I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 92: Railgun


[Diamond level combat skill: electromagnetic gun]

Yes, the diamond-level combat skill Lin Yao saw was the famous electromagnetic gun. This ability is very famous in some circles because of the gun sister. However, the real electromagnetic gun does not use coins or game currency as shells. Their power is also beyond human imagination.

[Super electromagnetic gun]

[Level: lowest diamond, highest king]

[Combat skill description: Railgun, also called rail gun, is a diamond-level combat skill simulated using the principle of electromagnetic launch. The rail gun uses the force of the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to propel the projectile. Its action time is much longer than that of the gunpowder system, which can greatly increase the speed and range of the projectile. The muzzle velocity of Dacheng's rail gun can reach 7000 meters to 8000 meters per second. It can hit targets 90 kilometers to 180 kilometers away, and has extremely strong armor-piercing capabilities]

[Note: The rail gun is extremely powerful, but before learning, you need to learn the knowledge of electromagnetics, and have strong computing power and the ability to control electricity. It is recommended that warriors with insufficient understanding learn other combat skills]

The rail gun's attack power is undoubtedly very terrifying. At an initial speed of 7,000 to 8,000 meters per second, a small projectile can penetrate everything, even tank armor, and its launch distance is far beyond that of the gun sister. At fifty meters, even if you have just become proficient, you can still hit enemies several kilometers away.

It can be said that the prospects of this ability are very wonderful, but the prospects are wonderful, and the difficulty of learning it is also surprisingly high.

The bottom of the comment area is almost full of losers' wails, and there is only one thing that can be learned.

What's even more frightening is that learning this combat skill is not something that can be achieved through hard practice, but solid knowledge, which gives a headache to a group of warriors who only know how to be reckless.

Lin Yao didn't sigh at all about this. The higher the level of combat skills and exercises, the more understanding is needed. Many golden exercises are already difficult to practice.

For example, Lin Yao practiced the Mirror Sword Technique and Thunderous Roar. It seemed that he learned it very easily, but the threshold of light talent and the threshold of thunder talent have already shut out 99% of people.

"The higher the combat skills, the more understanding is required. No, when the next tree seed comes out, it must be a bodhi tree."

The lack of understanding gave Lin Yao a choice. However, the leaves of the Bodhi tree were not easy to obtain.

"Hey, why is the level of the Bodhi Tree so high? There are no ordinary exchange channels at all... Wait, I remember seeing on the Internet that in order to allow geniuses to grow quickly, it is possible for genius students from top universities to have access to Enlightenment Tea and Bodhisattva, what else is there... Merit, merit seems to be redeemable for everything."

Thinking of this, Lin Yao's eyes lit up and he immediately downloaded the merit system that Li Shan asked him to install on his mobile phone.

After opening it, entering his ID card and changing the initial password, his personal information soon appeared in the merit redemption system.

[Lin Yao]

[Military rank: First class private (non-staff)]

[Merit points: 800]

The merit interface is even more rudimentary, but there are many things that can be redeemed here, such as swords, guns, swords and sticks, guns and ammunition, nutritional medicines and various medical products, and even money, housing, household registration, weapon certificates and gun certificates. Unfortunately, it may be Lin Yao's authority was too low, and he couldn't find any redemption options for Bodhi leaves.

"Can't you find it here? Forget it, don't think about it for now. Even if you see it, the merit required to redeem it is quite a lot. This is not what I can redeem now."

Lin Yao, who felt hopeless for a short time, simply stopped thinking about it and kept roaring in the corner of the research institute.

Lin Yao's roar could be regarded as exercise, and it could also be regarded as a way to vent his depression, but what surprised him was that the power of the roar with anger was actually increased.

"What is this, the power of the heart."

After roaring for a while, Lin Yao felt much relieved, and his Thunder Roar also made progress.

He shook his head and said no more. After finishing everything, he walked towards the orphanage.

Although he is preparing to patrol, Lin Yao from the welfare home is not ready to give up.

"It's a pity that the original welfare home is on the right track, but I don't have the money or energy to pay attention to other welfare homes."

Lin Yao, who was sighing, also saw Xiao Meng and Xiao Fei in the orphanage. However, these two people had forgotten what happened yesterday, and they also forgot about other people in the orphanage. This is the government erasing everything. Message traces.

Because he had to participate in the night patrol, Lin Yao did not stay here much. After playing with the children for a while, he returned home, and then he was locked out.

"What's going on? Where are the family? Parents?"

No one answered after knocking on the door, so Lin Yao took his cell phone and called.

"Mom and Dad, where are you?"

"Where else? The new house is here. The villa provided by the city has arrived. It is in Mingyue Community. Come over quickly."

"So fast?"

Lin Yao knew that the city was subsidizing a villa, but he didn't expect it to be settled so quickly. Moreover, Lin Yao remembered that the housing prices in Mingyue Community were considered to be good in the entire city.

"Is the city's work efficiency so high now?"

Lin Yao was confused, but in fact this was the continuation of what happened yesterday.

Everything that happened in the strange situation will naturally be reported. Squad leader Zhang, Captain Li and policewoman Wen Shang even praised Lin Yao when they reported it in order to draw Lin Yao into their team.

This also made the senior officials know that Lin Yao not only had outstanding talents, but also had the ability to detect and frighten weirdness.

This kind of ability is what the city needs most. Although humans have two enemies, Warcraft is actually not very dangerous. Large-scale Warcraft does have the ability to destroy a city. However, once they act, human nuclear bombs and space-based weapons will be destroyed. Weapons can strike from space. At the same time, most of the monsters are monitored by satellites in space. When they are dispatched, the human army can also be mobilized.

The reason why the dangers of Warcraft are promoted is just to force ordinary humans to progress.

Humanity's biggest crisis has always been a mystery. Is this a terror that can really destroy a city, or is it something that technological weapons cannot cope with

Lin Yao's ability to control strange situations will naturally be taken seriously by the city's senior officials.

In fact, even the treatment of light-based abilities has been improved by one level because of this.

Xuanhe's light can drive away the gray fog, eliminate many curses, and even destroy some weirdness. The reason why Lin Yao was not invaded by the gray fog in the early stage, and the reason why he was able to save the two children, was that his own light power also played a role. , but then the power of light dissipated completely, and this ability did not show its true effect.

It was discovered that Lin Yao's ability was most needed in the city, so how could the senior management not try their best to win over him.

After Lin Yao came out, his request to enter the treacherous realm made the senior management even more ecstatic. After entering the treacherous realm, Lin Yao not only had no fear, but applied to enter again, which was completely beyond the expectations of the senior executives.

The city has attracted a lot of geniuses, but those geniuses care about their lives. Most of the geniuses go to strange places to perform tasks. They only go there once a month, and few dare to risk their lives.

Someone like Lin Yao, who has strength, restrains weirdness, and is very courageous, is their ideal warrior.

"Such a responsible warrior must not be allowed to leave the country."

"We must do everything we can to keep him in the city."

"If the geniuses in the city are such brave warriors, why worry about weird threats."

In order to win over Lin Yao, the treatment given to him will naturally be matched quickly.

This is also the reason why his family's villa was settled so quickly.

Knowing that his home was in Mingyue Community, Lin Yao immediately prepared to go there.

However, he failed to leave in the end. As soon as he left the gate, his cell phone rang, and policewoman Wen Shang found him.

"I'll give you a location. Come and gather. Tonight's patrol will begin."

(End of chapter)