I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes

Chapter 106: Extra



During the National Day holiday, the summer heat has not yet subsided. A group of freshmen who have just graduated returned to their alma mater to visit their teachers, and strolled around the school road that they walked back and forth in high school for three years.

In the past in sunny weather or pouring rain, they all complained that the school path was too long, but now they feel that the school path is too short, so short that they walked to the school gate after a few steps, and finished after a few steps. Three years of high school.

Several graduates walked out of the school, and their eyes were attracted by the tall silhouette passing by—

She wears a trendy brand and a baseball cap. She doesn't follow a ladylike and gentle route. She has a plain face, but has beautiful legs and long legs. She is indifferent but not alienated, and she still dominates the audience.

Passers-by who brushed shoulders glanced at her, and all were amazed by her appearance.

A boy whispered: "It seems to be from our art class..."

The goddess was so radiant that even though she was only a few steps away, the boys still didn't dare to talk about her loudly.

The big beauty walked to the teaching building of the third year of high school. She stood at the door of the classroom of the third year (7) class, ignoring the eyes of the young people in the classroom, and looked down at her mobile phone.

The chat history of WeChat stopped ten minutes ago—

Child: Where are you going to wait

The beautiful woman moved her fingers and typed in the text: I'm at the gate of your seventh class.

The last time she and Wang Zicong met was in this place. It was very cold that day, and what Wang Zicong said to her was hurtful.

She said "I've been waiting for you for a long time" and he said "don't come to me again".

Later, Wang Zicong sent her a tweet titled "Nine Dangers of Obesity You Don't Know" to open the topic. Wang Zicong also said to her: "Don't eat fat, you look best now."

The big beauty is in a good mood after reading it.

Wang Zicong obviously still likes her, and she never thought of letting Wang Zicong leave, but now Wang Zicong runs to the door automatically, she has no reason to put people back...

Wang Zicong compromised: "Let's be netizens for the time being..."

She roguely replied, "Okay, we'll be dating online for now."

Since then, they have resumed the intimate relationship that they have nothing to say. The big beauty is very satisfied with this online dating, but she is still planning the ultimate goal of online dating.

Since the summer vacation after graduating from high school, big beauties have often used special events in gourmet restaurants as bait, wanting to abduct Wang Zicong out, but Wang Zicong is determined not to make an appointment. The big beauty almost gave up the possibility of running away, but she didn't expect her to ask casually before the National Day, "Are you going home for the National Day?"

Wang Zicong replied to her: "Mmmm~"

He asked again, "How about you? Are you going back?"

The big beauty didn't think much, and replied, "If I can see you when I go back, I'll go back~"

The WeChat interface was quiet for a while.

The big beauty stuffed her phone into her pocket, put on her running shoes and got ready to go to the school gym.

There was a beeping sound from the phone, and while she got up and walked out, she took out her phone to see—

Kid: I want to see you too.

The light wind slid by her ears and ruffled her hair. She raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ears, and out of the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of someone walking towards her at the other end of the corridor.

The big beauty looked back and was immediately stunned.

A young man approached, tall and thin, with delicate cheeks, white and tender cheeks with baby fat, he smiled shyly, and there were two small dimples on his lips.

Wang Zicong's hands were hanging by his side, he quietly tightened the corners of his clothes, and walked in front of the beautiful lady.

The big beauty said: "Children..."

The big beauty was so surprised that she couldn't speak. She originally thought that Wang Zicong would not see her for a few months, but just wanted to calm down. She didn't expect that when we met again, the white and fat little fat man at the time became today. This delicate and beautiful young man, he has clear eyebrows, red lips and white teeth.

Wang Zicong stood in front of the beautiful woman. He took a bank card and stuffed it into his girlfriend's hand. He stammered, "I... I want to take care of you."

His voice trembled slightly, his cheeks were flushed, and his palms were sweating with nervousness.

beauty:"… "

Wang Zicong's hands were hanging by his side, and he wiped the sweat off his hands quietly against the seams of his trousers, his expression embarrassed.

Originally, Wang Zicong's speech that he had practiced at home was "I'll take care of you", but he felt that the word "ba" was not domineering enough, so he changed his speech temporarily, which made him stutter a little.

The big beauty looked down at the card, raised her head and smiled at Wang Zi Cong: "Nursing should be more confident."

As she said that, holding the card between her index and middle fingers, she leaned over to Wang Zicong, resting her chin on Wang Zicong's shoulder, she raised her lips to blow at Wang Zicong's ear, reached out and put the card in his pocket , and then, his palm slipped ambiguously onto Wang Zicong's buttocks, and pinched his fleshy buttocks lightly.

Wang Zicong held his breath and blushed instantly.

The big beauty teased him deliberately, and said with her lips bent: "Have you learned it? Can you try it?"

She coaxed Prince Cong with a very gentle voice, so that his cheeks flushed, she shyly pulled away her hand, hid behind her, and said, "Don't..."

Wang Zi Congguang was thinking about pinching the beautiful sister's butt, and he was so shy that he wanted to squat in the corner and pretend to be dead.

The big beauty smiled lightly, took Wang Zicong's hand, and said dotingly, "Go~ I'll take you for a ride."

Wang Zicong was so shy that he stuttered: "Okay, okay..."

When the big beauty and Wang Zicong walked side by side, she realized that something was wrong, she lowered her head and glanced, raised her head and raised her eyebrows at Wang Zicong.

Wang Zicong blushed and confessed in a soft voice, "I wear it to increase my height... However, it's only five centimeters..."

His voice was getting lower and lower, like a gnat, his face was red with blood, and he felt guilty for the phrase "only".

However, he who wears the height within five centimeters is only about the same height as his beautiful sister.

The big beauty pinched his face, Wang Zicong's body was thin, but fortunately he still had baby fat on his face, and his soft hand was still there.

Wang Zicong was held by the beautiful sister and walked from the teaching building to the gate of the school openly.

The big beauty took Prince Cong to the parking lot, passed a few cars, and stopped beside a red sports car.

Wang Zicong was stunned for a moment, then sat in the passenger seat. He looked left and right, and said, "This car... looks like my brother's car..."

The big beauty smiled: "This is the 18-year-old coming-of-age gift my mother gave me."

Wang Zicong nodded and replied, "Oh...", but the beautiful sister who was bullied and overwhelmed quickly distracted her attention.

That night.

Wang Zicong and the beautiful sister re-established their relationship as a couple. The two still kissed in the car. As soon as Wang Zicong got home, he threw himself on the bed happily. He suddenly remembered about the sports car, and called his cousin to ask.

After the call is made—

Wang Zicong: "Brother~ how much is your big red sports car?"

The cousin said: "Millions, have you got your driver's license?"

My cousin spoke in a very normal tone.

Prince Cong was stunned.

"… "

The card that Wang Zicong gave his girlfriend today... only 100,000...



The mantissa is 3.

Wang Zicong: That's all his lucky money qaq

Wang Zicong buried his face in the quilt in shame, raised his round buttocks, and frantically arched the quilt.