I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 60: Restorative training


After letting his body twitch for more than half an hour, Lin Yao was finally able to move his fingers.

This scene was seen by the senior who was guarding Lin Yao.

"It's moving. Junior is conscious, so fast."

"Is the restoration of the power of light so terrifying?"

"Okay, stop talking about this, junior fellow student, feel your body quickly and recall the feeling of being electrocuted just now."

As soon as he said this, Lin Yao's body twitched even more violently.

remember? No, there's no need to bother. Just hearing the word "electricity" made Lin Yao's body twitch subconsciously. This shows how much of a shadow the electric shock just had on Lin Yao.

Senior Jiang Rong also knew this. The process of being electrocuted was indeed unbearable, but she still quickly said: "You must feel the state of being electrocuted just now. This is the key to using nerve current to unlock the shackles of the body. Otherwise, The pain you just endured is in vain, come on."

"Ah Yao, you can do it."

The cheers around him made Lin Yao suppress his fear and recall the pain just now, but when he recalled it, his body twitched crazily.

That kind of pain has been engraved into Lin Yao's bones and cannot be forgotten at all. However, although the pain is not good, it is also impressive. Lin Yao's memory of just now is very clear. In the pain, he really I recalled the feeling of electricity flowing through my body.

This feeling was used by Lin Yao subconsciously. Immediately, he found that his control over the body had improved a lot.

Originally, he could only move his fingers after lying down for an hour and a half. Now, he is like a patient recovering from a long illness. Although he is still very reluctant, he finally managed to sit up after falling four times in a row.

"Da da da da..."

This was the sound of Lin Yao trying to speak, but his teeth chattered due to trembling.

"Don't worry, you've already done a good job, take your time."

"It's not good to take your time, Lin Yao. Remember the feeling just now, regain control of your body, and then try your best to get up and practice boxing. This will fully bring out the benefits of electric current development."

The person who spoke was Professor Li. He still had the same gray-haired look and a kind face. But at this time, looking at him, Lin Yao felt like he was seeing the devil.

However, while feeling fear, Lin Yao also felt the kindness of Professor Li. What he said was right. If he wanted to fully exert the effect of electric stimulation, he really needed to exercise as soon as possible after recovering.

However, Lin Yao's whole body was now weak, as if his bones had been pulled out, and he could not stand firmly, so how could he talk about fighting the military boxing that consumed his physical strength.

"I know it's difficult for you to finish the fight completely, but as long as you move, it's better than sitting. Do you still remember the pain just now? If you experience so much pain and gain nothing, can you be willing?"

Lin Yao was really unwilling to give in. Although he knew that this was a way to provoke the general, Lin Yao still stood up and started to fight weakly.

The first time Lin Yao practiced was very difficult. No, it should be said that the first time Lin Yao could only make a few crooked movements, and would fall to the ground from time to time due to the inability to feel his bones and random body twitches.

Fortunately, good looks played a role here. Jiang Rong and the others took a lot of mats and placed them at Lin Yao's feet, so that his fall would not be so miserable.

After falling to the ground, Lin Yao quickly stood up and punched. Because his movements were crooked, Lin Yao did not consume much energy. Then he did it the second time, the third time, and it was not until the fifth time that he was complete. A set of boxing skills were played.

After completing a complete set of boxing techniques, Lin Yao regained control of his body, and under Professor Li's instructions, he performed military style boxing over and over again.

As the absorption of sunlight advanced into the battle body of light, Lin Yao's absorption of sunlight increased significantly. The power of the sun could penetrate deeper into Lin Yao's cells, allowing him to use the power of the sun efficiently. In addition, Lin Yao took the power of the sun when he came. Several bottles of nutritional medicine made Lin Yao exercise 15 times in one go.

And after he practiced ten times, the lightning genius who was carried out when Lin Yao met when he came in reluctantly came out of the ward.

When Lin Yao was sweating profusely and panting and could no longer hold on, the man was still performing simple recovery actions such as walking with the help of the nurse. At this time, Wang Wu had just been helped out.

Wang Wu's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw that Lin Yao had completed the training.

"How is it possible, you... you are behind me, why... why... get up one step ahead of me!"

He was surprised, but Lin Yao knew the reason.

"During the day, the Battle Body of Light is a magical skill."

Electric shock stimulation stimulates cells throughout the body. This kind of injury is difficult to completely heal. Ordinary people will be directly disabled by such an electric shock. People with lightning-type talents can barely recover because of their resistance, but they also need to rest for a long time before they can move.

Unfortunately, the sunlight absorbed by Lin Yao is also stored in the cells and can heal the injury from the cells. Therefore, he was able to complete the rehabilitation training by himself when others could only get up.

However, after finishing the training, Lin Yao's body couldn't help but tremble when he looked at the closed electric stimulation room. The torture and pain of the electric current was really too uncomfortable.

Seeing Lin Yao's trembling, Professor Li quickly said: "Don't worry, you won't be able to be stimulated by electric current in a short time. Take this."

While talking, Professor Li gave Lin Yao a silver metal patch.

As the patch came into contact with his palm, a weak current immediately flowed from the patch into Lin Yao's body. Although the current was weak, Lin Yao's body trembled suddenly as if he was stimulated, and the patch flew away.

Professor Li was not surprised by this, and just asked Lin Yao: "Did you feel the electric current? How did you feel this time? Is there any pain in your body? It's not mental, is it the pain in the body cells?"

After Lin Yao thought about Professor Li's words for a moment, he answered carefully:


"That's right. The current develops deep into the cells. This kind of injury cannot be healed in a day or two. If you hold this patch, when you are exposed to weak external current, your body will no longer feel faint tingling and burning pain, but If you enjoy it, come to me again."

"Well, most people with lightning-type talents need ten to fifteen days for their bodies to fully recover."


Seeing that Lin Yao was a little silent after being stimulated by the electric current, Professor Li also sighed: "I know you are a little scared, but remember that strength does not come in vain. You can see a rainbow without going through wind and rain. Electric stimulation can be fully developed. Your body is more sensitive for the first time, so you should be able to feel the increase in strength."

Lin Yao did sense it. As soon as he recovered his body, Lin Yao sank into his soul and saw his attribute panel on the sapling.

(End of chapter)