I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 43: The secret of military boxing full body mastery


During normal school hours, school students have to fight about ten times a month, which makes the confidentiality of school students not good at all, and most of the student information can be found.

This was the case at this time. The first person even had a video. At the same time, Lin Yao also felt that his video was definitely being shown in the hands of others.

It was not beyond Lin Yao's expectation. The video after his battle was indeed watched by many people, especially those students who could enter the key classes, and they were all watching the video of the strong man.

But among these videos, Lin Yao's video is not the most popular. The most popular is Di Qiang, who is ranked first this time.

The senior high school student named Di Qiang is not very tall, let alone compared to Zhou Yang, he is not even taller than Lin Yao.

At the same time, his figure is not as strong as an ox, but rather lean.

But just such a person was valued by all the people who were not in the key classes in the city's No. 4 High School, and some students in the key classes were also watching nervously.

Don't blame them, this guy is really too strong.

The scene on the video was a decisive battle between Class 1, Grade 3, with Di Qiang in first place versus Xu Wanqing in second place.

Xu Wanqing, who came from the key class, is extremely strong, with a mid-level martial arts level, four combat skills, and water talent, which makes her almost without any shortcomings.

She was not careless when facing Di Qiang. She raised her sword and started using the River Sword Technique.


Following the shout from the coach on the ring, water waves appeared around Xu Wanqing, and the person rushed forward as if he were stepping on clouds and smoke.

It's just that she is faster and Di Qiang is faster.

When the word "start" sounded, there was a sound like a series of firecrackers coming from Di Qiang's body. The firecrackers were like thunder, and they rang out together. Amidst this sound, Lin Yao inexplicably felt that Di Qiang's body was completely moving. , the whole body condenses into one.

"This is... the sound of tiger and leopard thunder, the muscles and bones are ringing together with the sound of tiger and leopard thunder!"

Lin Yao was surprised by the shocking scene on the field. Just when his face showed shock, Di Qiang, whose muscles and bones were shaking all over, stomped the ring and rushed towards Xu Wanqing like an arrow from the sky.

As he rushed closer, the video suddenly slowed down, which allowed Lin Yao to clearly see that Di Qiang, who was charging at extremely high speed, suddenly stopped without any buffer.

Whether a person or a heavy object is running, there is potential energy. The heavier the weight, the faster the speed, the higher the potential energy. This is also the reason why it is difficult for cars, trucks, etc. to brake immediately at high speeds.

Forcibly braking will only result in the car crashing and killing people. Sometimes, you can even see the wheels leaving a scorch mark on the cement floor. But Di Qiang is different. He has mastered the sound of tigers, leopards, thunder, sinews and bones, and has the ultimate control over the physical body. control.

The forward potential energy did not hinder him, but was turned into attack power by him.

From the slow-playing video, Lin Yao saw with emotion that when he reached the top speed, he suddenly stamped his feet to stop. In this stamping, there was power rising from the earth, originating from the feet, traveling through the legs, and dominating to the waist. , finally blooming on the arm.

With just one stomp, Di Qiang, who had mastered the thunder sound of tiger and leopard, transferred all his strength layer by layer, condensing it into his fist with almost no damage.

Moreover, this force not only condensed his whole body, but also the potential energy of forward movement. The two forces combined into one made the air vibrate.

What’s even more terrifying is that Di Qiang’s attack power is not only formidable, but his grasp of the battle is even more precise. When he is accumulating strength to gather all his strength to the limit and suddenly swing it out, Xu Wanqing, who is stepping out of the clouds, rushes in. His side bumped into his fist, as if it was staged.

Of course this was not an act, and Xu Wanqing did not want to fail. The sudden attack surprised her, but she immediately swung the sword in her hand. She used water aura to cooperate with the river sword technique, making it seem like there was a sound of flowing rivers. sounded.

However, although the river was rushing, it was blocked by Di Qiang's fist before its momentum could gain momentum.

