I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 100: 005 Shelter


(Well, that’s it, the copy ends.)

Under Lin Ling's surprised gaze, Jiang Chen quickly rushed to the door, and then ran back quickly.

But when he came back, he had a chainsaw in his hand, and the smile on his face looked a bit ferocious.

"You, what are you going to do..." Lin Ling shivered and shrank to the corner, looking at him in fear.

However, Jiang Chen ignored her at all. He whined and tried the sensitivity of the electric saw in his hand, then put one foot on the edge of the window and jumped down with a grin on his face.

Lin Ling gasped in shock, trying to calm down the violent rise and fall in her chest.

This is the third floor! Just jump down like that



With his feet touching the ground heavily, Jiang Chen's body sank suddenly and then rolled. This set of cushioning movements was completed in one go under his current 48 reflexes. The only pity is that the madness cannot enhance the strength of the bones, and the crushing pain still spreads from the soles of the feet to the entire legs.


The zombies had noticed the movement here, staggering and accelerating towards him.

A look of madness flashed across Jiang Chen's face, then he suddenly lifted the chainsaw and slammed the switch.


Accompanied by the harsh sound of metal friction, he suddenly charged towards the running zombie, and then violently pushed out the chainsaw in his hand.

The constant hissing sound, the sound of metal cutting through flesh and bones, the resistance coming from his palms, and the churning of his stomach band, all made him grit his teeth and persevere.


Wielding a chainsaw to dismember the zombies that rushed towards him, and letting the black blood stain his cheeks and clothes, Jiang Chen roared and kept running, rushing towards the underground garage with all his strength.

Fortunately, the madman will not be stimulated by the blood simulated by the data. Otherwise, if he carried out such a bloody killing in the mad state, he would just follow his instinct and run into the pile of zombies.

Recalling the map he had seen in the registration room, Jiang Chen picked up the whining chainsaw. He directly split open the toilet window, then jumped in, blocking a group of zombies hanging behind him from the window.

Raising his hand to chop down the two female zombies whose lower bodies were half-wrapped, Jiang Chen stepped forward and kicked open the toilet door. Then rushed out.

Zombies gather outside the registration room door. You can't go out from the hall, so you have to cross!

Without stopping at all, Jiang Chen no longer had to worry about attracting zombies with his big movements. He directly used the electric saw to cut through the door of the office opposite the toilet. Then he kicked the door to pieces.

The howls of zombies could be heard from the other end of the dim corridor. Jiang Chen, who rushed into the door, easily pulled down the cabinet at the door, and then rushed towards the window without looking back.

It was still the chainsaw that broke the window, and then he turned over and jumped out.

The zombies rushed to the door, tripping over the cabinet one after another, but soon they crawled and squeezed into the room. However, Jiang Chen had already rushed outside at this time. After knocking down a few wandering zombies, he rushed down to the underground garage desperately.


Only half a minute left!

There are no zombies in the underground garage.

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, threw away the chainsaw in his hand, and took out the flashlight he found in the registration room. He quickly scanned around the dark underground garage.

found it!

The white painted numbers 005 were printed not far from him. Jiang Chen hurried over and took a photo of the red button.

The floor opened and he stepped in without a word.

With his last glimpse, he caught a glimpse of scattered debris at the edge of the world.

Thank God, I caught up.



As Jiang Chen guessed...or prayed, the game reset did not have an impact on this "console". This is the backend of the entire game, where data is recorded and debugged. If he guessed correctly, this should be the room prepared for Lin Ling.

This Lin Ling's identity should not be simple, at least she is a scientist or something. Other people's bodies died suddenly. Only she was floating in the jar safe and sound.

But even if it was a console prepared for her, she would probably not be able to use it.

Artificial intelligence controls the real laboratory. Even if she enters the console, the informer will force her back.

Very interesting design. It is estimated that the chief scientist who designed this game...or designed the entire experiment may not have thought that artificial intelligence would actually use the security settings of the laboratory to coerce the experimenter.

Perhaps when this artificial intelligence was designed, it was true that items such as "No harm to humans is allowed" were written in, but can you expect a thinking monster to strictly abide by this discipline? For example, one day the whistleblower (secretary) judges that it cannot achieve the meaning of its existence [advanced advanced artificial intelligence] without harming humans. So how will it deal with this contradiction

According to priority. The biggest possibility is to get rid of the restriction [not allowed to harm humans].

Jiang Chen reached the end of the tunnel. On the tall wall were words such as Pan-Asian Cooperation (AC), 005 Shelter, and Non-Civilian Shelter.

Underneath the door is an electronic code lock.

After standing in front of the password lock for a while, Jiang Chen sighed. Although he didn't ask Lin Ling for the password to the shelter, he had probably guessed it.

He stretched out his finger and typed the password on the touch screen interface.


This was the original name of the Informer... or the Keeper of Secrets, but apparently it was leaked by the Whistleblower.

Artificial intelligence is still too naked when it comes to things it wants to conceal. Even if it is smart enough to deceive humans, it has not learned a single bit from humans in terms of tact. Because this is not something that can be derived by relying on logical operations.

