I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 37: Class battle


"Some of them were beaten this time."

When Lin Yao smiled, class began.

Formal competitions need to be held in the competition field, and the school competition field cannot allow everyone to participate in the competition together. Therefore, the selection starts from class to class, and also starts from the weak class to the strong class. The class where Lin Yao and others are in is not a strong class. It's a class, but it's not a weak class, so naturally it won't start the game right after coming up.

There was nothing good to say about the morning class. The only thing that made Lin Yao uncomfortable was that although he could be exposed to the sun while sitting by the window, he couldn't exercise at all without vigorous training, let alone stir up the energy and blood to let the spirit and energy flow. Blood compatibility.

"Oh, it seems I have to apply for special treatment."

Lin Yao, who said this, felt that the school would definitely agree. The name of gifted person is still very useful. At the same time, Lin Yao also thought of the key class.

"I don't know if I can enter the key class this time."

The key classes are not static. Warriors strive for competition. In order to create a fighting atmosphere, the key classes now implement a system of elimination at the end, where the winners advance and the losers retreat.

Every monthly exam in the school is an assessment of all students, and it is also an opportunity for ordinary classes to jump up. Those at the top of the class will get a place to compete with key classes, and the winner can enter.

"Remember that this selection also starts with a battle within the class, then all classes decide who is the strongest, and finally a showdown with people from key classes."

The key class is almost one level higher than the ordinary class. There, middle-level warriors can be seen everywhere, and there are also several high-level warriors.

They are the essence of this high school, and they are also the place where the school consumes the most training resources. They are also the place where everyone wants to enter, and Lin Yao is not surprised.

Just when Lin Yao lamented that the whole morning was wasted, noon arrived and the competition in their class began.

As time expired, the one-eyed instructor in charge of this class also came over.

Seeing the eager atmosphere in the class, the one-eyed instructor nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that you have had a fulfilling holiday this holiday. Very good. Warriors need to compete. The time has come for you to widen the gap between you and others. Come with me."

In this way, everyone followed the one-eyed instructor to the stadium in the school.

Lin Yao and his class are not the only ones in the stadium, there are others competing.

Wearing special protective clothing, the students on the field wielded swords, guns and sticks and fought lively. Occasionally, some warriors broke out with fighting skills, which caused bursts of cheers from the onlookers.

Some people did not pay attention to the battles in other classes, but Zhou Yang and Li Peng began to pay attention to their next opponents. They were confident that they not only wanted to compete for the first place in the class, but also wanted to compete for the first place in the age group.

In this atmosphere, the drawing of lots began.

However, just when Lin Yao was about to draw lots with Da Liu, the one-eyed instructor's voice sounded.

"All warriors stand by my side, you don't need to participate in the first round of battle."

This remark did not arouse dissatisfaction from others. It was almost a default rule that the top few warriors in the class would not participate in the first round. Although the world was stable, the strong still had some privileges after all.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang and the others immediately went up. When Lin Yao saw this, he patted Zhang Heng's shoulder and followed him up. Only one sentence rang in Zhang Heng's ears.

"Come on, I'll wait for you up there."

"Damn, Ah Yao, you really have awakened and been promoted to a warrior, what a piece of shit you are."

The original three warriors plus the three who were promoted later, and finally Lin Yao, a total of seven warriors stood beside the one-eyed instructor.

The arrival of the first few people did not surprise the one-eyed instructor. They were all on the verge of a breakthrough, but Lin Yao's rise to power was something he did not expect.

"Isn't this kid still a little short of a step ahead? Even if there are nutritional potions to absorb it, it will still take two or three months, right?"

He was surprised, and others were also a little surprised. Lin Yao, who was 19th in the class, was neither the worst student nor the best student. He was very unnoticed. At this time, many people were surprised to see him suddenly promoted to a warrior. .

"What's going on? How did he get promoted to a warrior?"

"That's not right. He was defeated by me in the last competition."

"Could it be that falling out of love led to his great improvement in martial arts? I heard that he was rejected for a long time after confessing to his love, and then he broke through immediately after recovering?"

"Can falling in love speed up cultivation?"

Some people had some bold ideas in their minds, and others on the stage looked at Lin Yao with some strange expressions on their faces.

However, in the end no one said anything.

The one-eyed instructor with the style of a warrior was resolute and no-nonsense. Soon the students below drew lots and started competing.

During the battle, Lin Yao found it very boring. The main reason was that neither the government, the school, nor the family members supported the children in learning combat skills. They only had to practice martial arts boxing.

