I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 26: Middlemen


"Welcome, you must be Mr. Jiang Chen, a mysterious friend from the East." As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Chen saw a white man with blond curly hair coming up to him with a smile, using a chinesekungfu movie he didn't know he came from. I arched my hands in a posture I learned from high school.

Although he was white, Jiang Chen felt that Roberts' face was not very white, and his rough skin looked like he had rolled in the sand. However, the clean and tidy appearance and polite gestures can still make people feel respected.

"Nice to meet you. You must be Mr. Roberts. Mr. Bruce introduced you to me." The expression on Jiang Chen's face was a little strange, but he still smiled and cupped his hands to express friendship.

To be honest, it’s a bit funny to see foreigners greeting each other with “the way Chinese greetings in the eyes of foreigners”. This sentence may be a bit convoluted, but in short, this is what it means...

"Bruce is a nice guy. He once blocked a bullet for me in the Middle East. I am very happy to meet him again here. Haha, there is a Chinese proverb: A friend of a friend is my friend. I am right. "?" Roberts held out his hand.

"That's right. Mr. Roberts' Chinese is amazing." Jiang Chen held Roberts' hand, shook it, and sighed sincerely.

It should be right, although Jiang Chen didn't know whether that sentence was a proverb or not...

"Haha, that's natural. I've always been interested in this mysterious Eastern country. There are business opportunities everywhere." Roberts looked at Jiang Chen with sharp eyes and made an inviting gesture like a gentleman, "Please come in, My friend. I happen to have a bottle of 1982 Lafite here. Haha, I’ve wanted to try it for a long time.”

"Then, it's better to obey orders than to be respectful." Jiang Chen bowed his hands.

Different from the new wine supplied in the villa, this blood-red liquid has a fragrant smell. Even Jiang Chen, who was not used to drinking red wine, couldn't help but secretly admire it, it was indeed a good wine!

The man who always stood aside was as motionless as a piece of wood, but Jiang Chen could feel the beast-like aura coming from him. Although he wore sunglasses, the Slavic features of the prominent forehead bone and high nose bridge were still more obvious on the man's face, and his bear-like temperament vaguely revealed his fighting race nationality.

"My bodyguard, Nick Kaczynski, is from Belarus. Haha, we met in Ukraine. He is also a good guy and is responsible for my safety." Roberts noticed Jiang Chen's gaze and smiled. Xiang Jiangchen introduced, "Although Bruce is a good person, Blackwater International sometimes doesn't do things very kindly. They are too close to FI, so I changed my partner."

Even when he heard someone talking about himself, the sculpture-like bodyguard's aura did not waver at all.

"Is what you are doing dangerous?" Jiang Chen leaned on his chair and asked in a casual tone, "I heard from Bruce that you are a famous middleman in the United States. Oil and gold?"

"That's right. Because in addition to the safer crude oil and gold, I sometimes have to get some weapons and other things for my employer. Once these things are touched, someone will inevitably want your life."

Roberts lit a cigar and then politely handed one to Jiang Chen, "Your country has very strict control over firearms. It is a vacation paradise for me here. But the good times are always short-lived." , for example, I have a flight to South Africa at three o’clock next,”

"Doesn't the time matter?" Jiang Chen raised his eyes and looked at the clock. It was already 11 o'clock.

"It doesn't matter," Roberts waved his hand with a smile, and then sat upright, "I am very interested in Mr. Jiang Chen's business. Is there anything I can help with?"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, shook the ashes from his cigar, and couldn't help but sit up straight.

"I hope you don't misunderstand, my friend, I just accidentally overheard the discussion between you and Bruce at the dinner party. This was purely an accident. But aren't business opportunities always born by chance? You know, I am very interested in the Far East. There's always been interest in the business, but it's all in the exploratory stage... My gut tells me there's definitely something we can work with."

"Oh?" Jiang Chen did not accuse him of eavesdropping on private conversations, but raised his eyebrows with slight interest, "For example?"

