I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 13: Extremely high practice efficiency


Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts in his mind, Lin Yao found that his parents were surrounded by people when he returned to the lake after his exercise. He also received constant praise for his arrival, which made Lin Yao a little difficult to handle.

Fortunately, he was only gifted but had not yet fully grown into a strong man, so the fawning around him was not obvious. After dealing with it, he took the two little ones he had arrived and walked back home with a family of five.

"Brother, you have really awakened. Can I tell my classmates?"

Lin Xiaodie, a junior high school student with a side ponytail, didn't think much about it. While she was happy for her brother, she also wanted to tell her classmates about her brother's awakening. This was also a way of showing off.


His family was happy for his awakening, while Lin Yao felt the changes in his body.

It was a sunny day today. When walking on the road, Lin Yao felt like a light absorber, constantly absorbing the energy of sunlight scattered between the sky and the earth.

As wisps of sunlight energy were absorbed into Lin Yao's body, he felt his body heat up, as if he were soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.

In this kind of comfort, Lin Yao even noticed in a subtle way that his body, which was tired after exercising five times in a row, had regained its vitality again, and wisps of energy were filling his body.

"With this progress, I only need two more hours in the sun and I can exercise again."

Originally, Lin Yao could only exercise three times at a time, and each exercise would take half a day to relieve. But now, Lin Yao can exercise five times at a time, and after each exercise, he will be back to his original state in two hours. This change makes Lin Yao couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart.

After returning home with the surprise in his heart, Lin Yao had a casual meal and stood in the yard of his home because he didn't need to go to school during the holiday.

In the hot summer, the scorching light is unbearable for ordinary people, but for Lin Yao, it is the most comfortable weather.

While standing under the sun, Lin Yao also calmed down and let his consciousness enter the sea of consciousness.

In addition to the small tree turning white and growing a branch in the sea of consciousness, another change is that the green energy ball on the top of the small tree has become smaller, and its energy is only 80g.

"This is the only way to upgrade the seedlings. Unfortunately, 80g of energy is not enough to upgrade."

[Ding, the system prompts that upgrading the Tree of Light sapling into a small sapling requires 1000g of energy. The host is also requested to work hard to accumulate it]

"If you just do volunteer work, 1000g of energy will take a thousand days, which is three years, and you still have to spend money. Unfortunately, I have no money now."

Sighing and shaking his head, Lin Yao looked away from the energy ball and looked at the attribute panel on the sapling.

There, Lin Yao's attributes were still very crude, but there was a change that surprised Lin Yao.

[Lin Yao]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 17]

[Practice: The Thirteenth Set of Military Boxing]

[Realm: human body limit (89.75%)]

[Trees currently planted: Tree of Light (seedlings)]

[Talent: Sunlight Absorption LV3]

Lin Yao didn't look at the other situations. What surprised him was the column about human body limits.

"How come the human body's limit has become 89.75%? After the evolution was completed this morning, it was 89.58%. I practiced Juntiquan five times in the morning, so it should be 89.63%. Where did the extra 0.12% come from?"

Although 0.12% is very small, it usually takes 12 times of military training to get here.

And Lin Yao remembered clearly that he only practiced 5 times in the morning.

After thinking about it under the sun, Lin Yao had an idea in his mind.

"Could it be that the absorption of sunlight not only allows me to train more, but also improves my physique, allowing me to absorb more spiritual energy at one time?"

This was Lin Yao's guess, and then he tested it.

After standing in the sun for two hours, with the nourishment of the sun, the physical pain caused by the five military punches in the morning had completely disappeared, allowing Lin Yao to continue exercising.

Without hesitation, under the sunshine, Lin Yao opened his stance again and started to fight military style fists.


Breathing air rhythmically, waving his fists and feet, and soon, the military boxing exercise was completed. This time, Lin Yao did not continue the exercise, but calmly pulled his consciousness into the sea of consciousness, and looked at his attribute panel again. .

He was not disappointed. In the sea of consciousness, Lin Yao found that his human body limit had increased again, and it was not an increase of 0.01%, but a full increase of 0.03%.

