I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 289: A sword comes from the west, and immortals fly from the sky


"Sky strike!"

With a low cry, another golden thunder fell from the sky, following Lin Yao's will to kill the enemy.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Thunder roared, and in this violent sound, golden thunder continued to fall like a divine sword, chopping Lin Yao's enemies into flying ash.

Due to the lightning's swiftness, it hit immediately upon locking, and no monster escaped from the beginning to the end. This also made the ordinary people watching the live broadcast awed Lin Yao.

Wearing the Lion King's armor, he was like a god, and now he was in charge of the thunder and could destroy the enemy with his thoughts. This made everyone look at Lin Yao as if they were looking at a god who was punishing on behalf of the sky.

"It's too strong."

"He's so handsome."

Amid everyone's comments and envy, Lin Yao spent three hours clearing most of the silver-level monsters in Satellite City No. 9.

"Now, there is only one gold-level monster and the rat plague."

The rat problem of millions of rats cannot be solved by one person. The one Lin Yao is preparing to attack this time is the only gold-level monster left here.

In fact, before coming here, Qin Ya's mission for Lin Yao was mainly to search for silver-level monsters.

But when he came, he successfully performed double fusion and gained gold-level combat power. Naturally, he would not be timid, and gold-level monsters were also included in his targets.

Before going to the destination of gold-level monsters, Lin Yao also passed by the location of the granary, which was already occupied by a huge number of rats. In the past, Lin Yao also understood why there were a lot of tasks in Satellite City No. 9 but no top management took action.

The higher-ups and guardians of this place were stationed nearby to prevent the rat infestation from escaping. At the same time, a circular river also appeared around the granary. Obviously, this was excavated recently and was an important means for the guardians here to prevent the rat infestation from leaking out. .

"It's just a restriction now. The war will have to wait for a while. I hope that the gold-level monster can be cleared out before then."

With a flap of his wings, Lin Yao flew past the rat plague. Five minutes later, a vast, dirty, smelly, bubbling swamp appeared in his eyes.

The swamp destroyed a city wall and was connected to the almost endless swamp outside. This was a new land that appeared in the changes in the world, and it was also the lair of monsters. It was extremely far away, and Lin Yao discovered that a large amount of fresh flesh and blood had been brought in by plane. Send it and throw it on the mire, this is the response of the ninth satellite city.

"Because the rat infestation has not been eliminated, why not use fresh flesh and blood to stabilize the monsters entrenched here? It's a smart approach, but it doesn't seem to be effective."

Fresh flesh and blood was thrown away, but the monster inside did not swallow it, but rushed towards the city.

It was a giant crocodile twenty meters away. The crocodile had cold eyes and dark scales covering his body like armor. At this time, it was rushing towards the city with the defense given by the black scales.

Its huge body makes it charge like a moving train, unstoppable.

Facing the huge charging monster, most people would have been scared to shit. Zhou Tian was also very scared, but as the battalion commander with officers and soldiers stationed here, he knew that he could not be afraid, let alone retreat.

"Sound the siren, release the incendiary bombs, and drive it away!"

Under Zhou Tian's command, a sharp sound was immediately directed forward and detonated, and an incendiary bomb was shot in front of the prehistoric giant crocodile, forming a road of flames in front of it.

At this time, Zhou Tian was still thinking about getting rid of the crocodiles. Rat infestation was a major problem in the city. He wanted to gather manpower to kill the crocodiles after the rat infestation.

And his approach is not wrong. Warcraft have the characteristic of seeking advantages and avoiding harm. Whether it is a sharp alarm sound or a burning flame, it can make the warcraft retreat. Even a powerful warcraft will be hunted if it feels like it. Let yourself be injured and they will retreat instead of attacking blindly.

Unfortunately, the monster's behavior today was somewhat unusual.

After the incendiary bombs were fired one after another, the prehistoric giant crocodile didn't even think about stopping, but moved forward crazily.

Realizing that the warning was useless, Zhou Tian's eyes also turned cold:

"The 13th Battalion of Satellite City 9, engage in full engagement, attack, all of them, attack!"

"Da da da da..."

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

At Zhou Tian's call, the sound of heavy machine gun fire was immediately heard in the front, and then, in less than a second, the sound of artillery fire was also heard continuously.


In modern times, there are 500 officers and soldiers in a battalion. Because they have to deal with Warcraft, the lightest weapons in this battalion are heavy machine guns, which are not the heavy machine guns in Lin Yao's original world.

Because humans in the previous world were individually weak, individual weapons had to consider weight and recoil, and were unable to maximize their power.

In this world, among the ranks of officers and soldiers, senior warriors are the lowest, and generals are the main body. Although they are very weak in Lin Yao's eyes, each of them can still lift a thousand kilograms of heavy objects and walk like flying.

Strong personal power makes the individual weapons of this world extraordinary. The heavy machine guns held by officers and soldiers in the previous world were heavy machine guns placed on vehicles.

More than 300 of the 500 people were armed with heavy machine guns, and the remaining humans were armed with heavy sniper cannons. This kind of firepower was extremely powerful. The firepower emitted by this battalion alone was stronger than an army of ten thousand people in the previous world.

