I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 113: Maybe I should buy an island?


In the afternoon, Jiang Chen lay quietly on the lounge chair by the swimming pool, enjoying the late summer sunshine.

Although he was anxious to go back there to report that he was safe, since the jump bracelet was in a "cooling state", it was not a problem to rush, so he luckily rested.

The weather has gradually started to get cooler, and it should be autumn soon.

If that's the case, winter will soon come to the end of the world.

Because of radioactive fallout, winter will come earlier in the apocalypse than in this world. According to Sun Jiao, winter would have entered Wanghai City around mid-October in previous years.

The winter of the apocalypse can be described as a natural disaster.

Temperatures would plummet to a few degrees below zero in just a month, and impure snowflakes would fall from the sky, turning the entire city an unnatural white. But compared to the first few years, it is already much better. According to records, in the years immediately after the nuclear war, almost the entire earth was in a state of nuclear winter. There is only winter, no summer.

For ordinary survivors, winter is very difficult. They often choose to collect and reserve sufficient survival supplies and fuel in the first half of the year. Unless there is an accident, generally no one would choose to go out in winter.

In winter, alien species will also choose to hibernate or move to warmer areas, such as abandoned nuclear power plants or geothermal wells.

Only zombies are not affected by the cold. Usually there is not much moisture on their bodies that can be frozen, but due to the reduction in sunlight, they will sleep longer.

Staring at the ice-cold orange juice on the table. Jiang Chen fell into deep thought.

Enough food, cotton clothes, fuel and the like are all necessities for winter, but these things are not difficult for him, considering the fish bone base. Winter shouldn't be hard.

There is naturally no shortage of food, and warm cold-proof clothing is also sold in the Sixth District. That kind of clothing is much more efficient than cotton-padded clothes. The fuel can be replaced by electricity, and although electricity production will be reduced in winter, electricity demand will also be reduced. The outdoor temperature is just a few degrees below zero, so the refrigeration unit and freezer in the basement can naturally be turned off.

What really worried him was the base's combat effectiveness.

This time the battle with mutants. The shortcomings of the fish bone base were immediately exposed.

There is money, but the military is too weak.

Maybe crush the general survivor group. Powered armor is enough, but if Fish Bones wants to develop and grow, the opponents it encounters will never be just some small survivors. There are so many forces in Wanghai City, but what about outside the city? What about the whole country? What about unknown alien species

There is no support from heavy firepower. They were caught off guard when they encountered the slightly larger armed force of the mutant group. And what's even more terrible is that every time one of the powered armors explodes, one is missing. This time, four were scrapped at once, and most of the remaining ones were injured. Even if all the mutants were killed, it would still be a huge loss for Fish Bones.

He never thought that a group of mutants would appear on the way, and he discovered that the Gray Gu mercenary group was in trouble. He was also prepared to take advantage of the situation and rob him. Unexpectedly, the other side was not friendly at all. After defeating the Gray Gu mercenary group, they continued to fire at Jiang Chen and the others without saying a word.

From the beginning. There is no possibility of reconciliation between normal people and mutants.

Picking up the juice, biting the straw and taking a few sips, Jiang Chen looked thoughtfully at Aisha's figure moving in the swimming pool.

Lacks heavy firepower.

The armament of Fishbone Base is too dependent on the Sixth District, and they don't sell heavy firepower at all. At most, they sell heavy machine guns or rocket launchers. The high-energy vacuum bombs that were used were basically useless against zombies. In combat against humans, it is easily intercepted by laser anti-missile weapons. It is a weapon that is of little use. That's why Zhao Chenwu gave it to Jiang Chen at a low price.

Moreover, these kinds of things are used less and less, and the production equipment is basically destroyed by the war. Tactical nuclear bombs, laser cluster bombs, etc. are basically collected from the battlefield or half-destroyed arsenals. Generally speaking, the reserve of this kind of "super weapon" also symbolizes the hard power of a survivor base.

