I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 111: Crush with force




When the Iron Wood Sword came out of the body, there was a roaring sound of thunder and lightning.

And amidst the violent thunder, what Lin Yao pulled out didn't look like a sword, but like thunder and lightning.

The bright electric light flashed away, and a white line instantly appeared in the middle of the palm print that contained the secret of Vajra like a door panel. After a breath, the white line spread, and the Vajra God's palm print shattered like glass.

"How is it possible? You only have full control over it!"

The broken Vajra Divine Palm made Di Qiang incredible. He didn't understand how Lin Yao, who could only gather all his strength together, shattered his superimposed secrets with one blow.

However, he didn't understand that Lin Yao had no time to waste.

After shattering the Vajra Divine Palm with one blow, Lin Yao suddenly stepped forward.


Amidst the sound of the ground breaking, his figure flashed from the spot like lightning and rushed towards Di Qiang.

Looking at Lin Yao, who was approaching like a god of thunder, Di Qiang wanted to send out another Vajra Divine Palm, but as I said before, the reason why Mystery is called a killing move is because it puts too much pressure on the body and it is difficult to fire it continuously. .

At that time, the two powers were gathered in one palm. The reason why Di Qiang's palm was not broken on the spot was because the strength of the palm was strengthened when practicing the Vajra Divine Palm.

It's a pity that he is a low-level warrior after all, and his palms have not yet been tempered to the extent that he can fire the Vajra Palm continuously.

Di Qiang, who was unable to activate the Vajra Divine Palm or even use his right palm, faced the charging Lin Yao. He could only use his left foot as the center of gravity, rotate half of his body with his right foot, and kick Lin Yao's body hard.


As expected of a person who has understood the two mysteries, he has gathered all his strength while spinning, and his leg sweeps even made the air scream.

A simple kick is like other people using combat skills. This is the terror of mastering the whole body.

However, Lin Yao also mastered this ability!

He was kicking, and so was Lin Yao.


Amidst the howling wind, Lin Yao and Di Qiang's thighs collided hard.

When the two legs intersected, something happened immediately that made Di Qiang's expression change. He felt that the strength of the opposite thigh was more than his own. The terrifying force crushed his thigh and kicked him hard. chest, and kicked him off the ring.

Falling under the stage, Di Qiang spurted out mouthfuls of blood.

But at this time, he couldn't care about this anymore, but looked at Lin Yao in shock, as if he was looking at a madman.

"Are you crazy? This is just an arena competition. You actually released your body shackles and unleashed 200% of your strength. Or are you two times in a row in a short period of time? Do you not want to live anymore?"

Di Qiang, who was kicked away, was asking Lin Yao if he didn't want to live anymore. This seemed strange, but the reason soon appeared.

Di Qiang's leg was broken under the ring and blood was spurting from his mouth. Lin Yao stood on the stage as if he was the winner.

But as Di Qiang stepped down from the stage, the light in Lin Yao's eyes disappeared, and his whole person also slumped to the ground.

As he collapsed, blood also appeared on his body. The blood was still flowing from all over his body, and blood even flowed out of his seven orifices. This made Lin Yao look like a bloody man.

Lin Yao, who defeated Di Qiang, seemed to be even more injured than Di Qiang.

This kind of thing makes people feel incredible, but if you think about it carefully, this is normal.

You know, ordinary people can only exert 15-30% of their own strength. Ordinary warrior-level experts can exert at most 50% of their own strength, but Lin Yao's strength just now was 200%. This kind of explosive power Compared with the general, the method is four times the difference.

It can be said that Lin Yao, who smashed the Vajra Divine Palm with one sword and kicked Di Qiang away with one kick, exerted attack power beyond his own limits with both moves.

Unlocking the shackles of the body and making the attack power unmatched seems to be a good thing.

But you must know that what limits the exertion of human power is both a shackle and a kind of protection.

The strength of the human body is limited, and ordinary people can only exert 30% of their strength because the body protects the body.

And if you can't bear it, the bigger the force, the better.

For example, Di Qiang can actually explode if he can unlock the genetic lock, but he usually only dares to increase his power to 100%.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to improve, but if he exceeds it, even just a little, his body will be damaged and he will need to stay in bed for several days.

With 200% strength, even the current treatment methods are enough to keep him lying down for a month. Even, Di Qiang feels that this will affect the foundation of the person. After all, a forced burst of strength means muscle dissolution, excessive pressure on the internal organs, and broken capillaries. This is not an easy injury to heal.

"It's just a competition. As for using the method of disintegrating the demon? Save people, save people quickly."

He was shouting loudly, but without him having to say anything, the senior leaders of the academy on the stage noticed something was wrong when Lin Yao smashed the Vajra Divine Palm with his sword, and immediately rushed to the ring to stop the fight between Lin Yao and Lin Yao.

However, this was an ordinary school after all, and the college leaders were not too strong. Also, Lin Yao and Di Qiang were fighting too fast, so they did not stop them at all.