However, the effect of such powerful firepower on the prehistoric giant crocodile was not very good. If it was resisted, the prehistoric giant crocodile would be broken into pieces even if it had strong scales.

However, the warrior who laid the foundation of gold already has his own unique ability. The golden war lion has the ability to swallow spirits. This prehistoric giant crocodile also has its own foundation of gold.

When the 13th Battalion launched a storm of bullets and continued shelling, the mire giant crocodile, sensing danger, set off the mire field.

It can be clearly seen that as the giant crocodile advances, the mud within hundreds of meters of it is rapidly turning into a swamp. Then the swamp is churning, forming walls of swamp to protect the giant crocodile.

A quagmire is not strong, and metal bullets can easily penetrate it, but a quagmire that stretches for hundreds of meters makes the bullets lose their power.

Even a heavy sniper cannon can easily penetrate hundreds of swamp walls.

"Damn it, incendiary bombs, everyone releases incendiary bombs, Captain He, contact the rat defense line and ask for support."

"Yes, Captain."

With satellites as communications, the changes here were sent to the rat defense line in less than a second. However, bad news soon came over there. When something happened to the monsters here, the rats on the other side also started to attack. A full-scale attack.

"Attack together? Son of a bitch, there must be an intelligent monster to connect them together."

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Hold on here and we must not let this beast rush into the town."

Realizing that something was wrong, Zhou Tian did not dare to let monsters into the city. Cannonballs, bullets, incendiary bombs, sonic bombs, and all kinds of attacks were directed at the prehistoric giant crocodile in the swamp.

The crazy bombardment was blocked by the endless quagmire, but it also stopped the giant crocodile from rushing forward.

However, although the situation is good, Zhou Tian is not relaxed. He knows that the biggest threat on the land of China is monsters. Compared with those terrifying existences, monsters are just younger brothers, but this "younger brother" is also a world-class disaster, and towns often have They were conquered by monsters, and 99% of the cities that were conquered were led by intelligent monsters.

"With the existence of intelligent monsters, this attack will not be so simple!"

This idea came to his mind, and he motioned to the sentient people in the team to check the surroundings. However, he soon found that there was no need to check, as another monster was coming.

But this time, to Zhou Tian's despair, monsters appeared from the ground beneath their feet.

The first thing to appear was not the monster, but the environment. The ground beneath their feet became soft at a speed visible to the naked eye, and hands of the mire stretched out to grab the officers and soldiers standing on it.


In an instant, a dozen people were pulled into the deep quagmire, and the bodies of other soldiers were also halfway sunken.

Such a scene is despairing. Ordinary soldiers who rely on equipment to fight are most afraid of being rushed into the formation. But now, they are not only being rushed into the formation by the enemy, but also unable to escape due to the quagmire.

In the mire, another giant crocodile with a body length of twenty meters appeared. There was not one golden monster here, but two.

Deep in despair, Zhou Tian did not give up resistance. With the strength of a silver-level warrior at his peak, he used his energy to blast open the swamp around his legs and forced his way out.


Then, without any intention of escaping, he rushed towards the swamp crocodile alone, hoping to resist it alone and buy time for his teammates.

“Bang bang bang”

Attaching his true energy to his legs, Zhou Tian rushed to the giant crocodile with every step, only to find that the giant crocodile didn't care about him at all. There was a feeling of looking at a dead person in his cold eyes.

This sight made Zhou Tian feel something was wrong: "Something is wrong!"

Unfortunately, he realized it too late. Facing the giant crocodile in the swamp, Zhou Tian was about to fight it desperately when he suddenly felt a sharp object piercing his torso from the side.

Then, the sharp thing suddenly became soft, tied itself up, and dragged it to the side.

As he was attacked, he realized that the giant crocodile was not the only monster in the swamp that encompassed the entire camp. There was a huge monster that was similar to the giant crocodile but more like a lizard, emerging from invisibility.

The moment he saw the monster, Zhou Tian laughed miserably and understood everything: "No wonder the investigators in our team didn't sense the movement under their feet. It turns out that there are monsters with hidden auras, allowing the hidden monsters to cooperate with other monsters, and Rat infestation, Ninth Acropolis…”

Being pierced and bound by the lizard's tongue, Zhou Tian's last thought was the safety of the city. However, as the violent monster's open mouth got closer and closer, he also understood that he had no chance.

"This is the only way we can go, but even if I die, you won't feel comfortable!"

Before he finished speaking, a powerful grenade appeared in his hand. He had no intention of detonating it immediately. He was already prepared to detonate it when it was swallowed, so that he could better kill the enemy from the inside.


A shocking explosion resounded in the swamp, and the roar like the explosion of a cannonball was so loud that it suppressed the sounds of struggling people around for a moment.

Sensing the explosion, Zhou Tian was suddenly startled.

Yes, Zhou Tian was not dead, and the roar just now was not the sound of him detonating the bomb.

Just when he was about to be thrust into the mouth of the lizard monster and detonate the bomb, a flash of lightning fell from the sky like a divine sword and struck directly on the head of the swamp monitor lizard.

