructions, Emma scanned the model parts and automatically searched the Internet to find the most suitable guide and make assembly plans, which are not difficult to solve technically.

It’s just that holographic projection technology has not yet been popularized in ordinary households, and the final display using holographic projection instantly raised the level of quality.

Just like now, the screen is full of “WTF 666”.

With the help of the children's version of Emma, the teacher and other cute kids worked together to complete the model, and the program moved on to the next stage - the game session.

The director team released the first round of game tasks.

"Treasure hunt hide and seek."

"Each guest will bring a cute kid to play the game. They must avoid the pursuit of the 'ghosts' in the specified area and find the 'treasures' hidden at the mission location. The time limit is 30 minutes. The team with the longest hiding time and the most 'treasures' will win!"

"During the game, the kids can bring their own props to avoid being chased."

Each guest teacher paired up with a cute kid. Yun Xiaoxu hugged Yan Xiaoxia without hesitation, licking her thighs shamelessly: "Xiaoxia, treasure hunt and hide-and-seek! We used to play it often, right? Boss, take me flying!!"

The other guest teachers joked, “What do you mean, Teacher Yun, you’re looking for the cute kid to help!”

Yun Xiaoxu: "Don't get scared later, you will regret judging people by their age!"

Yan Xiaoxia patted her chest confidently: "With me, Teacher Yun will definitely win!"

During the drawing of lots, Yan Xiaoxia drew the "ghost" identity card, and the uncle and nephew smiled at each other.

The game officially begins, and the "ghost" stays where it is, while the other groups have two minutes to hide. The camera switches to different guests and cute kids. One of them finds a top-secret hiding place designed by the program team. The guest stuffs the cute kid in, gives a thumbs up to the camera, and is full of confidence: "We will definitely win this round!"

While the guests in the room were nervously looking for a place to hide, the "ghost" duo waiting outside were leisurely at the moment. Yun Xiaoxu asked the program crew for two bananas, peeled them and handed them to Yan Xiaoxia, one for each of them. While eating the bananas, Yan Xiaoxia took out a flashlight from her bag.

Yun Xiaoxu clapped his hands and called to the cameraman: "Everyone, watch out, it took five minutes to break the deadlock, the most hardcore anti-routine in history!" Yun Xiaoxu pointed in the air, "Please ask the post-production teacher to type the words 'High Energy Ahead'."

The camera switched to other groups. After the cute kids heard the "ghost" officially start to act, they all hugged the small stools, small inflatable maces and other props for self-defense.

Afterwards, the camera cut back to Yan Xiaoxia.

The screen pauses, the front-side high-energy-

With a "click", Yan Xiaoxia turned on the flashlight.

The light passed through the wall, and in an instant, all the furnishings, obstacles, treasure places and hiding places of the cute baby in the room were projected out by holographic projection, rotating 360 degrees, displaying all-round without blind spots.

Yun Xiaoxu: "Found it! Wait a minute! I'll catch them one by one!"

The game project, which was originally scheduled to last 30 minutes, now ends in 6 minutes. Two minutes are used for the cute kids to hide, two minutes are used for Yun Xiaoxu to find them one by one, and two minutes are used to find all the "treasures" hidden by the program team.

Program team: “…”

The camera then switches back to the scene where Yun Xiaoxu enters the venue to catch someone and the program director is chatting with Yan Xiaoxia.

"What's this?"

"This?" Yan Xiaoxia shook the flashlight-shaped black technology in her hand. "This is a children's version of the terahertz wave detector. My uncle gave it to me as a birthday present last year. It has a high frequency and a short wavelength. It can pass through walls to scan the inside of a house. When I played hide-and-seek before, my dad and daddy would confiscate my schoolbag first!"

Program team: “…”

Barrage: …

What the hell! Black technology as a birthday gift

The conclusion is that we really don’t live in the same world!

I can already foresee it! A new scientific star is rising!

Wow, what is a children's version of terahertz wave detector? I didn't even hear it clearly. I had to look back to find the subtitles to type in the barrage. He... Forget it, I won't say it anymore. Let me leave you with one more sentence: Wow...

It’s too strong. This child’s living conditions since childhood are different from ours.

The director team must be stunned hahahaha, it's amazing!

In the first round of the game, Yun Xiaoxu and Yan Xiaoxia won a great victory. The other guests who were found hiding had no idea how they won. When asked by Yun Xiaoxu, both refused to reveal it. They turned to the director team with a blank look on their faces. The director was very upset and summarized it in four words: "They cheated."

