I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 100: Slowly developing


"The Flower of Sin, this title is exactly what it sounds like."

Thinking in his mind, Lin Yao also nodded.

Seeing this, Li Shan did not dare to neglect, and immediately asked people to pull Lin Yao away, and then called everyone to be careful about the seeds. He found that there was nothing strange about the thing. Li Shan, who was worried, took out a gold-plated pair and covered it with a large number of runes. gloves, and then use a pair of tweezers to carefully pick up the seeds and put them in a tightly closed box.

"Officer Wenshang, let's detach. You go and take Ah Yao to the hospital. I need to escort this to the Sealed Artifact Management Office."


The two teams separated. After half an hour of high-speed driving, Lin Yao was escorted into a military hospital. There were doctors waiting before his arrival. He received strict care immediately after he came in.

Li Shan on the other side also arrived at the Sealed Artifact Management Office with the seeds of the bright red flower with a solemn expression. What few people knew was that not long after they left, a man in white clothes looked hazy. The woman, like a ghost, floated from a distance and stayed beside the withered red flowers, staring at them for a long time.

"The muscles all over the body are damaged, and the throat is very serious. Emergency treatment is needed, otherwise there is a risk of becoming mute."

When Lin Yao arrived at the hospital, he underwent a large number of examinations. This time, the doctors found that Lin Yao not only suffered damage to his vocal cords, but also suffered injuries in other places.

Lin Yao was not surprised by this. This was the pressure brought by the fighting posture.

The electric stimulation combat suit can activate the human body, allowing humans to release restrictions and burst out 200% of their power.

But know one thing, human limitations are not necessarily a bad thing.

On the contrary, most restrictions are a kind of protection. For example, the human mind will filter a lot of information to prevent the brain from being overused, and the same is true for strength.

The human body has its limits. If you use all your strength to attack the enemy, it is not necessarily the enemy who dies. It is also possible that when you come into contact with the enemy, your arm will be completely shattered due to being unable to withstand the counter-shock force.

Lin Yao's situation was similar to this, and he also used electric shocks to stimulate his body, which further aggravated his injuries.

Fortunately, Lin Yao himself knew this. Before turning on the electric current to stimulate the fighting posture of the suit, he exploded the light energy seeds in advance, allowing the power of light to fill his cells and increase his physical strength.

Because of this, he was only slightly injured, not seriously injured.

"Fortunately, I have a body of light. All I need to do is bask in the sun and I'll be fine. The injuries on my body will recover quickly, but the injuries on my throat will be troublesome."

Of course, Lin Yao was not worried about becoming mute. After the spiritual energy was revived, human treatment methods were no longer limited to drugs, and all kinds of special abilities were available. He just felt that this injury meant that he would not be able to participate in the school competition.

"Although there are not many rewards for the whole-grade competition, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat. Moreover, this competition is still a qualification, not only the qualification to enter the key class, but also the qualification to participate in the city's youth competition."

Lin Yao has not forgotten that this school competition was initiated by the city. The competition in the school is just a preview. The real reward lies in the final battle between schools to determine the most talented boy who is suitable for fighting.

"Oh, I might be absent this time."

Just when Lin Yao shook his head, just as he thought, special personnel were treating him.

After all, he was injured at work this time. More importantly, Lin Yao is talented and willing to stand up and take responsibility. This is the favorite warrior of the city's top officials. Naturally, they will not watch Lin Yao's body being damaged, let alone let Lin Yao suffer. Yaohanxin.

You know, talents can move around the country at will. Even if they provide a large amount of material subsidies, if other cities are willing to accept Lin Yao, they can also help Lin Yao return the materials to the city.

Lin Yao can even repay it alone. As long as he is in the country, the city cannot restrict his personal freedom.

Lin Yao can come and go at will, and they urgently need powerful warriors to stabilize the situation, but there are too many powerful warriors to choose from, and it is not their turn at all. Facing Lin Yao who has the hope of growing up and having the opportunity to station, they naturally do not dare to give in. Lin Yao was heartbroken.