Xu Wanqing's sword skills were not fully utilized, but Di Qiang's fist gathered all his strength and impact energy. Such a blow directly sent the long sword in Xu Wanqing's hand flying high, leaving her with a wide opening.

"So strong."

A punch flew away from Xu Wanqing's long sword, leaving Di Qiang without any buffer. He took a step forward again without mercy. With the sound of cracking muscles and bones, Di Qiang slammed forward like a mountain.

[Iron mountain support]

Facing the colliding Di Qiang, Xu Wanqing was naturally the first to stop her. Without the long sword, she could only use the palm technique of Die Hai's Triple Wave. However, Lin Yao, who had sharp eyes, could clearly see that after the fight just now, , both of her arms were trembling constantly, and she couldn't muster the strength at all. Such a scene also made Lin Yao thoughtful.

"This can't be achieved by sheer force. Di Qiang is a low-level warrior after all, not a high-level warrior. Is it his secret strength or his special palm technique?"

While Lin Yao was thinking, the battle in the field had already been decided. Xu Wanqing's door was opened with one blow, and Di Qiang's subsequent collision was even more unstoppable. The triple sea waves used by his trembling arms had no effect at all. , after there was no obstruction, Di Qiang's whole body slammed into Xu Wanqing's body, knocking her out of the ring completely. What made Lin Yao narrow his eyes even more was that after flying out of the ring a few meters away, Xu Wanqing, who fell to the ground, was not seriously injured. It seemed that her strength was exhausted after being knocked to the ground.

"What a precise power control. However, it is normal to have such power control if you can practice the muscles and bones."

"Ah Yao, do you think this guy Di Qiang did it on purpose? The collision just now almost flattened the chest armor of Goddess Xu."

Lin Yao, who was sighing at Di Qiang's strength, had black lines on his face after hearing such words.

"Is now the time to care about these things? Di Qiang has mastered the secret, which is the most difficult secret about the technique."

Yes, the secret. The reason why Di Qiang defeated Xu Wanqing in a crushing manner at the low level of a warrior was the secret, which is the most difficult killing move to appear in fighting, training, training, and killing.

Most martial arts have five levels of proficiency. Among them, there is a big difference between those who have mastered the secrets and those who have not. In fact, skills with secrets and skills without secrets can be regarded as two skills.

This is also reflected in the gym. The gym is a place where students spend money to learn martial arts, and it is also a place where strong men accept apprentices. No matter what you are originally, as long as you learn the secrets of martial arts in the gym, you can Directly becoming the true inheritance, this is the power of the secret.

"My secret, there are actually people who have actually mastered the secret of Military Boxing. What a scary guy."

Among the various mysteries, the mysteries of martial arts are more difficult to comprehend than combat skills, but correspondingly, they have greater effects. What Di Qiang comprehended was the mysteries of the Golden Kung Fu Military Body Boxing, because there are many people who practice Military Body Boxing. There are always some geniuses who know Lin Yao's secrets in Juntiquan.

"The main function of Juntiquan is to exercise the body and master oneself, and the secret of Juntiquan is also related to this. Some people call this secret the opening of gene locks, and some people call it full body control. The most important point of this secret is It means being able to adjust your physical condition to the best at any time and concentrate your physical strength in the shortest possible time.”

It is difficult for people to exert their full body strength. The strength that ordinary people can exert is only 15% to 30%, and those who have practiced it are only 30% to 50%.

But those who have mastered the secret of Military Boxing can mobilize the whole body's strength in a very short time to exert 100% of the power. One exerts 50% and the other exerts 100%. This is a double difference, and the true energy seeds The outbreak only increased by 30%.

In addition to extreme power, people who have obtained the ability to unlock gene locks also have the ability to overclock, that is, using spiritual energy stimulation to unlock some physical limitations, allowing themselves to perform at 120%, 150%, or even 100%. Two hundredths of the power.

(End of chapter)