I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes

Chapter 100


After the college entrance examination, Xu Xing and Lu Che went back to the dormitory to pack their things, and packed all the memories of three years into several storage boxes.

Lu Che sent his luggage directly home, and said goodbye to his roommate simply. He easily carried a deflated schoolbag and a box of Wangzai milk to find Xu Xing.

Lu Che went to 307, Xu Xing was stooping to clean the bottom bunk, Lu Che was leaning against the bed, seeing Xu Xing about to withdraw, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover the top of Xu Xing's head to prevent Xu Xing's head from hitting the bed board .

Xu Xing didn't look back, raised his hand, and grabbed the hand that was blocking his head.

Lu Che bit the straw, the corners of his lips climbed up, and he held Xu Xing's hand instead, clasping his fingers tightly.

The roommates in the dormitory were busy collecting their luggage. No one noticed Xu Xing and Lu Che's small movements. Xu Xing held Lu Che's hand before letting go after a while.

Lu Che helped Xu Xing put away the mattress, two bags of quilts and two storage boxes, all packed away.

Xu Xing looked at the empty bed with a delicate mood, and heard Lu Che put it on his shoulder and said, "Alas~ I thought there were traces left, but it turned out not to be..."

Xu Xing turned his head and glanced at him, a little moved.

Lu Che grinned and poked Xu Xing's neck, and said without seriousness, "I mean this~"

"… "

Xu Xing shook his shoulders and shook Lu Che away: "Go away."

Lu Che cheekily hugged Xu Xing and said, "I don't~"

Last night, the two kissed in the stairwell as usual. Since it was a special period during the college entrance examination, Xu Xing let Lu Che leave traces on himself.

Lu Che's current kissing range is not limited to the lips. In the hot summer, Xu Xing wore a thin short-sleeved upper body, and when Lu Che pulled it, his shoulders were exposed. Lu Che seemed to especially love Xu Xing's neat collarbone.

However, Xu Xing asked Lu Che in a low voice at the time, but Lu Che said aggrievedly: "Because I can only bite here, if I can go down, you will find that I actually have other preferences~"

Xu Xing: "…"

Xu Xing didn't want to know.

Xu Xing didn't break away from Lu Che's arms. To say that the three years of high school experience, it seems that there are no traces today after graduation. There will always be too many regrets that cannot be taken away or left behind. However, at least when Xu Xing first stepped into this school gate, he was the only one, but he was able to walk side by side with Lu Che when he left.

He was lucky.

Lu Che and Xu Xing carried a storage box downstairs. Lu Che grabbed the box in front of Xu Xing and put it on the ground, then turned back upstairs and took down the two bags of quilts.

The dormitory area of the third grade is full of private cars, and all the family members come to help with packing. Lu Che spread his long legs and straddled the storage box. When people he knew passed by, he would stop to say goodbye to him, but whenever he mentioned summer vacation appointments, Lu Che always said perfunctorily, "Let's talk about it."

"Brother Che, I'll go to City A to find you in a few days!"

"talk later."

"Lu Che, call Kedi and the others, let's go abroad and let Erdai escort us!"

"talk later."

Xu Xing's social circle is not as broad as Lu Che's. Most of the people who say hello are classmates, and only Tang Mian and Wang Zicong are on vacation.

Xu Xing stood beside Lu Che and saw that Lu Che rejected another male classmate's invitation to go clubbing. Xu Xing reached out and pinched Lu Che's ear. When he raised his head, Xu Xing asked, "Your vacation. What are you going to do?"

Lu Che put his hands in front of him, raised his head and looked at Xu Xing, his deep eyes were also shining, he said without hesitation, "I want to do it."

Lu Che's excited voice turned into a hiss: "Hi! Squad leader, it hurts..."

Xu Xing let go, and Lu Che's ears were twisted red.

Xu Xing said seriously: "Aren't you going to go home?"

Lu Che rubbed his ears and said, "Go back, take you back."

Xu Xing didn't say anything.

Lu Che made it clear that he was going to stick with him for the whole long vacation. When Xu Xing went east, Lu Che would never go west alone.

