I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 91: Redeem diamond level combat skills


Lin Yao was not too surprised when he saw that his physical progress had improved a little.

Electric energy can not only be used as energy, but also stimulate the body and speed up exercise.

In particular, Lin Yao has the talent of thunder, and his body is combined with electricity. Although his body can only absorb a little bit of electrical energy during exercise, this little bit is enough for Lin Yao's physical growth.

As the physical realm reached 7% of the black body, Lin Yao's Qi seeds also reached 17 after another exercise.

However, he can only train so far.

"Unfortunately, although it was the optimal current intensity just now, I am a human body after all and cannot last long."

Lin Yao was sighing, while the returning senior Jiang Rong was speechless.

"You can't last long like this. Others are not allowed to jump off the building. With 1.5 times the current intensity and a duration of two hours, the effect of this exercise is more than five times that of others!"

"Senior, you are here."

"Well, according to your parameters, I have adjusted the combat suit to 1.5 times the normal strength, which can increase your physical fitness by 50%. The time you can persist in this state is the time you just exercised. Two hours. In addition to the normal mode, there is also a combat mode, which can double your physical fitness, but this state cannot last long. Even you can only last for three to five minutes. Also, the current stimulation only lasts for three to five minutes. It can increase your strength and reaction speed, but does not increase your defense or physique, so don’t be reckless when fighting."

"Thank you, senior sister, for the reminder."

Looking at the dark combat uniform, Lin Yao was so happy that he put it on directly in the next room.

This tights can be worn directly, but Lin Yao thought about it and added a layer of jacket.

He even felt the power provided by the tights.

As the electric energy was turned on, Lin Yao was even more surprised to discover one thing, that is, the stimulation of the body by electric energy and the blessing of the body by light energy can be superimposed.

Unfortunately, it is not multiplication but addition, that is, activating the tight-fitting combat suit in the state of light body, Lin Yao's physical fitness is 1.8 times that of the same level.

"No, it's 1.8 times the strength and speed, and 1.3 times the constitution."

After some experiments, Lin Yao also discovered that although the power of light energy blessing is relatively small, when the power of light fills the cells, it provides defense. It is not only defense, but also recovery and protection against harsh environments. Resistance.

"The power of light is more comprehensive, and the power of thunder and lightning is more offensive."

With two major powers blessing his body, Lin Yaoguang's physical quality is now comparable to that of a high-level martial artist.

"Well, only during the day when wearing combat uniforms."

The battle body of light is very important. Without the power of light to protect the body, Lin Yao's normal blessing can last for up to thirty minutes. As for the fighting posture, he dare not activate it. Once activated, without the power of light to stabilize the body, Lin Yao must at least lie down. Three days.

It's no joke to suddenly double the strength and speed.

"Why do I feel more and more that the light combat body is the core of my ability? Forget it, the angel gem is coming soon anyway. With it, I can graduate from the Sun Knight."

"Praise the sun."

After saying that, Lin Yao originally wanted to train, but after taking a look at his senior sister and thinking of her help to him, Lin Yao could only put aside his training and have a meal with his senior sister.

However, Lin Yao quickly discovered a problem when he went out. The black tight-fitting combat suit has very good ductility and conductivity. Lin Yao can even exercise in the tight-fitting suit.

But the tights also blocked Lin Yao's absorption of light.

Lin Yao's absorption of light energy requires his skin to be in contact with the sun. Ordinary clothes are okay, the light can always be revealed. However, the situation changed after wearing a tight-fitting suit. The sun's rays were blocked outside the tight-fitting combat suit.

Of course, it is not impossible to absorb it at all. Lin Yao's head is still exposed and can receive the moisture of such sunlight, but it is always a bit weird to only have his head glowing.

"Well, sure enough, nothing is perfect. I hope the angel gems delivered tomorrow can solve this problem."

Seeing the bitter look on Lin Yao's face, Senior Jiang couldn't help but look unhappy.

"Why is it so difficult to have dinner with me?"

"No, senior sister, I'm just thinking about something." In order to clear up the misunderstanding, Lin Yao said what he had just been thinking about.

"You also know that I have a talent for light. The tights block my absorption of light."

"This can be solved with photosensitive materials. However, changing the material does not mean adjusting the current parameters. This is chargeable."

"Uh, how much."

"The photosensitive material you need is worth at least gold, and the light material cost is millions."

"Senior, today's rice is so delicious."

One million is still too difficult for Lin Yao now. After shaking his head bitterly, Lin Yao simply stopped thinking about it and concentrated on eating with his senior sister.

After a meal, the senior sister returned to her research room, and Lin Yao began to practice martial arts.

The main training is Thunder Roar. After last night's experience, Lin Yao has understood that Thunder Roar, which contains the secret of thunder, is his only skill that can affect weirdness. In order to maximize this life-saving ability, Lin Yao is ready to use Thunder Roar. Let's send and receive messages from the heart.

"Speaking of which, why don't you practice another thunder combat skill? With the blessing of thunder, even if you only practice a combat skill to a proficient level, it will be enough to pose a threat to Weird."

Thinking like this, Lin Yao couldn't control himself and quickly implemented it.

Under the sun, Lin Yao took out his mobile phone, opened the Superpower Forum, and checked his permissions.

[Lin Yao]

[Rating: Gold (Diamond Potential)]

[Website browsing permission: level b]

[Talent: Almighty Archmage (except myself, only A-level personnel can view this)]

[State subsidy: 30,000 per month, 30 bottles of low-level nutritional potions, two diamond-level exercises (one left last time), 1,000g of attribute crystals per month]

[City subsidy: 70,000 per month, 70 low-level nutritional potions, one diamond-level combat skill (nationwide), 1,000g of attribute crystals]

After Lin Yao's consumption and exchange, the opportunities to apply for materials subsidized by the state and the city have disappeared. Only one skill and two combat skills remain.

Ignoring the skills, Lin Yao immediately searched for thunder combat skills, because he had a diamond-level combat skill exchange license, and he was searching for diamond-level ones this time.

As Lin Yao entered his information, a series of abilities soon came into view.

However, this time Lin Yao was different from the usual situation. He did not watch randomly, but stared at the number one thunder combat skill and was stunned.

"There is actually this, and it has been redeemed 100,000 times. It's scary. It's not like all those with lightning talents have redeemed this after getting the qualification to apply for diamond-level combat skills."

Lin Yao was surprised when he saw the number of downloads, but soon he came back to his senses.

"That's right. It's me and I'll redeem it. This combat skill has great prospects and reputation."

With this in mind, Lin Yao opened the combat skill. Before viewing the specific information of the combat skill, he also browsed the comments after purchasing the combat skill.

At this look, Lin Yao's heart was instantly confused and he felt a little cold.

No wonder he was like this, it was really the comments under Combat Skills that collapsed, and there was a wailing sound.

"Asshole, why do you need to learn electromagnetism when learning combat skills?"

"It's so difficult. I don't know what to do at all."

"It actually requires calculation power. This combat skill is too difficult."

"I have given up. Come on everyone."

"Not just calculation power, but also perfect control. Ah, I'm going crazy."

Looking at the comments section full of mourners, Lin Yao really felt the difficulty of this combat skill, but in the end he gritted his teeth and chose to redeem this combat skill.

This combat skill is really famous and its prospects are too good.

[Diamond level combat skills:...]

(End of chapter)