The terrifying thunder directly opened a bloody hole in the giant lizard's head, and the power of thunder and lightning flowed into its body along the wound, making its body paralyzed and trembling.

The sudden lightning strike in the desperate situation stunned Zhou Tian for a moment, but then, his good combat qualities made him react. Immediately, he pulled the fuse off the powerful bomb in his hand and threw it into the swamp giant. The lizard's mouth was still open.

Later, he himself took this opportunity to block the tongue that penetrated his body.

However, this is not easy. Although the tongue is a biological tissue, it is extremely smooth and contains strong elasticity. It is not stressed at all. On the contrary, the violent tossing makes the mire monitor feel like it has woken up.

"grass… "


Before the scolding ended, another thunderous sound resounded throughout the world. This time, the thunder struck on the tongue of the swamp monitor lizard, directly cutting off the slippery tongue.


After escaping from the mouth of the swamp monitor lizard, Zhou Tian breathed heavily while turning his head and looking around. Soon, he discovered who was saving him. A golden-armored giant spirit with a lion's head was flying from a distance at high speed.

"Captain Lin Yao!"

It was impossible for Zhou Tian not to know about Lin Yao's busy work for three hours in Satellite City No. 9. He even spent his own salary to purchase several rockets for Lin Yao.

Not to mention the surprise that Captain Zhou Tian felt when he saw Lin Yao, Lin Yao looked at the three golden monsters in front of him, and a feeling of "winning" also appeared in his heart.

"There were only three of them in the first battle. You really think highly of me."

When he was in the Magic City, Lin Yao fought against golden monsters, but he was not the main force at that time. As long as the monsters were found, other golden warriors would take over.

But this time the situation is different. Lin Yao is the strongest person on the scene. Once the battle begins, he will withstand the attack of three golden monsters, which puts a lot of pressure on Lin Yao.

However, although he was slightly worried, Lin Yao had no idea of retreating.

Seeing the officers and soldiers struggling to fight back in the quagmire, attacking frantically even if they were swallowed up, Lin Yao's flying speed accelerated again.

While flying, a red flame sword was summoned by Lin Yao and was held in the hand of the Lion King Armor outside.

The flaming sword was initially very small, only about 1.2 meters long. However, as Lin Yao injected energy into it, the red flaming sword also quickly enlarged. Soon, a ten-meter-long red giant sword was captured by Lin Yao. Yao Zhi was dragged behind him.


Lin Yao, who was dragging his giant sword backwards and flying at supersonic speed, was like a falling meteorite at extremely high speed, making the three monsters in the swamp feel a huge threat.

Immediately, whether it was the giant lizard or giant crocodile next to the soldier, or the giant crocodile in the distance, they abandoned the others and launched the most violent attack on Lin Yao while building a strong defense around themselves.

"Puff puff puff puff."

As the giant mire crocodile slapped the ground, a huge number of mire spears several meters long condensed and formed, piercing the sky.

At the same time as it was launched, countless mud piled up on the body of the swamp giant crocodile, covering itself with a thick layer of mud armor. At the same time, its body slowly sank into the earth.

Compared to the swamp giant crocodile, the swamp monitor lizard's skin changes for a while, trying to hide itself.

However, before its figure was completely hidden, a roaring explosion exploded from its mouth, causing it to let out a cry.

It was the bomb that Battalion Commander Zhou Tian had just thrown that exploded, revealing the Swamp Monitor.

Naturally, Lin Yao would not miss this opportunity. He flapped his wings fiercely, and with a popping sound in the air, his speed further accelerated. Like a meteor falling to the ground, he reached the side of the swamp monitor lizard in an instant. At the same time, he The red giant sword held by both hands and dragged behind him suddenly slashed down angrily: "Cut!"


Relying on the kinetic energy carried by supersonic flight, coupled with the red epee in the angel's hand, the two combined, Lin Yao's sword is extremely powerful. Before it hits the entity, the scorching sword wind blows it a hundred meters away. , evaporating all the water vapor in the swamp in front of Lin Yao, making the earth dry and cracked.

The terrifying power caused the swamp monitor lizard's two exposed eyes to rotate 360 degrees, fear revealed in its eyes, and its figure was constantly retreating. At the same time, its severed tongue also shot out.

Unfortunately, these actions had no effect at all. The red-handed heavy sword fell from the air with a long tail flame, destroying countless attacks with one sword and completely cutting off the head of the swamp monitor lizard.

The aftermath of the heavy sword's downward slash still spread across the ground, creating a crack that was fifty meters long.

A sword comes from the west, and a fairy flies from the sky. Although Lin Yao does not have the ecstasy of Ye Gucheng, he has the domineering aura of a sword that can open mountains.

Wearing a tall lion king armor, he already possesses unparalleled power. The kinetic energy carried by his super-speed flight is matched with the sword of sun flame in the hands of the angel. With a long tail flame, he cuts off the head of the swamp monitor lizard with one sword. Lin Yao made the scene instantly silent.

Whether it was the soldiers in the mire or the giant crocodile sinking into the mire, they were all shocked when faced with Lin Yao's strong appearance.

(End of chapter)

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