I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 77: Anyone below me must die


"Eighty-one hammers, the first hammer is free!"


Before he finished speaking, the monster had already charged over like a tank.

Faced with the strange words, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. They knew clearly that strange abilities were almost a rule in a strange environment. Once activated, it would be difficult to be sure of death, just like a ghost bullet that would kill in one hit.

This was the first time they had seen the strange thing in front of them, and they couldn't guess what its ability was. This also meant that it was very likely that someone would risk their lives to try and make mistakes.

But even so, the heavily armored soldier holding a shield rushed forward without regret.


With a roar, four muscular men two meters away, wearing five layers of protection and holding large door shields, collided fiercely with the monster.

There was a loud "boom", and after the monster holding the sledgehammer collided with the heavy-armed soldier, the two were evenly matched.

Such a scene did not disappoint everyone, but instead showed joy. You must know that there were four heavy-armed soldiers in front.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

One enemy was knocked back, but then, the door panels and shields in the hands of the other three heavily armed soldiers smashed crazily.

Under the violent blow, the monster holding the sledgehammer retreated step by step.

Seeing this, Captain Li Shan suddenly penetrated from the side, and the policewoman Wen Shang also fired a series of spirit bullets.

The latter's bullet hit the monster, causing miserable rattles to ring out around it. Li Shan, because it was close combat, had already reached the side of the monster with a long gun.

However, as soon as he entered the weird three-meter range, a burst of unfounded fear shocked him, making him tremble and unable to move.

"No, this is a trap!"

Captain Li Shan was frightened, but Lin Yao and others could see it more clearly. When Captain Li Shan approached, the monster suddenly abandoned the four big men who were throwing their shields at it, and rushed towards it at three times the speed before. In front of Li Shan, the war hammer in his hand hit Li Shan's head with frightening power.

Although there was no reason, Lin Yao inexplicably sensed that Captain Li would die if he was hit by that hammer.

"You bastard, you actually hide your strength!"

"Cunningly weird."

The sudden outburst of strangeness caught people off guard, and the four heavily armored soldiers rushed forward, but they were all ordinary people. When they became heavily armored soldiers, they also gave up their speed and were unable to support them at all.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, a thunder suddenly exploded in the void.


The brilliant sky thunder shook everything. Amidst the thunder, the strange creature holding the sledgehammer suddenly stopped, and the phantoms of rats disintegrated around it.

It fell into a state of shock.

The thunder shocked the monster, and also shook Captain Li Shan out of his panic. However, just as he was about to approach the monster, Lin Yao's call rang out.

"Retreat quickly. Its malicious target is still you, not the four heavily armed warriors."

Lin Yao's shout did not make Li Shan hesitate at all, and he stepped back after a pause.

After Li Shan retreated, Weird also woke up and continued to attack everyone, trying to give them a blow (the kind with rules), but its progress was blocked by four heavily armored soldiers.

But this time, it didn't show that terrifying speed again. Although it had a lively fight with the heavily armored soldiers, it was still under everyone's response.

"What's going on? You just exposed it and you still haven't shown your full strength?"

Looking at the five strong men fighting inextricably in front of him, Lin Yao was confused, but the other soldiers quickly reacted.

"It's not necessarily a leak. It's probably Captain Li Shan who triggered the weird rules, but the four soldiers didn't." The speaker was the female police officer Wen Shang. Compared to soldiers who need to obey orders, she needs to look for clues when handling cases. Logical skills are better.

However, no matter how good your logical thinking is, you still need enough information, and for this, she found Lin Yao.

"Can you tell who its malicious targets are?"


Looking at the weirdness at close range, Lin Yao felt like he was looking at a large mass of pollution source that was like ink and was constantly extending and contracting its tentacles. Whoever the pollution source's outstretched tentacles pointed at was the target of the weirdness.

With full awareness, Lin Yao quickly marked the target of the monster and the person he ignored.

Four heavily armored soldiers, three people who practiced horizontal kung fu, and one tall and thin man.

Except for these eight people, everyone else was pulled by the weird and malicious tentacles.

"It's strange that three of our generals have been marked, but there is no problem with these eight people. Are the eight of them different from us?"

After carefully observing the eight people who had been ignored, the policewoman searched them one by one based on their martial arts, strength, and tricks they knew, and even asked them what they had done recently.

However, she soon discovered that what these eight people experienced were ordinary things, and there was nothing different about them.

While she was thinking hard, the other four people marked by Lin Yao had already rushed forward.

You can also see the difference here. The four heavy-armed soldiers rushed forward bravely and fearlessly. Although the three people in the special section complained a little, they rushed over immediately, while the tall and thin gymnast was a little nervous. Falling behind, he was watching to see if it was really as fine as Lin Yao said.

He didn't follow the fight until the battle ahead actually started, and there was no situation like Li Shan where the monsters tripled their speed as soon as they came up.

The eight people resisted and even suppressed the weirdness, and everyone had time to think.

Even without thinking, Lin Yao felt that eight people could subdue the monster. After all, the monster was tall, but the eight people who came up were even taller, surrounding it and beating it wildly.

"Tall, wait, let's see if those eight people are the tallest among us. Is this weird ability triggering rule based on height? Anyone lower than it will be shocked when entering its surroundings and then be beaten to death with a hammer?"

When the policewoman said something, everyone was stunned, but then, everyone discovered that it was really possible. The eight people who went up were indeed taller than that weird thing.

This scene also left Lin Yao speechless:

"Can height also be a condition for killing?"

These words made Li Shan laugh: "Of course height can. Not only height, but also gender, age, beauty and ugliness, and even eye size may trigger weird rules. However, these are not bad. They at least have Restrictions, like ghost bullets, are really scary when the restrictions are lifted... By the way, I always feel that ghost bullets also have restrictions, what do you think?"

The weird ability limit in front of it is very strange. People shorter than its height will be shocked once they enter the surrounding area, and then the weird thing will explode at three times the speed. Lin Yao even feels that the hammer in its hand can kill with one hit. ability, but it can only deal with people who triggered its erasure condition. Therefore, in the end, only eight big men were fighting in the front, and everyone was watching the show.

During this process, Lin Yao also thought about the limitations of ghost bullets mentioned by Captain Li Shan.

After a while, he really thought of a possibility.

"Is it possible that the ghost bullet's ability to kill in one hit requires an aiming mark, and if someone else blocks it, it's just a normal airsoft bullet."

"This is possible. In the past, this damn guy used to shoot black guns in the gray fog. Our people died when the gun was fired. We have no idea who it marked. Fortunately, you are there."

"You're welcome, I'm just helping myself." As he spoke, looking at the battle ahead that was about to end, Lin Yao also asked about the doubts in his heart: "Will death be certain after the weird ability is triggered? We have no way to resist. No?"

By asking like this, Lin Yao wanted to find a way to survive.

However, after he asked, he was surprised to find that everyone was looking at him.

"What's wrong?"

Faced with Lin Yao's puzzled inquiry, policewoman Wen Shang spoke up: "Of course there are ways to resist. Didn't you just use your secret to resist the ghost bullets and the sledgehammer monster?"

"Mysterious meaning?"

(End of chapter)