I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 131: Thriving


Early the next morning, Jiang Chen personally took the five people who were about to undergo surgery to the Sixth Block, accompanied by five Fishbone Base soldiers.

The reason why I personally led the team there was partly because I was curious about how much changes had occurred in the Sixth District after the expedition, and partly for the purpose of "market research".

Now that the purchasing power of the Sixth District has increased, the content of trade no longer needs to be limited to food.

After the initial explosion of industrial production capacity is over and everyone is equipped with powerful weapons due to the crazy-running production lines, the demand for arms will definitely fall due to saturation. However, with the upgraded hunting ability, the number of sub-crystals will only increase. The survivors will even be able to expand the hunting radius and move towards the city center to hunt more sub-crystals.

After satisfying the most basic need of filling their stomachs and filling their pockets with crystals, people will inevitably start to pursue the quality of life.

Born in response to market demand, a large number of small workshops will surely spring up, and then transform into small factories and large factories under the affirmation of the market. A dazzling array of products will fill the shelves of every store, and greetings when meeting friends will change from "Did you get the nutritional mixture today?" to "How many crystals did you earn today?"

Order will return to this land. Prosperity will reappear under this free order.

What made all this happen was a war that only lasted a few days.



"Welcome to the Sixth District, my friend." Zhao Chenwu held a cigar in the corner of his mouth and opened his arms to greet Jiang Chen from a distance.

"We meet again. Is the investment in me worth the price?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Of course." Zhao Chenwu smiled and handed him a cigar, "A good product before the war costs 10 Yajing."

There is no need to think about it. Since Jiang Chen is standing here, it naturally proves that the danger in the Fish Bone Base has been eliminated. And this also means that the batch of food has been transported to Wanghai City.

Taking the cigar, Jiang Chen lit it with a smile. Although since being injected with genetic medicine, his craving for cigarettes has almost disappeared. But it’s still hard to refuse the cigarette.

"It looks like you are getting rich?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, we are about to get rich." Zhao Chenwu grinned, and then put his hand on Jiang Chen's shoulder enthusiastically, "Let's go. It's quite cold standing outside, let's go to the car and talk."

The five people who needed surgery were taken over by Zhao Chenwu's people and taken to the clinic, while the five accompanying soldiers returned.

After getting into Zhao Chenwu's car, the driver drove the two of them toward the inner circle.

"Let's talk about it. My old friend, what kind of wind brought you here?" Zhao Chenwu asked, looking at Jiang Chen with a smile.

Usually orders are delivered directly via radio, and those that need to be discussed in person can also be resolved through the virtual conference room.

"On the one hand, I want to bring a few new subordinates here to do chip implantation surgery. On the other hand, I want to see how this place has developed and place an order." Jiang Chen glanced out the car window and handed the graphene card to In the hands of Zhao Chenwu.

It was still the wide gate, and beyond the gate was still the terrifying infantry cannon, but the skinny faces were replaced by confident faces.

Construction materials were piled in the open space, and construction vehicles were busy outside the Sixth Block, seemingly starting an expansion project. The slums are sparsely populated. It seemed a little empty.

As if seeing the shock on Jiang Chen's face, Zhao Chenwu smiled, held the graphene card, pressed the start button on it, and said casually.

"Those buildings are newly expanded industrial areas, and the walls have to be extended several hundred meters outward. People in the slums are no longer for sale. Parliament has introduced a bill to initiate a redemption system for refugees in the slums."

"Redemption system?" Jiang Chen was unfamiliar with this new term.

"Anyone who has registered in the Sixth Block can be redeemed at the price of 10 Asia Crystals. The redeemed refugees are not allowed to leave the Sixth Block. They will work for free in the redeemer's factory in the Sixth Block for three years. , and then be free."

"Does this mean that human trade is no longer supported?" Jiang Chen frowned and asked.

"Officially, refugees will no longer be a burden on Block 6. But I recommend that you go to the free market. There are many merchants from other survivor bases there. There are professional slave traders doing this business. "Zhao Chenwu swiped the list on the graphene card and confirmed the purchasing information given by Jiang Chen.

"Five hundred Ripper rifles, twenty Ghost sniper rifles, five hundred pieces of bulletproof combat uniforms, four boxes of conventional grenades, general combat equipment. Five 20mm cannons... so many, you plan to arm one A legion?" Zhao Chenwu asked confused.

"Ship to other provinces." Jiang Chen said succinctly.

In fact, it is transported to the present world.

"Okay. But for such a large quantity, the transaction time will be postponed to the 10th. There is still a little goods left, I will ask the factory to arrange it." Zhao Chenwu took out a piece of paper-shaped mobile phone from his pocket and pressed a few key.

"A thousand pieces of cold-proof clothing, a thousand pairs of snow boots, twenty tons of C-shaped steel, ten tons of Kam resin? These are easy to handle. You can buy them in the Sixth Street District, and I can get the wholesale price." Zhao Chenwu finished reading the list. , said with a smile.

Camu resin, a resin extracted from a mutated plant called Camu tree, can be used as a raw material for a variety of plastics and is a relatively common industrial raw material in the wasteland. Although edible crops cannot be grown in contaminated soil, those plants that survive selection are fine. There are several small plantations in the Sixth District that specialize in the production of this resin.

