I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 2: Jump bracelet


The universe is diverse.

A butterfly in the Amazon jungle inadvertently flapping its wings may set off a tornado in Texas in two weeks. That is, any slight change may have an impact that is enough to change the future trend after being amplified infinitely.

In other words, the future as we understand it is extremely unstable.

Jiang Chen, male, 23 years old, undergraduate graduate. After graduation, I worked as a salesperson in a clothing store, but I was fired. His shrinking wallet forced him to face a dilemma: Should he continue to stay in Wanghai City to find a job, or should he give up the rented house and return to his hometown to live

To be honest, he didn't want to just run back in despair. Being able to live in a big city like Wanghai City is not only his long-cherished wish since childhood, but also the expectation of his parents. How many people who have never seen the world don’t yearn to go out and see the world

Even if you already know it, the reality may make you disgraced.

That night, he was drunk. It was the first time since he graduated that he drank alone and fell unconscious. After venting his grievances, he vaguely felt as if his head had been hit with a stick, and he fainted. After the unknown metal object hit his wrist, it disappeared as if it merged with him.

Then, he gained an incredible ability - time travel!

Of course, it was several months later that this abnormal ability was discovered.

Weird patterns circled his right wrist like a watch. Even if he looked closely, he could only conclude that it was a strange tattoo.

So the question is, Jiang Chen has never had a tattoo

He didn't know why he was the chosen one, he only knew that his chance to reach the top of his life might have come.

Time travel? Plane jump? ... He does not have sufficient expertise to explain this extraordinary phenomenon. Just because he was accidentally electrocuted but nothing happened, he later discovered that after absorbing about 100 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy, the tattoo-like empty slot on his wrist would be filled, thus meeting the conditions required for "traveling". A time travel consumes about half of the energy tank, which means that a full 100-kilowatt-hour charge is enough to travel back and forth. The cost of traveling is only about 50 yuan, which I have to say is really cheap.

In addition, the function of this weird tattoo is not just time travel. Jiang Chen accidentally discovered that in addition to allowing him to travel to a strange world, this thing also had an independent subspace! In layman's terms, it is a storage space of about 1 cubic meter. However, since accessing and retrieving items from space requires a certain amount of energy, Jiang Chen still chose to use a backpack to carry items across space. After all, if you don't use the energy in the energy tank sparingly, wouldn't it be impossible to come back if you can't find a way to replenish energy in the last days

Jiang Chen had a hunch that this energy tank should be upgradeable, including the storage space, and there should be some room for expansion. However, he has not figured out how to upgrade it yet.

As for how to charge? The method is very simple, just insert the fingers of your right hand into the socket... This method is rough, but it works. As for how Jiang Chen discovered this method, as mentioned before, it was entirely because of an accidental electric shock.

The first time I traveled through it was in an abandoned house. From the dusty bed and decayed wooden window sill, it could be seen that there had been no visitors in this house for a long time. After carefully confirming the environment, Jiang Chen began to explore this dilapidated residence. From the half-destroyed radio with storage function and old newspapers, Jiang Chen barely learned some information about the world.

This is a parallel world similar to Earth, but the technology is obviously ahead of Jiang Chen's side. There are many high-rise buildings, but there is no atmosphere of civilization at all. The streets were full of zombies and alien creatures. Jiang Chen, who didn't even have a reliable weapon, naturally didn't dare to go out easily.

The time is 2190, and the location is still Wanghai City in the Republic of China. However, the Wanghai City here is almost completely different from the Wanghai City over Jiang Chen.

In 2150, the global climate is warming, various resources are extremely stressed due to over-exploitation, and the economic crisis is coming as expected.

In 2164, the political crisis in Poland ignited the powder keg in Central Europe, and the red regime began to advance westward. Affected by this, global geopolitics has entered a state of extreme tension. It is worth mentioning that in this parallel world, the disintegration of the Soviet Union did not occur in 1991. Therefore, the world political landscape is divided into a three-pole world - the NATO military body (NATO) composed of the United States and its allies, the Central Asian and European Red Regime (CCC) under the leadership of the Soviet Union, and the Pan-Asian Cooperation Organization composed of China and South Asian countries. (CA), and some peripheral countries remain neutral.

