I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 83: Type VII electric current stimulation combat suit


Lying on the ground, Lin Yao sighed while basking in the sun to recover his strength. After resting for a while, before his body had fully recovered, Lin Yao also opened his mobile phone and found the APP of the Superpower Department.

After logging in with his account and password, Lin Yao came into view of the Superpower Forum.

After skimming the message above, Lin Yao first looked at his own authority.

[Lin Yao]

[Rating: Gold (Diamond Potential)]

[Website browsing permission: level b]

[Talent: Almighty Archmage, now masters the light system and the thunder system, and has a thunder system secret (except myself, only A-level and above personnel can view it)]

[State subsidy: 30,000 per month, 30 bottles of low-level nutritional potions, two diamond-level exercises (one left last time), three opportunities to apply for gold materials, 1,000g of attribute crystals per month]

[City subsidy: 70,000 per month, 70 low-level nutritional potions, one diamond-level combat skill (nationwide), one villa, one application for diamond-level resources (Ninghai City), one opportunity to apply for gold-level resources (Ninghai City) ), 1000g of attribute crystals per month, attributes can be specified]

Because Lin Yao has outstanding talent and is expected to become a strong person in the future, in order to retain talents and allow talents to grow, the country and the city have provided a lot of resources.

The money and nutritional medicine were stolen by Lin Yao, and they were sent to his home. The nutritional medicine he took today was brought from his home.

"Two bottles for a workout and one bottle for rest, that's three bottles. I can exercise at least three times a day and up to four times a day. This day's consumption is about ten bottles. It's a pity. If I practice hard, I need 300 bottles a month. One hundred bottles There’s only enough for a third of the bottle.”

It is a pity, but Lin Yao is already very satisfied. You must know that his kind of cultivation can only be supported by wealthy families. The second sons of ordinary rich people do not have such luxury as Lin Yao.

The effect of such a luxurious exercise is also very outstanding. Now, if he enters an immersive situation, he can increase his black iron progress by 1% in one exercise.

No longer thinking about nutritional medicines, Lin Yao focused on the opportunity to apply for golden supplies.

"Search for weapons, limited to long swords, with attributes of light system."

Lin Yao still wants to participate in the treacherous realm tonight. Although Li Shan, Squad Leader Zhang, and policewoman Wen Shang will protect him in the treacherous realm, the treacherous realm is ever-changing and no one knows what he will encounter. Therefore, Lin Yao It is necessary to prepare early. The first preparation Lin Yao makes is to find a suitable and suitable weapon.

As Lin Yao entered his request, a huge number of weapons appeared in front of Lin Yao's eyes with a swish sound.

After looking through it carefully, Lin Yao found that there were hundreds of swords stored in the supernatural department, with attributes of light, limited to long swords, and gold-level long swords.

"I remember that light is still a rare attribute. How many long swords would there be if it were a non-attributed sword?"

After sighing, Lin Yao could only say that China's vast land and rich resources could meet all his requirements.

"Morning Sword, Golden Sword, Sun Flame Sword..."

Sword-shaped weapons were seen by Lin Yao, and they were passed by him one by one. Soon, his eyes focused on a long sword that was as transparent as a mirror.

[Mingguang Sword]

[Level: Gold]

[Attributes: Made of bright light crystal and transparent star sand, the sword is like a mirror, able to see through everything, and has a very high transmission effect on the power of light. At the same time, this sword has the ability to absorb the light of the sun. During battle, Can dazzle people's eyes]

[Note: This sword has extremely high light conductivity and is very sharp because it is made of Mingguang crystal. However, although it is mixed with star sand for reinforcement, there is not a lot of star sand for fear of affecting the light transmittance of the Mingguang sword. , so this sword is a bit fragile compared to weapons of the same level. If you don’t understand the secret of cutting iron, remember not to use it to go head-to-head with weapons such as sledgehammers]

"That's it."

The most important thing about a weapon is whether it fits the person, and in Lin Yao's opinion, this sword was specially made for Mingjing's swordsmanship.

