I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 12: Fierce fighting at the construction site (Part 1)


Speaking of which... I haven't been home for a long time.

In the past, it was because I didn't get along as well as I could, and I was too embarrassed to go home to see my parents. But now he has finally made some tricks. He can sell a few kilograms of gold in the villa for millions. Although it is still not enough to buy a house in Wanghai City, it is more than enough to honor your parents and let them live a good life.

There is also the vault in the bank, which contains hundreds of millions of wealth.

"What are you thinking about?" Sun Jiao stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.

Moreover, I have girlfriends.

A smile appeared on Jiang Chen's face, he grabbed Sun Jiao's hand and looked at it carefully.

"I was wondering if I should give you a ring."

Sun Jiao blushed and ran away at a loss. Although this girl is very domineering, she occasionally shows her thin-skinned side.

With a laugh, Jiang Chen stood up from the dining table. Before I knew it, the dishes and chopsticks had been cleared away. This was the first time he discovered that Sun Jiao knew how to do housework, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

Of course, Yao Yao's contribution is not small. Jiang Chen could roughly guess that it was the well-behaved Yao Yao who carried the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen to clean them up. Sun Jiao, who had always been so careless, felt embarrassed, so she also picked up the dishes and chopsticks.

What is this called? What does it feel like to be the head of the family? Hahaha.

After the meal, there was naturally a combat meeting. For some reason, Sun Jiao insisted on having the meeting lying on the bed in the bedroom. This guy is getting lazier and lazier, Jiang Chen couldn't help but complain secretly in his heart.

Although Yao Yao's cheeks were hot, he still took off his shoes and lay on the bed. She was wearing the shirt and jeans that Jiang Chen had given her. Jiang Chen had originally prepared these for himself, but he had no more clothes, so he gave them to her. When the time comes, just go back to modern times and help her choose two suitable clothes.

Ever since he put on Jiang Chen's clothes, Yao Yao's face has always been red. Although he didn't smell it intentionally, the faint masculine smell lingered on the tip of Yao Yao's nose, which made Yao Yao, who had never experienced such stimulation, feel a little dizzy.

"The first is the bank vault strategy plan. Then, let me briefly talk to our little guy first?" Sun Jiao took out the holographic computer pen and unfolded the holographic image.

"Enter the safe passage from the underground garage, bypass the zombie-heavy hall, enter the basement, and then reach the main entrance of the vault. I have walked this road, so there is no danger. The key is the door of the vault. You are sure to get that code lock Open it?" After saying that, Sun Jiao looked at Yao Yao.

"If it is a pre-war security facility, I am very sure. However, I need two days to prepare, and some auxiliary procedures must be prepared in advance." Yao Yao stared at the screen and said cautiously.

"That's OK." Sun Jiao snapped her fingers.

"I'll take you to buy a computer tomorrow, and I'll also buy one for fun. If you want to get ready, we'll do it when we get back to the villa." Jiang Chen had long wanted to get a computer from the future technology. I heard that this kind of stuff is also very cheap in the Sixth Street, and the price is the same as E in the bad street.

"Villa?" Yao Yao tilted his head.

"This is our station and your future home." Sun Jiao smiled at Yao Yao and added.

Home... No matter how many times he hears this word, Yao Yao feels warm in his heart.

"Then the next question," Sun Jiao's expression became serious, and she pushed back her loose hair, "about the Gray Gu mercenary group."

"Oh? Did those guys do anything?" Jiang Chen frowned and asked.

Yao Yao looked confused, not knowing what the two of them were suddenly talking about.

Looking at the confused expression on Yao Yao's face, Sun Jiao patted her head and then began to explain to her the whole story.

"In other words, those people peek at the owner's wealth."

"Ahem, don't call me master. It's better if you call me brother." Jiang Chen felt awkward no matter how he heard the word master, especially when it came from a little loli's mouth.

"Yeah! Brother!"

Damn, so cute, with a bloody face...

Jiang Chen turned his face away and met Sun Jiao's half-smiling gaze.

That expression seemed to say, if you dare to act like an animal, be careful I'll cut you in pieces... or something like that.

Shivering, Jiang Chen coughed and brought the topic back to the topic.

"...So what is the result of your observation?"

"Reinforcements from the Gray Goo mercenary group appeared nearby. They are all hovering about 5 kilometers away from the Sixth Block. 17 riflemen and a vehicle-mounted machine gun. It cannot be ruled out that this is only part of it." After all, business is more important. , Sun Jiao also returned to her professional appearance, "According to your plan, the toys have been arranged, all that is left is the actors to be present."

Smiling and nodding, Jiang Chen lay down on the bed.

"Then is there anything else that needs to be discussed? Go to bed early."

"No, then here's the question," Sun Jiao glanced at Jiang Chen with ill intentions, "Where are you sleeping?"


"There is only one bedroom." Sun Jiao reminded Jiang Chen.

"Of course I will sleep with you." Jiang Chen hugged Sun Jiao shamelessly and laughed.

