I Had Enough! Let’s Break Up

Chapter 22


Because this is all given back to you twice as much!

Lin Shoujie knew he couldn't smile, but he couldn't help but curve the corners of his mouth, just under Xu Mengmeng's gaze.

That was Xu Mengmeng's favorite smile. Every time I saw it, I felt better.

Even now, seeing Lin Shoujie's smile, her mind, which was about to collapse, recovered a little bit.

But what followed was the pain of having difficulty breathing, and even my eyes felt dizzy. Under the August noon sun, I almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

The surrounding scenes seemed to become hazy, and Xu Mengmeng reacted instantly. It was tears that kept rolling in her eyes.

Just like a year ago, she was already used to this feeling at that time.

But not today...

Not possible in this place...

Never cry...

Otherwise... you will definitely be laughed at by the girl next to you... But this is absolutely not allowed...

Xu Mengmeng has not forgotten that she once said that no matter what happens, she will give Ashin Shoujie face outside.

But... she really couldn't control it...

The less I want to cry... the more tears will fall...

When he came back to his senses, his cheeks were already streaked with tears.

At the same time, Ye Bingtang was a little confused.

What's going on with this sister

Why did you cry to them as soon as you came up


This sight...

As if he realized something, Ye Bingtang turned his head and looked at Lin Shoujie with questioning eyes.

Lin Shoujie just patted her head gently, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll just go and ask."

He is different today than he was yesterday.

Everything is different, both externally and internally.

Now that you have decided to start your life again, there is no need to dwell on the pain of the past.

Just like the plan he started a year ago, when facing Xu Mengmeng, he only needs to do one thing...

That's good for her.

Very good to her.

Whatever she says, affirm her.

Let her feel the warmest sunshine in the world.

Finally, it floats away without leaving a single cloud behind.

Of course, there is one more thing.

They have broken up.

This is very important.

You have to... remind Xu Mengmeng... carefully... carefully...

If she accidentally forgets it, Lin Shoujie will have a headache.

While thinking about it, he had already walked in front of Xu Mengmeng, and that charming and handsome smile appeared on his face again.

"Mengmeng, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"

His voice was soft, and it seemed that no one could speak a more gentle and caring tone.

"No..." Xu Mengmeng looked at him with tearful eyes. She was about to say something, but ended up choked up. Her lips were slightly open and she could no longer say anything.

So pitiful... So pitiful... Lin Shoujie felt like his heart was about to break~

He quickly took out the tissue he carried with him from his pocket and handed it to Xu Mengmeng.

"Don't worry, wipe your tears, take a deep breath and then speak again."

Whether it was his habit of carrying paper with him, the action of taking out a tissue, or the words he blurted out, everything made Xu Mengmeng feel familiar.

Speaking of which, this was what Xu Mengmeng had asked of him before.

Oh, no, it's not a request. This is what Lin Shoujie did "from the bottom of his heart" after listening to her "suggestion".

But this is not worth mentioning. Of course Lin Shoujie is willing to do such a thing to his girlfriend, but no one likes to quarrel over such a trivial matter.

—Why did you forget to take out a tissue to wipe my tears

-Because you don't care about me! You didn't take it to heart at all!

—If you really love me, how could you remain indifferent after seeing me cry?

The words from the past seemed to still be lingering in his ears, but when he accidentally recalled that moment, the blood in Lin Shoujie's body seemed to begin to "go upstream."

He almost couldn't help but give himself a slap in the face. He was obviously a winner, and he had already made up his mind to start over, but he still thought about his past failures...

Fortunately, Xu Mengmeng was right in front of him. As long as he saw Xu Mengmeng crying, he felt that his breathing became much easier, and the painful memories of the past became no longer painful.

"Thank you... thank you..."

Xu Mengmeng, who was still sobbing softly, timidly took the tissue. After two consecutive days of blows, she seemed to have understood the current identity between the two.

Therefore, you must be polite. Xu Mengmeng is a good child. She hates rude people and hates swearing.

At this point, Lin Shoujie quite admired her. He had never heard Xu Mengmeng say a curse word in his whole life. Even if he was angry with others online and came to cry with him, he would never use curse words. go back.

But, so what? Who doesn’t have a bright side yet

Although he has only been in love once, Lin Shoujie also knows that if you want to be a couple who grow old together, the most important thing is not how good the other person is, but whether you can withstand the worst of the other person.

Lin Shoujie confessed so generously that he almost couldn't bear it.

He also believed that no normal male with independent personality in this world could bear it.

Let Xu Mengmeng bear all this slowly...

Lin Shoujie couldn't help but smile again.

"Okay, do you have anything to say? I'm going to play games with others later."

After the words fell, Xu Mengmeng's hand that was still wiping her cheek completely froze.

She knew that the person Lin Shoujie was talking about was one thousand percent the girl behind her.

Chapter 28 I told you, I don’t deserve it~

"Then, who is that girl?"

Xu Mengmeng had thousands of words in her heart, but at this moment they all turned into this one question.

She looked at Lin Shoujie anxiously, her pale face turning very ugly.

She had actually expected this result in her heart. After all, no one knew better than her how attractive Lin Shoujie was to girls.

Those are all the things she was fortunate enough to cultivate through hard work!

She had sacrificed so much to make Lin Shoujie like this! I cried so many times too!

I even experienced a life of a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days.

What happened to this girl now? Want to take advantage of the situation

What a joke! ? I will never allow that kind of thing! ! !

Xu Mengmeng's heart was roaring.

Lin Shoujie is her perfect boyfriend, no one can take him away, no one can take him away!

As Xu Mengmeng's words fell, Lin Shoujie turned his head and glanced at Ye Bingtang, a hint of helplessness and secret joy appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Ah~ you are talking about her, she is a girl I met yesterday, and she is also a fan of mine , and always thinking about recognizing me as his father, alas, this is the first time I have seen such a girl."

Sorry... Ye Bingtang... let me borrow it for now...

Lin Shoujie knew that he had done something wrong, but... he really... couldn't control himself... even if he regretted it...

After all, without this seemingly true lie, Lin Shoujie would not have been able to see Xu Mengmeng's unbelievable look.

Not bad... That's it... That's it

The corners of Lin Shoujie's mouth curved deeper.

Thanks to Xu Mengmeng who asked him to learn acting before, otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to perfectly recreate the feeling of falling in love with someone else.

My perfect boyfriend fell in love with someone else just two days after we broke up? This feeling hurts...Xu Mengmeng...

After a brief period of confusion, Xu Mengmeng finally came to her senses and raised her eyes to look at Lin Shoujie.

"You, you're just trying to make me angry, right... Didn't we agree that we should never do such impulsive things... Didn't we agree that the two of us should work out a solution together to resolve matters between two people? Is it..."

Xu Mengmeng's eyes were completely dark. She tried very hard to open her eyes and see Lin Shoujie's face clearly, but she couldn't see clearly at all.