I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 95: A hundred secrets and a sparse



(The subscription fee for this chapter should be 0. I will send out the remaining chapters at once, in the form of free chapters. Many book friends don’t like the plot of this copy, but I really don’t mean to fill it in, for the sake of the completeness of the plot. I still have to post about sex, maybe it shouldn’t be posted when it’s on the shelves.)

I didn't expect that I would go crazy here.

Jiang Chen glanced coldly at the bodies without flashing red dots, ignoring the pairs of eyes that stared blankly at him, and finally stopped at Tao Tingting's body.

Zhao Peng who fell in a pool of blood, the teacher who was pressed to the ground, those classmates, those soldiers

No heart.

Everyone is fake, as if they are an empty shell.

Including Tao Tingting.

"Oh? How did you see that?" Tao Tingting was stunned for a moment, then smiled and stood up naked.

It was a very strange scene. A naked girl was standing there with a smile, and next to her was a beast with a ferocious face that was jumping towards her. But the beast was just stuck in mid-air.

Looking coldly into Tao Tingting's eyes, Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Because I have a very troublesome ability, and none of you happen to have a heart."

Tao Tingting was stunned for a moment, then showed her signature smile, then stretched out her jade finger to make a vague stroke in the air, and a holographic panel appeared beside her out of thin air.

"Well, that's it. Three body indexes are rising, and the heart can be seen? This is really a discordant bug." Looking at the parameters on the panel, Tao Tingting raised a strange smile on her lips.

"Haha, although I have had many conjectures, I really didn't expect this to be a game, right?" Jiang Chen stared at that beautiful and pure face, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth. One word, "Informer?"

Until now. He finally understood the problem that had troubled him. What the madness caused was not the effect of raising his IQ, but simply allowing his brain to break through the blockade of memory and wake up from the game.

"Haha, almost. But I am the keeper of secrets. So, maybe it's time to start the next game?" Tao Tingting clapped her hands with a smile.

Keeper of secrets? Are there two "people"

The explosions that came from the air from time to time stopped abruptly, and the war in the world outside the window seemed to have been stopped by this applause.

The colors of the world began to peel off, starting from the corners of the gymnasium, and dissipated into fragments bit by bit.

"Are you still planning to continue this boring game?" Jiang Chen sneered. He spoke disdainfully.

"Nothing wrong?"

The silver bell-like laughter was so harsh.

"I'm looking forward to your performance in the next game." After giving Jiang Chen one last look, Tao Tingting was separated from the world along with the scenery.


Looking at my wrist, I saw that the ability of the jump bracelet had not been copied, which meant that the ability to return to the real world could not be activated in the game.

We can only break the situation in other ways.

The floor had disintegrated. Jiang Chen curled his lips in disdain and looked at his body quietly, dissipating into nothingness along with the flying fragments.


June 11, 2171, summer.

Only the date is scrawled on the diary, and the main text has not yet been written.

A brief dizziness, as if he just took a nap. Everything that just happened seemed like just a daydream.

Jiang Chen threw away the pen in his hand and looked around this "familiar" room.

"The madness has not been lifted."

"Is the memory not erased due to the increased activity of brain cells?" Jiang Chen closed his eyes slightly and searched for clues in his memory.

The memory before entering the game is retained, the memory of the nth week is retained, and the memory of the n-1th week is lost.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Chen moved his gaze from the diary to the electronic watch on the table.

"In other words, this is the starting point of the game. Then all the previous memories should be false."

To be honest, it feels really uncomfortable to deny the real memories of the scenes in my mind. Just like you are living well. One night you suddenly have a nightmare. The mysterious man in the dream tells you that this is reality. When you wake up, you will enter a virtual world.

"Tao Tingting is the keeper of secrets, to be precise. She should have been replaced by the keeper of secrets from a certain point in time." That book was a clue, and Jiang Chen tried hard to search for details in his memory. It seems that after he said that "spoiler", the secret keeper noticed something unusual. But it was originally just a sense of déjà vu, but it thought that I had "recovered my memory"

It seems that since then, the book in Tao Tingting's hand has disappeared.

The replacement should have started from that time.

"I see, because you suspected that I woke up from hypnosis. So you replaced Tao Tingting's existence and joined the game as a game participant?"

With that being said, anyone can become a so-called secret keeper.

Wait, what's the point of this game

Frowning, Jiang Chen sat quietly on the chair and recalled the diary in the activity room on the second floor of the library.

And what Tao Tingting said.

"I know." "I've been following you for a long time."

The identity of the whistleblower and the secret keeper

All the clues were strung together, like a key, turning on a certain switch in his heart.

The corners of his mouth curved, and Jiang Chen leaned back on the chair.

That diary should be a clue to solving the problem. No wonder the secret keeper has been trying to prevent me from approaching the library. Whenever it comes near the library, it will thwart it in various ways.