The Fishbone Base must have its own arms production line, and it must start thinking of ways to develop heavy firepower. However, what gives Jiang Chen a headache is that many things have technology but no production conditions.

In addition to production equipment, there are only two reasons that restrict the development of fish bones.

One is raw materials, and the other is population.

Mining in the apocalypse is a no-brainer, as all the shallow minerals on the earth have been mined. The asteroid collection stations and lunar mining bases that were the main sources of minerals before the war had also been bombed into space junk long ago.

Although he had bought a small amount of construction steel from the Sixth District before, after this expedition, I am afraid that their production supplies will become tight. Where can they sell it to him

Want to develop industry? Let’s upgrade the waste recycling process first.

Due to the highly developed materials science, it is really not an easy task to decompose the material whose name alone can fill several pages into pure minerals. Although Jiang Chen didn't understand materials science, he had heard Zhao Chenwu mention that 35% of the industrial production capacity in the Sixth Block was allocated to "waste recycling." Although organic materials can alleviate some of the demand, bullets, shells, armor... these are all inseparable from metal.

Let’s talk about population.

Even if there is no complete production line, it is not impossible to build some equipment by hand through partially modified general production equipment, but this will definitely require a lot of labor.

Taking the Spider Tank as an example, it requires thousands of parts. Do you still want to develop military industry with only the small population of Fish Bone Base? Zhao Chenwu's arsenal has more than just his number of people.

How to process most of the parts that are not difficult to produce in this world, and then assemble them in the end of the world? The world is rich in mineral resources. Although the "manufacturing technology is low", if we can get some simple production equipment...

But think of this. Jiang Chen suddenly smiled bitterly, shook his head and gave up the idea.

Too dangerous.

It’s definitely not possible in the country. Even though the workers may not understand what the parts they are producing are, there is no point in opening a factory that produces products that are unclear. Who will believe it if they are not targeted? If it is discovered that he possesses military technology...

The picture was so beautiful that he didn't dare to think about it.

foreign? Jiang Chen actually believed that all the crows in the world were as black as black. Even if someone upheld the spirit of the constitution and the law and acted strictly in accordance with the law, maybe the country would not come forward to do anything. But if it comes to the big cake of the military industry, those large conglomerates that emerged during World War II will not let it go easily. At this time, as long as the country turns a blind eye, military technology will naturally be in the hands of "its own people".

But Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little pity that such rich resources in this world were left unused.

At this time. Ayesha suddenly emerged from the water and shook her wet hair. He smiled brightly in Jiang Chen's direction.

Instantly, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

Well, of course not because of that...


"Damn it, I never thought of that before." Jiang Chen patted his head. He smiled bitterly.

The only thing that is lacking in the last days is food, and this is not difficult to get no matter where you are, and it doesn’t have to be at home! There are some things that are somewhat difficult to obtain in China, but in a small island country that is both remote and underdeveloped, the situation may be different.

At the same time, if we can have a base in this world, it will undoubtedly be of great help to the development of the end of the world! There is no need to worry about labor and resources in this world, as long as you can control a small, neutral country that is far away from international affairs...

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

He had long wanted to find a way out.

Just after we created Future Man 1.0, we were called to "have a heart-to-heart talk." Young Master, I am still your savior... Of course, he cursed these words in his heart.

In short, when he came out of Wang's house. I have even thought about "leaving".

But how to do this specifically needs to be carefully considered.

Jiang Chen got up from the sun lounger and walked towards the villa. Ayesha swam to the edge of the swimming pool. Her dark brown slightly curly hair was stained with attractive water drops, and her supple white arms rested on the edge of the swimming pool.

The expectant eyes seemed to be asking, "Don't you want to go on a trip together?"

Looking at her charming and unconscious posture. Jiang Chen couldn't help but swallow and spit.

Speaking of which, this girl's figure is getting more and more attractive.

The fair skin is partly due to racial factors. On the other hand, it benefits from the conditioning of the culture fluid in the culture chamber.