Xu Xing always felt that he was a boring person, and he really couldn't understand why Lu Che refused everyone's invitations and couldn't leave him for a moment.

There were leaflets from travel agencies scattered everywhere on the school road. Xu Xing was also stuffed with two pieces just now. He flipped through the attractions on the flyers and said casually, "I originally planned to go to the gym to lift weights during the summer vacation..."

Xu Xing secretly practiced with Lu Che at that time, but found that his strength was not as strong as that of Lu Che. He was worried that Lu Che would be strong, so he came up with the idea of getting fit...

Lu Che laughed when he heard the words.

Xu Xing asked suspiciously, "What?"

Lu Che touched the tip of his nose and said, "I think you play badminton well."

Saying that, his eyes drifted to Xu Xing's butt.

"… "

Xu Xing pinched Lu Che's chin and forcibly turned his gaze forward.

Lu Che went to Xu Xing's house during the holiday. Mom and Dad Xu knew about the situation of Lu Che's house. Dad Lu was abroad and Mom Lu was busy with work. They welcomed Lu Che very much.

Lu Che's mouth was sweet, and as soon as he entered the door, he said to Dad Xu, "Uncle, we agreed that after the college entrance examination, we will come to accompany you for a drink~"

Coincidentally, today also catches up with Xu's father's weekend weekend.

Dad Xu was very happy when he heard it, and said to Mom Xu, "I'll take out the foreign wine that I have treasured for ten years in a while!"

When Xu Ma heard this, she turned her head and smiled at Lu Che: "Lu Che, your uncle is showing his sincerity. There are only three bottles of wine hidden in the house. A bottle is waiting for Xu Xing to get married, and I am worried about when I can drink the bottle."

Lu Che touched the tip of his nose and said, "It seems... I've been lucky enough to drink twice."

Xu Xing: "…"

Xu Xing wanted to step on Lu Che, but he held back.

Xu's father and Xu's mother understood Lu Che's words as "the second time is Lu Che coming to attend Xu Xing's wedding". After all, the two have such a good relationship, if Xu Xing got married, Lu Che would not be able to speak without being there.

Xu's mother also said: "Don't say it twice, it's fine to drink it three times! When Xu Yin gets married, I have to send you an invitation."

"… "

When Lu Che heard it, he just laughed. When he thought that the groom at Xu Yin's future wedding was that idiot of Yi Ze, he really didn't want to be there.

Xu Xing glanced at Lu Che, and read his innermost thoughts from his eyes.

Xu Xing snorted.

That night, Xu Xing also let Lu Che and Xu Dad not go to sweep their interest in drinking.

The next day, Xu Xing and Lu Che evaluated the scores online. Xu Xing had a good idea. Lu Che lay on his side on the bed, supported his head with one hand, bit the straw and sucked Wangzai's milk, saying, "Maybe there is less than you. It's about ten points, sigh~ Anyway, I read it, and I can't get the reward."

After speaking, Lu Che sighed quietly.

Xu Xing: "…"

Xu Xing took out the earphone that Xu Yin gave him as if nothing had happened, and put it into his ear silently.

Xu Xing didn't forget about the reward, especially Lu Che's hints in the past two days became more and more obvious.

Like, beating around the bush and complimenting his ass up three hundred and sixty degrees...

For example, every time Lu Che eats sweets, he will say to himself: Oops, I have so much sugar in storage, I can't store it anymore, I don't know when the monitor will come to ask for it...

Xu Xing saw Lu Che sitting cross-legged at the end of the bed, digging for ice cream and sighing, just wanting to slap the ice cream on Lu Che's face, smear his face, and make him shut up.

Lu Che was too energetic. He had enough food and drink every day. He just wanted to work hard on Xu Xing in bed. Xu Xing couldn't bear it, and finally dragged him out to travel.

Xu Xing was lying on the beach chair in the resort, wearing sunglasses and drinking iced drinks. He was very heroic. The passing bikini beauties stopped for him, but Xu Xing's eyes kept following the beach motorcycles on the water.

Xu Xing took Lu Che out and pushed Lu Che to play with all the amusement facilities, but he sat leisurely under the umbrella and was responsible for playing handsome.