Before the medical staff could discuss the matter, someone familiar to Lin Yao walked into the ward.

"You went to conquer Weirdness when you were in high school. You are really not afraid of death. Do your job well and study hard!"

Along with some angry words, he hit his forehead hard with a snap of his fingers, causing his head to hurt.

"Well, it hurts. Chief Poetry, why are you here... Well, I can speak now."

The hoarseness of his throat made Lin Yao unable to make a sound at all, but this time, he was surprised to make a sound. Although he still felt some discomfort in his throat, he was able to speak.

After a little awareness, Lin Yao also discovered the reason. The snap of his fingers by the director of poetry of the abnormal ability department not only punished Lin Yao, but also unleashed his combat skills.

Lin Yao didn't know the specific combat skills, but the power of light flowed from his forehead to his whole body, repairing his injuries. The injury on Lin Yao's throat was repaired by the power of light.

"Light abilities are really useful. No wonder everyone likes people with light abilities. Fortunately, I am also a light person."

While Lin Yao was sighing, Section Chief Shi also returned to Lin Yao's question: "As the director of the First Military Hospital of Ninghai City, why can't I come?"

"Well, you are the dean."

"No, with the power of light, no one has as much healing power as me. Moreover, the major I chose in college was also a doctor."

Seeing this, what else could Lin Yao say? He could only say:

"The Chief of the Poetry Section is mighty."

"Don't talk to me. This time has not passed. You are not allowed to do such dangerous things in the future, you know? At least not until you graduate from college. The country has not reached the point where minors can join the army."

"I'm... almost an adult."

Just as he was about to say it, Lin Yao soon realized that he was now a senior in high school and only 17 years old, not considered an adult.

The head of the poetry section also knows this.

"There's still one year left. Besides, it's not like you've reached adulthood without graduating from college or getting married and having children."

In the ward, Section Chief Shi scolded Lin Yao for a while and told him that the night patrol and entering the treacherous environment had all come to nothing. The city's top officials, who knew Lin Yao's talent, naturally became angry when they heard about the dangers Lin Yao had experienced. It is impossible to let him participate in dangerous work without growing up.

This made Lin Yao a little uncomfortable. One of his energy sources was cut off, but he was also relieved. After all, he also had the idea of returning to daily life temporarily and improving his strength first.

"It's been too long since I graduated from college, but I need a stable period to develop."

"Study, study, your first priority now is to study. When you grow up, even if you don't want to, the country will recruit you to fight."

While thinking about his future plans, Lin Yao nodded in response to the accusation from the section chief of poetry.

"I see."

Lin Yao, who lowered his head, felt that the nagging of the poetry section chief would continue for a long time. However, after saying a few words again, a pair of warm palms suddenly placed on Lin Yao's face and raised his head.

At this time, the face of the poetry section chief was no longer complaining, but appreciative.

"Although the method is not worth advocating, you did a good job this time. Because of you, we discovered a hidden powerful weirdness. And because of you, we lost more than twenty elite soldiers. I will fight with them on their behalf." The family thank you."

"This is what I should do."

"No, that's not it. We should protect you without being modest."

After the reprimand, the poetry section chief also praised Lin Yao's character and told him that there were rewards from the city for his merits.

However, before leaving, the poetry section chief also sternly warned Lin Yao that he would never be allowed to be a hero at night and look for weirdness.

"I'm not that stupid. Even if I'm chasing weird things, I won't act alone."

There is no need to talk about morality when beating up monsters. It is the right way to fight shoulder to shoulder. Therefore, Lin Alarm Yao has made a decision. No matter how weak the monsters are, he will contact the police and call on them to carry out a just beating.

"A lone ranger? With the support of the Chinese government, I am a fool to be a lone ranger."

(End of chapter)