In 2171, the situation in China and Europe escalated, and the red regime declared war on the blue regime. Both sides accused the other of firing the first shot, thus kicking off the Third World War.

In the winter of the same year, the South China Sea incident broke out. A naval war broke out between China and Japan in the South China Sea, NATO declared war on Pan-Asian cooperation, and the Asian battlefield began. In the same year, a political crisis broke out in Mongolia, and military frictions broke out between the red regime and the Chinese state, forcing the two countries' large military forces to confront each other on the border.

In 2172, the red regime detonated the first nuclear bomb in Paris, declaring that World War III had entered the nuclear war stage.

In 2173, this modern war unexpectedly reached a stalemate. The whole world has been affected by nuclear radiation, and the ecological environment has suffered uncontrollable and almost devastating damage. Nuclear winter caused 80% of the earth's land to be covered with ice and snow. No one expected that global climate warming would end for such a very ironic reason. War, famine, disease... This modern world war depleted almost all the energy of human civilization in just two years, and caused economic losses that far exceeded the sum of World War I and World War II. Because of this, peace came as a matter of course without a winner or loser. Because everyone knows that if the fight continues, no one will be alive.

On the new year of 2174, the peace treaty officially came into effect. The "Rebuild the Biosphere" plan was officially launched, and the radiation removal plan was jointly funded by all countries.

In the autumn of 2174, the international coalition announced that the "Rebuild the Biosphere" plan had aborted. The radiation-purifying bacteria under development had uncontrollable mutations due to radiation. At the same time, due to attacks by unknown armed forces, mutated bacteria spread on a large scale in the city. Humans infected by mutated bacteria will become zombies, and a global biochemical crisis will break out. All institutions were paralyzed, and all order collapsed overnight.


In 2176, the United World Organization launched six colony ships to the planet Captan B in Centauri. Carrying the hope of human civilization, it sails into space in the name of a seeding ship to find a new home. But none of this has anything to do with the people still struggling on the ground.

In the same year, the World Federation announced its dissolution.

The information recorded in the newspaper only lasted until 2176. Jiang Chen mostly saw the remaining information from a yellowed diary. From the electronic watch still running in the drawer, we can conclude that the current time is June 2190.

Coincidentally, it is also June in this world.

However, in just five years, the human civilization in this world destroyed itself.


After a short stay, Jiang Chen chose to return to modern times. There are too many unknown dangers here, and it is really not a wise choice to explore without complete preparations.

After returning to modern times, Jiang Chen rested for two days and then bought a box of canned food, a box of ham, and a box of instant noodles from a nearby supermarket. Out of caution, he carried three days' worth of food even though he had no intention of spending the night in that dangerous place.

During the day, the strength of the zombies seemed to have been greatly weakened, which also made it easier for Jiang Chen to explore this area. Carefully walking through the middle of the street, avoiding areas with more zombies, Jiang Chen found the villa...

The tall courtyard walls and iron gates look very safe, while the withered and yellow vegetation in the courtyard looks a bit desolate. The reliefs on the marble columns next to the main door of the villa have been blurred by acid rain. It can be seen that the pollution in this world must be very serious.

The stone building structure has nothing to do with science fiction. It seems that the previous owner of the villa was a rich man who enjoyed life very much.

As for why you choose to explore this villa, the answer is of course obvious. There must be some valuable things in a rich person's home, right

However, what Jiang Chen encountered was not something valuable, but a beautiful woman who was almost starving to death.

Perhaps it was because beauty paralyzed his vigilance, or perhaps Jiang Chen, who came from a civilized society, did not think about danger at all. In short, when he saw the beautiful woman who had no strength to breathe looking at him with pleading eyes, He generously took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack, put it to the beautiful woman's mouth, and fed her a drink with great affection.

Saving people is important... Hehe, will she commit herself to him? Ahem.

Then Jiang Chen took out the can of curry chicken nuggets. After smelling the aroma of the can, the beauty still looked at Jiang Chen pleadingly with her big watery eyes. Being looked at by a beautiful woman like this was an indescribable enjoyment for Jiang Chen, who was still a virgin, both mentally and physically.

