I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 74: prize


Seeing the heavily armored soldier who was shot burst like a balloon, Lin Yao felt an endless chill in his heart.

The horrific death scene and the bullets that could not be defended. Only then did he truly understand the weird horror.

"This is not an amusement park, this is hell."

Lin Yao was frightened when he experienced a terrifying scene for the first time. If he were the only one, he would be dead at this time, but he was not the only one here.

The death of their comrades did not scare away these warriors, but instead made their anger rise to the limit.

"You deserve to die!"

With a heartfelt roar, Squad Leader Zhang, who was born in the military, once again exploded the cyclone in his body, causing the speed that had been slightly slowed down by dodging to climb to the limit again, and the whole person blasted forward like a cannonball. .

"Asshole, don't be impulsive."

Looking at Squad Leader Zhang rushing forward, Captain Li yelled angrily and then rushed forward crazily. The policewomen around Lin Yao were shooting wildly.

Unfortunately, her shooting effect is not very great. Not only does that monster have bullets that ignore defense and can turn people into balloons, it is also as fast as a ghost, and its name as a ghost is well-deserved.

Facing the incoming bullets and the charging Squad Leader Zhang, it smiled arrogantly while retreating like a ghost. This speed was only a smidge slower than the charging Squad Leader Zhang. The policewoman's bullets were very fast, but they were dodged. More than half of it was destroyed, and even if it was impossible to dodge, it would only pop a balloon.

As it backed up, it smiled and raised the toy air gun in its hand again.

But this time, after seeing the air gun raised, everyone felt endless chills in their hearts. Lin Yao also understood why the expressions on everyone's faces were so complicated, hateful, and angry when they first saw this weird thing. There is also fear. Obviously, this fear deals with air guns, which ignore defense and will turn into balloons as long as they are shot. This scene is too terrifying.

Soldiers are also human beings, not cold-blooded machines. It is normal to have fear in their hearts. However, what is better than ordinary people is that these soldiers know that escaping does not solve the problem. Therefore, they do not retreat, but endure. He continued to rush forward with fear, and even the two generals at the front were also rushing forward.

What is gratifying is that the gun in the weird hand is not a real gun, but a toy gun that shoots balloons. Although the power of such a gun becomes irresistible due to the weird rules, the bullet in the gun is made of plastic. The speed of the trip has not increased, which allows the two people in front to fight for a chance of survival with the reaction speed of a warrior.

Staring at the strangely raised toy air gun, Captain Li and Squad Leader Zhang in front were both ready to dodge, and planned that when one dodges, the other will rush forward.

And another female policewoman at the level of a warrior fired bullets from her spiritual gun wildly, trying to disrupt the weird pace.

At this critical moment, the weird grin suddenly showed a ferocious smile, and pointed the gun at Squad Leader Zhang who was rushing at the front.

This gave Squad Leader Zhang a chill in his heart, and endless fear filled his body and mind, but he did not escape immediately. Instead, he stared at the weird finger and roared loudly.

"Li Shan, keep rushing and leave me alone."

After he finished speaking, he yelled at the weirdo with a ferocious expression.

"Hit me, shoot if you dare!"

Squad leader Zhang, who was born in the military, did not slow down at all after being pointed at a strange gun. This was because he wanted to use his own life to open a path for Li Shan.

And that fearless face without any fear also made Weird feel displeased. The grin disappeared. After a "bang" sound, the bullet was fired.

As soon as the sound rang out, Squad Leader Zhang's eyes shrank to the limit, and he immediately rushed to the side. The same was true for Li Shan. As an old fighting man, he knew very well that for the slow air rifle, , Monitor Zhang, who is looking directly at him, can escape, but the cunning ballooning weirdo is likely to target his unsuspecting self.

However, Li Shan, who rushed to the side, soon discovered that both he and Squad Leader Zhang were fine.

"The evasion was successful. This is probably the first time that someone has escaped the bullets of this monster. The myth that it shoots one at a time has been broken."

Just as he was thinking this, a roar suddenly came from behind.

"Officer, be careful, it's targeting you!"

The sudden sound gave Captain Li a chill in his heart.

"Wen Shang, Squad Leader Zhang and I are both guise, this monster's target is Wen Shang behind!"

When he was thinking this, he turned his head suddenly, and at this glance, his heart suddenly dropped. Wen Shang was indeed the target of the attack. She was behind Squad Leader Zhang. After Squad Leader Zhang avoided it, the bullet He shot at the policewoman who was holding a gun.

Can't you blame Squad Leader Zhang for asking him to pay attention to the rear while being wary of bullets in front? Sorry, he is just a warrior, not a golden warrior.

However, the policewoman Wen Shang was fine. Li Shan clearly saw that the little guy with malicious intentions was sitting on the ground with the policewoman, as if he had spent a lot of effort to push the policewoman away.

"He shouldn't be able to see bullets clearly in this dark night. Is this because he senses malice? This little guy is more capable than I thought?"

There were many thoughts in Li Shan's mind, but only a moment passed outside, and soon, he came back to his senses and rushed towards Weirdness again.

As for Squad Leader Zhang, he didn't care about what happened next. After dodging the bullet, he continued to rush forward and roared loudly.

"It only has one free bullet left."

When he spoke, he was only ten steps away from the monster. At this distance, it would be difficult for him to dodge as long as the monster fired. But even so, he was still rushing forward crazily. This is a fearless soldier. He has already done his best. He was ready to sacrifice his own life in exchange for time for Li Shan to approach.

Just when he was thinking about it, he had the weird idea of shooting.

According to policewoman Wen Shang, the weirdness of the amusement park is limited under the suppression of the world's heavenly law. The biggest limitation is that all services here require "money."

In Lin Yao's view, this ghost bullet was upgraded because it killed too many people, which unlocked some of the world's restrictions on it, allowing it to qualify for a "free trial", but this qualification was only available three times.

The first two shots have been fired, and after the third shot is fired again, unless someone else gives him money or someone else hurts him, he cannot shoot today, and this also makes it no longer a deterrent.

After all, Lin Yao and others did not carry any money with them, and although the damage would trigger its counterattack, Squad Leader Zhang and others were not stupid. After three shots, they would never attack in front of them. Once they got close, it would also There was no chance to fire the gun.

The weirdo wanted to save the last bullet and leave, but of course this would not be allowed by Squad Leader Zhang.

Although it was a long story just now, it was only two shots plus the delay in aiming. At this time, Squad Leader Zhang had already run for several hundred meters and was about to get close to the weird thing.

But at this moment, facing the illumination of high-power ultraviolet light, the weird palm suddenly stretched into his arms.

This scene also made Lin Yao feel bad. At the same time, he also thought that the most impressive thing about the balloon vendors was naturally the balloons and toy guns, but in addition to these two, there were also various prizes obtained after breaking the balloons.

"This is to get the product. It only hit one 'balloon'. We shouldn't get any big prizes."

(End of chapter)