I Had Enough! Let’s Break Up

Chapter 94


And Ye Bingtang... call

As Lin Shoujie finished speaking, Xu Mengmeng was completely stunned.

Not just chatting this time... but also calling

Do you want to be intimate with your current girlfriend in front of her, your ex-girlfriend

Just thinking of this, Xu Mengmeng's eyes welled up with tears, and she almost couldn't help crying again.


Being intimate with other girls in front of the girl who likes you... No matter how you think about it, it is a very cruel thing...

"Shoujie... Have I done something wrong to deserve you... torturing me like this?" Xu Mengmeng cried silently in her heart, but she never dared to ask this question.

Because she was afraid that she would collapse, lose control of her emotions, and end up arguing with Lin Shoujie.

Regardless of the outcome of the dispute, whether he wins or loses, Lin Shoujie will become more disgusted with her and drive her out of the room.

Even if she made Lin Shoujie anxious, she might even tell her parents that they had broken up, and then everything would be over.

So she had to hold back no matter what, even if Lin Shoujie treated her so cruelly...

Looking at Xu Mengmeng's pitiful expression, Lin Shoujie instantly realized that this guy was starting to have random thoughts again, so he couldn't help but sigh.

"So, rather than letting you know in person how Bingtang and I get along, you prefer not to know anything and then make up your own mind, right?"

"In this case, you will never know what kind of relationship I want, nor what kind of relationship I like, and the gap between us will never disappear."

"I thought that the experience during this period of time would make you smarter... but it seems that I am overthinking it again."

"In that case, I understand, so just avoid it for a little bit."

As the words fell, Lin Shoujie shook his head, stood up and walked out of the balcony expressionlessly.

Xu Mengmeng looked at him blankly, thinking about what Lin Shoujie said just now in her mind.

Although those words seemed reasonable, but... she would be very sad!

Could it be that... Lin Shoujie no longer cares about her feelings

Oh, by the way... After all, we broke up a long time ago... Even if we don't care, it's a matter of course...

The cruel reality finally shattered Xu Mengmeng's fantasy easily. She couldn't help but bite her lips, and her heart fell into an irritating tangle again.

On the one hand, it would disappoint Lin Shoujie, and on the other hand, it would make herself uncomfortable. Xu Mengmeng didn't want to choose either one.

In the past, there would have been a third option in a situation like this, which was to persuade Lin Shoujie and stop his behavior.

But now Xu Mengmeng dares to come up with the third option. Isn't that seeking death

So... there is actually only one way to go...

Xu Mengmeng didn't want to disappoint Lin Shoujie. Such a result would also make her feel sad. In this case, she might as well silently endure the scene of watching her beloved being intimate with other girls.

Besides... this isn't the first time I've seen it... There were even more extreme kisses before...

Thinking of this, Xu Mengmeng suddenly opened her eyes as if she had reacted.

Yes, I even tolerated such extreme things at the time... Why am I not as strong as before now...

I obviously promised to be strong.

When the thoughts in her mind fell, Xu Mengmeng's mentality gradually changed, and a glimmer of light flashed through her beautiful eyes that were originally misty.

When Lin Shoujie walked in front of her, she made a bold decision and suddenly raised her delicate hand to grab Lin Shoujie's wrist.

Although her hands were still trembling slightly, she still looked at Lin Shoujie with burning eyes and said, "No need to avoid it! I... It's okay."

Before Lin Shoujie could answer, her eyes became gentler again.

"Shoujie... you are right... I should listen carefully to how you get along... and get to know you again..."

It worked...

Looking at Xu Mengmeng in front of him, Lin Shoujie clearly realized that his initial plan was successful.

Xu Mengmeng abandoned her original bottom line and would rather watch Lin Shoujie get intimate with other girls than let Lin Shoujie down.

This is something I never dared to think about before.

Although Lin Shoujie despicably took advantage of Xu Mengmeng's guilt and love for him, as long as Xu Mengmeng's three views can be shattered first, all these methods will be worthwhile.

Next, Xu Mengmeng will continue to be destroyed and then reshaped by him until a brand new thinking is established.

Maybe by then, all the difficulties will be solved? Lin Shoujie couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This was the only solution he could find at the moment, and it was the only solution he could take the initiative to control.

As Xu Mengmeng's words fell, he nodded slightly after a moment of silence and said, "Okay, then I'll give you this opportunity. I hope you can cherish it with gratitude."