So Jiang Chen enthusiastically took out the spoon and fed the hot, long-legged beauty bit by bit the delicious food in the can.

And then...no more.

Then Jiang Chen felt regretful and wanted to slap himself in the face.

The beautiful woman's actions perfectly interpreted the story of the farmer and the snake.

After eating a can and a few steamed buns, the beauty pulled out a pistol from her waist without saying a word and put it against Jiang Chen's head. When Jiang Chen was completely dumbfounded and didn't react, she had already skillfully tied him to a stool and took out the original owner's... er, it should be a sex toy - a leather whip. He began to torture Jiang Chen aggressively.

By now, Jiang Chen had probably realized what it meant to walk on the street carrying a backpack of food.

Fortunately, I met Miss Sun Jiao, who was more or less conscientious. If I had met any cannibals, slave traders, or other villains, I'm afraid they would have been tied into rice dumplings and used as food or merchandise. .

Of course, Jiang Chen could actually choose to activate the tattoo on his wrist and teleport back to modern times. But this means that his biggest secret has been exposed. Once he is "guarded" by this woman, he will have to face greater dangers.

He was not willing to give up this "treasure land" just yet.

What's more, activating the time-travel function also takes time. Once this crazy woman notices something wrong, there is no guarantee that she will not shoot directly.

Jiang Chen didn't want to take this risk, but fortunately he had reached a cooperative relationship with this woman.


"Hey, let me tell you, how are you going to transport living supplies here?" Sun Jiao asked in confusion while reinforcing the weak defense areas of the villa.

"Of course my companions have solutions, you don't have to worry about this." Jiang Chen continued to lie.

There is indeed a lot of banknotes in this villa, but the banknotes in this world are very different from the banknotes in Jiang Chen's original world. Jiang Chen thought about going there to look for some valuable gold or other things, but the owner of this villa obviously didn't keep those valuable things at home.

The murals hanging on the walls may be valuable, but those great painters probably don't even exist in Jiang Chen's place. It is obviously not feasible to exchange these works of art for money. Jiang Chen showed great interest in the more advanced home facilities in the villa. But when she discovered that things like holographic TVs and automatic cooking equipment couldn't start normally at all, Sun Jiao simply gave the reason.

"Ah, what are you talking about? After the nuclear explosion, most of the electronic equipment cannot be used. However, by removing the key components and using them as parts, you can still get a small amount of useful things in many survivor bases. ."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen sighed and had to give up his plan to move these equipment to modern times and sell them.

But since these things existed, it means that someone must be able to create these things again. Jiang Chen believed that if food was exchanged, there would be many "elites" in the world willing to work for him. After all, in this apocalyptic world, those luxurious civilian technologies are really worthless.

Technical personnel with weak health, if they are not talented people who have mastered high-end technologies such as making weapons, most likely can only face the fate of living in slums.

Sun Jiao didn't know what Jiang Chen was interested in in this villa, but since her employer asked her to work, she naturally wouldn't refuse.

"To be honest, there is no point in reinforcing this building. As long as you don't make too much noise, it's impossible for those mindless zombies to get in. There are no powerful mutant creatures in this area. What you are doing is purely yes... "

"Okay, I'm not guarding against zombies. I also know that as long as I don't provoke those disgusting guys, they won't come over to provoke me. I'm preventing uninvited guests from getting in. Do you understand? You definitely don't want to sleep either. We need to stay in the city for a while, and this will be our supply point." As he said this, Jiang Chen gave Sun Jiao a vicious look.

"Okay boss," Sun Jiao rolled her eyes and hammered the last nail into the board. In fact, she wanted to refute: No one would enter a building that had obviously been ransacked like this.

As for why she's here... that's her secret.

"Do you have a map of the area?" Sitting on the moldy sofa with his legs crossed, Jiang Chen felt no guilt at all for letting this beauty do hard work. This bitch almost tortured him just now, and the feeling of being pointed at a gun was not good at all.

Sun Jiao was obviously very proficient in this kind of work, and soon the first floor of the villa was fully reinforced. As for the materials used for the transformation, naturally they are all locally sourced...

"Where is your Epaid? I can send it to you directly."

