I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 45: Project Thor


Of course Lin Yao knew what the Everyone Like a Dragon Plan was. It was a research project that made all human beings extraordinary, and the 13th set of Military Boxing was one of the research results.

But it is impossible for a country to put all its eggs in the same basket. In addition to ancient martial arts training such as military boxing, humans have other plans and supporting plans.

Such as the large-scale cultivation of spiritual plants, the Bodhi tree planting plan for every family, the Dongtian Blessed Land plan, and the successful spiritual energy bottle plan, which are all sub-projects of the big plan of "Everyone is like a dragon."

In addition to the land of China, other countries also have various researches. According to some information on the Internet, the West is taking the path of fusing the blood of monsters to strengthen itself, while the East is taking the path of taming monsters and ghosts and making them into Cheng Shikami allows everyone to have monsters, but the lighthouse country opposite China, because of its most advanced technology, is taking the path of mixed genes and genetic mutation. This is in the same vein as Western Europe, but it is more radical.

It can be said that the revival of spiritual energy has caused great changes in the world, and in order for human beings to regain their pinnacle status in this great evolution, the great powers are doing their best to improve.

The respondent of the current answer is a member of the research institute. Of course, such research is confidential, and what can be revealed are projects that have been successful and can be used, or have failed.

What Lin Yao just mentioned about the fusion of Western and European Warcraft, the Japanese Shikigami, the genetic modification of the Lighthouse Country, and the military boxing of the Chinese land, all these have shown that it is feasible and have been promoted in society. Only then can Lin Yao be Found it online.

The project in front of him did not have such a good opportunity and failed. After reading the speech, Lin Yao discovered that this project had failed for more than ten years.

While thinking, Lin Yao was also browsing the information answered by the respondent.

"As we all know, even if spiritual energy is revived, the world follows the law of energy conservation. The same goes for warriors. The more powerful warriors need to consume more spiritual energy. Every time they practice and follow up, they need a huge amount of energy, and low-level warriors Although there is no need to consume so much spiritual energy, there are too many low-level warriors, so the energy problem is a problem in the world, and there is a lack of energy everywhere."

"As for the resurgence of spiritual energy, although the energy is distributed all over the world and is becoming more and more concentrated, it is still not enough for everyone in the country to practice, especially when millions of soldiers and civilians gather in one city to breathe together. Under such circumstances, the country launched the Thor Project .”

"It's called Thor because the core of this plan is electricity."

"Yes, electricity, electricity that everyone is familiar with. You must know that aura is energy, flame is energy, and electricity is energy. Compared with aura, humans understand electricity better and can transport and create more electricity. In order to ensure that everyone in China has no shortage of energy, the country has launched the Thunder God Project. The core of this plan is to replace spiritual energy with electrical energy, so that as long as everyone has an outlet at home, they can absorb a steady stream of energy for practice, without having to worry about absorbing air. There is no need to worry about the lack of spiritual energy, after all, the nuclear fusion power station is almost completed."

"This plan is not limited to our country. All countries are studying electric energy. As long as electric energy can be used to replace spiritual energy, all problems will no longer be a problem for us. But unfortunately, the plan failed."

"The first step of the plan was very successful. The first thing we determined was whether the combination of spiritual energy and electricity can be absorbed by the human body. The result is feasible. The new electrical energy has a vitality. Human beings can really absorb the vitality of electrical energy to make the body Quality growth.”

"But in addition to the power of life, the electric energy combined with spiritual energy also has the power of destruction. This power will destroy the human body, damage the human nerves, and even reverse the brain, turning people into idiots."

"Of course, electric energy cannot kill people in a short period of time, but if humans want to rely on electric energy to practice, they must absorb it every day, and the amount absorbed is getting larger and larger. For this reason, what we are studying is how to remove the destructive power from the new electric energy. The power will disappear, or humans will be able to resist this destructive electric energy."

"But after research, we found that this is simply impossible. The power of new generation of electricity and the power of destruction are one, just like two particles in quantum entanglement. As long as we destroy one, the other will also be destroyed."

"This kind of research is one of the studies that humans have conducted since the beginning of spiritual energy recovery. However, after decades, there has been little progress. The emergence of Juntiquan, a replacement for Thor's evolution, has allowed us to see a new Maybe, therefore, more than 90% of the Thor Project team has been cut off, and we are the project team that has been laid off."

After talking, Lin Yao also understood the secret efforts made by the country, but he also had doubts in his heart.

"This plan is indeed great, but what about opening the gene lock I want?"

Lin Yao is not the only one who thinks so, many people are asking, opening the gene lock or controlling the whole body will greatly improve the human body, and everyone wants it.

Fortunately, the researcher was not just talking empty words. After being questioned continuously, he finally had an answer.

"I just asked the boss in the team, and he said it can be announced. This is a mature technology."

"First of all, what I want to tell you is that the ultimate secret of Juntiquan is full body control... Well, I think it is more appropriate to call it Gene Lock Opening. This secret can be opened with external objects."

"Archaeology, the gene lock was opened from here."

"Although Gu Wu's full-body mastery of muscles and bones is not the same thing as opening the gene lock, the performance is the same."


A series of archaeological investigations made Lin Yao know where the name "gene lock opening" came from, but he was more concerned about how to open the gene lock with foreign objects.

And soon, Lin Yao found the words behind the researcher.

"... Gene locks can be opened with foreign objects, but there are only a small group of people who can open them."

"First of all, what I want to tell you is that the center of human control of the body is the brain, and the brain relies on nerves to transmit information to the limbs."

"Everything we see has a reaction. This is when information is received from the eyes and transmitted to the brain. The brain thinks about it and then transmits it to various parts of the human body. This is why people need reaction time."

"And this kind of conduction is played by nerve currents. The specific things are too complicated and cannot be explained in a book. All you need to know is that nerve currents control the veins of the human body."

"Full body mastery allows the brain to control the body more easily. This relies on nihilistic mental power and an inexplicable connection. If you can control the nerve current, you can also achieve perfect control of the body."

"This is part of our research on Project Thor. We have also helped some people completely control their bodies by relying on electric current."

At this point, countless people have raised questions.

"Didn't the Thor Plan fail?"

"In general, it failed, but not everything failed. Moreover, the Thor Project can actually be considered a success to a certain extent. I know you have questions, and I will tell you why."

"The main purpose of the Thor Project is to allow everyone to obtain energy, but most people are unable to adapt to the new electric current flowing in the body, let alone persist for a long time. This method is not suitable for promotion, so it failed, but some people , can perfectly match the body with the electric current, so they don’t need to worry about this kind of problem... In this fucking world, even now people are different... That’s right, they are those with lightning talents. People with such talents are different from thunder and lightning. It's a perfect fit. Being born with the ability to master lightning, they can absorb the power of lightning without worrying about their nerves being burned out or their brains being burned into idiots."

"Therefore, Project Thor failed for other people, but it was successful for them. Some of the other things we studied can also be mastered by them, such as relying on the mastery of neural currents to fully master the body, and even releasing electric currents to stimulate physical liberation. The body shackles burst out with powerful power."

After reading all the answers, Lin Yao's first reaction was: "Damn it, the thunder type is really a beast. A whole country helped deduce that the thunder type is definitely the most comfortable talent."

And soon, Lin Yao thought of another thing: "Wait a minute, the cartoon tree in my mind does not necessarily have to be the Bodhi tree. There is no harm in planting thunder trees."

(End of chapter)