I Had Enough! Let’s Break Up

Chapter 79


I really don’t want to watch it at all...

She's afraid she'll see something terrible...

But...if you don't watch...then you don't even know what happened...

What if... there aren't those images...

What if... they just came in for a visit...


What a joke!

How could it be just a visit?

Stop fooling yourself!

Xu Mengmeng couldn't help shouting loudly in her heart.

She just felt that something was blocking her chest. If she didn't let it out, she might die...

But Chen Cheng is still sitting opposite, and this gentle female fan is still sitting opposite.

Do you want to cause trouble to others again

Is it impossible to change forever


can become...


Xu Mengmeng had never felt so angry as she did now. She even clenched her teeth involuntarily, and her fingertips pierced deeply into her palms.

This was the first time that she was angry at herself, not at others, let alone Lin Shoujie.

I don't know why, it seems like this feels better, much better than before.

When her anger subsided, all the pain seemed to be taken away, and even the daylight outside the window became brighter.

After a brief silence, her fingers stopped trembling, and she slowly pressed the start button again to continue playing the video.

But soon, her heart picked up a little bit again, because she saw Lin Shoujie take out a helmet from the locker. The helmet she bought a long time ago was also the Iron Man helmet she saw today.


That person is Shoujie...

He and Ye Bingtang really came...

At this moment, Xu Mengmeng's heart was extremely complicated, but she was inexplicably relieved. After all, Lin Shoujie had left her some face.

Even if this man broke up, he did not publicize it. Even if he went to a comic exhibition with his current girlfriend, he would wear a helmet out of consideration for his status.

Just thinking of this, Xu Mengmeng felt suddenly moved.

Moreover, she also noticed that this kind of thing was definitely not a good thing for Ye Bingtang, but it could be seen from the video that the girl did not feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, that delicate and lovely face is full of smiles from the heart.

Even though she and Xu Mengmeng were love rivals, Xu Mengmeng still felt a little frustrated after seeing this scene.

Am I... too fussy...

If I could be like her... now... wouldn't it be completely different...

Thinking of this, Xu Mengmeng suddenly shook off the random thoughts in her mind.

"We can't continue to think about this kind of thing! It's meaningless!"

"Mengmeng! You are already great now! As long as you keep it up, develop new habits, and replace your old self, you will definitely get better and better!"

"At that time... maybe... we can start all over again..."

Xu Mengmeng worked hard to encourage herself, and her dull eyes seemed to become much brighter than before.

She didn't think about whether doing so would hurt Ye Bingtang.

After all, that kind of thing is not something she can think about now, so everything can only go as it comes.

At this moment, Xu Mengmeng could only watch Ye Bingtang leaning into Lin Shoujie's arms, rubbing against his body, and finally kissing him affectionately, as if she wanted to melt herself into the other person's body.

Even though Xu Mengmeng had convinced herself in advance and was mentally prepared, she was still so uncomfortable by the scene before her that her teeth almost broke.

The only good thing was that the "terrible" scene she had imagined before did not happen. The two just kissed and left.

However, even so, she still felt extremely uncomfortable, and there was an unhappiness in her heart.

At the same time, Chen Cheng, who was sitting opposite, hesitated to speak.

She had finished eating just now, and also noticed that Xu Mengmeng had been looking at her phone with a frown.

Obviously, his idol has fallen into some kind of trouble, and it is most likely related to emotional matters, which means it is related to Lin Shoujie.

But this is her personal conjecture after all. After thinking about it again and again, Chen Cheng couldn't help but ask: "Mengmeng, what's wrong with you? You're looking sad, did something happen?"

She didn't have much hope of getting the answer. After all, Xu Mengmeng was not a person who liked to let others worry, not to mention that their relationship had not yet reached the level of good best friends.

However, this time, after a brief hesitation, Xu Mengmeng raised her eyes to look at her, and said with a reluctant smile: "Well, I encountered a little trouble."

"Is it convenient to talk about it? In fact, it would be better to talk about such troublesome things, maybe it can become a little easier." Chen Cheng mustered up his courage and looked at Xu Mengmeng with a gentle expression.

However, before Xu Mengmeng could speak, she added, "Of course, I'm just a suggestion. If you really don't want to..."


Before Chen Cheng finished speaking, Xu Mengmeng had already responded.

She was smiling, and even though she was a little bitter, it still made Chen Cheng's heart skip a beat.

"...Is it okay? If you feel forced..."

"It's okay ~ I believe you."

The smile on Xu Mengmeng's pretty face remained unchanged, and there was a hint of relief, which was completely different from the panic she had before.

Chen Cheng was inexplicably moved, and then he smiled, like the bright sun in winter, and said with warmth: "Then go ahead, I'm all ears~"

Facing her gaze, Xu Mengmeng shook her head amusedly, "There's no need to be so serious. Just don't laugh at me or dislike me after listening."

"No, no!"

"Yes." Xu Mengmeng nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "I am hated by Ajie. We broke up completely last week."

Speaking of this, Xu Mengmeng paused for a moment and carefully observed Chen Cheng's reaction, but found that the other party was not surprised at all, nor was he gloating about his misfortune.

Some are just distressed with complex emotions.

Sure enough... this girl can be trusted... Xu Mengmeng's mood suddenly became better, and even the bitterness in the corner of her mouth became much lighter.

She has endured too much pain these past few days and desperately needs someone she can trust to help her.

Maybe this person is the girl in front of me...


"Aren't you surprised?" Xu Mengmeng looked at her curiously.

Chen Cheng smiled slightly, "Well... Actually, I have guessed it a long time ago... Ever since I met Ajie in the restaurant that day... "

"I see...then did you see some intimate actions between him and the other girl..."

"...I saw it."


Hearing Chen Cheng's answer, Xu Mengmeng's eyes flashed with something strange.

"What... did they do? Wait, forget it... I can probably guess it even if you don't tell me."

Speaking of this, Xu Mengmeng's expression became a little lonely.

Seeing her like this, Chen Cheng suddenly felt uncomfortable and couldn't help complaining: "I never thought that Ajie was such a person. He just broke up a few days ago and he went to find a new girl. Maybe he had... "

She didn't continue, but the meaning was obvious.

It's not surprising that she thinks so. After all, Lin Shoujie and Xu Mengmeng in the video are very affectionate. Compared with the current situation, the contrast is really huge.

However, Chen Cheng never expected that Xu Mengmeng's expression would suddenly turn cold after she just complained casually.

"Shoujie has never done anything like that. He has never been sorry to me. It's my own problem. Don't talk nonsense, otherwise I will be very angry!"

If Chen Cheng hadn't performed very well before, it would have been impossible for Xu Mengmeng to maintain such an attitude, and it would have been impossible for her to continue to say anything to her.

Despite this, Xu Mengmeng's tone was as cold as an iceberg in Antarctica.

Upon hearing her words, Chen Cheng was stunned.

She was clearly venting her anger for Xu Mengmeng, why did it suddenly become like this

Oh, right...

Mengmeng may still like Ajie...

Yes, otherwise... why would you have looked so sad just now

Chen Cheng suddenly felt that he was a little stupid. He didn't even realize this kind of thing, and he accidentally made it self-defeating...