"Epaid?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"That's it," Sun Jiao tapped the wrist-mounted computer strapped to her arm with her fingers, grinning as if she heard some funny joke, "You don't have one, right?"

"...I can buy it." Jiang Chen smiled and touched his nose. He felt like a primitive man in front of this girl.

"It's hard to imagine... you dare to explore the city without E. Aren't you afraid that the radiation index in your body will exceed the standard?" Sun Jiao sighed and took out a large electronic watch from the portable backpack behind her. He threw the thing to Jiang Chen, "Try it on."

"It seems suitable... Where did you get it?" Jiang Chen fiddled with it, surprised by the advancement of technology in this world. This thing called E is very light on the hand and does not feel like an obstruction at all. Jiang Chen's various physiological indicators were displayed on the light yellow fluorescent screen. It seemed to be a health monitoring device.

"Took it from the corpse of an unlucky guy." Sun Jiao grinned. The smile was obviously bright, but it made Jiang Chen shiver involuntarily.


Username: Jiang Chen

body condition:


Muscle Strength: 12

Bone Strength: 10

Reflex nerves: 11

Brain cell activity: 14


Radiation value: 11 (safe)

Abnormal status: none



When Jiang Chen saw the radiation value, a drop of cold sweat ran down his forehead. He almost forgot that this world is full of radiation. If you stay here for a long time, you will be finished sooner or later. He didn't know what the radiation value of 11 meant. He only knew that he couldn't be exposed to radiation before coming to this ghost place!

"Oh, all abilities are not over 20... I said, are you really a man?" Sun Jiao glanced at Jiang Chen's lower body with evil intentions.

"Do you want to try it?" Jiang Chen said fiercely.

"I'm standing here, why don't you come and give it a try?" Sun Jiao stepped on the armrest of the sofa with a leather boot domineeringly, looking at Jiang Chen with provocative eyes.

Damn it, can you bear this? If we don’t update at this time, when will we wait

... It’s better to wait until later.

Jiang Chen decisively admitted his fear.

Just kidding, regardless of whether I can beat the "barbarians". Even if I can beat him (impossible), I'm afraid I still have to be careful of this bitch biting off my own bird when doing that. Jiang Chen believed that Sun Jiao could really do such a thing.

It would be safer to do that kind of pleasurable thing back in modern times. If you are rich, are you afraid of not having a woman

For some reason, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of a person, the woman who expelled him, the woman who almost made him lose his financial resources and made him almost unable to live in Wanghai City, the woman who always looked cold and cold. . ..

"What's wrong, my little boss, why did you suddenly stop talking?" Sun Jiao emphasized the word "little" very hard and looked into Jiang Chen's eyes with a playful look.

"Nothing, I just remembered some things from the past."

Sun Jiao was slightly startled, and the plain tone actually made her feel a chill. Although she didn't think this man with a combat power of over 20 could pose any threat to her, her sense of danger, which she had honed by walking on the edge of life and death for many years, rarely told lies.

Sun Jiao closed her mouth knowingly.

There is no need to offend a free meal ticket, you can have enough to eat every day, which Miss Sun Jiao has never thought about before. The taste of the curry chicken nuggets was simply amazing. It was the first time she discovered such delicious food in this world. In this wasteland, it is already a very happy thing to have a piece of steamed bun to eat. Oh no, most people still rely on nutritional mixtures to satisfy their hunger. The kind of thing where you can't eat enough, but you can't starve to death either.

In addition, this immature boss seems to be a good person...

Don't get me wrong, the word "good guy" is definitely a derogatory term in the wasteland. But for some reason, despite what she said, she was still more willing to get along with this "Mr. Bad Guy" than the "normal people" who could be seen everywhere in the wasteland. At least, you don't have to find yourself tied into a rice dumpling when you wake up.

Thinking of this, Sun Jiao's somewhat dry red lips couldn't help but form a faint smile.

"I said, do you want to smile so creepily..." For some reason, the smile on Sun Jiao's face was obviously beautiful, but it made Jiang Chen shiver.

"Really? Don't you think my sister's smile is very attractive?"

"Should I answer yes or no..." Looking at that gorgeous face, Jiang Chen swallowed and muttered in a low voice. ;