"Well! Thank you~Shoujie~"

Even though she always felt weird in her heart and felt that doing so was wrong, Xu Mengmeng couldn't help but smile sweetly.

After all... this was the opportunity Lin Shoujie gave her.

Lin Shoujie still has her in his heart. Isn't this the happiest thing

And...if you look at it a little bit...in fact, she is stealing her teacher in person!

As long as we understand how Ye Bingtang gets along with Lin Shoujie, and then analyze her advantages and skills...

Maybe I can successfully save Shoujie!

The more Xu Mengmeng thought about it, the more excited she became, and her original sadness was instantly washed away.

Although I was still a little awkward in my heart, the excitement in my brain was even better after all.

At the same time, Ye Bingtang, who was sitting in the hotel box, shivered inexplicably. Just when she was confused, Lin Shoujie's call suddenly lit up on the screen of her phone.

It turns out that my brother is thinking of me!

Ye Bingtang attributed the trembling just now to Lin Shoujie's longing, and then he couldn't wait to get up and walk out of the box with his cell phone. As he walked, he said politely to Liang Hao and Su Muhong: "Well, I'll go out and take a call."

"Go, go, I'm so envious of you." Liang Hao waved his hands in disgust, but there was a smile on his face.

Even if he didn't see the display on Ye Bingtang's phone, he dared to use his head to guarantee that the call was definitely from Lin Shoujie.

On the other side, Su Muhong also smiled and joked: "Go, but if we forget to come back after talking, I will eat the dessert."

"Ooooh~ No! Sister Hong, please don't bully me~"

Perhaps because he was in such a good mood, Ye Bingtang rarely acted coquettishly towards Su Muhong, with a cute smile on his pretty face.

"Okay, okay, go ahead, I'm just teasing you." Su Muhong also waved her hand, and the curve of her mouth became softer.

Then Ye Bingtang came to the end of the corridor outside the box and answered the phone.

"Hey, dear brother, why are you calling me all of a sudden? You are lonely, empty, and cold, and do you need to listen to my voice?"

hso... This is Xu Mengmeng's true feelings about Ye Bingtang's first sentence. Since Lin Shoujie adjusted the volume and played it externally, she could hear it clearly.

But to be honest, she would rather not hear it clearly. After all, this is not something that people can learn!

How could anyone be so shameless!

You can’t do this even to your closest boyfriend!

Xu Mengmeng's inner principles tempted her to "attack" Ye Bingtang crazily in her brain, but this state did not last long because she couldn't help but reveal a knowing smile when she saw Lin Shoujie.

"Yeah, I miss you, so I can't help but want to call you."

Lin Shoujie originally planned to continue the previous topic on his phone and chat with Ye Bingtang.

But when he heard Ye Bingtang speak those seductive words in an ethereal and clean voice, he instantly felt like he was back to the scene of the previous fight, and all the complicated emotions in his heart were easily eliminated by Ye Bingtang.

Unfortunately, Xu Mengmeng didn't understand this, and she didn't know that Ye Bingtang was actually just joking with Lin Shoujie.

At this time, she thought Ye Bingtang's flirtatious words were one of the tricks that made Lin Shoujie like him.


So despicable...

It turns out that Shoujie likes this feeling...

But I can't do it at all. Xu Mengmeng cried feebly in her heart. She can guarantee that if she learns what Ye Bingtang does, her cheeks will become as red as a red apple without waiting for Lin Shoujie to respond. You may even be tempted to find a hole to crawl into.

So why is this happening... Is it really like what Shoujie said... does he care too much about face

Xu Mengmeng couldn't help but have self-doubt.

Speaking of it, it seemed that she had never even said such a joke to Lin Shoujie, let alone "driving" since she was a child.

Of course, this has nothing to do with her subsequent influence on the Internet. It is mainly due to the education of her parents. As a girl, she must be as reserved and conservative as possible. How can she say such shameless words casually!

Therefore, Xu Mengmeng has always done this, and she agrees with her parents very much, not to mention that this is the most important thing about face.

Xu Mengmeng has experienced the benefits of saving face countless times and has developed a habit.

Even though this habit made her a little tired, she still persisted.

As for the benefits of not losing face...

So far, according to her feeling, there is only one thing that can make Lin Shoujie like him.

So... what should I do... should I study? Xu Mengmeng once again fell into an extreme tangle, between self-condemnation in terms of personality and love for Lin Shoujie.

The two fought fiercely in Xu Mengmeng's heart. In the end, there was no accident, and love won absolute victory.