"With an increase of 0.03 at a time, my efficiency in practicing once is three times that of before, and the number of times I can practice every day has also increased several times than before. The warrior level that originally took more than a hundred days to reach, maybe I can reach it soon. , is this genius?"

In the past, Lin Yao felt that being a genius was very satisfying, but now, after truly becoming a genius, Lin Yao realized that the feeling of being a genius was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The extremely high training effect made Lin Yao unwilling to stop at all. In the yard, he stretched his body, waved his fists and feet, and continued to exercise.

In this exercise, nourished by the power of the sun, Lin Yao's physical fitness also improved again and again, moving towards the physical limit.

Soon, an hour passed, and Lin Yao practiced five times again.

"Huhuhu, I can't do it anymore, I have to rest... Xiaodie, bring me a bottle of water, I'm so thirsty."

"I know, brother."

This Reiki Festival is a national holiday like the National Day in the past. All schools are on holiday, and his sister Xiaodie and brother Lin Ye are both at home and unable to exercise due to physical fatigue. Therefore, the two of them watched Lin Yao from the side. Cultivation, this also allows Lin Yao to use it a little bit.

Taking the water handed over by Xiaodie, Lin Yao drank all the water in one go. However, after drinking one bottle of water, Lin Yao did not quench his thirst. He drank three more bottles before he felt comfortable.

"Brother, if you feel hot, you can go back to the house and take a rest."

"No, it's more comfortable under the sun, I just need enough water."

As he adapted to sunlight absorption, Lin Yao discovered that although sunlight absorption can absorb the power of the sun without worrying about energy consumption, water needs to be involved in the process.

Therefore, even if Lin Yao doesn't sweat much, he still needs to drink a lot of water.

"This is not a problem. The nutrient solution cannot be supplied for a long time. As for water, you can get as much as you need."

Drink water, rest, and exercise. Lin Yao, who had just absorbed the sun for the first time, did not leave the sun for the whole day and kept exercising.

After two hours in the sun to recharge his energy, he exercised for an hour, and then another two hours in the sun. In addition to the early morning, Lin Yao exercised for four rounds in the sun and performed twenty military boxing exercises. One day is twice as many times as Lin Yao used to exercise.

More importantly, while exercising more times, Lin Yao's efficiency in each exercise is also very high.

However, Lin Yao, who looked at the attribute panel every time he exercised, also discovered that his exercise efficiency was not static. In the early morning and near evening, due to the slightly reduced power of sunlight, his exercise efficiency was only three times that of ordinary people. , and when the sun is hottest at noon, his exercise is five times that of ordinary people, and the same is true for his recovery.

"The Sun Body is closely related to sunlight. The stronger the sunlight, the more benefits I can get... Well, I also need to consume more water."

In the evening when the sun set, Lin Yao lay in the bathtub, summarizing today's gains while soothing his tired body.

"I exercise twenty times a day, and each time my physical limit increases by 0.03 or 0.05. At the end of the day, my physical limit increases by about 0.8%. Now, my physical limit has reached 90.50%."

0.8 a day, which is 8 times the speed of Lin Yao's previous practice. It can only be said that the absorption of sunlight really assists the magical skills. For Lin Yao, a poor person who does not have nutrient solution, the effect is immeasurable.

"I am only 10% short of reaching the limit of the human body. 0.8 per day. I will reach the limit of the human body in about ten days. If the breakthrough goes well, I can become a warrior in about ten days."

Warriors, this is the beginning of martial arts and the backbone of mankind. Lin Yao is looking forward to the power of warriors. At the same time, Lin Yao also thinks of the one-eyed instructor's painting yesterday.

"After the holidays, the school will conduct an assessment first, first for the class, then for the entire senior year, and finally for all colleges and universities in Ninghai City. Do you want to obtain resources, do you want to gain combat skills, do you want to gain fame, do you want to Then work hard, the competition after the Reiki Festival will have everything you want.”

Before today, Lin Yao didn't pay much attention to this competition and thought it had nothing to do with him. But today, feeling the full power in his body, Lin Yao had an idea in his mind.

"It's not like I don't have a chance with this quota."

(End of chapter)