The excess oil and dirt in the subcutaneous tissue are washed away by the culture fluid, and the blemishes of white people with congenital enlarged pores are also shrunk and finely moistened by it. After many days of nourishment, Aisha's originally dry skin had transformed into a skin as delicate and smooth as mutton-fat jade.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Jiang Chen used that culture solution to open a beauty salon, the business would be extremely booming.

Not only that, due to the injection of genetic medicine and regular exercise every day, Ayesha's lower abdomen has developed a shallow vest line. Coupled with the small but firm roundness and the beautiful legs without a trace of fat, the exotic temptation became even stronger.

What's even more intoxicating is her loving gaze.

This three-point swimsuit and this alluring figure will only be shown to one person in this life.

To be honest, Jiang Chen really had the urge to jump into the water and "play" with her at this moment.

But he had more important things to do at the moment, and it wasn't too late to do that shameful thing at night. He is already much better at controlling his desires than before.

"Ahem, you go ahead and play, I have some things to deal with."

Forcibly suppressing the flames in his lower abdomen, Jiang Chen smiled sheepishly, and then hurriedly left the swimming pool.


Villa basement.

Looking at the mutant's body, Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and then stretched out his right hand.

The storage space cannot store living things, he has tried this before. Ants can be stored in it and then destroyed, but cockroaches cannot be stored in it. It seems that using storage space to kill people is unrealistic.

Storing dead objects does not consume a lot of energy. He had charged 10 kilowatt hours intermittently not long ago, which probably replenished the energy of the jump bracelet by about 10%.

A slight pain came from his wrist, and Jiang Chen couldn't help but tighten his nerves.

"Damn it, please don't break it!" He didn't respond for a long time, which almost made Jiang Chen break into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, after a short delay, the mutant's body was taken into a storage space in a daze.

Jiang Chen let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and then looked at his right wrist.

The energy was consumed by 5%, and then he used the remaining energy to take out the sub-crystal from the storage space, and quickly filled the energy of the jump bracelet.

The function of the open storage space has been restored, so the next step is to travel through time.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen couldn't wait to activate his ability to travel.

However, the pain coming from his wrist poured cold water on his excitement. Although the function of the storage space was restored, the function of traveling was not restored.

"Isn't it really that fast?" Jiang Chen looked helplessly at his right hand with a wry smile on his face.

But now that the storage space that was unusable at the beginning has been restored, the ability to travel through space should not be far away.

After disposing of the mutant's body, Jiang Chen went to the study on the third floor of the villa and turned on the computer.

For his "island purchase plan", he still had to make some preparations.

He clicked on Baidu Encyclopedia and Google Earth, and searched along the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

The area does not need to be very large. Even if the land is not enough in the later period, there will be NB's land reclamation technology in the last days. It's just that the ocean is more terrifying than land and has no place to use it, so it's not popular among survivors.

It is best not to have too much population, but to have a smaller population for easier control. When the population is not enough, you can just immigrate.

It is best for the political situation to be unstable, but not too chaotic.

If the GDP can be as low as possible, the better. The poorer the place, the better it is to bribe it. Anyway, he will spend money on renovations after he goes there.

It is best not to have any disputes with neighboring countries in territorial waters... It is best not to have troublesome things like oil and gas. Anyway, he can eliminate those things at any time, and he does not expect to make a fortune from it. Otherwise, let alone development, "preventing thieves" would be annoying, and it would easily give opportunities to people with evil intentions.

The most important thing is that you must stay far enough away from the "Five Rogues"!

Finally, a small country located in the Pannu Islands caught his eye.

It's almost like it's tailor-made for him.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then Jiang Chen took out his cell phone and dialed Roberts' number.

"Hello? Old man, you have remembered my unfortunate old friend." Roberts' glib voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I've been a little busy lately. Do you have some business to do?" Jiang Chen said straight to the point without greeting him. (...). ..