I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 98: Bright red flowers


"As long as you dare to show your face, we can kill even the disaster-level ones. Even if the evil god dares to come head-on, we can also fight head-on."

In reality, the strength of human beings makes the remaining weirdness contain secret and weird characteristics.

Therefore, it is not the weird and mysterious things in reality, but those who are exposed are dead.

It is Lin Yao's mission to find out these hidden weirdness.

After exploring a few more locations, Lin Yao found nothing. The city's abilities were still very strong, and most of the weirdness had been eliminated. Of course, it was also possible that Lin Yao was not strong enough, or that the weirdness was dormant, and he did not notice it.

"This is the last mission today. After completing this mission, we can rest."

On a remote stretch of road, the policewoman, who had recovered a little, cheered up and told Lin Yao about the situation of this special place.

"The special location this time is the highway. There have been a lot of car accidents on the highway recently. Although there is nothing abnormal in the monitoring, there is definitely a problem with the death of more than ten people in three days. Now I need you to distinguish it, old man Xing, drive slower and drive back and forth on this road three times."


The speed of the car was not fast, but everyone was alert and aware of their surroundings, and were ready to jump out of the car at any time.

Lin Yao watched the policewoman hugging him at any time, and simply closed his eyes, using closed vision to fully feel the good and evil around him.

"No, no, still no. It seems that this time it will be in vain."

"But that's good. At least it proves that there aren't many weird things in the city... Well, stop the car."

Lin Yao, who suddenly sensed the malice, shouted quickly, and quickly opened his eyes to look at the place where the malice came from. Then, an unexpected thing caught Lin Yao's eyes. It turned out to be a flower blooming in the dark night. .

The flower is bright red in color and blooms alone in the night. It has a strange beauty. Although it can still feel its malice, Lin Yao still feels its beauty despite its malice.

"This can also become weird. By the way, what is its ability? It's poisonous?"

When Lin Yao shouted, everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and instantly noticed the bright red flower, and were attracted by its beauty.

"It's so beautiful. It seems like I am guarding this flower. I am willing to die."

"It's an exaggeration. Beautiful is a bit more beautiful, but death or something..."

Finding that the always steady policewoman Wen Shang was attracted to flowers and even said she would stay by their side, Lin Yao laughed and felt that girls really love beauty.

However, just as Lin Yao was thinking with a smile, another voice sounded.

"I want to be buried under the flowers, so it will be more beautiful."

"Indeed, my blood must be a perfect match for this flower. I really want to water it with my blood."

"No, use my, my blood."

The sound of voices made Lin Yao stunned. When he saw many armed policemen around him slit his wrists and let the blood flow out, a chill filled his body and mind.

At this time, he still didn't know that he and others were being attacked by strange things.

What frightened Lin Yao even more was that someone had already scratched the wound on his body with his hands, hoping to feed the flower with his own blood.

Looking around, Lin Yao found that apart from himself, Li Shan was the only one with a struggling expression on his face.

“Damn, what’s the attack vector?”

When he came here to patrol, Lin Yao had a premonition that there would be a crisis, but he didn't expect that the crisis would come so quickly, and he didn't expect that the crisis would be so weird. Just seeing the flowers, everyone was affected by the weird rules.

"Is it the type that will die immediately upon seeing it? No, it will be affected upon seeing it, but why wasn't I affected..."

Just when Lin Yao was thinking this, suddenly, he felt that the flower was very beautiful for no reason. When he had such thoughts, a bright red flower suddenly appeared in his heart, absorbing something and blooming rapidly, As the bright red flowers bloomed, Lin Yao's mind was all tied to the bright red flowers, and he felt that it would be good to dedicate everything he had to the most beautiful thing in the world.

"I am filthy, filthy, and using my filthy soul and blood to support the most beautiful flowers is not in vain... Boom!"

Just when Lin Yao's mind was about to be taken away by this bright red flower, a thunder suddenly exploded in his heart.

It was the Tree of Heaven's Punishment. Faced with the strange flower that invaded his mind, the Tree of Heaven's Punishment activated the power of thunder, completely blasting away the flower. At the same time, the ability to distinguish between good and evil was triggered, allowing Lin Yao to see clearly the bright red flower. The true face of flowers.


No, the flower bloomed entirely on the corpse, and there were countless souls wailing in the petals.


The malice emanating from the bright red flowers even made Lin Yao feel like vomiting. But just when he was feeling uncomfortable, all the companions around him turned around and looked at him with scarlet eyes.

"Don't you think those flowers are beautiful?"

"Why not accept it, it is the most beautiful thing in the world."

"Join me in sacrificing your body and soul."

Listening to the fanatical shouts and feeling their ready thoughts, Lin Yao was not polite. After taking a deep breath, he opened his big mouth and suddenly let out a thunderous roar.

"Wake up!"


The roar was like thunder, like the wrath of heaven.

Under the explosive sound of thunder, ordinary people will be frightened and stunned for a moment, and this thunder that contains the meaning of heaven will cause the greatest damage to the weird.

In the aura world, thunder is the authority of the sky. Impacted by the thunder, the bright red flowers that took root in everyone's hearts and grew by absorbing flesh and blood due to their gaze were all shaken away by Lin Yao.

With a roar, Lin Yao pulled everyone back from their strange state.

"Hey, it hurts."

"What's wrong with me."

"Damn, we're under attack."

"Tianlei Mystery's restraint on weirdness is better than I thought."

Looking at the people who were waking up, this thought flashed through Lin Yao's mind, and then he stopped thinking about it. Now, there were more important things that he needed to do.

In the dazed moment after everyone woke up, Lin Yao didn't waste any time. He exploded the light energy seeds, opened the car door, and activated the electric current to stimulate the fighting posture of the combat suit. After doing all this, he moved towards the bright red like a cheetah. The flowers swooped over.

"It must be killed."

Lin Yao's speed was very fast as he activated his body of light with the spiritual energy erupted from the light energy seeds, and superimposed the electric current to stimulate his tight-fitting fighting posture.

With one step of several meters, he covered most of the distance to the flowers in an extremely short time. However, at this time, the bright red flowers seemed to be waking up. After getting closer, Lin Yao not only felt the beauty of the flowers, but also smelled the fragrance.

Absorbing the aroma, Lin Yao felt as if he were in a state of ecstasy, enjoying the bliss and thinking of being indulged in this bliss forever.

It's just that the bright red flowers are very strong, and Lin Yao's tree of punishment is even stronger. Moreover, both from the wood type, the higher level tree of punishment obviously restrains the bright red flowers, so that kind of ecstatic feeling of bliss As soon as he appeared, he was destroyed by thunder, and Lin Yao also burst out the thunder energy seeds in this world and roared with a thunderous roar.


(End of chapter)