"I, I'm going to the living room." Yao Yao blushed and tried to climb out of bed in panic.

Sun Jiao stretched out her hand and grabbed Yao Yao who was about to escape, and blew gently into her ear.

"Today you sleep next to my sister, and there is a big bad wolf who wants to eat her."

Damn it, who eats who first every day? Jiang Chen's face turned green.


Finally, the three of them slept together and spent a peaceful night. However, none of the three of them slept well that night.

The next morning, Jiang Chen rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up from the bed. Looking at Miss Sun Jiao, who was still sleeping in a domineering posture, and then at Yao Yao, who was curled up in a ball sleeping, Jiang Chen couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Get up and make breakfast.

Although we are in the last days, our daily routine cannot be chaotic. Insisting on eating breakfast is one of Jiang Chen's few good habits.

Jiang Chen stuffed the plate with slices of bread into the microwave, raised his hand casually and yawned, looking at the sky outside the window.

It wasn't completely dark yet, but he didn't feel sleepy.

Jiang Chen's mood was a little complicated when he thought about the upcoming fight with the most vicious gangster in the wasteland.

How should I put it... Even though they are well prepared, no one can completely guarantee that they will not be the ones who fall on the battlefield. Jiang Chen has been prepared for this, and the other side will definitely not be unprepared. Hu Lei is missing. As long as the guy named Zhou Guoping is not crazy, he can definitely guess that the matter has been exposed. The heavy machine gun that was prepared was probably the plan to change from an ambush to a strong attack.

Unless you hide here for a lifetime, you will have to face the bandits outside sooner or later.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" A voice whispered from behind.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen turned around, smiled and said softly, "Wouldn't you like to sleep for a while?"

The little girl who put Jiang Chen's clothes loosely on her body shook her head and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"No, no need. If Yao Yao is too lazy, he will be thrown away..."

"I said I wouldn't throw you away. Really, I'm thinking about something every day." Jiang Chen cursed with a smile, stretched out his hand and rubbed the fluffy hair randomly.

It seems that because he didn't wake up, he was in a dazed state and his little head was rubbed. Yao Yao purred unconsciously, which looked very cute.

Thanks to the advanced level of medicine, the bruises on her face have gradually faded a lot, and the scars on her hands are not as obvious as before. Although she looks too thin due to malnutrition, I believe that as long as she takes care of herself for a period of time, her body will not be as weak as it is now.

"Hey, hehe, huhu, thank you..." Yao Yao replied in a daze, and was pushed out of the restaurant by Jiang Chen and came to the bathroom.

"Now that you've woken up, wash your face and remember to brush your teeth..." After the instructions, Jiang Chen closed the door and returned to the restaurant.

Holding a disposable toothbrush, Yao Yao stood in front of the sink in a daze. Because of anemia, she was always in a dazed state in the morning. However, even though her mind was in a daze, she could feel her heart beating very fast.

Why is this

Unconsciously holding the toothbrush tightly in front of his chest with both hands, Yao Yao was in a daze for a while.


With a confused look on her face, she suddenly smiled stupidly.

The temperature left on the toothbrush is so warm...

After breakfast, the three of them left the Tulip Hotel and went straight to the market in the Sixth District. There are stores that specialize in selling electronic products. Before the war, a rich-level holographic computer pen that required 100,000 RM to buy can be bought here with just a little bit of crystal. At the same time, the store saw Jiang Chen buying two units at once, and also gave him a lot of electronic parts. Jiang Chen wasn't very interested in those electronic parts, but Yao Yao did put those electronic parts into his backpack as if he had found a treasure.

100T hard drive capacity, ultra-high-performance processor, very low energy consumption... These are the words introduced by the shop owner. Jiang Chen doesn't know how powerful it is specifically. I bought this computer pen mainly for Yao Yao. As for Jiang Chen himself, he just wanted to try out the effect of watching a movie on a holographic computer.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also spent 2 points of Yao Yao to buy an E. This thing is miraculous in combating radiation and checking physical conditions. However, after accepting so many gifts, Yao Yao seemed very embarrassed, blushing all the time, lowering his head and saying nothing.

After everything was settled, Jiang Chen and the other three began their return journey.

When the leather boots stepped on the cement road outside the steel gate, Jiang Chen had already begun to notice an unusual smell.

Already being targeted

Perhaps because of the miraculous effects of the genetic medicine, he felt that his intuition was much sharper than before.

"Remember to act as planned, okay?" Sun Jiao walked in the front row holding Sirius, and whispered to Jiang Chen behind her again.

"Understood," Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders, sat down slowly, took a deep breath, and smiled pretending to be relaxed, "Don't forget, this is my idea."

Yao Yao squeezed Jiang Chen's hand with some worry. This considerate little girl easily sensed the uneasiness and assertiveness in Jiang Chen's heart. But at this moment, she couldn't do much more than provide comfort.

Not to mention helping, you have to work hard not to become a burden.

After all, her physical fitness is the worst here.