Whether it's the so-called ghost in the library or the sudden appearance of a security guard.

However, what the secret keeper doesn't know is that sometimes the more concealed it is, the more people can't help but feel suspicious. It can be said that those repeated obstacles pushed him to the position of the truth.

Even if you erase the memory from your mind. He couldn't erase the strong sense of déjà vu.

Where have I seen this before? Did I ever seem to be there? I seem to have experienced it before

Whether it was the TV series that was probably on the air now or the open activity room, everything was full of a sense of déjà vu. Maybe I went there during nx week, but I couldn't retain the memory. So I entered the cycle of the next week in ignorance.

"Forced reopening" may be able to reseal the memory and cut off the clues, but it will not cut off the strong sense of déjà vu, which ultimately led him to find the clues collected in the previous week.

Then because the n-th week went crazy, the clues were retained until the n1-th week.

If we can't break out of this cycle, I'm afraid this game will continue forever.

"Haha. What kind of game is this? It's just crazy."

Is it a game for experimental purposes, inhumanely putting people into the game as guinea pigs, simulating scenarios, collecting data, and evolving intermediate artificial intelligence into advanced artificial intelligence? Is this the experiment mentioned at the end of the captain's diary

Jiang Chen thought calmly.

However, there are still many doubts. For example, if the Secret Keeper is the absolute master of this game, then I will not be able to defeat it no matter what.

But the obvious bugs like the crappy cleaning robot, the open activity room, and the diary as a clue were not eliminated after reincarnations, but were completely preserved. The secret keeper even had to actively intervene in the plot. Interfering with my movements and preventing me from approaching the library.

In other words, the confidentiality keeper's permissions should be similar to GM, but they cannot change the game itself.

That's right, if the purpose of this game is to allow it to advance to advanced artificial intelligence by observing humans and collecting data, then it would make little sense to give it the ability to change the game itself. It's like doing an experiment. If you think the measured data is "unsightly", you artificially add one or two zeros. Is this still called an experiment

There are limits to its abilities and it is not an invincible god.

Jiang Chen picked up the pen. Draw three circles in the diary and write on each.

Safe zone, neutral zone, dangerous zone.

"If I act "illogically", everyone in the school will look at me like a "robot", and the confusion caused by thinking will unconsciously trigger the uncanny valley effect. Intermediate artificial intelligence may have the ability to analyze Ability. "Stuck" caused by the amount of calculations? Or "confusion"? However, the primary artificial intelligence can only respond logically and cannot think, so it will not cause "confusion" or the like. So in this way, NPC They should all be handled by low-level artificial intelligence." Muttering to himself, Jiang Chen placed the school in the danger zone.

"Tao Tingting cannot enter the activity room on the second floor of the library, so it should be a safe area." Jiang Chen wrote it in the safe area.

"Should the Nato invasion be an event? Yes. If data needs to be collected, the secret keeper should control the 'switch' that drives the plot. Otherwise, simple loops over and over again will just get the same data." This is very important. Important, Jiang Chen wrote it down in his notebook.

Jiang Chen opened the drawer and saw two movie tickets, and a smile appeared on his face.

"If nothing unusual happens, then the plot should be about confession, watching a movie, confessing, being together, possible push-down, and Nato invasion. Wow, it's been completely simulated from the germination of feelings to their maturity and then to their deterioration. That's it. If so, then any scene that may trigger the plot should belong to the 'danger zone' under the absolute control of the secret keeper."

Tao Tingting's home and a movie theater he had never been to were all included in the danger zone.

Because the plot experience of last week's episode was incomplete, these are the only clues we can get at the moment. Jiang Chen looked around the room, then grinned and wrote the words "Protagonist's Home" into the location of the safe zone.

"The street should be the so-called neutral zone and has not triggered any plot." After turning his pen, Jiang Chen wrote the street in the neutral zone and then looked up at the electronic watch.

The maximum duration of half an hour has been exceeded, but the madness has not ended. In other words, the flow rate of time in the game is not equal to the flow rate of time in reality. From an efficiency perspective, the longer the user experiences in the game and the shorter the time that passes in reality, the better. In this way, more data can be collected per unit time in the real world.

Maybe I went through n weeks in the game, but only one or two seconds passed in reality? With the speed of future computers, this is definitely possible, although the load on the brain may be greater.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. The time he and Sun Jiao agreed on was two hours. If he stayed down there for a month or two, he would be afraid that it would be too late by the time he got back to the ground.

Speaking of which, since I have activated my mad state, does that chatty person still expect to win

Thinking of this, the corners of Jiang Chen's mouth curved.

Yes, in this kind of game that relies on hypnosis, the madness that enhances the activity of brain cells is a huge bug.

Brainwashing no longer works on him.

So now, the "game" officially begins. (.)
