I Had Enough! Let’s Break Up

Chapter 26


She wasn't trying to embarrass Lin Shoujie, she just couldn't help it, couldn't help but want to hear him say anything, as long as she had this feeling of being cared about.

But she didn't expect that Lin Shoujie took over the topic instantly and said clearly:

"The most important things to change your physique are nothing more than three points: diet, work and rest, and exercise."

"You are often at home alone, so your eating habits are definitely not good, and your nutrient absorption is uneven, so I can help you improve these."

"Then I can also urge you to go to bed early at night. If you can't sleep, I can force you to read a math book. It will definitely work."

"In terms of exercise, I can also teach you how to exercise reasonably. I have done systematic research and study before, which should allow you to get sufficient exercise."

"Finally, just to be on the safe side, we can buy some protein supplements or something to replenish your health."

"After following this process, even if it doesn't work in one day, one month, or one year...but as long as you keep persisting, you will eventually be able to do it!"

Lin Shoujie spoke freely of his plan. Even he didn't realize that he looked a little excited at this moment, with an excited smile on his lips.

Ye Bingtang was stunned from the beginning, and didn't even pay attention to what Lin Shoujie said specifically.

All she knew was that her heartbeat was so noisy that it affected her ability to listen to Lin Shoujie's voice.

Chapter 32 Vixen!

The world is like a huge gear. People standing on it can only move forward, not backward.

But if he could really choose to go backwards, Ye Bingtang would have walked out of the ward when he was young and looked for a young man named Lin Shoujie.

In this case, her childhood must have been colorful, right

It's a pity that this beautiful childhood has been easily held by Xu Mengmeng.

Walking on the hot street, Xu Mengmeng's mind was filled with Lin Shoujie and the "tenderness" that penetrated her chest deeply before leaving.

It obviously feels extremely familiar and intimate, but why does it still hurt so much

Just recalling those scenes, Xu Mengmeng couldn't help but clutch her chest.

She actually knew and knew the source of the pain.

It must be because those "tendernesses" no longer belong to her. Even if they are right in front of her, she can't hold them in her arms like before.

There was a bottomless ravine between them.

Lin Shoujie closed his heart to her, and she accidentally lost the key to unlock the door.

"it's all my fault... "

"It's all my fault..."

Such thoughts echoed in Xu Mengmeng's mind, and she didn't even know what kind of expression she had when she returned home.

However, as soon as she entered the door, her mother came towards her with a shocked face.

"Mengmeng! What's wrong with you? Why do you look so haggard!?"

At this time, there was no trace of blood on Xu Mengmeng's face, as if a gust of wind could easily blow her down.

Hearing her mother's caring and anxious words, she didn't even take off her shoes. She seemed to collapse, threw herself into her mother's arms, and cried heartbreakingly.


Even though she had seen Xu Mengmeng lose control many times, Xu's mother still couldn't help but feel distressed.

She sighed, hugged Xu Mengmeng and stroked her gently.

After a while, Xu Mengmeng recovered a little, lowered her head and said choked: "Mom... I... I seem to have done something... a big mistake... "

There was sadness in her voice.

But Xu's mother was stunned.

This was the first time she heard her daughter say such words in such a tone.

"Is it about Ajie?"

"Um... "


After receiving Xu Mengmeng's affirmation, Xu's mother's eyes flickered slightly.

"You had another fight when you went to see him today?"

"No... "

"What happened?"


Xu Mengmeng suddenly fell silent, her slightly opened lips unable to say a word for a long time.

It was clear that just a few seconds ago, she was planning to complain to her mother.

Xu's mother was a little puzzled by her reaction and asked, "Tell me, what happened?"

"...It's nothing." Xu Mengmeng didn't know how to lie. She really couldn't tell a lie at all, so she had no choice but to avoid talking about it.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly refuse to speak again!?" Xu's mother was a little angry. This feeling of half-speech was almost killing her.

"...Mom, please stop asking." Xu Mengmeng withdrew from her arms, wiped the corners of her eyes that were red from crying, and her mood seemed to gradually stabilize.

However, Xu's mother's good mood throughout the day was completely wiped out by Xu Mengmeng's repetitive attitude.

She laughed angrily, nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, then I'll ask Ajie myself."


As soon as she heard Xu's mother's words, Xu Mengmeng grabbed her arm excitedly, "Don't ask Shoujie! You must not go!"

If you do that...

Shoujie will be unhappy...

She no longer wants to see the other party unhappy anymore...

When this idea came to her mind, Xu Mengmeng suddenly and inexplicably recalled the previous conversation between her and Lin Shoujie...

"I'm already so sad! Why are you still arguing with me as my boyfriend!? You don't care about my feelings at all!"

"Then you did something wrong, do I have to condone you?"

"I did something wrong and I feel very guilty! You keep talking and talking, and I'm almost dying of sadness..."

"I keep saying that? You! Ha, I'm really convinced by you. It's like this every time. It's obvious that I only said one or two sentences."

"You, you are cruel to me! I don't care! I am very sad now!"

"How could I be cruel to you? I've always been talking to you nicely."

"Ah! You are still fighting with me! Are you still arguing with me!? You don't care about me at all!!!"

"...Okay, I don't care about you, but have you ever cared about my feelings?"

To this day, Xu Mengmeng still remembers that Lin Shoujie looked very lonely after saying these words.

However, at that time, she no longer had the mind to care about so much.

She just wanted Lin Shoujie to coax her.

If at that time she had not said "I was unhappy first, you have to comfort me first", but had chosen to hug Lin Shoujie directly...

Maybe now...


Stop thinking about it...

Xu Mengmeng stopped her thoughts. She was afraid that if she continued to think about it, she would collapse again.

Now I finally understand a little bit, it should be something worth being happy about...

That's right...that's it!

You have to be happy and think harder, and you will definitely find a way to bring Shoujie back!


"Mom, I'm fine, really." Xu Mengmeng raised her eyes to look at Xu's mother, her beautiful eyes that were originally filled with water mist glowed again, "I can do it myself."

She spoke very firmly, causing Xu's mother to fall into silence for a moment.

My daughter seems to have grown up a bit...

In that case...

"Okay, then I won't care about you, but I'm not telling you, you should change your bad temper. It's not easy for Ajie."

As Xu Mengmeng's mother, she was also aware of Lin Shoujie's tolerance this year.

If you want to become a couple, it's definitely not just one party making concessions. Although Xu's mother will quarrel with Xu's father, she never strictly requires that all the other's ideas must be consistent with hers.

Fortunately, Lin Shoujie could bear it. If it had been her temper, she would have swollen Xu Mengmeng's butt.

"...I, I know."

Hearing Xu's mother's accusation, Xu Mengmeng's mood became worse again after finally recovering.