Although it is not very strong, this is only relative. Under the gold, it can cut off many weapons with its sharpness.

Of course, against Lin Yao, there is almost no chance of confrontation.

Thinking like this, Lin Yao looked at his own swordsmanship.

There are only three moves in this golden swordsmanship. The first move is not to mention the Mingjing Sword Drawing Technique, but the second move is also a sword move, called the Mingjing Refraction Technique.

The principle of this trick is very simple. When light passes through some objects, refraction occurs.

The most typical one is the light and water surface. The fish is swimming in the water, and the fisherman spears the fish. If he directly attacks the fish that can be seen with the naked eye, he will not be able to hit it. He needs to be above it.

Mirror refraction is to manipulate light and change the traces of the sword in other people's eyes.

"You thought you blocked my sword. I'm sorry, but that was just an illusion."

The Mirror Drawing Sword Technique and the Mirror Refraction Technique are both very insidious skills that do not require a head-on confrontation with the enemy.

In addition to these two, the third trick of Mingjing Swordsmanship is not swordsmanship, but footwork or bodywork.

Of course, in the same vein as the previous two, this move is also very insidious.

It is not a footwork that increases linear speed like the eight-step cicada, nor is it a short-distance dodge like the Lingbo Weistep. This mirror movement is also a combat technique that relies on light to refract the figure and disrupt other people's sight.

There are two ultimate secrets to this step. One is to create countless illusions through the refraction of light, and the other is to become invisible.

"The person who designed this sword technique is absolutely insidious."

While sighing, Lin Yao placed his order for the Bright Light Sword and prepared to rest. He would no longer continue to exercise, but practice the Mirror Refraction Technique. He did not forget that today was the competition selection for the whole grade.

"Fortunately, unlike the class battle, this whole grade battle lasts for two days. Otherwise, I would definitely fall into the hands of Di Qiang. He is too strong after mastering the gene lock."

Thinking of Di Qiang's strength, Lin Yao also spent his second opportunity to apply for golden supplies and applied for a second supply. Just now it was weapons, this time it was naturally armor.

"I'm not strong enough to bear heavy things. The armor I need should be small and light... Well, this is the Type VII electric current stimulation combat suit."

After some searching, Lin Yao discovered something special in the armor.

After careful study, Lin Yao discovered that this was actually a product of the Thor Project.

The core of Thor's plan was to replace aura with electricity and allow everyone to absorb thunder and lightning. In the end, this plan failed, but there were countless legacies in the process. The opening of the current stimulation that Lin Yao experienced yesterday was one of them. This special battle suit That's the second one.

There are three, four, etc., but there is no way. The Thor Project is a nationwide opportunity. There are too many people studying it, and the number of directions is scary.

The Type VII current stimulation combat suit in front of us is also related to the development of deep electric shock.

As we all know, the electric current combined with spiritual energy can activate the human body and make the physical body fully active after being introduced into the human body in the correct way.

However, because most people do not have the talent for thunder and lightning and cannot accept the stimulation of lightning for a long time, they naturally cannot use electric current to practice. The core of Thor's plan has failed, but the combat suit does not require long-term stimulation.

[Type VII Current Stimulation Combat Suit]

[Level; gold]

[Introduction: Combat clothing made of special materials. The material itself can protect against small-caliber firearms. It has excellent ductility and is an inner armor. It can be put on the outer layer with a heavy armor.]

[Features: The combat suit has its own power supply, which can activate current during combat and stimulate the body with close-fitting electrodes, making the body fully active. Muscle strength and reflex nerve speed will be enhanced by 50%]

[Note: Ordinary people cannot fight under the stimulation of electric current. Only high-level warriors can use this combat suit. At the same time, high-end warriors can only use it for three minutes. After a long time, further stimulation will make the muscles sore and paralyzed, and the whole body will tremble. , and a burning pain. The warrior level can be used for five minutes, the silver warrior level can be used for ten minutes, and the combat suit has its own power supply that can last for ten hours and can be charged at home]

(End of chapter)