"Mr. Jiang Chen should settle his business with gold, but as far as I know, your country's laws and strict regulatory system mean that selling a large amount of gold will definitely attract the attention of the government. What's more, there is no 'invoice' gold."

"It seems that Mr. Roberts knows a lot about our national conditions. However, is there no problem in selling gold in the United States?" Jiang Chen smiled and said noncommittally.

"There are still problems, but we talk about law and evidence, not (politics). I have a very professional team responsible for handling this kind of trouble for me. Even though FI has had a little conflict with me recently, I still haven't been arrested. Isn't it up?" Roberts shook the ash from his cigar and smiled mysteriously, "I will give you an analogy about how to deal with it. I registered a shell company in Saudi Arabia. I got a batch of crude oil from Iran. According to Due to the embargo agreement, what I did was illegal. But if I transport this batch of crude oil to my shell company in Saudi Arabia, it won’t be long before this batch of crude oil will be sold legally on the international market.”

You've told me this, aren't you worried about being eavesdropped

But Jiang Chen suddenly realized that with such a powerful bodyguard, it was impossible for him to fail in the anti-eavesdropping work.

Jiang Chen immediately understood what Mr. Roberts meant.

The middleman of love also specializes in dealing with illegal goods, which is interesting.

"So, there is really a possibility for us to cooperate." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I am an honest businessman." Roberts couldn't help but smile happily when he saw the deal was concluded. "No matter how big the amount is, I can eat it. As long as your gold goes through a process in my mining company in South Africa, it will be mined." It can legally appear in the international market. Of course, you don’t have to worry about the specific operation, you can sell the gold to me directly. And I only charge a handling fee of %9.”

Jiang Chen thought for a while.

The handling fee of %9 is not too high. After all, his gold is a capital-free transaction. Ordinary gold shops may be able to handle a small amount, but if Jiang Chen really moved out ten tons of gold, I'm afraid no shop would dare to accept it. Even if you sell in batches, the risk of being targeted is high. Moreover, that person named Liu Anshan always gave him a bad feeling. I'm afraid his hands weren't very clean either, and he didn't make any decisions just because he couldn't figure it out.

It's better to be careful. Although sending a large amount of gold abroad without permission is suspected of smuggling, I believe Roberts has his own channels to solve this problem.

At this time, Roberts was a little unsure when he saw that Jiang Chen was silent. The 9% handling fee might seem a bit high, but it was not without any risk for him to do this transaction. He is very busy just raising funds. If the transaction amount exceeds 20 million US dollars, he will not be able to get it out even if he sells all his assets. To close this business, he had to contact acquaintances everywhere to find a way to get a personal loan. The interest on the loan is probably not a small figure.

However, if the amount of gold in Jiang Chen's hands is large enough, there is still 1 point of room for adjustment in the handling fee.

Just when Roberts was about to tentatively lower the price, Jiang Chen suddenly spoke.

"No problem, but I have a condition."

Jiang Chen's words made Roberts stunned for a moment, and then he showed an expression of joy.

"I can guarantee the quality of the gold. It is pure gold, which is what you often call 24K gold. I believe you also have specialized talents to identify this." Nonsense, can there be fake gold in a bank vault? The fake ones are all for sale! Ahem, "However, you have to be responsible for the transportation. I am only responsible for transporting the gold to a certain place in the country. Also, the gold and US dollars are delivered on site. I am no longer responsible for the safety of the gold after leaving it."

"No problem! My friend." Roberts readily agreed, "It seems my deal has been concluded?"

"Yes, it's a pleasure to cooperate." Jiang Chen readily extended his right hand.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Roberts smiled and held Jiang Chen's hand, and the two stood up together.

"This is my business card. If Mr. Jiang Chen is ready, you might as well call me to make an appointment. Also, it's best to prepare a Swiss bank account, which is more 'convenient'."

"Of course, I also wish your business success." Jiang Chen took the business card.