Kam resin, C-shaped steel, and electronic parts recovered from survivor groups, the main raw materials for making the Hummingbird drone are roughly assembled.

"Then I'll leave it to you. The transaction date is set on the 10th. This batch of goods should be enough for the past three months. How about the next trade is scheduled for January next year?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No problem." Zhao Chenwu smiled and nodded.

The car drove to the inner circle and stopped at the entrance of a hotel called Lihua Hotel. According to Zhao Chenwu, this is a restaurant he opened in the inner circle.

Jiang Chen happily accepted the invitation to have lunch, but when the food was served, he was stunned.

Curry chicken, potato beef, vinegar cabbage. There are three dishes in total, two meat and one vegetarian.

The problem is not the food, but isn’t this just canned food

Seeing Zhao Chenwu moving his index finger, Jiang Chen secretly felt ashamed.

In terms of quality of life. This highly respected congressman in the Sixth Street District did not eat as well as a beggar in this world.

All in all, Jiang Chen was only eighty percent full. Sitting in a luxuriously decorated hotel, grabbing bread made of synthetic starch. Eating vegetables heated out of cans.

This feeling is indescribable joy.

Especially the person sitting opposite was eating with gusto.

After the meal, Zhao Chenwu picked up a tissue and wiped it, then leaned on the chair, looked at Jiang Chen and smiled.

"I have to commend you, the food made from your fish bones is really delicious."

"Thank you for the compliment." Jiang Chen smiled.

"By the way. Since you're here, there's something I don't know if you're interested in." Suddenly, Zhao Chenwu seemed to have thought of something. He sat up from the chair, leaned closer and whispered.

"Oh? What's the matter?" When Jiang Chen saw this, he couldn't help but look serious. The guy in front of him is one of the ten-member committee, and the information leaked from his mouth cannot be ignored.

Zhao Chenwu smiled mysteriously and casually dropped a bombshell: "According to the latest proposal from the Sixth Street District, we are preparing to establish a bank. Regarding the feasibility of this proposal. Although it is still under discussion, The passage of the proposal is a high probability event.”

"Bank?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

What the hell is this about opening a bank in the last days

"Per capita wealth continues to rise. There is indeed a need and the ability to open a bank in the Sixth District. People will deposit the sub-crystals that are temporarily unused in the bank to obtain interest, and the factories that are in urgent need of construction will borrow funds from the bank to start production. Ya Jing. The blood is already abundant, but we still lack a heart." Zhao Chenwu smiled proudly and looked at Jiang Chen with high spirits.

It is foreseeable that the emergence of banks will give rise to a number of new factories.

After Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, he suddenly relaxed his brows and said with a smile: "It's a good idea. But does this have anything to do with me?"

"Of course," Zhao Chenwu smiled, lowered his voice and asked, "Don't you want to be a shareholder of this bank?"

This question is very interesting.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's expression became a little strange. He asked, "Don't you want to?"

If there is such a good thing, you will be kind enough to find me

As if he guessed what Jiang Chen was thinking, Zhao Chenwu smiled slightly and continued: "Of course. But according to regulations, the shareholding ratio of the members of the ten-member committee is limited to 7%, and each member contributes 10 Yajing. The remaining 30% of the shares .sold to the public at a premium.”

"That is to say, your cake has already been divided, so you thought of me, an old friend." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, I wonder if you are interested?" Zhao Chenwu crossed his fingers and looked at Jiang Chen with bright eyes.

Jiang Chen did not agree immediately, but touched his chin and began to think deeply.

The proportion of shares held by each member of the ten-member committee is limited to 7%, which means that everyone has equal influence on the board of directors. This should be a decision made after consultation among multiple parties in order to prevent one company from becoming dominant. The reason why Zhao Chenwu revealed this news to me was probably because he hoped that I could acquire a certain amount of equity. He will gain greater influence in the bank because of our alliance. After all, my core interests are in that "headquarters", and what I care about should not be the right to speak, but the bank's dividend profits.

Considering the recent development speed of the Sixth Street District, I am afraid that the significance of this bank is extraordinary, otherwise Zhao Chenwu would not be so concerned about it.

After all, this is the "heart" of blood transfusion.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but have a smile on his face, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

He suddenly found that he seemed to be getting better and better at playing tricks.

"What is the bank's investment scope?" Jiang Chen asked calmly.

"Provide pledge loans for potential factories, shops, developers, mercenary groups, and hunting teams." Zhao Chenwu said quickly.

"What are the conditions for premium acquisition?"

Hearing Jiang Chen ask this, Zhao Chenwu immediately smiled on his face.

He understood that Jiang Chen was already tempted.

"1% of the shares are sold for 2 Yajing. The requirements for the acquirer are to own at least a total of 200 square meters of real estate in the Sixth Street. Also, they must be free people who do not wear slave chips and other equipment."

Jiang Chen suddenly laughed and stretched out his right hand: "Thank you for the news. I am very interested. If the proposal is passed, please be sure to let me know."

"Definitely. Our interests are the same, aren't we?" Zhao Chenwu smiled, took Jiang Chen's extended hand, and shook it vigorously.