The second round of the game, archery.

The supplies and benefits that each cute kid can receive will be determined based on the guests’ archery scores.

Yun Xiaoxu was the last in line. While other teachers were shooting arrows, he was discussing tactics with Yan Xiaoxia, who pinned a badge on his chest.

Another guest shot an arrow and leaned over to ask, "What is this?"

Yan Xiaoxia held her head high and said, "This is a lucky badge!"

Just by hearing the name, you know it’s another black technology!

A little curious.

+1 for curiosity!

What could be more powerful than a kid-sized terahertz wave detector

Yun Xiaoxu came on the court and turned back to signal Yan Xiaoxia with his eyes. Yan Xiaoxia took out his children's mobile phone and shouted, "Emma, I want to shoot ten rings!"

Emma: "Received, calculating."

Ten seconds later, the badge on Yun Xiaoxu projected a line.

Emma gave a reminder: "The optimal shooting force has been calculated based on the shooter's height, weight, body fat percentage, distance, estimated wind direction and other factors. Please draw the bow along the red line to minimize the distance error."

The red lines mark the bow's curvature and estimated route. Yun Xiaoxu adjusts according to the auxiliary lines, draws the bow, and shoots the arrow!

The tip of the arrow hit the target and the tail of the arrow trembled up and down.

Hit the target with one strike! Ten rings!!!

The whole place was silent from the moment Emma came out, except for Yun Xiaoxu who carried Yan Xiaoxia and shouted, "Your dad's program is too strong!! I knew I could make a living by playing games with you!!"

Director team: “…”

Jiang Zhihuo, who was watching the show, asked: "When will Emma have this function?"

Yan Xiaoxia: "Dad did it!"

Jiang Zhihuo turned to Yan Mu again.

"It's me." Yan Mu cut the fruit plate, handed a piece to Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Xiaoxia, and replied, "I checked the director and planning team's information. There are three types of variety shows similar to cute kids. Archery, shooting, running and jumping are all regular events."

Jiang Zhihuo understood: "So you programmed all the guest data, local wind direction, and a lot of game data into the system to help Xiaoxia cheat?"

Yan Mu: “Yeah.”

Jiang Zhihuo gave a thumbs up and smiled, "Brother Yan is still the best."

Yan Mu's expression remained unchanged, and he said righteously: "Xiao Xia cannot lose."

Yan Xiaoxia let out a "puff" and climbed down from the sofa on her own initiative. She rubbed against Jiang Zhihuo and squeezed him to the right until the two fathers were close together. Only then did she collapse on the sofa with satisfaction.

After a day of gaming, the production crew was already numb.

In each round of the game, Yan Xiaoxia was able to pull out some new technology from her bag that was unheard of or seen before, and she won easily. In the end, she received the all-day grand prize and a snack package, which she shared with her new friends at sunset. The guest teachers and cute kids gathered around her, and they were all having a great time.

Lie down and look at the sky.

I don't know what to say anymore.

I thought I was watching a variety show featuring cute kids, but I ended up watching a channel on black technology.

Please find out the psychological trauma suffered by other guests and cute kids.

So are all kids so smart now? I thought it was amazing to see all the kids speaking English in the variety shows I watched a few years ago, but today I was inspired by it.

What kind of family can raise children like this, using all kinds of black technology as toys

The barrage was in the middle of a heated discussion. In the camera, the sky gradually darkened and someone shouted, "School is over! Mom and Dad are here to pick you up!"

The children immediately put down their snacks and ran out of the kindergarten gate.

The camera cuts again, and the parents of the cute kids walk into the frame. They are all tall and have long legs, and are dressed formally. However, the program crew wants to keep the suspense until the next episode, so they do not show their faces.

The last pair was two men, wearing shirts, trousers, and long legs. Yan Xiaoxia, the MVP of this match, had curved eyes as he ran towards the two men, shouting, “Dad, Daddy!”

This concludes the first episode of the show.

Ahhh what is this! Look up again! Who is that? !

Two! Men! Ah!

Look at their height, figure, and the bunch of high-tech things Yan Xiaoxia took out. Could they be the couple I know

Which couple do you know

It's artificial intelligence and data analyst couple?

I can’t guess! Is it because I don’t pay enough attention to the news? Can you tell me the name? !

If it's really them, that's incredible!

There was a lot of discussion in the comments, but the program team did not announce who the parents were, so we have to wait until the next episode to find out.

No matter how anxious they are, netizens can only wait.