The door is open, and the truth should be inside.

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment, smiled randomly, and then walked in.

After crossing this door, the memory behind him should have nothing to do with him.

Although it is false, it is still 16 years.

Although most of them belong to the memory of the original owner who once lay in that dormant warehouse...



After passing through the seven arches of the shelter, you enter a place similar to a control room filled with electronic equipment and displays.

And in the center of the monitoring room, Jiang Chen saw an unexpected person.

"It seems that someone has come here." The white man with a beard noticed Jiang Chen, smiled at him, and then extended his hand.

Although I haven't seen it... No, maybe I have. In that gymnasium. Although he was wearing power armor and his face was covered by a helmet, Jiang Chen still recognized him.

"Hello, Captain Jon?" Jiang Chen stepped forward and shook his hand.

"Oh? Since you know my name, you must have read that diary." There was no surprise on Jon's face, and he shook his hand and then let go.

"Yes, according to the plot, I have seen you in the gym." Jiang Chen's expression was a little strange. He didn't know what kind of mentality he should have when facing this person.

"The plot in the gym?... That's a plot based on my memory." Jon's face showed a look of still thinking.

This time it was Jiang Chen's turn to be surprised. He really didn't notice who the mummy attached to the flesh belonged to in reality.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be the later experimenter. Then you should be using my dormant chamber. It seems that my body is dead in reality."

"Then what kind of existence are you now? Artificial intelligence?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion.

"I backed up all the data in my brain on the hard drive, so I should be considered a low-level artificial intelligence now." Jon smiled.

"... I have a feeling that you are more like an advanced artificial intelligence than an intermediate artificial intelligence." Anyway, I have cleared the level, and the time in the game world is only a moment in reality, so Jiang Chen is not like that I was anxious and started chatting with Jon.

Although the customs clearance. But he still had a lot of confusion in his heart.

"That's your illusion," Jon shrugged. "I will respond logically from Jon's point of view, but I don't have the 'thinking' of an intermediate artificial intelligence or the 'feeling' of an advanced artificial intelligence."

"Is there any difference? It seems to me that you are standing there alone." Jiang Chen frowned.

"Of course, there is a big difference. The one you are talking to now is Jon's ghost, not the artificial intelligence Jon." Jon said something of unknown meaning, and then walked to a display screen. A button on the console was pressed.

"I have also been injected with genetic medicine. And it is a relatively advanced kind. However, I later discovered that being able to get rid of brainwashing is not all about the activity of brain cells, but emotions."

"Emotions?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion as he didn't know why he suddenly mentioned this here.

"Something that a machine will never really have. Just like you can teach a parrot to speak, but you can't teach it human emotions. But science seems to prove that it is possible to generate emotions through pure logic. However, from a purely human standpoint, I still cannot agree with this view." Jon pressed a few buttons on the touch pad.

The holographic display screen showed scenes that were familiar but somewhat unfamiliar to Jiang Chen.

"These are the memories before the N-1 week. Some of them may have been experienced by you, and some may not have been experienced yet."

But it feels a bit familiar. Is this what is called déjà vu

There are happy-ends where two people escape successfully together, but most of them are ad-ends. The airborne NATO soldier was just one of them. Jiang Chen even saw the blackened E? Tao Tingting, who discovered the protagonist's change of heart, dismembered the actor with a chainsaw at home...

Seeing this, Jiang Chen shuddered. He finally knew the origin of the chainsaw.

"The standard plot should be a five-day cycle, but you broke through the memory blockade during the Nth episode, so the secret keeper used his authority to forcefully start the plot on the fifth day on the fourth day. If you follow the normal trend, what you have experienced It’s probably the memory I recycle the most.”

"That..." Jiang Chen recalled the plot in the gymnasium, and he suddenly remembered a certain detail mentioned in the captain's diary.

[Well, before I die, I hope that yellow girl can forgive my sins... ]

"The heroine is designed to be that girl. I believe you have read the diary." Jon said to himself, "If I had restrained my subordinates, maybe she would not have died in that humiliating posture. Maybe. My punishment? The game created a fictional me, and then placed my real consciousness on a boy who liked her, and then through replaying it again and again, I collected information about hatred, regret, unwillingness... ...etc. a series of emotional data.”

Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, he didn't know what to say at this moment.

"Of the 510 experimenters, 409 had left the experiment, but were eventually forced back into the game. The emotions generated in the game will be fed back to the real body. Crying in the game will stimulate the tear glands, and anger will stimulate The amygdala, but in reality it all happened at the same instant. Everyone eventually died from the spasm, including me."

The expression on the middle-aged man's face showed no fluctuation, as if life and death had nothing to do with it, and then he pressed a few buttons on the touch pad.

"The exit is here, the truth is here, and the choice is in your hands. Leave? Or spend a near-infinite life here."

"Do you even need to ask? The answer is obvious." Jiang Chen laughed.

Jon said nothing, just made a gesture of invitation, and then stepped aside. (.)