Jiang Chen's heartbeat gradually accelerated as he walked leisurely through a street and headed towards the place where the Gray Gu mercenary group was ambushing. Suddenly, Sun Jiao's footsteps stopped.

"Something's wrong..."

"Huh?" Jiang Chen immediately became alert and took out the K200 assault rifle from behind. Yao Yao clung to Jiang Chen's back. Although his face was very calm for his age, his weak body was trembling slightly.

Sun Jiao took a deep breath and suddenly pulled open the lead wire around her waist.


The smoke spread suddenly in all directions, covering half of the street.

"This way, follow me!" Sun Jiao greeted the two of them and quickly rushed to the building nearby.

"Damn it! The prey has escaped!" The man with a shaved comb and a lip ring cursed and hammered the concrete wall, shouldered the heavy machine gun and began to move. He didn't know how the three people sensed the danger. He only knew that if things went wrong, the boss might fire him.

"Chase! The second team follows."

"Roger, this is the second team."

"The machine gun squad is on the move."

"Hurry up!"

Although they were a rogue force, they had been trained in the flames of war for several years. This group of soldiers with mixed equipment responded quickly and surrounded Jiang Chen and the others in the direction in which they were fleeing. Their fighting style, like that of a pack of wolves, is the guarantee for their success.

"Aren't you here yet?" Jiang Chen glanced at Yao Yao who was gritting his teeth and trying to keep up with them, and couldn't help but ask Sun Jiao.

"Soon." Sun Jiao replied impatiently, controlling her running speed so that the two people behind her would not fall behind.

Genetic medicine is indeed a magical thing. In just a few days, Jiang Chen felt that his physical condition was very different from before. If it weren't for the fact that this thing could only be used on adults, giving Yao Yao an injection might be a good choice. After running for so long, my muscles don’t feel tired at all.

Speaking of which, Yao Yao seemed to be a little anemic. Jiang Chen couldn't help but look back at Yao Yao, who looked pale. The little girl was gritting her teeth tightly at the moment, trying hard to keep up with the two men.

If this continues, she will fall behind sooner or later.

Jiang Chen threw the rifle behind his back, turned around and picked up Yao Yao, who was almost exhausted. Amid her exclamations, he sped up to catch up with Sun Jiao.

Sun Jiao glanced at Jiang Chen, said nothing, and continued running in front of the team, dragging her gun.

Yao Yao stared up at Jiang Chen's chin blankly, a drop of sweat slid across his cheek and landed on her arm. Silently squeezing his sweat-soaked clothes, Yao Yao relaxed and rested her little head gently on his shoulder.

She didn't say please put her down or anything like that, even though she knew it was the best option. Maybe it might be a bit greedy to think so... but she has never been as eager to live as she is today.

Want to repay, no... everything I have has long been this person's. Yao Yao looked at Jiang Chen's side face as he gritted his teeth and worked hard, and thought warmly in his heart.

In the last days, dying because of falling behind is a normal thing.

But Jiang Chen doesn't allow this to be normal!

Jiang Chen hugged Yao Yao and quickly ran through a semi-collapsed ruins, closely following Sun Jiao's footsteps. Yao Yao in her arms is not very heavy. She is so thin that she is estimated to be only over 40 kilograms. What's uncomfortable is that there are cracked cement roads everywhere and zombies occasionally appear.

There are very few zombies in this generation, but if the movement increases, there is no guarantee that we will not encounter a zombie wave.

Because there were vehicles on the opposite side, Sun Jiao could only choose complex terrain to cross.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! It's the building in front, rush in!" Sun Jiao waved her hand, and she still had the energy to talk while running. On the other hand, Jiang Chen was gritting his teeth and almost giving up.

Putting Yao Yao on the ground, Jiang Chen leaned against the concrete pillar suddenly, holding his exhausted body with a rifle and breathing heavily. Yao Yao knelt down next to Jiang Chen with an apologetic look on his face. He stretched out his hand with some distress and gently wiped the sweat on his cheek with his sleeve.

The Guangli Building sign hangs precariously on the roof, and the dark windows make the building look a bit forbidding. Judging from the lack of paint on the outside, the building was abandoned before it was completed. At the same time, thanks to this, there are no zombies or alien creatures inhabiting this building.

The cracked wall looked very unreliable, but it was precisely because of its unreliability that Jiang Chen chose the battlefield here.

Opposite is Tu Cai, so it is impossible to destroy this building and bury Jiang Chen and three others.

If that's the case, hehe...

The reason why they chose to attack here was just to give the vanguard a hard blow, forcing them to advance carefully. After they meet up with the follow-up troops, they will be able to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Sun Jiao skillfully leaned against the window of the abandoned building and placed the SK10 Sirius on the window sill. Staring at the scope seriously, Sun Jiao quietly placed her finger on the trigger, waiting for her pursuers to show up.

"Can you still fight if we are attacked here?"

"No problem." Jiang Chen adjusted his breathing, stood up from the ground, stumbled and leaned under the window next to Sun Jiao, took out the assault rifle in his hand, and turned off the safety.

The battle is about to break out. ;