I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 93: Night patrol


Upon hearing the order to assemble, Lin Yao quickly asked the policewoman to tell her parents that she was being recruited.

"I don't want to worry my parents, so I'm sorry to bother you."

"Don't worry, we'll get it done."

In this way, Lin Yao, a non-staff member, rushed to the meeting place without even returning home. After arriving, Lin Yao found that this place was not a group of people patrolling the streets in scattered teams as he had imagined, but several ordinary vehicles and vehicles. The policewoman was waiting for her next to the command car.

Lin Yao was quite surprised when he saw the vehicle.

"Shall we patrol by car?"

This remark made the policewoman laugh.

"You think patrolling now is the same as in ancient times, classmate Lin Yao, times have changed."

After making a joke to Lin Yao, the policewoman said:

"There are still patrol teams on the streets, but they only add that what we in China really monitor the whole city is the Sky Eye system."

After saying that, the policewoman pulled Lin Yao into the car. After entering, Lin Yao discovered that there was something else inside the car.

There are several screens in the spacious command vehicle, and intelligence agents use special communicators to constantly communicate with people.

"Monitor No. 13523 has no abnormalities."

"Monitor No. 16241 has no abnormalities."

"Monitor No. 14321 found an abnormality. The nearest teams are 71, 72, and 73. We need you to go and investigate. Please contact us if you receive it."



Lin Yao was stunned when he saw the intelligence officer giving out various instructions in the command car and the female police officer checking and filling in the gaps.

Especially when he found that the display screen in the car showed what was captured by the cameras one after another, Lin Yao was even more dizzy.

"Could it be that most of Ninghai City is under surveillance?"

Looking at Lin Yao in disbelief, the policewoman smiled and said:

"Of course, not only Ninghai, most streets across the country are monitored by cameras. This is Skynet all over the country. In addition to cameras, there are satellite surveillance in outer space. It is also relying on this surveillance network that we humans can contain weirdness. Let the world maintain a semblance of peace." Speaking of what the policewoman thought of, she quickly said: "In addition to searching for weirdos, this Sky Eye surveillance is also responsible for monitoring criminals. Remember, if you don't want to become a wanted criminal, you must not go inside the city. When it comes to murder, all questions must be handed over to the police.”


While the two were talking, a patrol team discovered the tragically dead body of a stray cat. After hearing this, the policewoman's convoy immediately headed there.

At the same time, the policewoman's voice also sounded.

"Let's not talk about the nationwide situation. That is not something we should consider. Let's talk about our mission."

"The entire Ninghai City is monitored by the Sky Eye. The collected data will be passed to the command and monitoring center, which will pay attention to whether there are any abnormalities. Once there is an abnormality, they will ask the nearest team to investigate... The mission of those teams is only to investigate. If nothing happens, they will report it. Once something happens, we, the secondary command centers, will need to be dispatched."

"Secondary command center?"

"Well, it means gathering twenty or thirty elites to form an elite team. Each elite team is responsible for an area. Do you see this map? We are responsible for this green area. The patrols in this area will report to us if they find anything. "

As they spoke, the vehicle was also driving quickly, and soon they arrived near a trash can.

Next to the trash can was the body of a dead cat that had been tortured to death. Three patrol teams, a total of nine people, were nervously moving away from the dead cat and taking out their weapons.

It was a bit fussy to face a dead cat like this, but Lin Yao didn't despise it. The weird horror was worth it.

After arriving, the policewoman first ordered a car to bring out a high-power ultraviolet searchlight, and when the searchlight illuminated the dead cat's body and found no problems, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the command center relied on past surveillance to find out when the dead cat was abandoned, and found the person who abandoned it and the address where that person lived.

After learning this, the policewoman immediately took Lin Yao and the others to an ordinary apartment.

"The suspected target is in Room 103 on the third floor. Be careful. Team one, you approach from behind. Snipers..."

The policewoman was giving instructions, and when he was giving instructions, Lin Yao had already calmed down and felt the situation in Room 103. After feeling it, Lin Yao shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

His actions were noticed by the policewoman who had been paying attention to Lin Yao. To this question, Lin Yao directly answered: "I sense malice, but it's not weird."

"You can tell the difference between a weirdo and a human villain."

"Almost, no matter how bad the human villains are, I can still sense some goodness in them. As for Weird, although there are various emotions inside, they are all negative emotions such as hatred and resentment, without a trace of goodness. "

Human character is always gray, with good and evil.

And weirdness is a source of pollution, which makes people sick when they feel it.

While the two were talking, someone from above had already broken into the door with a strong light, and the policewoman also got out of the car and was ready to provide support at any time.

However, the final result was as Lin Yao said. It was just an ordinary person. He was quite shocked after seeing someone break the door. When he found that the people who rushed through the door were state armed personnel, he instantly stopped thinking about taking action.

"Don't do it, don't do it at all. I didn't commit any crime."

"Stand up straight, we have a few questions for you."

He also responded quickly to those personnel's inquiries.

After a while, the policewoman came down and shook her head helplessly: "Close the team and return."

Seeing Lin Yao looking at her, she explained a little: "It's just a simple cat abuse, not something weird."

"Is there any punishment for this? Also, do we have to come over to investigate when an animal dies?"

"The one who tortured and killed was an ownerless stray cat. This is mainly for warning and education and cannot be applied to punishment. As for the death of monsters, not all of them need to be investigated. Only those who are tortured, dismembered or missing some things will be punished. What we noticed.”

During the conversation, the headquarters issued another instruction that a disappearance had occurred. Upon hearing this, the convoy immediately rushed to the location of the accident.

Unfortunately, after arriving, relying on surveillance and detection by some veteran detectives, it was just ordinary people committing crimes, and no weirdness played a role in it.

In the next few hours, Lin Yao and others ran like this several times.

Before midnight, he didn't encounter anything weird, which gradually made Lin Yao's enthusiasm for patrol disappear, but the policewoman had become accustomed to it.

"Although weird things can escape, the probability of happening is not high. How can such a thing happen several times a night? How could such a thing happen? Do you think we are all just living for a living? Moreover, if such a thing really happened, the world would have been a long time ago. It’s a big mess.”

Lin Yao, who was educated by the female police officer, could only raise his hands and beg for mercy. While the two were talking, suddenly, a red light flashed in the command car and a warning sound sounded.

"Beep beep beep, Team 157 has lost contact. Repeat, Team 157 has lost contact."

"Find out their last location."

With the police lights flashing, the policewoman's face no longer looked casual, but became much more solemn, and Lin Yao also felt bad when he heard the word "lost contact".

"The nearest location is No. ×××, Yuhua Road. We just lost contact."


As soon as the location was designated, the driver immediately stepped on full throttle and sped along the deserted city road.

In less than three minutes, Lin Yao and others arrived at their destination. Yuhua Road was a small alley, with the number ××× at the end. The alley was too narrow to drive the command vehicle in, so the female police officer and others had to get out of the car quickly. Be prepared to walk there.

This was a somewhat winding path, and everyone walked in a hurry because they were worried about the missing team members.

However, when they turned a corner and saw the missing place right in front of them, a shout suddenly sounded from the crowd.


The one who stopped everyone was Lin Yao, staring at the alley in front of him, Lin Yao's face was filled with ice.

"What's wrong?"

It was related to the life safety of her subordinates. The policewoman asked anxiously. Lin Yao didn't pay attention to this attitude. He just tried his best to feel the alley in front of him. After taking a breath, Lin Yao's face changed greatly when he felt something. : "Retreat, retreat quickly!"

(End of chapter)