"Can I know in advance? I don't know how much Mr. Jiang Chen's goods are, so I can prepare enough working capital." Just in case, Roberts still asked this somewhat presumptuous question.

"Oh, there's no rush. I'll give you a call around July 15th. As for the amount of gold, it's probably a few tons." After saying that, Jiang Chen left the room, leaving behind a shocked Roberts. .

The expression on Roberts' face was so dull that he even dropped the expensive cigar to the ground without noticing.

How many tons? How many tons is it

According to the recent market situation, if one ounce of gold is worth US$1,350, one ton of gold is worth US$43,402,500! According to the 9% handling fee, just 3 tons of gold can bring him tens of millions of dollars in income!

9%! This is the rhythm of making crazy money.

It's just making money while lying down.

Several tons of gold... He will do it even for a 7% handling fee. How rich must he be to not even bother to pay back the offer? At the same time, this also made Roberts more certain of his guess that this batch of gold was indeed black goods.

What kind of business can get so much gold? Did he rob CICC

"...Hiss, God," Roberts took a long time to come back to his senses and took a breath of cold air, "good guy, now I'm going to get rich."

Reselling 10,000 tons of crude oil would only make a profit of over half a million US dollars, and it would also risk being detained by the US Navy and investigated by the FI... However, Jiang Chen decided to make a profit of hundreds of millions of US dollars as soon as he opened his mouth. trade.

"Nick, do you think this Eastern friend is reliable?" Roberts asked softly as if he was dreaming. He naturally knew that Nick didn't understand business matters. At this moment, he just wanted someone to wake him up.

"Sorry boss, I don't understand very well," Nick shook his head silently as Roberts expected. However, after pondering for a moment, Nick continued, "But this Oriental is a dangerous guy."

"Oh? He also knows Chinese Kung Fu?" Roberts burst into laughter and put on a funny Bruce Lee pose. He didn't believe in these things.

Nick looked at the boss who was showing off his tricks and shook his head silently. He is very familiar with this boss. Whenever he is excited, he will always make some actions that look weird to others to express his excitement.

"With a soldier's intuition, he might be stronger than that guy Bruce." It was his responsibility to be responsible for the safety of his boss, and Nick expressed his intuition seriously.

Roberts was stunned and frowned slightly.

"Isn't he a businessman?... No, I can't be wrong about people."

Nick hesitated for a moment and continued.

"Maybe he is a businessman, but his skills should not be weak. My intuition tells me that if he is holding a gun, he is no match for me. But if he is empty-handed, I only have a 50% chance of winning."

Roberts was stunned, but he had seen what Nick was capable of. While in Ukraine, he was suddenly attacked by civilian armed forces when he was selling arms to the government forces that had been ordered by the US government. At that time, Nick immediately pulled out the pistol from the waist of the dead government officer, and then with only 9 bullets left, he fought and retreated, successfully bringing Roberts to a safe area. During this period, more than ten civilian militants were killed.

Now Nick actually said that Jiang Chen's melee combat ability might be as good as his

Suddenly Roberts burst out laughing.

"The East is indeed a mysterious place. How about we go to Egypt next time? Hahaha..."

No wonder Jiang Chen didn't hire a bodyguard. It turned out that he was very strong. In China, a country that bans guns, being able to shoot is enough.

However, whether Jiang Chen can fight or not has anything to do with their deal

Roberts is an honest businessman. The spirit of contract makes him believe that credit can bring him long-term returns. He will never do anything like killing the goose that lays the goose to obtain the eggs.

Even if he saw diamonds in the hands of children in a refugee camp in Africa, he would only choose to exchange them for candies instead of bullets.

After all, the unit price of a bullet is much more expensive than candy.

Roberts had no doubt whether Jiang Chen really had tons of gold that needed to be sold, and he had no ability to investigate his details in the unfamiliar land of China. How can it be called a business without risks

Roberts was willing to take the gamble. Jiang Chen's unhesitating attitude must be backed by gold.

Besides, deceiving him would not bring any benefit to Jiang Chen. ;