Xu Xing's eyes were blocked by the sunglasses, his eyes were dark and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

After playing for two days, when he returned to the hotel that night, Xu Xing untied the red ribbon tied to Lu Che's wrist - it was tied at the bonfire party tonight.

Xu Xing sat beside the bed, casually tied the two red ribbons together, and asked casually, "Are you tired?"

Lu Che fell on the bed. The quilt cover and bedspread were newly changed when they checked in, and there was still the smell of Xu Xing on them.

"It's okay~"

"To take a bath."

Lu Che struggled to get up, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and Xu Xing entered the bathroom after him.

After Xu Xing came out of the shower, he saw Lu Che leaning on the head of the bed, his hair hanging down obediently, and his whole body's temperament became cute and cute, which weakened a bit of the heroic spirit that was too dazzling on weekdays.

Lu Che raised his head as soon as he heard the footsteps, his handsome face was sultry with every glance, smile, and every move under the warm light.

Lu Che patted the mattress next to him and said, "I'll blow your hair for you~"

Xu Xing hung the towel around his neck, sat beside the bed, and said, "Sit over there."

Lu Che raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Lu Che followed the direction Xu Xing's chin pointed, and his eyes fell on the chair next to the bed. The chair was about two steps away from Xu Xing's position.

Lu Che didn't know why, but he got out of bed and sat in the seat designated by Xu Xing. He scratched his head and asked, "Are you going to criticize me?"

Lu Che felt a little guilty, his legs were together, his hands were on his knees, and he sat very well.

Xu Xing didn't answer and asked: "You first reflect on yourself, what have you done wrong recently."

"… "

After a moment of silence, Lu Che said uncertainly, "Maybe it's me... I'm too eager and dissatisfied?"

Xu Xing was silent.

Lu Che panicked.

quite a while.

Xu Xing took two nylon headphone cables by the bedside and tied Lu Che's hands behind the chair.

"… "

Then, Xu Xing picked up the red ribbon again and covered Lu Che's eyes.

"… "

Lu Che didn't resist the whole time, and obediently let Xu Xing tie his hands and blindfold his eyes, Xu Xing's hair was dripping with drops of water, dripping on Lu Che's cheeks with a slap.

Blindfolded, Lu Che's sense of touch became more acute. He wrinkled his nose and said with a smile in his voice, "Squad leader, can you wipe my face for me? It's a little itchy..."

Lu Che didn't get an answer, but he felt the heat sprayed on his face, and the touch that followed was very soft. Lu Che could recognize that Xu Xing dropped a kiss on his face, and the soft and moist tongue licked him off. Small water droplets on the face.

The author has something to say:


1. The extra timeline can be confusing

2. The award ceremony is at eib: Empty Hard Hard - "Check the editing record and find out about it~"

3. Fanwai is not a daily update, it may be "broken update, interrupted update, burst update" like this

4. The following episode begins, please be sure to read the "Summary", the supporting characters will indicate the characters in the episode

5. All pre-received texts will be written ~ but the order of writing is uncertain

6. Thank you Tang Li Cake for the deep water torpedo! ! !

7. Thank you to all the little angels who collect the author, I love you every day~

8. Above.

take a bow

You push two pre-received stories of the plot stream:

■Divine Doctor [Interstellar] Yin Fang

As a doctor, Ye Zijin woke up in the morning and entered a future world with advanced technology and a strange energy system, and became a famous useless firewood.

Awakening at the age of eight, others were either warriors or farmers who were extremely useful in space, but there was only a pile of weeds in Ye Zijin's space.

One day, Ye Zijin suddenly found that his space was a bit strange...

The main subject, the protagonist's golden finger is thick, and the upgrade is smooth and cool, 3.14 open text~

■Sect Construction Guide [Sword Three + Comprehensive Martial Arts] Xi Ting

our target is-

Collect more disciples, accumulate grain, buy West Lake, and build villas!

First, go out of Mongolia and go back to the hometown of West Lake;

Then, make money and make money! Say important things three times;

Finally, the strong man in front of me, I see you as a talented person, you are extraordinary... I really didn't ask you to apprentice because of your face, you believe me!