Due to Yan Xiaoxia’s amazing performance in the show, this episode of "Cute Baby Kindergarten" caused widespread discussion after it was broadcast, and the popularity soared. It appeared in seven or eight trending searches that night, among which #黑科技萌娃# stayed at the top of the trending searches for half the night.

After the first episode of Cute Baby Kindergarten was broadcast, Yan Xiaoxia's popularity among the kindergarten students soared. On the weekend, on the way to her grandparents' house, Yan Xiaoxia kicked her feet up and down and said excitedly: "Daddy, daddy! I have a wife!"

Yan Mu was driving, Jiang Zhihuo turned around and asked, "Who is it? Xiaohua, Xiaoli, Xiaoxing or Xiaomei?"

Yan Xiaoxia smiled mysteriously: "Hey! They are all!!"

Yan Mu: "Four wives? They will be jealous. How are you going to arrange it, Xiao Xia?"

"When I went to kindergarten, they had already made their own arrangements! They took turns being my wife, one day each. On Monday it was Xiaohua, on Tuesday it was Xiaoli, on Wednesday it was Xiaoxing, on Thursday it was Xiaomei, and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday I could accompany my dad and daddy, and enjoy the happiness of being single!"

Nowadays, kindergarten children have so many tricks.

Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Yan Xiaoxia was in high spirits all the way and said that he would introduce his four wives to his grandparents later.

Every two to three weeks, Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu would bring Yan Xiaoxia to Yun's father and mother's home to spend the weekend. The two professors retired two years ago and started a retirement life of traveling, fishing, and dancing. Occasionally, when Jiang Zhihuo and Yan Mu were really busy, the professors would help take care of their little grandchildren.

When they arrived, the two professors had already prepared dinner. Yun Xiaoxu was busy with an announcement and couldn't come back, so they could only video chat. Yan Xiaoxia boasted about his four wives in the video and mocked his uncle: "Hahaha, uncle, you haven't had a girlfriend yet! You can't enjoy the happiness of having a wife at all!"

Yun Xiaoxu was furious: "Just wait, I will teach you a lesson in the next episode!!"

A lively dinner.

On the weekend, Yan Xiaoxia was taken out to play by two professors, while the poor president and data analyst had no day off and had to go back to work overtime.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to record the show again. This time, Yan Mu had to work overtime and had to return to the studio early. Jiang Zhihuo accompanied Yan Xiaoxia to finish the show and drove back.

Yan Xiaoxia was taken by Emma to take a shower, and Jiang Zhihuo sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window to hold a video conference.

He didn't turn on the air conditioner.

The hazy evening breeze, carrying the unique scent of locust trees in May, passes through the open French windows and gently caresses my cheeks.

The moonlight was just right, and the stars lay quietly in the half-light and half-dark night sky.

It was quiet all around, so quiet that you could hear the wind blowing through the grass in the garden.

Jiang Zhihuo finished the video conference. He was very tired after a long day and just wanted to take a nap. The evening breeze was so comfortable that he fell asleep soon after closing his eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, Yan Mu opened the door and saw Jiang Zhihuo lying on the sofa. Yan Xiaoxia fetched a blanket from upstairs, carefully covered Jiang Zhihuo with it, and then climbed onto the sofa quietly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Yan Xiaoxia turned around, raised her index finger to her lips, pointed at Jiang Zhihuo, lowered her voice, and reminded: "Daddy is asleep, Dad, you have to speak softly!"

After saying that, he continued, picked up the blanket, and crawled into it, squeezing together with his daddy with the scent of shower gel on his body.

Yan Mu smiled, closed the door quietly, walked towards them, and stroked Yan Xiaoxia's hair.

"Good night." Yan Mu said.

"Good night, Dad." Yan Xiaoxia took the initiative to cover herself.

Then, Yan Mu leaned over and kissed Jiang Zhihuo on the forehead.

"Good night, Xiaozhou."

—The full text is over.

The author has something to say: It’s finished!

Brother Yan and Brother Huo live a rich and peaceful life!

Thank you very much for your company all the time! Although I didn't reply to all the comments, I remembered everyone's lovely ID. Thank you for the little angels who accompanied me all the way, and thank you for everyone who clicked into this article!

Please help me rate the full subscription, little angel.

The next book I will write is "After Selling Gay with My Rivals [Entertainment Circle]", which will be the first book in this column. If you think the writing style is okay and the copywriting is interesting, please add it to your collection. The article will be published around June 1st~

Then~ we will meet again~~

Thanks for your company! I love you guys so much!!!

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