I Had Enough! Let’s Break Up

Chapter 29


After all, the voice was really unbearable, not to mention her expression was so pitiful.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. I won't hit you anymore. You can get up." Lin Shoujie compromised, "If you still feel unhappy, you can hit me back, as long as it's not your butt."

As he spoke, he was about to reach out and pick Ye Bingtang up again.

However, Ye Bingtang suddenly grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Huh?" Lin Shoujie looked at her with some confusion.

But Ye Bingtang was still lying on his lap, with no intention of getting up at all, and his pretty face was slightly red, and he looked at him with tearful eyes.

"It hurts..."

There was another sound that made people feel itchy in their hearts.

Lin Shoujie was 100% sure that this girl was definitely pretending, it was obvious that he was not using any force! How could it hurt so much!

"I'm warning you, don't try to tease me any more, or I'll really use my strength."


Ye Bingtang shrank back, his expression becoming even more aggrieved.

"..." Lin Shoujie sighed and said helplessly: "What do you want to do? Tell me."

"Well... help me rub it..."

"Huh!? What did you say?"

"Knead it for me..."

"Hey, I'll give you three seconds to get up by yourself."

"Knead it for me..."


"I hurt..."


"don't want... "


"Well... "

As the countdown ended, Lin Shoujie raised his hand expressionlessly, while Ye Bingtang had already closed his eyes. It seemed that he would rather risk being spanked than fight him to the end.

Accepted... Lin Shoujie couldn't help but complain in his heart, and finally waved his hand down and gently put it on it and started rubbing it...

At the same time, he silently recited the Pure Heart Mantra in his heart.

If Xu Mengmeng hadn't asked him to carry it before, it would probably be difficult now.

Although many people think this thing is rather mysterious, I have to say that when you recite the Purifying Mantra silently, your heart will indeed become much purer.

Yes, it is very clean, and the touch on the hand is also very soft and full of elasticity. Just press it a little, and you can feel your fingers sinking into jelly.

At this moment, Lin Shoujie felt like he had stepped into a strange world.

This is a world that Xu Mengmeng has never been to before, and it is also a world that makes him feel at ease and happy.

As for Ye Bingtang, the leader of the world, the corners of her mouth were curved in a hint of joy, and even the blush remaining on her pretty face became a little more intoxicating.

... ...

It gets dark very late in the Demon City in summer. At around five o'clock in the afternoon, you can still see that the sky outside is still as bright as noon.

After satisfying Ye Bingtang's request, this girl finally felt more at ease.

But Lin Shoujie's mood became complicated.

It's complex in every sense of the word.

But he didn't plan to say anything, after all, Ye Bingtang's behavior did not make him feel any resistance.

On the contrary, there is actually a bit of a strange emotion in it.

This kind of emotion had occurred to him before when he first got together with Xu Mengmeng, but it disappeared without a trace later.

Unexpectedly, it appears again now... and it's still at Ye Bingtang's place...

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, Lin Shoujie is not sure.

But at least he's doing well now.

All thanks to Ye Bingtang.

"It's almost dinner time, let's go, I'll take you to the supermarket to buy ingredients."

Lin Shoujie proposed to Ye Bingtang, and Ye Bingtang also raised his hands happily and cheered: "Okay, okay, let's go! I can't wait!"

She looked very excited.

Even if you leave the Internet cafe and go to the nearby supermarket.

Ye Bingtang still held Lin Shoujie's wrist and ran around.

Fortunately, Liang Hao had been busy picking up girls these two days, otherwise Lin Shoujie would have been worried that if that guy saw this scene, he might question whether there was something wrong with his XP.

But apart from Liang Hao, he has not seen Su Muhong recently, and he doesn't know what she is busy with.

If there was a chance to meet, Lin Shoujie would like to complain to Su Muhong about what happened to him in the past two days.

After all, Su Muhong had just told him to be careful not to get entangled with the little girl.

As a result, now he has been completely entangled by Ye Bingtang.

From this point of view, life is really full of drama.

However, Lin Shoujie felt that what happened now was more because of his own choices.

As long as you make the right choices, you can get the life you want.

Just at this moment, looking at the smile on Ye Bingtang's pretty face, Lin Shoujie understood that this was the life he wanted.

Until... Ye Bingtang suddenly lost consciousness... fell to the ground...

And before passing out.

She even said to Lin Shoujie excitedly:

"Let's go over there! There are tomatoes there! I like tomato scrambled eggs, can you try this tonight!?"

Chapter 36 Gentle Light

Lin Shoujie never thought that an accident would happen so suddenly.

One second Ye Bingtang was smiling and sharing her preferences with him, but the next second she suddenly lost consciousness.

If he hadn't hugged the other party reflexively, Ye Bingtang might have fallen to the ground.

"crystal sugar!"

Lin Shoujie's voice blurted out, and even he didn't expect that he would become so anxious when he saw the scene in front of him.

It was as if at this moment, his whole heart was suddenly grasped.

Unfortunately, his call failed to receive a response from Ye Bingtang.

At this time, the girl's eyes were closed tightly, and her face looked extremely pale, like a piece of white paper.

Almost subconsciously, after seeing that Ye Bingtang failed to wake up, Lin Shoujie immediately picked her up by the waist and ran outside the supermarket.

Hospital... She must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible... This was the only thought left in Lin Shoujie's mind.

Even though he knew very well that Ye Bingtang most likely just passed out from anemia, but... he still felt anxious as if he couldn't control himself.

So... why do I feel this way

Before Lin Shoujie had time to think, his heart naturally told him the answer...

It must be because the girl in my arms is Ye Bingtang...

Even if the time they spend together is like a blink in their long life.

But this moment is enough to rival other people's ten, twenty, or even longer years.

Thinking of this, Lin Shoujie couldn't help but hold his hands tighter.

He ran all the way to the parking lot outside the Tomorrow Internet Cafe. Pedestrians on the road couldn't help but turn their eyes over, as if they were looking at something curiously.

However, Lin Shoujie didn't pay attention to these. No, not just these passers-by, in his eyes he didn't even notice the fallen leaves on the street, the lights in the distance, or the clouds in the sky.

He could only see one thing, the road to the hospital.

... ...

... ...

... ...

After Lin Shoujie ran through several red lights in a row while ensuring safety, he finally sent Ye Bingtang, who was in a coma, to the hospital as quickly as possible.

"Give way! Please give way! Thank you!"