I Had Enough! Let’s Break Up

Chapter 89


After a series of dissuasion, Father Xu had no choice but to put down the wine glass in his hand, smiled and shook his head, "Okay, then let's drink less and eat more vegetables."

After hearing his words, Lin Shoujie finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then quietly glanced at Xu Mengmeng.

His glance didn't mean anything special, but Xu Mengmeng, who was always sensitive, noticed it in an instant, and even couldn't help but have a daydream about it.

Very good! Ajie is following me! This is a great start! Xu Mengmeng was secretly happy in her heart, as if her persistence in the past few days had been given new meaning.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Lin Shoujie chatting happily with his parents, and the atmosphere at the entire dinner table became happy.

This should have been a joyful scene, and it should have been the life Xu Mengmeng longed for, but her mood suddenly became sad again, because she recalled the scenes from the past...

At that time, as now, the atmosphere at the dinner table was very warm, and she and Lin Shoujie would do some little tricks under the table, and Lin Shoujie would let her do whatever she wanted.

But now... everything has changed.

Although the distance between her and Lin Shoujie was only ten centimeters, these ten centimeters were like an insurmountable chasm that made people despair.

Xu Mengmeng tried to reach out and touch Lin Shoujie.

But at the same time as this thought occurred, she felt a little scared.

If you do that... you will definitely be hated by Shoujie...

Just thinking of this, Xu Mengmeng no longer dared to take action.

... ...

... ...

... ...

After dinner, Lin Shoujie wanted to help wash the dishes, but was stopped by his mother.

"Ajie, just go and rest. Let me wash the dishes." Mother said nonchalantly.

She has always been so hardworking.

Unlike today's "new era independent women", she believes that doing housework diligently is basic to human beings and has nothing to do with gender. After all, this is what she taught Lin Shoujie.

Normally, Lin Shoujie would definitely not let his mother wash the dishes when he came back once in a while, but he did feel dizzy after drinking some liquor tonight, so he finally had to obey his mother's words and leave the kitchen.

At this moment, he noticed that Xu Mengmeng sneaked into the kitchen after he left.

"Well... Auntie, let me wash it. You can just go to the living room and sit and chat."

"Ah? No, no, no, just come."

Although Mother Lin was very happy with Xu Mengmeng's intention, she was not willing to let this delicate child wash the dishes, not to mention that this was her future daughter-in-law.

However, Xu Mengmeng still insisted: "It doesn't matter! Let me do it ~ Please, auntie ~"

After hearing this, Lin Shoujie had already left.

For some reason, he didn't want to continue listening, and he didn't want to know whether Xu Mengmeng washed the dishes in the end. He just wanted to go back to his room, lie down, and forget all his worries.

Cut off everything in the past... Start a new life... Isn't this something that has been decided a long time ago

Now that you've decided... you shouldn't think so much anymore...

Lin Shoujie returned to his room and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze. After a while, he slowly closed his eyes until his mind was completely empty.

... ...

... ...

... ...

In the kitchen, Xu Mengmeng finally convinced Mother Lin, and then washed the dishes alone.

She is a bit of a mysophobic girl, so she always washes the dishes several times more.

However, there are a lot of dishes and chopsticks today. As the workload piles up, even just washing dishes is enough to make people feel tired.

Not to mention that Xu Mengmeng hasn't washed the dishes for several years.

In just ten minutes, she couldn't help but feel pain in her back.

Obviously it doesn't matter if you stop and rest for a while at this time, after all, you are not rushing to do anything.

But Xu Mengmeng just didn't want to stop.

She wanted to feel the pain... the more painful the better... maybe this way it would be engraved in her heart...

With the persistence of this idea, more than 20 minutes later, she finally washed the dishes and chopsticks.

However, she did not walk out of the kitchen immediately. Instead, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, took a deep breath to adjust her condition, and then walked out with a smile.

"Have you finished washing? Mengmeng, thank you for your hard work."

As soon as she saw her coming out, Mother Lin said with a smile on her face.

Before Xu Mengmeng could respond, her mother had already taken over the topic and said unceremoniously: "Oh, it's nothing more than washing dishes. This child should be allowed to wash more."