The country wants social stability, but the school and family believe that only practicing military style boxing can improve physical fitness the fastest. This is well-founded. Practicing the fighting style also takes time and consumes more physical energy. The physical strength is exhausted. If you use too much, you won't be able to practice military boxing. At the same time, most of the boxing techniques used by warriors are useless to warriors, and it is not cost-effective to practice fighting techniques.

Lin Yao's last boxing practice was a special case. He had sunlight to absorb and could bear a little waste of energy.

At the same time, his rapid learning of the sword-drawing technique also shows the correctness of such a policy. Don't forget that the reason why Lin Yao was able to become proficient in the sword-drawing technique in seven days was because of the physical foundation laid by the military body boxing.

Practicing military martial arts boxing will be beneficial to the future, but it also brings about a problem, that is, under martial artists, the abilities of a group of students are very similar and have very low lethality.

The country doesn't care about this situation. There are many people in China, and the top management has never allowed students to go to the battlefield at the age of eighteen.

But this situation is a bit embarrassing during a fight. I have been practicing the opponent's moves for more than ten years. I can do what you know, so:

"This is a forward punch, and the next move is a shoulder impact. The response method needs to be..."

All abilities are the same, and he has mastered the opponent's moves to the point where he can move with his body. This brings about a situation where everyone is fighting, and it is all about physical fitness.

Whoever is physically stronger, whoever has greater power, and whoever reacts faster will win the final victory.

Because people have different physiques, this kind of duel was not fair in previous lives, but this is not the case in this world. Juntiquan can absorb spiritual energy and develop the human body. As long as it is close to the limit of the human body, even those who are naturally weak can win. A physically strong person.

Although there are still unfair places, such as Zhou Yang's super-class existence, absolute fairness does not exist at all.

Watching the students wrestling below, Lin Yao was a little troubled. Fighting like this is the test of this era, and cramming teaching has not disappeared in the land of China. Therefore, he has to have such a fight once a week, sometimes even two or three days. Once, after all these years, who still has Ji Qing

Because he was already over sixteen, some students also used other tricks during the battle, which attracted some of Lin Yao's attention.

However, after reading it, Lin Yao found that the results achieved by those who used those tricks were not obvious.

Once again, Juntiquan is a golden skill. The moves it carries may not have strong attack power, but their capture and defense are very sophisticated. Every student practices Juntiquan every day, and almost all of them have reached great success.

Those who used other moves were probably using silver or black iron level combat skills, and their proficiency in the moves was not high. If they used them rashly, several people actually lost.

What left Lin Yao speechless was that his confident best friend Zhang Heng was also among them.

Seven days of training did allow him to master a good move, but as he was unskilled, there were some flaws in his use of the move, and he was actually defeated by a classmate who had been defeated by him in the past.

"Damn it, the gym that taught me said I can win if I hit someone with this move."

"Your Sky Cannon is indeed very powerful, but it has been charged for too long and its movements are too obvious. How could it hit me?"

Which classmate was the defeated Zhang Heng talking to? Lin Yao was also a little worried about himself.

"Zhang Heng's tricks are useless, are my tricks useful?"

This was Lin Yao's thinking, and soon, he had a comparison.

"The only simple sword-drawing technique is black iron. Even if I am proficient in it, I can only have the power of one sword. If it is not a sneak attack, it is difficult to succeed, and the sword has a big flaw after it is drawn. The classmate Juntiquan on the opposite side has already practiced the body movement at will. , once my sword returns in vain, I may be defeated by the opponent."

It can be said that if you only have the Black Iron level, using sword drawing to fight the enemy is not a good choice.

But Lin Yao possesses more than just black-iron-level sword-drawing skills. Combat skills are something that only warriors can use with all their strength.

Feeling the three true energy seeds in his body, Lin Yao suddenly felt at ease.

(One when you are promoted, one after absorbing eight bottles of potions that day, and one after absorbing six bottles of potions and one day of sunshine the next day to condense it again)

"I will not fail."

In the collision of fists and flesh, the first round of fighting ended quickly. Not to mention those who were eliminated, there were 29 people left in the end.

These 29 people, plus Lin Yao and other seven warriors, eventually had 36 people competing for the top three spots in the class.

"Stand up straight. Those whose names I read out come on stage, Zhou Yang, Lin Yu."

The first one was Zhou Yang, who was born with supernatural power. He jumped up to the call, while the classmate named Lin Yu had a bitter look on his face.

But, in the end, you have to fight.

There were no surprises, not even the energy seeds exploded. With his crushing physical fitness, Zhou Yang knocked Lin Yu off the ring with ten consecutive punches.

"The winner Zhou Yang, next..."

Names were read out one by one, and soon they arrived at Lin Yao.

"The fifth game, Lin Yao vs. Yao Tian."

(End of chapter)