At this time, the faces of several people who rushed to the ring were all black.

"Classmate Lin Yao, you... ugh!"

"You are confused. You have a bright future after understanding the genetic lock. Why are you working so hard here?"

"It's over, we've crippled a genius who has understood the secrets of Military Body Boxing, we... ugh!"

Lin Yao's injury made everyone feel uncomfortable and worried. The doctor next to the ring was also rushing over to treat Lin Yao.

But at this moment when everyone was sad, Lin Yao actually smiled and spoke out.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

"It's not a big deal for you. If you release 300% of your power, it will be good if you can save your life."

"It's not 300%, it's 200%."

As soon as he said this, Di Qiang shook his head:

"Impossible. The low-level warrior can only unlock 200% of the power and cannot break the Vajra Divine Palm that I have concentrated all my strength on."

"That's an ordinary person. I'm born with supernatural powers."

Di Qiang is right. Ordinary people are like this, but Lin Yao is not ordinary. The full bonus of the body of light increased Lin Yao's physical fitness by 90%. Coupled with the 14% realm of the black body people, his physical body The strength is already twice the 100% limit of the human body, and this level of physical fitness is barely enough to advance to the level of Silver Citizen.

It was also because of this that he was able to defeat Di Qiang's whole-body secret superimposed Vajra Palm with 200% power.

"You are born with divine power. Your talent is really enviable... but you are also too impulsive."

Di Qiang breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer nervous after learning that Lin Yao was born with supernatural power and only exerted 200% of his power.

Di Qiang, who mastered the mysteries of Military Boxing, knew that if 300% of the power was released, the low-level warrior would either die or be paralyzed, but with only 200%, they only needed to cultivate for a month or two.

Knowing that Lin Yao would not be paralyzed or die, he felt a little more relaxed, and the college leaders around him breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, they severely criticized Lin Yao.

"You must never do this kind of thing again, you have to be responsible for your body."

"Don't be too aggressive when dealing with your own people. Now is the golden period for you to improve. They train every day, and you can only lie down for a month or two. How much will it take to be pulled down? You won't regret it later!"

They were scolding, but Lin Yao had an indifferent expression on his face, which made all the school leaders very angry.

Lin Yao also felt a headache listening to the chatter of the leaders around him.

"I'm really fine."

After saying that, he was about to stand up with force, which scared all the school leaders so much that they pushed Lin Yao to the ground with all their hands.

The doctor sprayed medicine all over Lin Yao's body and carefully carried Lin Yao as if he were carrying a fragile object.

"Stop, stop it."

"Stop moving and send him to the hospital."

"And Di Qiang, he was also sent to the hospital."

In this way, Lin Yao, who was covered in blood, and Di Qiang, who was kicked in the chest, were both pulled into the hospital. Looking at Lin Yao who was seriously injured but didn't care at all, Di Qiang was helpless.

"I met a war madman."

Geniuses naturally receive special treatment. The two people who entered the college ward were scanned by a special instrument.

During the scan, Di Qiang's injury report quickly appeared.

"The legs were broken, the sternum was broken, the internal organs were damaged, and there was massive internal bleeding... "

Di Qiang's injury was very serious. Ordinary people in the previous life would have almost died if they encountered him. However, humans in this era are different. Not to mention special medical technology, just relying on nutrient solution and the tough physique of a warrior, the recovery speed of humans has also been greatly increased. .

And those doctors quickly gave a treatment plan.

"After repairing the internal injuries by setting the bones, you can recover by taking nutritional medicine for a month."

"No need to bother. Di Qiang has genetic control, which can slightly control the physical body. The physical injuries will only take 10 days to heal."

Di Qiang's injury was quickly tested. On the other side, some coaches and senior officials in the college had already pulled Lin Yao onto the examination table, and carefully said to the doctor: "Check Lin Yao quickly. It's best to give him first aid." Take care of it, I have contacted the hospital in the city center."

"Contact Central Hospital, what happened?"

"What else could it be? This brave little bastard unlocked his genetic shackles during the battle and exploded to 200% of his power, twice."

As soon as he said this, the doctor took a deep breath.

"What happened in the academy? Such desperate tactics were used."

"Nothing happened, it was just an arena match... Oh, let's get treatment." At this point, the senior executive said hesitantly: "It's no problem."

"It's hard to be sure. It's very serious to exert strength beyond the body's limit. His muscle cells will definitely dissolve a lot."

"That's okay. The outbreak of taboos is systemic. If I'm afraid of internal organ failure, that would be really troublesome!"

Under the concerns of the school leaders, a group of doctors conducted various physical examinations on Lin Yao as quickly as possible.

And soon, Lin Yao's physical condition was displayed on the instruments in the room.

However, after reading those things, the tension on all the doctors' faces disappeared, and some were just speechless.

"Are you kidding me?"

(End of chapter)