To be honest, Xu Mengmeng hated her mother's decision-making because she didn't consider her feelings at all.

But for some reason, she didn't feel anything special today, nor did she feel sad, as if she had encountered an ordinary thing.

Maybe I'm used to it and don't care anymore...

Or maybe she wants to be a gentle person...

Facing everyone's gaze, Xu Mengmeng showed a sweet smile, as bright as the fireworks at the end of summer.

"Well... it's nothing. Don't worry about it, auntie~ This is what I should do~"

After hearing Xu Mengmeng's words, everyone nodded with great relief, even Father Lin, who had a complex heart, was no exception.

He suddenly felt that he should have a serious and serious chat with Lin Shoujie again.

After all, with his eyes, there is really no girl better than Xu Mengmeng in this world...

Just as Father Lin was thinking secretly, Mother Lin beside him picked up the fruit plate on the table and greeted Xu Mengmeng: "Mengmeng, give this to Ajie."

"Ah? Okay~" Xu Mengmeng was stunned for a moment, then quickly took the plate with a smile.

She knew very well that Lin Shoujie's mother planned to let her be alone with Lin Shoujie.

This didn't seem to be a problem before, but now it creates an opportunity for her to mend their relationship.

Thinking of this, Xu Mengmeng silently thanked Mother Lin in her heart while holding the plate and walking towards Lin Shoujie's room.

"Dong dong..." When she came to the door, Xu Mengmeng knocked twice, and then timidly shouted: "Shoujie..."

After a few seconds, Lin Shoujie's listless voice came from the room.

"come in."

As soon as she entered the room, Xu Mengmeng saw Lin Shoujie sitting up from the bed and looking at her with a frown.

Facing Lin Shoujie's gaze, Xu Mengmeng felt inexplicably nervous. She carefully raised the plate in her hand and said, "Well... your mother asked me to bring some fruit in for you to eat..."

"..." Lin Shoujie looked at her silently for a few times, and then said casually: "Put it on the table."

At this time, Lin Shoujie's tone was not particularly good. On the contrary, his attitude was a bit different.

Hearing his words, Xu Mengmeng couldn't help but feel a little sad, but she still responded obediently in a low voice: "Oh... okay."

However, after putting the plates away, she didn't just leave. Instead, she stood beside him a little helplessly.

Obviously Lin Shoujie was not angry when he got up, but after seeing this scene, he still felt an unknown fire being ignited by Xu Mengmeng.

"What are you doing standing here stupidly? Go out if you have nothing else to do."

His tone gradually became cold and inhumane, like a sharp sword piercing Xu Mengmeng's heart.

This was the first time in more than ten years that he had such a reaction, or it was the first time that he had such a reaction to Xu Mengmeng.

Despite his alcohol problem, Lin Shoujie actually knew very well why he had such an attitude...

After all, after seeing Xu Mengmeng's cautious look, he no longer felt the joy he felt at the beginning, and was left with only irritability.

These irritations will seriously affect his mentality and already established thoughts, so they must be destroyed ruthlessly.

Fortunately... it's very easy to do this... just being indifferent is enough... After all, Xu Mengmeng is so vulnerable.

That's how it should be...

However, as Lin Shoujie finished speaking, Xu Mengmeng only trembled slightly, and after a brief silence, she showed a reluctant and apologetic smile.

"I-I want to chat with you for a while...is that okay?"

She almost exhausted all her strength, and even her voice, which was originally crisp and sweet, was trembling a little.

At this moment, she wanted to cry loudly, and the pain in her chest made her almost breathless.

But she finally endured it and hid her sadness in her heart without any hesitation, leaving only the most decent version of herself.

Looking at Xu Mengmeng in front of him, Lin Shoujie couldn't help but fell into silence.

It seems...she has really changed a lot.

As such thoughts flashed through his mind, the anger in his heart seemed to gradually subside.

"Tell me what you want to talk about."

Perhaps because of his soft heart, Lin Shoujie decided to give her a chance to have a heart-to-heart talk again.

However, after hearing Lin Shoujie's words, Xu Mengmeng failed to respond immediately.