I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 10: Tree of Light


The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is Lin Yao’s goal. Of course, what Lin Yao wants is not the complete Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Regardless of whether he has this ability, this tree has not been discovered in the West. The closest thing to this tree is It's the Celestial Tree in the secret realm of Celestial Mountain.

There are no ten source points and twenty-two paths on that tree, but there are angel consciousness sleeping on the celestial tree, which is now considered a sacred tree by the church.

The Celestial Tree is not something Lin Yao can come into contact with. Every leaf produced on the Celestial Tree is regarded as a holy object by the church. There are also some powerful or wealthy believers who buy it and worship it, but the price of each sacred leaf is Also above one billion.

What Lin Yao wanted was the seed of the Tree of Light. The Tree of Light evolved from ordinary trees infected by the breath of the Heavenly Tree. Because the breath of the Heavenly Tree was so vast, all the trees in the entire Tianjie Mountain were infected by the Heavenly Tree and turned into Trees of Light. , coupled with the intentional cultivation of the church, there are many trees of light.

More means that Lin Yao is likely to get it. More importantly, the tree of light is not weak. According to the information that Lin Yao found on the Internet, the tree of light can emit holy light. At the same time, the leaves of the tree of light can also To expel most diseases and heal most injuries, the church has been selling leaves of light, or holy water soaked in leaves of light.

"I don't need to think too much about the original leaves of the sacred tree and the original species now, but I have energy points and it is possible to return the tree to its ancestors. Therefore, the best choice is those sub-lines of the sacred trees, such as bodhi tree and hibiscus tree. The stronger the tree is, the stronger it is, but there are no seeds left. The big locust tree is easy to get, but this tree is too gloomy, and it will not be good if it hurts the body. The tree of light is the best, with an extraordinary origin, and the possibility of returning to the ancestors. More importantly, What’s more, the ability of the Tree of Light is also helpful to me now. Even if I only have the ability of the Tree of Light, I can still become a doctor with this healing ability.”

After making the choice, the matter is not over. Compared with the leaves of those trees that cost hundreds of millions of yuan, the leaves of the Tree of Light are not very precious. However, this lack of preciousness is compared with those sacred trees. For Lin Yao , it is still an unbearable weight.

"The leaves of the tree of light can relieve most of the diseases in the world and heal most of the injuries. They are a must-have at home and the best material for traveling. If you want to buy it, hurry up. It only costs 20,000 yuan a piece..."

The Kabbalah Tree of Life is a myth, the leaves of the Celestial Tree are sacred objects, and the leaves of the Tree of Light are business. They can be purchased online and in physical stores, but because of the miraculous effects of the leaves of the Tree of Light, each leaf is still there It's more than 10,000 yuan, which is a small amount compared to 100 million yuan, but as a high school student, Lin Yao can't afford it.

"What should I do? Do I need to work to make money?"

Working to make money was Lin Yao's first thought, but he quickly gave up. It took too long, and as a senior in high school, he didn't have that time.

After frowning and thinking for a while, Lin Yao simply gritted his teeth and ran directly to his parents' door.

"Mom and Dad, open the door. I have something to discuss with you."

After coming to this world for a month, Lin Yao has already understood that he is not taking away the body, but just coming to his own body in the parallel world. Therefore, although his parents in this world are very different from his original parents due to their experiences, he can still see the original parents. There are some shadows of his parents, so it is quite natural for him to call his parents.

"Xiao Yao, come in."

Lin Yao's parents are also warriors, so they naturally exercise every day for good health. However, the difference in strength is too large, and the five members of the family have different places to exercise.

It's almost early morning, and Lin Yao's parents have gotten up early and are preparing to cook and go out.

"Come here in such a hurry, what's wrong?"

"Do you need any tutoring fees?"

"No, the government has already issued an order and does not allow schools to charge arbitrary fees. What I want to say is other things."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yao said with a hint of joy: "Mom, Dad, I'm awake."

As soon as he said this, the voices in the room suddenly stopped. After a few breaths, Lin Yao's parents reacted and stood up suddenly.

"You don't have a fever, do you?"

"Why do you have a fever? I'm awake. I'm really awake. Believe in your son. I'm capable."

"Are you really awake?"

"This is no joke?"

The resurgence of spiritual energy has brought about many changes. Because spiritual energy and the breath of life easily merge with each other, mutations often occur in humans and various animals. The direction of such mutations is mostly good.

In the past, Lin Yao's talents, such as retaining more spiritual energy than ordinary people and innate divine power, were all considered a kind of awakening. However, the level of this kind of awakening was very low. There is also another kind of awakening, which is like a superpower who can emit out of thin air. Flame or ice, Yan Yan is the representative of it. The two characters of Ice and Snow Princess represent her talent, and Lin Yao is ready to use this as an excuse to gain support from his parents.

He was willing to say it carefully. First, only legitimate reasons can get 20,000 yuan in support from his parents. After all, for ordinary families, this is not a small amount.

Secondly, Lin Yao knew that after activating the Tree of Light, unless he never used it, his changes would not be concealed. In this case, it was better to just say that he had awakened.

Of course, after revealing your talent, you may also be targeted by others.

Regarding this point, Lin Yao is not too worried. There are indeed things that can be destroyed by Lin Feng. Geniuses can also be easily plotted. However, this also depends on the situation. If it is in a chaotic or super-powerful environment, In the underworld world where fists rule, Lin Yao will naturally hide himself carefully and only reveal himself if he has enough strength.

But the world Lin Yao is in now... The country he lives in is very stable. In this country, king-level beings cannot dominate as they please, and war generals are even more afraid of the 70 million troops and 10 million armed policemen of the Celestial Dynasty. This In this era, warriors have privileges, but the law is still running in society. Therefore, Lin Yao does not need to worry about anything. As long as he is not a fool to provoke others, there is almost no chance of others taking action against him. Instead, the government, schools, and dojos will do their best. Recruit yourself.

After understanding this, Lin Yao will naturally not hide his talent. Of course, he also has reservations. He will never say anything about time travel and collecting willpower to plant trees.

Lin Yao had thought of all the above before looking for his parents. At this time, after some narration, Lin Yao revealed that he needed the seeds of the Tree of Light as a medium after awakening.

Lin Yao's parents have no doubt about this. A fully awakened person has many strange abilities, many of which require a medium to control.

The other is that Lin Yao does not directly ask for money, but for leaves. This cannot be deception. At the same time, Lin Yao has rarely deceived his parents, so naturally they will not think about it.

"You need the leaves of the Tree of Light, right? The better the leaves, the better for you. We still have a lot of money at home."

"I have just awakened. I can't explain these things clearly. It's better to be careful. Just use 20,000 yuan of light leaves. We can't afford to lose 20,000 yuan. Any higher will be bad."

Lin Yao, who was afraid that his ability was useless, did not dare to speak too fully.

However, as soon as he said this, he was severely refuted by his parents.

"What nonsense are you talking about? There is no shortage of money at home for you to awaken your medium."

"Don't worry, we can't give you the best thing, but the awakening medium is still capable."

Later, no matter how hard Lin Yao tried to dissuade him, Lin Yao's father still went into the house and took out all his money.

Such a scene made Lin Yao helpless and a little moved at the same time.

"No matter how poor you are, you can't afford education, and no matter how miserable you are, you can't suffer for your children. Alas, I didn't expect that the treatment would not change in the parallel world."

(End of chapter)